Bu çalışmada, (1) otel işletmelerindeki işgörenlerin iş tatmin düzeylerinin ölçülmesi ve (2) otel personelinin iş tatminini doğru olarak ölçen bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Türkiye'de Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi'nde faaliyet gösteren 3, 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otel işletmelerindeki işgörenlerden oluşmaktadır. Geliştirilen ölçeğin faktör boyutları, "İletişim ve Bütünlük", "Terfi", "Amirler", "İşin Doğası (1) (Fiziksel olmayan faktörler)","İşin Doğası (2) (Fiziksel olan faktörler)", "Ücret ve Ek İmkanlar", "Özgürlük", "Yönetim"dir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre işgörenlerin iş tatminini etkileyen en önemli faktörler, "Amirler", "İşin Doğası (fiziksel ve fiziksel olmayan faktörler)", "İletişim ve Bütünlük"den oluşmaktadır. Bulgular ayrıca işgören davranışları üzerinde psiko-sosyal faktörlerin (örneğin; işin doğası), ekonomik faktörlerden (örneğin, ücret) daha etkili olduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Sonuçlarda eğitim seviyesi yüksek işgörenlerin, eğitim düzeyi daha düşük işgörenlere göre tatmin düzeylerinin daha düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca ağır iş yükü nedeniyle yiyecek-içecek departmanında çalışan işgörenlerin otelin diğer departmanlarında çalışan işgörenlerden tatmin düzeylerinin daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada işgörenlerin iş tatmin düzeyleri yüksek ve işi bırakma eğilimlerinin düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. develop a scale to correctly measure employee job satisfaction in the hospitality and tourism industry. The sample of study includes employees of 3, 4 and 5-star hotel working in The study findings suggested that the most important factors which affect job satisfaction of employees were "Supervisors", "the Nature of Work", "Communication and Integrity". The findings further suggested that psychological and social factors (the nature of work) were more effective than economical factors (example, pay) on employee attitudes. The conclusions suggested that employees who had higher levels of education were less satisfied than employees who had lower levels of education. Another finding of the study is that employees who are employed in the food and beverage department, due to their high workload, were less satisfied than employees who are working other departments of hotels. In this research, overall job satisfaction of employees were high and their intent to quit scores were low.

Contributing Factors of Employees’ Job Satisfaction of the Royal Beach Seminyak Hotel


Job satisfaction plays strategic role in organizations. Information regarding job satisfaction model and its influencing factors is important to sustain both employees’ performance and organization achievement. Present study aims are testing the relationship among hygiene factors and motivator aspects and employee job satisfaction. Data accumulation involved the entire employees of The Royal Beach Seminyak Hotel. The number of respondent who involved in the study is 152 employees. Research findings reported that motivator aspects has stronger impact than hygiene factor on employees’ job satisfaction. Regression coefficient value and average score distribution recommended that management of The Royal Beach Seminyak Hotel need to pay more attention on developing team work training to build effective team work and supervisory training and place them on top priority to maintain employees’ productivity. Achievement recognition is the strongest aspect that contributed to employees’ job sa...

Study of Employee Satisfaction in Hotel Industry

The study aims to measure employee satisfaction at two organizations viz, Taj Mahal Hotel and ITC Maurya Hotel, and to analyze which parameters play an important role in determining overall Employee Satisfaction. It is a descriptive research in nature. The sample population is 30 employees each from the two aforesaid organizations. The sample size is 60. Non Comparative Scaling Technique has been used in the study. Conclusively it may be stated that Employee Satisfaction is a multidimensional phenomenon with a number of factors operating simultaneously. The employees of Taj Mahal feel extremely satisfied when they were exposed to the eight selected parameters.

" A study on Job Satisfaction & Employee Effectiveness with special reference to Hospitality Industry "

An optimistic & enthusiastic work force makes a successful organization. The employee's attitude towards the work they do plays an important role in how they perform. A general premise is a satisfied worker is a productive worker. Complete satisfaction will create a positive working environment in the Organization & will enable the employees to work harder towards attaining organizational goals. Thus, Job Satisfaction & productivity has a strong connection in the corporate world. The objective of the present study is to investigate the relation between job satisfaction (herein referred as JS) & employee effectiveness within the context of hospitality industry. The research will also focus upon assessing the impact of the sub scales of JS on effectiveness. Further, an attempt is made to find if productivity varies between the levels of management. Minnesota Satisfaction Scale was used to assess JS level of employees. Correlation, regression, ANNOVA statistical tools were used to test hypothesis. Results revealed a significant relationship between the two variables. Intrinsic satisfaction was proving to be the most significant predictor of employee effectiveness.

A Study to Determine the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Tendencies of Employees of 5 Star Hotels Operating 12 Months in Belek

Studies suggest the presence of a relationship between empathic tendencies and job satisfaction of people who work in various public and private sectors. In this context, purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between job satisfaction and empathic tendencies of employees in tourism sector. 200 employees from 5 star hotels operating twelve months in the province of Antalya, Belek participated to the study. According to the results of the study, it is understood that there is a significant and positive correlation between job satisfaction and empathic tendencies of employees, and as empathic tendencies of employees increase, so does their job satisfaction.


The tourism sector is especially based on the human force and high satisfaction of employees of in this sector can increase the performance and competitiveness of the companies. The aim of the current study is to investigate job satifaction of employees. The study is designed to conduct an empirical research, and will utilize from survey techniques to collect data. Employees in accommodation businesses in Alanya constitute the population of the study. Sampling was aimed at the 95% confidence level and 5% confidence interval. The size of the sample selected to conduct the survey is composed of a total of 419 employees. The data to be collected in this study was be analyzed using SPSS. It is expected that the findings of this study will contribute to the relevant literature and provide useful information for the practitioners in the field. INTRODUCTION Each day human force is getting more important. Therefore, businesses must determine the factors that affecting the job satisfaction for employees and try to find out the ways to improve it. In the tourism sector which is a crucial member of services sector because of the dimensions of the usage of human resources, the need of quality services production and the competition, satisfaction of employees becomes significant. The aim of the current study is to investigate job satifaction of employees in tourism sector.

A study on factors affecting job satisfaction of employees in hotel industry: A study with reference to few categorized hotels in NCR

The concept of job satisfaction of employees in hotel industry has great relevance for better development. The present study tries to examine the job satisfaction factors like compensation structure, training and development, supervision, communication, nature of work, affective commitment for employees in hotel industry in Delhi National Capital Region. Conceptual framework of the study was developed and the selected convenient sample size of 150 was determined Questionnaire having five point Likert type scale, ranking questions, having a mix of qualitative as well as quantitative research design was employed. Long employee attitude scale developed by H.C Ganguli was used for collecting primary data. Other statistical methods engaged to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, chi square test, ANOVA and ranking of variables. The results of this empirical study show that there is a significant relationship between all the factors.. Positive satisfaction levels with job were found among faculties and they would remain in their present jobs only if they have good compensation structure closely followed by opportunities for training and development and good supervision. The employees were found to be satisfied with communication cannels in organization.

An Assessment of the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Enterprises

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2018

The aim of this study is to determine the personnel evaluations of employee satisfaction factors in customer satisfaction by using statistical methods. Firstly, the studies about the factors affecting the satisfaction of the employees in the literature were examined and the statements used in the study were formed and then the suitability of the questionnaire in terms of both content and comprehensibility was checked by taking expert opinion. Face to face survey method was used as a method of data collection. Surveys were applied to 419 staff working in international chain hotels in 2017 (September, October, November, December), 2018 (January) between Atlanta, Savannah, Hilton Head Island regions. Statistical analysis was performed with the help of SPSS package program. Variables are described by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation statistics and also T-test and variance analysis were performed. Tukey test was used for the comparison of binary groups as a result of variance analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most positive opinion of the employees regarding the effect of employee satisfaction on the hotel satisfaction was the terms of working conditions, followed by social rights and communication with the employees, respectively. Moreover, it was determined that the opinions of the participants did not differ significantly according to gender and working position, but for age, marital status, educational status and the department.

A study on Factors Influencing Employee Job Satisfaction in Hotel Industry: A study with Reference to Hotels in Jaipur

Inspira Journal(IRA), 2018

Introduction Occupation fulfillment is by and large characterized as a worker's full of feeling response to an occupation, in view of contrasting genuine results and wanted results. It is by and large perceived as a multifaceted develops that incorporates representative sentiments about an assortment of both characteristic and outward factors. The activity fulfillment or job satisfaction of a worker is a subject that has gotten significant consideration by specialists and supervisors. The most essential data to have with respect to a representative in an association is an approved measure of his/her level of employment fulfillment (Akpofure, Rim. O. Israel, Imide, & Okokoyo, Ikhifa. (2006). It is the only controlling variable that decides the many other factors like employees productivity, retention rate , happiness and stability in an organization .It also gives a direction to how employees should be utilized so that apart from gaining effective results it can help in enhancing commitment, moral and motivation of employees(Diaz-Serrano, L., & Cabral. Vieira, J.A). (2005).

Investigation of Job Satisfaction among Employees: A Case of Hospitality Industry in Ambala (India)

Voice of Research – An International Refereed Journal for Change and Development (Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India), 2017

In the modern era, entrepreneurs in all industries want to recruit, select, train and motivate able employees who want to serve customers well. However, majority of industries in general and hospitality industry in particular are confronting numerous challenges with regard to their employees. The main issue before entrepreneurs here is about enrichment of satisfaction levels of their workers from different job related aspects. When workers will be satisfied, they will definitively do their duty of serving customers well. With this viewpoint, the paper explores the level of job satisfaction of hotel workers on various dimensions. A questionnaire was designed and administered on a sample of 150 hotel workers, taken from Ambala District in the State of Haryana. Analysis was conducted using frequencies and proportional analysis. Inferential statistics of Chi-square and z-test (for significant/insignificant difference between two population proportions) were also utilized.Results demonstrated a moderate level of satisfaction among the workers. Workers were mainly found dissatisfied from the behaviour of supervisor, salary, promotional opportunities, internal policies and organizational management. However, majority of sample workers were noticed as satisfied from their job, behaviour of their co-workers and customers. Further, behaviour of supervisor is found as a dimension on which satisfied and dissatisfied workers are found approximately equal in number. Accordingly, the paper calls for enhancement in the level of satisfaction of hotel workers, mainly on the dimensions on which they are found dissatisfied, if entrepreneurs want to win over competitors and customers in the market. Keywords: Job satisfaction, Entrepreneurs, Hotel Workers Full text reference: Gupta, Karnika and Garg, Ishu (2017), "Investigation of Job Satisfaction among Employees: A Case of Hospitality Industry in Ambala (India), Voice of Research, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 50-56.