Challenges and Opportunities of E-Tailing in Emerging Economies (original) (raw)


Internet and broadband penetration has diminished the national boundaries and have made the world as a huge market for the marketers. India is a developing nation with strong economical growth and the companies view it as potential destination for good business. In the era of globalization, e-tailing is beneficial approach to tap the global markets. The Indian companies face competition from not only the local markets but also strong global competitors who are utilizing the technology to capture the customers worldwide. The only solution to be successful is by embracing e-tailing. This paper is an analysis of secondary data to uncover the hidden prospects for the e-tailing market in India. The findings may be utilized by marketers to plan the future strategies keeping in mind the common myths and realities associated with the e-tailing market in India. The paper also proposes a conceptual model for the success of e-tailing websites.

Factors Affecting e-Tailing Website Effectiveness: An Indian Perspective

Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), 2007

The Indian Retail Market is witnessing a revolution. The growth of internet has enabled the new retail format of the virtual retailer to emerge and forced the existing retailers to consider e-tailing model of retailing as well. A large number of consumers frequently use the Internet for shopping purposes but its' not clear what drives them to shop online. This study captures the important factors affecting the success and effectiveness of e-tailing sites to propose a unifying framework that could eventually guide research in this area and prove beneficial for e-tailers and e-marketers as well.

Determinants of online consumer behaviour towards e-tailing in India

International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 2018

Internet has brought a revolution in the way we live today. This paper aims to provide an overview of the e-tail scenario in India and study the factors that influence the online buying behaviour of e-consumers. It explores the various issues, opportunities and endeavours to draw an effective e-tailing strategy for Indian online sector based upon extensive the literature reviewed and factors assimilated on e-tailing models from Indian and global studies. The research also suggests ways in which the e-tailers can recuperate their virtual presence and enhance online consumer purchases and revisits. The contributions of the findings would attempt to assist policy makers, e-marketers and provide an insight for further research exploring the gaps in this important social and commercial economic discipline which impacts each and everyone of us.

E-Retailing Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace

E-tailing has a dynamic ecosystem different from traditional retailing. To the best of our knowledge, there are few case studies scientifically grounded yet practical. Nonetheless, this is the authors' goal with this book chapter. A case study of China's e-tailing is needed because China is the largest emerging market as well as the largest e-retailing market in the world. Moreover, e-tailing provides one of the most effective ways for foreign retailers to enter China's impressive retail market. This case study will explore the underlying reasons for the success of China's e-tailing market by investigating the elements of China's e-tailing ecosystem. This study will further investigate the major players in China's e-tailing market, with a focus on the Alibaba Group, China's largest e-tailing company. This study will address Alibaba's e-tailing strategies and practices by comparing Alibaba and its major domestic and global competitors (e.g., Amazon).

E-Tailing: An Analysis of Web Impacts On The Retail Market

Journal of Business Strategies

The Web has been changing the retail market in many ways. Following a newmarket framework, this paper analyzes the unique characteristics of the Web forretail applications, examines its market effects, and presents two perspectivesfor business response strategies. The Web can either be used as a marketing tool,which is integrated into traditional business strategies, or can be viewed as anew marketplace, which demands new business design. Differences betweenthese two views will have strategic and implementation implications for bothtraditional and startup retailers as they adapt to Web marketing. Finally, wepropose some research issues and challenges that should be addressed to betterour understanding and promote the success of this new marketplace.

Buying Behavior Towards E-Tailing In Rural Areas Of Kanyakumari District

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021, 7-8 June 2021, Bharath University, Chennai, India, 2021

In the contemporary world, E-Shopping has become one of the most popular arrangements among compulsive shoppers. E-Shopping gives access to any user to purchase any sort of products or avail any kind of services which are listed online, within their comfort zone. It does not even compromise on the convenience of the customers, because anyone who purchases a product or service from the internet have the provision to get it delivered at their doorstep. Online vendors have been acquiring more volume of customers through creative and crafty marketing and hassle-free shopping experience with maximum satisfaction. Online vendors stay on top of the game by fulfilling their clients' requirements seamlessly. A detailed assessment of this buying pattern reveals that users shop online with the principle moto to save their time. Some of the crucial issue with an online purchase was identified as EMI issues and the modest nature of items. Although there are many issues occurred during e-commerce, but the well-layered administration of the online vendors has managed to rule out all the grievances to a considerable extend. This has motivated many users to depend on online vendors and thus Consumer buying behavior has significant involvement in online shopping.


Implications for Future Business Practices, 2012

E-tailing is gaining momentum in Australia as traditional retailers are moving towards the adoption of a clicks and bricks strategy. Electronic retailing or E-tailing can be described as selling goods to customers directly through electronic means. Although this Business-to-Consumer phenomenon is not new, it is helping retailers to conduct business online with virtual storefronts and to reach local and global customers who are disadvantaged by geographical and other distinct barriers. This chapter starts by detailing the current state of e-tailing with supporting statistical figures from recent research with a specific emphasis on Australia. Overall growth in Internet accessibility rates across Australia clearly demonstrate e-tailing's importance to online customers. Literature review once again proves the fact that Internet not only creates opportunities for retailers but also poses many challenges. Further discussion provides an understanding of the suitability of the retailing channel for different products and services. This study then analyses the usability of Australia's top twenty-five retailers' websites focussing on website usability factors, such as navigation, searchability, purchasing, layout and clarity, information content, and web browser compatibility. Australia's e-tailing initiatives might be lagging behind most developed markets, however recent research indicates that there is a significant growth in this online activity and it will continue to attract more and more online customers in the coming years as retailers jump on the e-tailing bandwagon.

e-Shopping Experience in e-Tail Market

International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 2014

Survival of fittest and fastest is the mantra of today's business game. In the modern e-Business era, the retailer must focus on the customer's e-Tailing experience to survive in the e-World. To focus an e-Customer's experience towards e-Tailing, the retailers should understand what “e-Tailing” actually means. e-Retailing is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. e-Tailing can be referred as e-web store, e-Shop, e-Store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, and virtual store. On the other hand, e-Customer Experience Management is a strategy that focuses the operations and processes of an e-Business around the needs of the individual e-Customer. It represents a strategy that results in a win–win value exchange between the e-Tailer and their e-Customers. The goal of e-Customer experience management is to move customers from satisfied to loyal and then from loya...

Kshetri 2007-2008 Electronic-Commerce-Research-and-Applications

This paper integrates and extends research on e-commerce in the developing world. We use three categories of feedback systems-economic, sociopolitical and cognitive-to offer a simple model of e-commerce barriers in the developing world. We also examine characteristics of e-business models that can be successfully employed in developing countries. Then, we provide the case of an e-business model followed by a Nepal-based multiple international award winning online provider. This paper's theoretical contribution is to explain the 'hows' and 'whys' of e-commerce in developing countries and to identify clear contexts and attendant mechanism.

E-tailing: A Snapshot of Australia’s Top 25 Retailers

Strategic and Pragmatic E-Business: Implications for Future Business Practices, 2012

E-tailing is gaining momentum in Australia as traditional retailers are moving towards the adoption of a clicks and bricks strategy. Electronic retailing or E-tailing can be described as selling goods to customers directly through electronic means. Although this Business-to-Consumer phenomenon is not new, it is helping retailers to conduct business online with virtual storefronts and to reach local and global customers who are disadvantaged by geographical and other distinct barriers. This chapter starts by detailing the current state of e-tailing with supporting statistical figures from recent research with a specific emphasis on Australia. Overall growth in Internet accessibility rates across Australia clearly demonstrate e-tailing's importance to online customers. Literature review once again proves the fact that Internet not only creates opportunities for retailers but also poses many challenges. Further discussion provides an understanding of the suitability of the retailing channel for different products and services. This study then analyses the usability of Australia's top twenty-five retailers' websites focussing on website usability factors, such as navigation, searchability, purchasing, layout and clarity, information content, and web browser compatibility. Australia's e-tailing initiatives might be lagging behind most developed markets, however recent research indicates that there is a significant growth in this online activity and it will continue to attract more and more online customers in the coming years as retailers jump on the e-tailing bandwagon.