Biology Scientific Literacy of Indonesian Students: Case Study in Aceh Tamiang -Aceh (original) (raw)

Scientific Literacy Skills of Students: Problem of Biology Teaching in Junior High School in South Sulawesi, Indonesia


The aim of this study was to determine the scientific literacy skills of students at junior high school (JHS) in biology teaching in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research was a survey research. Sampling was selected through a progressive random sampling technique with stratification. The research samples were four junior high schools, they are: JHS 4 Makassar, JHS 26 Makassar, JHS 2 Maros, and JHS 4 Sinjai with the total samples were 235 students. Each school was represented by 2 classes. The results of research showed that the students of junior high school who were able to understand the inquiry method that leads to scientific knowledge as much as 17.02%, and ability to organize, analyse, and interpret the quantitative data and scientific information as much as 36.23%. Overall, the conclusion of this study was the scientific literacy of junior high school students in biology teaching was still low. The constructivist learning method should be used by the teacher, such us using inquiry method and completed by an innovative media and learning resources to enhance students' scientific literacy.

Profile of student ability of science literacy in biology at the second grade of junior high school state in Mataram District Indonesia

Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 2021

This research aims to describe the student ability of science literacy in Biology at the second grade of Junior High School State in Mataram district Lombok Island Indonesia. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this research was second-grade students. The data collection technique used the instrument ability of science literacy test regarding indicators competence of science literacy. The technique of data analysis was done descriptively. These results show that the student ability of science literacy at 53.7. At the same time, students' achievement is dominated by the aspect of competence in evaluating and designing investigation scientifically at 65.5%. The average in the element of competence explains the phenomenon scientifically at 49.2%, and the lowest competence in interpreting data and evidencing scientifically at 45.8%. Therefore, the student ability of science literacy of Junior High School state in Mataram sub-district including the low...

Scientific literacy profile in biological science of high school students

Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia

Scientific literacy is very important for students, so that they are able to live in the 21st-Century, including solving problems that occur in everyday life. This study was aimed to get an overview of the high school students’ scientific literacy profile in biology learning in the Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. This research was an ex-post-facto, looking at the effects of school type and school status. The population was 8750 students from General High Schools, Vocational High Schools, and Islamic High Schools. The sample of 334 students was selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling. The data were collected using scientific literacy tests. The test instrument was prepared by translating the PISA tests on biology from 2006 to 2015 into Indonesian. The test does not take place simultaneously in all schools. The results showed the high school students’ biological science literacy in Surakarta City was very low, except for the private IHSs students, who gain...

Analysis of Biological Science Literacy Ability of Students’ Grade IX at Ujung Batu Junior High Schools


The purpose of this research is to analyze the biological science literacy ability of students' grade IX at Ujung Batu Junior High Schools. Students' biological science literacy abilities are affected by many things, such as untrained students' to solve characteristic questions such as the questions on PISA. This research used a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The instrument used to capture students' biological science literacy ability is a test. The research conducted at Ujung Batu Junior High Schools Accredited "A" population distributed in three schools with the population in this study was all the students in grade IX at Ujung Batu Junior High Schools in the 2019/2020 academic year. The Sampling technique used simple random sampling. The comprehensive scientific literacy score is 69.15, which is in the middle level. Based on aspects of scientific literacy (1) science content, amounted to 71.18 medium categories; (2) science process, 59.73 medium categories and (3) science context, 76.53 medium categories. The research conclusion is that there is a different capacity of students' biological science literacy after using test questions on students' scientific literacy ability.

The role of students science literacy in Indonesia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Education through learning science, especially biology, is expected to be a literate of science. This is one of the objectives of the current curriculum in Indonesia. The scientific literacy in question is the ability to use scientific knowledge, such as identifying problems and concluding based on evidence in order to understand and make decisions about nature and its changes through human activities. The purpose of this study was to see how the role of scientific literacy in learning to improve students’ reasoning and abilities in science learning. The method used is a meta-analysis, using 18 significant data and applying statistical methods to complement other objectives. This article shows that the important role of scientific literacy in science (biology) learning is the process of reasoning and understanding in making decisions about nature and is able to optimize the opportunities of learning models to be used optimally and able to organize the load of students’ cognitive the...

An Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Skills of Senior High School in Sungai Penuh City Based on Scientific Competence and Level of Science Literacy Questions

Proceedings of the International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019), 2020

21st century education aims to improve students' scientific literacy skills. The results of PISA study show that the scientific literacy of Indonesian students is in low category. The low scientific literacy of students is caused by several factors in education system, both from the curriculum, teachers, and students themselves. This study aims to analyze the ability of scientific literacy of Grade X SMA in Sungai Penuh City in terms of the competency aspect of science and the level of science literacy questions. This research is a descriptive research using mixed method and using sequential explanatory design. Sample in this research were 86 students who came from three high schools with high, medium and low categories taken by cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used was a scientific literacy test item and an interview guide sheet. Data analysis technique is done by giving a score for each of students answer then described into value and category of scientific literacy achievements and analyze the interview results. Based on the study results, it is known that the average value of each scientific competency is, 22.66 for competence to explain phenomena scientifically, 47.15 for evaluating and designing scientific investigations competence, and 28.44 for the competence to interpret scientific data and evidence. Based on the question level, the highest score was obtained at level 1 questions with an average value of 46.08 and the lowest was on level 6 questions with an average value of 7.17.

A Survey of High School Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills in Different Gender

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Scientific literacy skills are one of the skills required by the students nowadays, especially in biology. Students should master these skills in order to be able to apply scientific knowledge to solve problems related to science. The aim of this study was to investigate male and female senior high school students' scientific literacy skills. The current study employed a survey method. The samples of the study consisted of the eleventh graders from three public senior high schools (SMAN) in Malang: SMAN 8 Malang, SMAN 7 Malang, and SMAN 1 Malang. The research data were analysed using an independent-samples t-test. The analysis result showed that there was a significant difference between male and female students' scientific literacy skills. Female students tend to perform better in scientific literacy skills than male students (p=0.002). Around 2.33% of the male students were on level 0, 23.26% on level 1, 51.16% on level 2, and 23.26% on level 3. On the other hand, 4.05 % of the female students were found on level 1, 56.76 % on level 2, and 39.19% on level 3. This condition suggests that an innovative learning to empower students' scientific literacy skills needs to be introduced to biology learning.

Analysis of Scientific Literacy Abilities of Junior High School Students in Palembang


This study aimed to find out the scientific literacy abilities of Palembang Public Junior High School students in explaining phenomena scientifically, interpreting scientific data and evidence, evaluating and designing scientific questioning in solving base PISA questions. This study used descriptive quantitative methods to obtain data on the ability of students in Indonesia, especially in Palembang in solving PISA questions. The subjects of this study were students from several junior high schools in Palembang. The results showed that the students' scientific literacy skills in solving the question based PISA were 1.04% very good category, 2.08% good, 18.04% fair, 39.06 % less and 39.32 % poor. Based on the grade level, the results show that it has no significant effect on the ability of scientific literacy in solving the question based PISA, except for the indicators of interpreting scientific data and evidence.

Scientific Literacy Among Junior High School Students in Different Curriculum

Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS 2017), 2018

Indonesia has applied two curricula, namely the former curriculum (2006-best known as School-Based Curriculum) and the new curriculum (2013-best known as Content Standard Curriculum) simultaneously since 2014-2017. This study is aimed to determine the student's Scientific literacy on both curricula. The study used survey method which involved 278 students of grade 9 th in South Jakarta. Samples were selected by stratified random sampling, including public junior high schools and also madrasah (Islamic junior high school) in upper, middle and lower level. The instrument of TIMSS (Trend International Mathematics Science Study) was adopted and focused on Biology especially reproduction concept. The result showed there was no significant difference in students' scientific literacy on 2006 and 2013 curriculum (Sig 0.236). The scientific literacy was also not known by gender and types of school. Scientific literacy correlates significantly with the students' interest in biology and reproduction.

The profile of biology teaching and learning materials from scientific literacy perspective

JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi)

Many researchers have developed scientific literacy, but no one has done scientific literacy study on biology teaching materials that include environmental change materials. The purpose of this study is to assess scientific literacy in senior high school biology teaching materials utilized by teachers in Palembang's Ilir Barat I district. This research was conducted using biology teaching materials in the form of books and modules used by teachers in grade X in 13 senior high schools in Ilir Barat I district, Palembang, both in public and private schools. This study employed a descriptive technique with content analysis, which included collecting and assessing biology teaching materials for senior high school grade X. All biology teaching materials for grade X of senior high school utilized in Ilir Barat I district Palembang were used as the population in this study, with environmental changes in biology teaching and learning materials for grade X of senior high school as the sa...