Review of 'Historiographie – Ethnographie – Utopie. Gesammelte Schriften, Teil 4: Studien zur griechischen Historiographie', Reinhold Bichler, eds. Robert Rollinger & Kai Ruffing, (Harrassowitz Vrgl., Wiesbaden 2016) (original) (raw)

Ancient History Bulletin Review Sources et modèles des historiens anciens.

Martine Diepenbroek

AHBOnlineReviews2022.07.DiepenbroekOnDevillerBattistinSebastian, 2022

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L.I. Hau, A. Meeus & B. Sheridan (eds.), Diodoros of Sicily: Historiographical Theory and Practice in the Bibliotheke (Studia Hellenistica 58), Leuven 2018.

Alexander Meeus, Brian Sheridan, Lisa Irene Hau

Diodoros of Sicily: Historiographical Theory and Practice in the Bibliotheke, 2018

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The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography

Giustina Monti

The Authoritative Historian: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography (with K. Scarlett Kingsley and Tim Rood), Cambridge University Press , 2022

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Historiografía, metodología y problemática en el estudio de la frecuentación de las cuevas naturales en época romana entre el Ebro y el Garona

Vincent Duménil, Leticia Tobalina-Pulido, Alain Campo

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‘Rev. V. Karageorghis and I. Taifacos, The World of Herodotus. Proceedings of an International Conference held at the Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis, Nicosia’, JHS 128: 236-7 Irwin

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N. G. Wilson (ed.), Herodotus Historiae, Libri I-IV, Oxford Classical Texts, Oxford: OUP, 2015, xiii+471 pp., £40,00, ISBN 978-0-19-956070-7. N. G. Wilson (ed.), Herodotus Historiae, Libri V-IX, Oxford Classical Texts, Oxford: OUP, 2015, vi+440 pp., £40,0

Jan P. Stronk

Exemplaria Classica

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Review of L. Giuliani, Image and Myth: A History of Pictorial Narration in Greek Art. Trans. J. O’Donnell. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013, Classical Review 65. 1 (2015) 307–8.

Caspar Meyer

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Engramma 198, Warburg Bibliothek a cura di Ada Naval, Giulia Zanon

Ada Naval

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Labar Journal of Military History & Peace Studies (LJMHPS)


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Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente, vol. 100.1, 2022

Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene

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Epicheirontonia and the so-called 'euthynai of generals', in Kállisto Nómos, Scritti in onore di Alberto Maffi (ed. Barbara Biscotti)

Adele Scafuro

Kállisto Nómos, Scritti in onore di Alberto Maffi (ed. Barbara Biscotti), 2019

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Rezension von Thomson, Mark: Studies in the Historia Augusta, Bruxelles 2011 (= Collection Latomus ; 337)

Samuel Zinsli


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Peter Habermehl, Petronius, Satyrica 79-141. Ein philologisch-literarischer Kommentar. Bd. 2: Sat. 111-118, Texte und Kommentare 27.2 (Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020), Exemplaria Classica 25 (2021), pp. 391-398

Jakub Pigoń

Exemplaria Classica, 2021

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(Pre)historiography and Periegesis: Pausanias’ Description of Mycenae for a Roman Audience

Lynne A Kvapil

At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion: Papers in Honor of Carin M.C. Green, Sinclair Bell and Lora Holland (eds.), 2018

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Review to: A. Willi, Sikelismos: Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft im griechischen Sizilien (8.-5. Jh. v. Chr.)(Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana 29). Basel: Schwabe, 2008.

Simona Marchesini

The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 2010

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M. Bellancourt-Valdher et J.-N. Corvisier (dir.), La démographie historique antique, Arras, 1999 (Compte rendu)

Benoît Rossignol

Annales de démographie historique, 2000

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Iwona Wiezel

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The Marginalia on M. Palmieri’s Latin translation of Herodotus Histories from Naples, Bibl. Naz., ms. V G 7, and Florence, Bibl. Med. Laur., ms. Acq. e Doni 130», Bollettino di Studi Latini 46 (2016), 650-716

Ioannis Deligiannis

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Simon Hornblower ed. Greek Historiography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994). BMCR 7.1 (1995) 41-50

David Rosenbloom

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Herrschaftsumbruch und Historiographie. Zeitgeschichtsschreibung als Krisenbewältigung bei Alexander von Telese und Falco von Benevent

Markus Krumm

Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom 141, 2021

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[PREVIEW + BIBLIOGRAPHY] Výtah z Caesarů (Epitome de Caesaribus). Úvodní studie, překlad a komentář Ivan Prchlík. Praha: Jednota klasických filologů (edice Bilingua, VI. svazek)

Ivan Prchlík


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2015. Historiography as a Cultural Practice, in P. Blaudeau and P. Van Nuffelen, eds., Historiographie tardo-antique et transmission des savoirs (Millennium-Studien 55), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2015, 11-20.

Peter Van Nuffelen

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Pessimi poeti: tradizione antica e criteri di selezione

Marco Pelucchi

Prolepsis' Third Postgraduate Conference: "Optanda erat oblivio. Selection and Loss in Ancient and Medieval Literature", Università degli Studi di Bari "A. Moro", 20–21/12/2018

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Schede Bibliografiche, in «Studi Melitensi», XXVIII (2020)

Centro Studi Melitensi Taranto

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J. G. Montes Cala (†), R. J. Gallé Cejudo, M. Sánchez Ortiz de Landaluce, T. Silva Sánchez (eds.), "Fronteras entre el verso y la prosa en la literatura helenística y helenístico-romana", Bari, Levante Editori, 2016 (ISBN 978-88-7949-664-3).

Rafael J . Gallé Cejudo

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