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Determinants of online consumer behaviour towards e-tailing in India
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 2018
Internet has brought a revolution in the way we live today. This paper aims to provide an overview of the e-tail scenario in India and study the factors that influence the online buying behaviour of e-consumers. It explores the various issues, opportunities and endeavours to draw an effective e-tailing strategy for Indian online sector based upon extensive the literature reviewed and factors assimilated on e-tailing models from Indian and global studies. The research also suggests ways in which the e-tailers can recuperate their virtual presence and enhance online consumer purchases and revisits. The contributions of the findings would attempt to assist policy makers, e-marketers and provide an insight for further research exploring the gaps in this important social and commercial economic discipline which impacts each and everyone of us.
Factors Affecting e-Tailing Website Effectiveness: An Indian Perspective
Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), 2007
The Indian Retail Market is witnessing a revolution. The growth of internet has enabled the new retail format of the virtual retailer to emerge and forced the existing retailers to consider e-tailing model of retailing as well. A large number of consumers frequently use the Internet for shopping purposes but its' not clear what drives them to shop online. This study captures the important factors affecting the success and effectiveness of e-tailing sites to propose a unifying framework that could eventually guide research in this area and prove beneficial for e-tailers and e-marketers as well.
Challenges and Opportunities of E-Tailing in Emerging Economies
Advances in e-business research series, 2016
The increase in penetration of internet and information and communication technology (ICT) along with change in consumer lifestyle and growing population of internet savvy consumers presents an encouraging platform for e-retailers in emerging markets. Education, technology and growing demand from middle class consumers are further driving the growth vehicle of e-tailing in these nations. There is adequate literature available for electronic business in the context of developed nations but applying that knowledge without any consideration of the unique business environment prevalent in emerging markets may spell danger for online traders. Therefore, the proposed chapter focuses on the growth of e-tailing in emerging economies. It talks about the driving forces for success of e-tailing in various developing economies. The opportunities, challenges and unique issues associated with e-tailing in emerging markets are also discussed. The chapter ends with a discussion on the future of e-tailing in emerging nations.
E-Tailing: An Analysis of Web Impacts On The Retail Market
Journal of Business Strategies
The Web has been changing the retail market in many ways. Following a newmarket framework, this paper analyzes the unique characteristics of the Web forretail applications, examines its market effects, and presents two perspectivesfor business response strategies. The Web can either be used as a marketing tool,which is integrated into traditional business strategies, or can be viewed as anew marketplace, which demands new business design. Differences betweenthese two views will have strategic and implementation implications for bothtraditional and startup retailers as they adapt to Web marketing. Finally, wepropose some research issues and challenges that should be addressed to betterour understanding and promote the success of this new marketplace.
International Journal of Management, 2020
Internet is a potent medium that can serve as a unique platform for the growth of retail brands in India. The Indian retail market is witnessing a revolution. This era of business is marked with a high degree of dynamism. Due to technological advancement, the concept of competitive advantage is increasing day by day. Shopping at the click of a mouse is gaining popularity and most of the people prefer to buy the products online. The number of users is significantly high. The present scenarios of e-tailing market and trends have been discussed in this paper. Each and every thing now a day is based upon technology or we can say that this is the era of technology without which we cannot imagine our life. Shopping through online sites is now a latest trend of the customers. Working people don't have so much time to go to the market and do shopping. That is the reason they prefer online mode of shopping. In the past few years, online market places have become very popular among vendors, marketers and shoppers to sell, advertise and buy the products. The increase in technology provides good opportunities to the seller to reach the customer in much faster and economic way. Numerous advantages and benefits of Online Shopping influence more and more people to switch to online shopping from traditional shopping. Customers can avoid long queues in parking lot and in shopping mall during sale and festival seasons and can save this time and fuel for some other productive works. The main motive of this concept paper is to know the customer perception towards both the shopping medium online and offline shopping. In this paper we are comparing both the shopping medium and also the factors which influence customer to buy the product whether from online and offline shopping. Scope of the Study-Retailers are increasingly leveraging their presence across different channels like catalogue, web, stores and kiosks, to increase their share of the customer"s wallet and expand across consumer segments. Recent studies on consumer shopping behaviour indicate that multichannel shoppers show a significantly higher value and frequency of purchase than single channel shoppers. Thus, the focus of modern retailing shifted to "e-tailing", one of the most adoptive channel. Online marketers has not only to compete with traditional shopkeepers but are also facing stiff competition from many fast emerging online companies which are fast and swift in their customers approach and value added services. The purpose of this study is to look at the factors driving online shopping and to develop an understanding of the factors influencing the online shopping by the consumers. This is done by exploring the factors that encourage consumers to shop online through analysis of such advantages as convenience, website quality, mode of payment and a wider choice. The most beneficial factor of shopping online was identified as it is convenient and wider choices are available to customers to make the decisions. Objectives of the Study To draw out, the driving factors for growth of the e-tailing. To compare customers perception towards online and offline shopping based on demographic variables. (Gender, Monthly Income, Age, Occupation, Marital Status) To investigate the factors which affect Online and offline shopping. To examine the factors influencing the decision of consumer to do online shopping. To examine the factors influencing the consumer to switch from the offline shopping to online shopping and online to offline shopping.
Buying Behavior Towards E-Tailing In Rural Areas Of Kanyakumari District
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021, 7-8 June 2021, Bharath University, Chennai, India, 2021
In the contemporary world, E-Shopping has become one of the most popular arrangements among compulsive shoppers. E-Shopping gives access to any user to purchase any sort of products or avail any kind of services which are listed online, within their comfort zone. It does not even compromise on the convenience of the customers, because anyone who purchases a product or service from the internet have the provision to get it delivered at their doorstep. Online vendors have been acquiring more volume of customers through creative and crafty marketing and hassle-free shopping experience with maximum satisfaction. Online vendors stay on top of the game by fulfilling their clients' requirements seamlessly. A detailed assessment of this buying pattern reveals that users shop online with the principle moto to save their time. Some of the crucial issue with an online purchase was identified as EMI issues and the modest nature of items. Although there are many issues occurred during e-commerce, but the well-layered administration of the online vendors has managed to rule out all the grievances to a considerable extend. This has motivated many users to depend on online vendors and thus Consumer buying behavior has significant involvement in online shopping.
An Analytical Study of Changing Dynamics of the Indian Market with Reference to E-Marketplaces
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Electronic commerce (ecommerce) involves the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transfer of funds and data over electronic networks, primarily the Internet. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is a paradigm shift affecting both marketers and customers. In fact, e-commerce is more than just another way to promote existing business practices. This completely changes the traditional way of doing business. This major change in business model has resulted in tremendous growth worldwide. India is no exception. Massive internet penetration has contributed to the growth of e-commerce, and startups in particular are increasingly using this option as a differentiating business model. In addition, e-commerce has a significant impact on the environment. While this model is widely used in current business scenarios, this option has not yet been fully explored. Current research is being conducted to illustrate e-commerce scenarios and analyze e-commerce trends. The study also examines key variables critical to the success of e-commerce business models. Objective: The objectives of present study are to understand the present status and trends of E-Commerce along with to reveal the key variables influencing the increased usage of e-commerce.
E-commerce stands for electronic commerce. E-commerce is performing business online and electronically. Over last few years the popularity of e-commerce has rigorously developed due to its quick and convenient way of exchanging goods and regional and global services. India will be booming platform for e-commerce business models; the country already reported 65% growth in e-commerce retail business year in 2015-2016. The paper is focused on the conceptual research with exploratory cum descriptive nature on the basis of secondary data. This paper explains the concept of e-commerce, business models for e-commerce, differences between traditional commerce and electronic commerce, merits and limitations of e-commerce. It also highlights various trends and challenges of e-commerce and also with the essential opportunity and growth factors required for e-commerce in India.
India with its teeming millions is emerging as one of the largest retail markets in the whole world. Retailing started in Kirana stores has now metamorphised into mammoth organized retailing and e-tailing. Customers‟ perception towards organized retailing and e-tailing are different because of the varied nature of the transactions they are involved in. A comparative analysis of customers‟ perception will help understanding which type of retailing will gain popularity in future and contribute more for the growth of the economy at large. This article is an attempt to find out empirically the psychology based perception and its influencing factors towards organized retailing and e-tailing. For this purpose a field survey was conducted is collect first hand information from 627 respondents in the Coimbatore city of Tamilnadu. The data were analyzed by using statistical tools like percentage analysis, mean, standard deviation, Anova test etc. in order to arrive at definite conclusion. Ke...