Церашкова, К.С. Трансфармацыя прававога статусу мяшчан Расійскай імперыі (канец XVIII – пачатак ХХ ст.) (original) (raw)

Церашкова, К.С. Асаблівасці прававога статусу мяшчан Беларусі (канец XVIII – пачатак ХХ ст.)

Церашкова, К.С. Асаблівасці прававога статусу мяшчан Беларусі (канец XVIII – пачатак ХХ ст.) / К.С.Церашкова // Веснік БДУ. Серыя 3: Гіст. Экан. Права. – 2014. − №2. – С.14 – 19. Tserashkova, K.S. Peculiarities of the legal status of the meshchanie of Belarus (late XVIII − beginning of XX century) / K.S. Tserashkova // Bulletin of the BSU. Series 3: History. Economy. Right. − 2014. − №2. − P.14–19. Based on the study of the law of the late XVIII – early ХХ century the characteristics of the legal status of the meschanie in Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces are analysed. The basic rights and duties of the middle class are considered, special attention being paid Гісторыя 15 to the meschanie status change in the late XIX – early ХХ century. The author emphasizes that, on the one hand, the transformation of the legal status of the meschanie in Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces reflects the general trend of social development in the Russian Empire and, on the other hand, it marked the regional specificity. Despite the fact that the main characteristic of the social status of an individual in that period is class affiliation, the legal status of the meschanie» in Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces was largely determined by ethnic and religious affiliation. It is concluded that the characteristic features of the legal status of the meschanie, related to specific government policies and ethnic and religious structure of the meschanie as well as other aspects essentially determined the functioning of social groups, which differed according to their rights and duties within this population category. Key words: legislation; legal status; social status; meschanie; estate structure; ethnic and religious structure; society modernization; social stratification; basic rights and obligations; legislative reforming.

Сліж Н. Гарадзенская мяшчанка ў палоне сярэднявечнага права: па матэрыялах магістрацкіх кніг XVII ст. // Наукові записки УКУ. 2019. Історія, вип. 3. С. 193–206.

УКУ, 2019

Women's history in Hrodna has not been studied yet. Because of it the topic is actual in historiography. Limited sources connected with women's history have survived at the present moment. Practically they present family life of women. Dominated role belonged to a man in a patriarchal society and the secondary to a woman. It confirms by law and judicial practice. The woman had the right to obtain property by inheritance, transfer it to her heirs, sell, and buy. But all property operations realized under control. Female participation in the craft and trade was not huge. Women could not participate in management system of a town.

Церашкова, К.С. Мяшчанскае землеўладанне на тэрыторыі Беларусі (1860-я гг. – пачатак ХХ ст.)

Церашкова, К.С. Мяшчанскае землеўладанне на тэрыторыі Беларусі (1860-я гг. – пачатак ХХ ст.) / К.С. Церашкова // Часопіс Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. Гісторыя. − 2017. − № 2. − С. – 48 – 53. Tserashkova, K.S. Meshchanie's land tenure on the territory of Belarus (1860s − beginning of XX century) / K.S. Tserashkova // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. − 2017. − № 2. − P.48–53. Peculiarities of land properties of meshchanie on the territory of Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces from 1860s until the beginning of the XX century are analyzed on the basis of studies of legal and statistical sources. Land legislation of the Russian Empire as well as basic rights of meshchanie and their peculiarities in Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces depending on their confession are studied. Quantity of landlords among meshchanie is calculated as well as areas of their lands, percentage of this population category and their assets in the total structure of land ownership in the region. The main conclusion is that an important characteristic of «meshchanie’s» land assets is the trend of growth of their land assets as well as concentration of a large part of large and medium-sized land assets. Key words: meshchanie; land ownership; meshchanie land ownership; modernization of society; census of land; legislation; internal policy; confession factor; Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces; the Russian Empire.

Церашкова, К.С. Мяшчанскае домаўладанне і землекарыстанне на тэрыторыі Беларусі (1860-я гг. – пачатак ХХ ст.)

Церашкова, К.С. Мяшчанскае домаўладанне і землекарыстанне на тэрыторыі Беларусі (1860-я гг. – пачатак ХХ ст.) / К.С. Церашкова // Часопіс Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. Гісторыя. − 2018. − № 1. − С. 59 – 64. Tserashkova, K.S. Meshchanie's home ownership and land use on the territory of Belarus (1860s − beginning of XX century) / K.S. Tserashkova // Journal of the Belarusian State University. History. − 2018. − № 1. − P.59–64. On the basis of legislative and office administration sources, peculiarities of meshchanie house ownership and use of land on the territory of Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces from the 1860s until the beginning of the XX century are analyzed. Specificity of governmental policy regarding house ownership and land use of meshchanie are defined. Structure of meshchanie real estate and its price is found, trends for increase of real estate role as a tax object and budget revenue source is proved. System of rented land use is studied as well as legislation and practice of renting urban land parts into temporary use by meshchanie. A conclusion is made that the limits in real estate use in cities and towns was defined by state law of property for the lands, where living and economic buildings of meshchanie were built, and a short term of land use. Key words: meshchanie; house ownership; use of land; rent; census of land; legislation; modernization of society; internal policy; Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces; the Russian Empire.

Трансфармацыя судовай сістэмы на тэрыторыі Беларусі (1772–1796)

Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, 2019

Дэталёва і комплексна раскрываюцца змены ў судовай сістэме на тэрыторыі Беларусі пасля яе ўключэння ў склад Расійскай імперыі (у выніку трох падзелаў Рэчы Паспалітай 1772, 1793, 1795 гг.). У перыяд праўлення Кацярыны ІІ мясцовая судовая сістэма падверглася значным пераўтварэнням, накіраваным на яе ўпарадкаванне, узмацненне дзяржаўнага кантролю над ёй, а таксама ўкараненне мадэлі судаўладкавання па расійскім ўзоры. Важнейшае значэнне ў дадзеным кантэксце мела ўвядзенне дакумента «Учреждения для управления губерний Всероссийския империи». Пры гэтым у сферы грамадзянскага судаводства захоўвалася дзеянне мясцовых норм права (Статута ВКЛ 1588 г. і сеймавых канстытуцый Рэчы Паспалітай) і выкарыстанне польскай мовы. Гэта дазваляла адаптаваць новыя парадкі ў сферы суда да спецыфікі дадзенай тэрыторыі і, натуральна, спрыяла іх укараненню. З іншага боку, гэта было ў пэўным сэнсе прыкметай прызнання і замацавання за краем асобага палітыка-прававога статусу. Пасля замены на расійскім прастоле К...

Чернов С.З. Корзенев (Локализация центра волости московских князей XIV-XVI вв.) // Проблемы истории СССР. Вып. XIII. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1983. С.19-26

The article is devoted to the localization of the center of the Korzenev - local administrative center of the Moscow district (now Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region). The administrative center and 71 villages were abandoned after the time of troubles at the beginning of the XVII century. Currently, this area is a large forest area. Localization was carried out on the basis of the story of a resident of village Kobylino Vasily Yefimovich Mikheev was born in 1905. The work demonstrates the possibilities of oral tradition in terms of establishing the location of settlements of the XV-XVI centuries Moscow Russia. Статья посвящена локализации центра волости Корзенев Московского уезда (ныне Пушкинский района Московской области). Центр волости и 71 деревня запустели после смутного времени в начале XVII века. В настоящее время эта территория представляет собой большой лесной массив. Локализация проведена на основании рассказа жителя д.Кобылино Василия Ефимовича Михеева 1905 г. рождения. Работа демонстрирует возможности устной традиции в плане установления местоположения поселений XV-XVI вв. Московской Руси.


В статье рассматривается предисловие к русскому переводу «Метаморфоз» Овидия, выполненному с польской комментированной версии В. Отвиновского в начале XVIII в. Устанавливается, что русская версия предисловия, представляющая собой перевод Предисловия переводчика к читателю Отвиновского, намеренно адаптировалась к российским культурным реалиям, исходя из представлений об актуальности поднимаемых в переводимом тексте вопросов. Ключевые слова: «Метаморфозы» Овидия, переводы с польского в Петровскую эпоху, античная литература в России, переводческие техники. 2 О предисловиях в польских старопечатных книгах XVI-XVII вв. см., например, [18. С. 100-128].