Organisational resilience: a proposal of an integrated model and research agenda (original) (raw)

Resilience and Organizations: A State of the Art

Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies

The article reviews the discourses in relation to the concept of resilience and its link with the productivity of subjects in organizations. It is based on two conceptual orders. On one hand, from the view of Kotliarenco, Cáceres and Fontecilla, resilient people arise from extremely insane environments, either physically or mentally. Therefore Flores proposes that it is from the initial phase of the recruitment and selection of personnel, to be able to identify the resilience capacity of human resources, since in the work environment they must face a variety of adverse situations. The second conceptual order refers to the personnel employed, in relation to which preventive or corrective measures should be implemented focused on developing resilient capacity, taking into consideration that all people who interact in working environments face situations that put their health at risk according to Gil-Monte, Unda-Rojas, Marrau and Sandoval; which are reflected in indicators such as accidents at work, disabilities, absenteeism and low productivity according to the International Labor Organization (ILO).


The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of resilience as a factor for effective organizational development. Organizational developmentis a result ofthe demands of achanging environmentandknowledgecausedby changes inthe applied socialsciences.Rapid changesin theorganizational environmenthas required changesin their processesof interaction intechnology,structure andpeoplecurrentlyinorganizational structures that aremoreflexible totake risksthat providemore responsivethan traditionalstructuresare required.The employed method is the analytical-descriptive. Newindividual and organizationalskillsare required.Resiliencecontributes toeffective organizationaldevelopment thatensuresthe survivaland generatesadditional benefitsfromadverse circumstances. RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los efectos de la resiliencia como un factor para el desarrollo organizacional efectivo. El desarrollo organizacional es el resultado de las exigencias de un ambiente cambiante y del conocimiento originado por la evolución de las ciencias sociales aplicadas. Los cambios rápidos dentro del entorno organizacional han exigido cambios en sus procesos de interaccióncon la tecnología, la estructura y su gente. El método empleado es el analítico – descriptivo.Y es que en la actualidad se requieren estructuras organizacionales que sean mucho más flexibles para asumir riesgos,que brinden mayor capacidad de respuesta que las estructuras tradicionales, así como de nuevas capacidades individuales y organizacionales. Para ello, la resiliencia contribuye al desarrollo organizacional efectivo que garantiza la sobrevivencia y genera beneficios adicionales provenientes de circunstancias adversas.

Van Breda, A. D. (2014). Conceptualising resilient organisations (keynote address). Paper presented at the Second World Congress on Resilience (From Person to Society), Timisoara, Romania.

Resilience theory emerged in relation to understanding how vulnerable individuals managed to overcome the odds and thrive in the face of adversity. In this context, resilience theory is well advanced. However, very little theorising of the resilience of systems larger than individuals has been forthcoming. The exception to this is in the area of family resilience, which has successfully developed family-level (or systems-level) constructs for resilient families. This paper extrapolates from family resilience theory to conceptualise a model of organisational or workplace resilience. This model provides definitions and descriptions, all at organisational level, of resilience, stressors, risk factors, protective factors and outcomes. Such a model could serve to guide further research and practice on organisational resilience.


Public Administration and Law Review, 2023

The aim of the article is to collect information about the history of the integration of the concept of "resilience" into psychological science and determine the main approaches to its understanding; to systematize and compare the approaches to the conceptualization of the concept of "resilience" and its distinction with other terms presented in the Ukrainian and foreign scientific literature in recent years. The article gives a historical review of the formation and development of the concept of "resilience", starting from the 19th century and ending with the present. The authors consider different views on the psychological interpretation of the term "resilience", as an aspect that has an impact on the quality of life of an individual. There are two main approaches in psychology to understanding resilience – resilience as a trait and a process which have a common understanding of the concept: it describes the ability of individuals and social systems (family, communities, organizations) to successfully function, adapt, and cope despite different kinds of adversity (psychological, social, cultural, physical). Resilience emerges in people along the continuum of their development. The focus is on the conceptualization of resilience as a continuous, active process of the emergence or development of new forces and resources for adaptation and recovery, which has uneven dynamics in the face of the emergence of new risks. In such interpretation resilience is the ability of a person or social group to maintain balance and integrity in a difficult situation, to effectively solve not only the task of adapting to changing conditions, but also the task of development. The authors compares the approaches to the conceptualization of the concept of "resilience" presented in the Ukrainian and foreign scientific literature in recent years. In both English and Ukrainian sourses, resilience belongs to the category of adaptation, it is preceded by a traumatic event or stressful impact. In the Ukrainian-language psychological literature, the definition of resilience as a dynamic process, prevails; the concept of resilience is interpreted mainly as resistance to stress, maintenance of normal functioning in conditions of psycho-traumatic influence. In English-language literature, the conceptualization of resilience as a return to the previous level of functioning, rapid recovery is significantly predominant.

La resiliencia en entrenadores de Pádel Adaptado

Anales de Psicología, 2017

Título: La resiliencia en entrenadores de Pádel Adaptado. Resumen: En el Deporte, la mayoría de los estudios sobre resiliencia se han centrado en deportistas, siendo reducido el número de investigaciones con entrenadores, sobre todo en el ámbito del deporte adaptado. Por ello, los objetivos del trabajo son: describir las características de resiliencia de entrenadores de Pádel Adaptado desarrollando baremos específicos para muestra analizada; establecer posibles diferencias en los niveles de resiliencia considerando variables personales y deportivas; establecer posibles relaciones entre los niveles de resiliencia, la edad y experiencia; comparar los niveles de resiliencia de la presente muestra con los resultados de estudios precedentes y determinar los niveles de fiabilidad obtenidos con la escala de resiliencia utilizada. La muestra estaba integrada por 111 entrenadores de pádel adaptado, a los que se aplicó dos instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico para entrenadores de

Organizational resilience: proposition for an integrated model and research agenda

Tourism & Management Studies

This theoretical essay is aimed at shedding light on and synthesizing the concepts of resilience in relation to employees and organizations and proposing an integrated analysis model that gives rise to a research agenda embracing methodological aspects and thematic connections, which might contribute to a debate on the construct that involves differentiated levels of analysis. Accordingly, a historic review of the construct's discussion and its specificities will be presented, including the following organizational resilience concepts: the procedural, dynamic, and ecosystemic capacity activated by people (individual resilience) and processes (systemic resilience) in the face of adversity, the generation of a response that allows the recovery of balance, and the performance of healthy adaptation through the activation of elements, in the subjective or internal and objective or external plans, which might be reinforced or renewed during the process, thus ensuring the sustainability of the resilient result and/or the expansion of resilience capacity.

Foundations of Resilience Thinking

Through 3 broad and interconnected streams of thought, resilience thinking has influenced the science of ecology and natural resource management by generating new multidisciplinary approaches to environmental problem solving. Resilience science, adaptive management (AM), and ecological policy design (EPD) contributed to an internationally unified paradigm built around the realization that change is inevitable and that science and management must approach the world with this assumption, rather than one of stability. Resilience thinking treats actions as experiments to be learned from, rather than intellectual propositions to be defended or mistakes to be ignored. It asks what is novel and innovative and strives to capture the overall behavior of a system, rather than seeking static, precise outcomes from discrete action steps. Understanding the foundations of resilience thinking is an important building block for developing more holistic and adaptive approaches to conservation. We conducted a comprehensive review of the history of resilience thinking because resilience thinking provides a working context upon which more effective, synergistic, and systems-based conservation action can be taken in light of rapid and unpredictable change. Together, resilience science, AM, and EPD bridge the gaps between systems analysis, ecology, and resource management to provide an interdisciplinary approach to solving wicked problems. Resumen: A través de tres flujos de pensamiento amplios e interconectados, el pensamiento sobre resiliencia ha influenciado a la ecología y a la gestión de recursos naturales al generar nuevas estrategias multidisci-plinarias para la resolución de problemas ambientales. La ciencia de la resiliencia, la gestión adaptativa y el diseño de políticas ecológicas han contribuido a un paradigma unido internacionalmente y construido alrededor de la realización de que el cambio es inevitable y que la ciencia y la gestión deben acercarse al mundo con esta suposición, en lugar de una supuesta estabilidad. El pensamiento de resiliencia trata a las acciones como experimentos de los cuales se aprende, en lugar de proposiciones intelectuales que se defienden o errores que se ignoran; pregunta qué es novedoso e innovador y buscar capturar el comportamiento general de un sistema, en lugar de buscar resultados estáticos y precisos de pasos de acciones discretas. Entender los fundamentos del pensamiento sobre resiliencia es una parte importante para el desarrollo de estrategias de conservación más holísticas y adaptativas. Llevamos a cabo una revisión comprensiva de la historia del pensamiento de resiliencia porque este proporciona un contexto de trabajo sobre el cual pueden realizarse acciones de conservación más efectivas, sinérgicas y basadas en sistemas al momento de cambios rápidos e impredecibles. Al juntar a la ciencia de la resiliencia, la gestión adaptativa y el diseño de políticas ecológicas se cierran los vacíos entre el análisis de sistemas, la ecología y el manejo de recursos para proporcionar una estrategia interdisciplinaria para resolver problemas complejos. Palabras Clave: Diseño de políticas, estabilidad, gestión adaptativa, resiliencia, sistemas complejos, sustentabil-idad ‡ Current address: Mora Watershed Alliance,

Resilience: the concept, a literature review and future directions

International Journal of Production …, 2011

In an ever-more interconnected world (social, technological and environmental), no organisation can retain a competitive position and survive disruptions as an independent entity. This article provides a review of resilience literature in its widest context and later its application at an organisational level context. The origins of the concept are reported and consequently, the various fields of research are analysed. The concept is shown to remain essentially constant regardless of its field of enquiry and has much to inform the fields of organisation theory, strategy and operations management. This article identifies a number of areas for advancing resilience research, in particular: the relationship between human and organisational resilience; understanding interfaces between organisational and infrastructural resilience.

Resiliência: de uma noção "heróica" a um conceito sociológico

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas

This paper presents a specific sociological theoretical framework to the concept of resilience. To do so, we reviewed the main theoretical developments on resilience, focusing our attention on the development of a “heroic” perspective of resilience. We point out its several pitfalls, and counter it with a concept of resilience grounded on sociological theory and poverty studies, presenting a definition for resilience, the conditions and characteristics of this social phenomenon, as well as a model of operationalization based on two major dimensions: mobilization of resources and shifting of risks. With this innovative approach we also call for a sociological research agenda for resilience.

Resilience in Organizations and Societies: The State of the Art and Three Organizing Principles for Moving Forward

Towards Resilient Organizations and Societies

Resilience has attracted a multitude of scholars from diverse backgrounds and disciplines as it is a desired feature for responding to the adversities that modern societal systems face, not least the Covid-19 pandemic. Existing research displays little convergence on the definition of the concept making a robust theoretical framework and empirical understanding of resilience highly desirable. The aim of this chapter is to provide a more holistic understanding of the complex phenomenon of resilience from a multi-sectorial, cross-national and multidisciplinary perspective by proposing an original approach into the state of the art that might enhance future research. This chapter identifies three organizing principles for a framework of resilience. First, resilience embeds both stability and change which are both required elements. Second, adversities and their novelty profile can be mapped onto a typology of absorptive, adaptive and transformative resilience. Third, resilience has a t...