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A Corpus Based Study on the Preposition Error Types in Turkish Efl Learners Essays
The purpose of this study was to investigate the categories of preposition errors made by EFL learners of elementary and intermediate proficiency levels by comparing the rate of preposition errors (addition, omission, substitution) to their total preposition uses in their essays, and by comparing the overall preposition usage of learners of both proficiency levels. The study was conducted with 75 learners of elementary level (A2) and 75 learners of intermediate level at Erciyes University School of Foreign Languages. Initially, 550 elementary and 230 intermediate level essays were scanned, and 75 exam papers for each group were randomly chosen as the sample of the research. In the analysis, depending on Grammar of Spoken and Written English of Biber et al. (1999), total preposition numbers and erroneous preposition uses in each essay were counted and color coded by the researchers by blind-checking the papers separately to assure the reliability. Then, the erroneous prepositions were subcategorized as addition, omission and substitution according to Corder's (1973) Common Errors in English and Categorization of Error Types. The results of the independent-sample t-test indicated that; a) there was no difference between groups in terms of addition type error; b) learners of elementary level made statistically more omission type errors than learners of intermediate learners; c) learners of intermediate level made statistically more substitution type errors than learners of elementary level; d) percentages of preposition errors to total preposition usage in elementary level essays were statistically higher than those of intermediate level. In the light of the findings of this research, the importance of teaching preposition in chunks for elementary level, and providing learners of intermediate level with more detailed linguistic features of preposition were emphasized.
In this modern era, English drives the world in every aspect of human being's life. The number of people sharp to shine their future by learning English Language. As far as language learners are concerned that they have to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make their dream true. In Sri Lanka, the English language is being taught as a second language. Through this teaching-learning process, most of the students are being faced difficulties to achieve the skills of the English language. The nature of writing is needed perfect grammar patterns. This study confesses that many students of the second language make grammatical errors in the use of prepositions they unconsciously fail to follow the rules of the target language because of that they are not in a position to continue the activities related to the preposition and they feel uneasy to give an eager in learners prepositions and its grammatical rules. English is originated with many word classes. Among them prepositions play a vital role which cover many important areas. Students' errors in the use of preposition make the researchers to do this research in this particular topic. Therefore, the researchers decided to do a study regarding the errors in the use of prepositions among grade eight students of Al-Muneer Vidyalaya Sammanthurai within a limited period. Therefore, this study is interested to reduce the errors by finding the errors, reasons for the errors, and the best way to use of prepositions through this research on the topic of "Error analysis in the use of preposition among the grade seven students at Al-Muneer Vidyalaya Sammanthurai".
Investigating Preposition Usage Problems of English Language Education Study Program Students
SAGA: Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
As one of the English grammar elements, prepositions might be considered difficult for students of English as a foreign language (EFL). Many studies on this topic have been conducted but it remains problematic and unresolved. Accordingly, the researchers aimed to explore the prepositions in this paper. Gathering the data from fifty acknowledgments of undergraduate theses of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESPA) of a private university in Yogyakarta, the researchers analyzed preposition usage problems that occurred in the acknowledgments. Results showed that three main problems involving the use of prepositions, namely the misselection of prepositions for, in, and to, insertion of prepositions about and to, and omission of prepositions about. Factors causing the problems were investigated and it was found that students’ first language (L1) influenced the incorrect usage of English prepositions.
Use and Misuse of Prepositions among EFL Secondary School Students
This research aims at focusing on use and misuse of prepositions among the secondary school students who learn English as a foreign language. Students need balanced efforts and conditions to familiarize themselves with using prepositions properly. This research includes an experimental survey to reveal the causes of this problem as it affects hugely on the general knowledge of the students and their use of the language in writing or comprehension. The paper consists of four parts: the first part discusses the objectives, significance of the study, background questions and the methods used in building up this research. In part two, there is a review of the literature and many other ideas about definition, types and uses of prepositions and its roles in the field of language knowledge. Part three includes the survey findings, discussion, results as well as analysis of the test. In part four, there is conclusions and recommendations.
Cognitive Problems of Learners in English Preposition Usage
The present study has explored reasons for the faulty usage of English prepositions by Pakistani students of grade-XIII. Twenty-five participants were given forty-eight Urdu sentences to translate. Their errors were noted and analyzed. The analysis was supported by two strategies: interviews with the participants, and contrastive analysis of the test items. The findings suggested that the learners had made mistakes because of three basic reasons: (1) Inter-lingual Correlations, (2) Superimposition of Personal Time Scale, and (3) Transfer. Inter-lingual Correlation refers to the literal translation of Urdu case markers/postpositions into English prepositions. Superimposition of Personal Time Scale specifies that the learners superimposed their personal time frame on the time frame of the text and remained confused about the use of since and for in the perfect progressive tenses. Transfer means that the learners translated the L1 sequences verbatim, in violation of the rules of L2 grammar. The researchers suggest that the teachers should avoid teaching prepositions by translating them into L1; they should help the learners memorize and use prepositions in as many diverse situations as possible; oral drills may also be helpful in this regard.
Challenges in Teaching Prepositions in a Language Classroom
Journal of Education and Practice, 2013
This research deals with English prepositions and the difficulties English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students face while they master prepositions. The researchers also intend to identify the needs of English teachers who wish to improve their teaching skills through a better explanation of prepositions by giving them some practical tips. The participants in this research were 50 teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires done with English teachers from Albania, Greece and Kosovo. The aim of the questionnaires was to discover if the teachers taught prepositions in the class or not. The research findings revealed that most of the EFL teachers teach what's in the textbook or they just do not explain prepositions at all. Most of the teachers felt that English prepositions are difficult to teach to nonnative speakers, for many reasons: 1. polysemy of prepositions, where different meanings change according to the context in which prepositions are used; 2. lack of a spoken and written guide on how to use prepositions; 3. native language interference. At the end of article the authors provide multiple activities concerning prepositions, their acquisition and their usage.
Artikel ini ditulis untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan jenis-jenis preposisi yang berbeda dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing dalam sebuah kalimat. Seringkali siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan setiap preposisi dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikarenakan terdapat sejumlah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan sebagai preposisi dengan aturan-aturan tertentu. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan tes tertulis sebagai data penelitian yang berjumlah 60 butir soal yang harus dilengkapi dengan preposisi yang tepat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam mengunakan preposisi yang benar sesuai dengan aturan pemkaiannya masing-masing masih rendah dengan nilai rata-rata dari tes adalah 49,84. Secara umum nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan preposisi yang benar masih sangat kurang dan harus ditingkatkan lagi meskipun terdapat beberapa siswa dengan kemampuan yang cukup bagus.
Journal of English Language Teaching, 2013
Artikel ini ditulis untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan jenis-jenis preposisi yang berbeda dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing dalam sebuah kalimat. Seringkali siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan setiap preposisi dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikarenakan terdapat sejumlah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan sebagai preposisi dengan aturan-aturan tertentu. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan tes tertulis sebagai data penelitian yang berjumlah 60 butir soal yang harus dilengkapi dengan preposisi yang tepat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam mengunakan preposisi yang benar sesuai dengan aturan pemkaiannya masing-masing masih rendah dengan nilai rata-rata dari tes adalah 49,84. Secara umum nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan preposisi yang benar masih sangat kurang dan harus ditingkatkan lagi meskipun terdapat beberapa siswa dengan kemampuan yang cukup bagus. Kata kunci:preposition, different kind of prepositions, students' ability. A. Introduction In learning English for both the foreign language and the second language, the learner should master the four basic skills in order to understand and use the language correctly. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills cannot stand alone; in other words one skill will support the other skills. Thus, the
Common Errors in Prepositions Committed by Grade 9 Students: Implications for Teaching
TESOL International Journal, 2018
Prepositions are small words that serve important functions in the meaning of sentences. They show relationships between persons, objects, places etc. They also act as vital markers to the sentence structure. This descriptive analysis measured and analyzed the common errors of 44 grade 9 students in the use of prepositions using an objective test. Using the measures of central tendency, particularly the mean, the study revealed that the students had more errors in prepositions of direction. Moreover, the students tend to choose inappropriate prepositions that are out of context. The results showed that students were confused with the multiple functions of prepositions. English teachers, on one hand, should review their students on how to make distinction among the rules of different prepositions and apply effective learning strategies in teaching them.