Resiliência: de uma noção "heróica" a um conceito sociológico (original) (raw)

Resilience: moving from a “heroic” notion to a sociological concept


This paper presents a specific sociological theoretical framework to the concept of resilience. To do so, we reviewed the main theoretical developments on resilience, focusing our attention on the development of a “heroic” perspective of resilience. We point out its several pitfalls, and counter it with a concept of resilience grounded on sociological theory and poverty studies, presenting a definition for resilience, the conditions and characteristics of this social phenomenon, as well as a model of operationalization based on two major dimensions: mobilization of resources and shifting of risks. With this innovative approach we also call for a sociological research agenda for resilience.

La resiliencia ante los riesgos socioecológicos y económicos: conceptos y propuestas

GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online)

La resiliencia, en cuanto concepto, indica métodos y procedimientos que pueden orientarnos hacia nuevas vías de desarrollo que mitiguen o superen las crisis. Este artículo tiene como objetivo asociar este concepto al escenario de riesgos socioecológicos y económicos en diferentes escalas geográficas, con el propósito de contribuir a la formulación de propuestas que nos induzcan hacia una sociedad más equitativa y sostenible, y por lo tanto menos susceptible a períodos de inestabilidad e incertidumbres. Para ello, este análisis, realizado a partir de una amplia revisión bibliográfica, plantea nuevos retos que prioricen el desarrollo a partir de las potencialidades naturales, sociales y económicas endógenas, teniendo en cuenta principios cómo diversidad, flexibilidad, capacidad adaptativa y transformalidad

Resilience as an Element of a Sociology of Expression

Behemoth a Journal on Civilisation, 2014

Resilience has gained the status of a new leading category for describing societies that increasingly consider themselves faced with crises and thus with uncertainty, vulnerability and susceptibility to failure. Considering the predominant discourse, however, one gets the impression that resilience as a phenomenon of survival under adverse conditions has been displaced into the background. As a mere formula the term is used by a normative, political program of enactment, decreeing resilience in order to exercise control. The phenomenon vanishes the more it is discursively rendered or fixed -whether by science or by politics. This unsatisfactory situation challenges us to ask whether it is possible to theorize resilience from a different viewpoint than that of the current discursive formation together with its critique. The discourse itself may point to a way back to the phenomenon of resilience. Starting with the so-called 'ecologization of thought', resilience is conceptualized as an element of a sociology of expression. Resilience is an emergent phenomenon of individuation and subjectification arising in vibrant assemblages which form these processes and thus resilience itself. While we understand the discourse itself as such an assemblage, we will thus follow resilience in three further constellations -in everyday life, in exceptional circumstances and in protest. However, in all of these contexts resilience is not restricted to human actors, but encompasses all kinds of imaginable ecological, social, technical, and mental entities.

Resilience – Its Connections to Vulnerability and Crisis from Analytic and Phenomenological Perspectives (2022)

The concepts of resilience and vulnerability have experienced an enormous upswing over the past years in different fields of inquiry. While vulnerability has played an eminent role in sociology, feminist studies, theology, and philosophy for some time, resilience has recently become increasingly important. Several high-ranking international academic alliances have been formed, which conduct interdisciplinary research into resilience. In the following, I will explore the conceptual triad of vulnerability, crisis, and resilience to point at some historical-semantic roots of this contemporary discourse and to introduce two philosophical paths to elucidating the normative and experiential dimensions of it.

The Social Constructedness of Resilience

Social Sciences, 2015

This essay aims to clarify what it means to de-essentialize the concept of "resilience". Pre-determinated assumptions regarding its normativity or positive character are to be disproven in order to conceptualize it as an open (social) process; thus to adopt a social constructivist perspective on the phenomenon to which this term refers, while avoiding the typical pitfalls of relativism.

Resilience: Conceptual Foundations

Peace Psychology Book Series, 2013

Resilience is a conceptual framework used more and more often to study how communities cope with hardship, including war and violence. This chapter explains how resilience is conceptualized in different literatures—psychology, ecology, engineering—and settles on the lens of systems resilience for studying how human social systems absorb large shocks. The component parts of a social system (its “regime” Community Resilience) consist of prevailing institutional arrangements, the characteristics of which provide the resources and rules that characterize adaptive capacity. The Chapter concludes by introducing an analytical framework for analyzing regime characteristics according to their configurations of social capital, economic resources, and information and communication enablers.

The reconstruction of resilience as a social and collective phenomenon: poverty and coping capacity during the economic crisis

European Societies, 2017

Resilience has recently acquired an unusual degree of strength in social research. The article discusses the theoretical and historical background of resilience in the literature in terms of its individual and collective dimensions and argues that, contrary to individualistic conceptions, resilience should be considered a social process linked to social context. It then considers sociological approaches that help to reframe its conceptualisation based on the analysis of data from central Spain within the framework of the RESCuE project, which puts resilience into place in the context of the present economic crisis. Through the analysis of rural and urban case studies the research identifies the importance of the availability of individual and group resources when it comes to the development of resilient strategies in difficult circumstances. Equally, integration into community networks facilitates greater diversity in resilient strategies that can contribute to the recovery and survival of households.

New Perspectives on Resilience in Socio-Economic Spheres

New Perspectives on Resilience in Socio-Economic Spheres, 2016

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© Deconstructing Resilience: Myriad Conceptualizations and Interpretations


The construct of resilience has captured the imagination of researchers across various disciplines over the last five decades (Ungar, 2008a). Despite a growing body of research in the area of resilience, there is little consensus among researchers about the definition and meaning of this concept. Resilience has been used to describe eight kinds of phenomena across different disciplines. These eight phenomena can be divided into two clusters based on the disciplinary origin. The first cluster mainly involves definitions of resilience derived from the discipline of psychology and covers six themes including (i) personality traits, (ii) positive outcomes/forms of adaptation despite high-risk, (iii) factors associated with positive adaptation, (iv) processes, (v) sustained competent functioning/stress resistance, and (vi) recovery from trauma or adversity. The second cluster of definitions is rooted in the discipline of sociology and encompasses two themes including (i) human agency and resistance, and (ii) survival. This paper discusses the inconsistencies in the varied definitions used within the published literature and describes the differing conceptualizations of resilience as well as their limitations. The paper concludes by offering a unifying conceptualization of resilience and by discussing implications for future research on resilience.

Organisational resilience: a proposal of an integrated model and research agenda

Tourism & Management Studies, 2019

This theoretical essay seeks to shed light on and synthesise the concept of resilience in relation to employees and organisations and to propose an integrated analysis model. The results include a research agenda embracing methodological aspects and thematic connections, which can contribute to an expanded debate on the construct of resilience that involves differentiated levels of analysis. A historic review of the concept's discussion and its specificities are presented, including the following organisational resilience constructs. The first is the procedural, dynamic and ecosystemic capacity activated by people (i.e. individual resilience) and processes (i.e. systemic resilience) in the face of adversity. The second is the generation of responses that facilitate the recovery of balance. The last construct is healthy adaptation through key elements' activation through subjective (i.e. internal) and objective (i.e. external) plans, which can be reinforced or renewed during the entire process. This approach thus ensures the sustainability of resilience-related results and/or the expansion of individuals and organisations' capacity for resilience. Resumo Este ensaio teórico visa esclarecer e sintetizar os conceitos de resiliência em relação a empregados e organizações, bem como propor um modelo de análise integrado que fundamente uma agenda de pesquisa e contemple aspectos metodológicos e conexões temáticas, podendo contribuir para um debate sobre o construto que envolva níveis diferenciados de análise. Dessa forma, será apresentada uma revisão histórica da discussão do construto e suas especificidades, incluindo os seguintes conceitos de resiliência organizacional: capacidade processual, dinâmica e ecossistêmica ativada por pessoas (resiliência individual) e processos (resiliência sistêmica) diante de adversidades, possibilitando a geração de uma resposta que permita a recuperação do equilíbrio e a realização de uma adaptação saudável por meio da ativação de elementos, nos planos subjetivos ou internos e objetivos ou externos, que poderão ser reforçados ou renovados durante o processo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do resultado resiliente e/ou a expansão da capacidade de resiliência. Palavras-chave: Resiliência, resiliência organizacional, resiliência individual, resiliência sistêmica.