Memahami Aktivisme Digital (original) (raw)
Related papers
-, 2017
Dibuang sayang walau belum tuntas. Seharusnya ini merupakan makalah pengantar seminar Festival Arsip IVAA, Yogyakarta 25-27 September 2017. Sayangnya batal saya sampaikan.
Aktivisme Dakwah Siber Di Tengah Konvergensi Media Digital
Dakwatuna: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam
This article discusses da'wah activism which is expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media as a religious phenomenon. Da'wah activism is part of a religious activity that is an obligation for a Muslim, however, the display of da'wah messages expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media does not only show it as a religious activity, but in appearance it also has the opportunity as a tool for political and ideological interests. In fact, Islam wants the da'wah to be carried out in the context of calling for goodness and preventing evil as the teachings of Islam. The method used in this study is to use a virtual ethnographic approach that focuses on artifacts, and digital traces related to da'wah messages displayed through cyber media. Furthermore, in order to understand religious phenomena that are expressed in the digital space, this study uses the concept of da'wah and cyber media as a choice of perspective, the aim is to be able...
Digital Society: Masa Depan, Tantangan Bagi Nasionalisme
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan
Kecepatan pertukaran informasi berkembang dengan sangat cepat sejak kemunculan internet. Hal ini membuat kita perlu melihat hal baru apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tantangan yang dapat muncul dalam digital society, serta bagaimana langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk menangani tantangan tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil penelitian terdahulu yang memiliki relevansi dengan penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini kemudian menemukan bahwa keberadaan internet kedepannya dapat membuat adanya suatu kewarganegaraan universal yang bersifat digital. Oleh karenanya, Pendidikan media dapat berfungsi untuk menghindari masa depan negatif yang diakibatkan oleh kemunculan masyarakat digital.
Menyoal Radikalisme di Media Digital
Currently, Information and communication technology, especially internet system, have been developing very rapidly. Such developments have certainly positive and negative impacts. In the development of the digital age today, phenomenon of radicalism is increasingly established in Indonesia and the world. There have been many studies on this. Radicalism is also campaigned by internet media which eventually step into people's life. This issue should be observed properly.
Memahami Jurnalisme Pada Era Digital
This article reviews about understanding journalism in the digital era, where the influence of developments in information and communication technology has changed the meaning and understanding of people about journalism. The presence of the Internet that is used in journalism activities has been able to present information dissemination quickly. As well as journalists in finding, processing and distributing information in the form of news and images, they have been able to get to remote areas quickly, precisely and instantly. Conventional media is increasingly being abandoned, but its presence is still needed. Whereas new media and cyber media are complementary for the community to fulfill their information needs. The way work of journalists also changes in the digital era. Thus, users or news readers can easily access information from a sophisticated set of computer or smartphone devices.
Digital Activism: Counter Hegemony dalam Karya Seni
This study looks in detail how the digital activities of Biennale East Java is a form of criticism as a silent resistance to the hegemony of ideology, norms, rules to the myths that exist in society, especially the modern society of Indonesia is always connected in the Internet society critical social theory Marxism in mind and Gramsci perspective (Carroll & Ratner, 2010). Using the qualitative research approach and research method of Digital Etnometodologi (Heather, 2012) with gramscian hegemony analysis, it is purposed the research objectives, firstly, to describe how social movement process in digital format by Biennale East Java. Second, see in detail the process of digital communication media production on digital artwork created by artists Biennale East Java. Third, describe Digital Counter hegemony form by digital artist Biennale East Java in digital art work. The benefit of this research is to obtain a preposition of hegemonic theory in the digital world in digital art created by digital artists, or can be called Digital Counter Hegemony for theoretical and practical benefits, providing detailed description of the process of digital social movement, the process of producing digital communication media to the analysis of digital works Biennale East Java as a form of Counter hegemony. Keywords: Social Change, Global Identity, Digital Activism, Counter Hegemony
Atribusi Kewargaan Digital Dalam Literasi Digital
Untirta Civic Education Journal, 2017
This research based on an expansion in technology and information in citizen's daily life which is affected various information that can accessed by citizens. But there is a contradiction where there is growing hoax news and disputes caused by the use and dissemination of information through digital media. Those thing certainly requires an ability to sort and choose various information, which attributed by digital literacy of citizens and issued the concept of digital citizen. The research used qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data collected by interview and documentation study. The result of this study show that digital citizen and digital literacy have relevance, including through characteristics that are: well informed, active, critical, care, ethical, and responsible. In that context, citizens must be good at sorting out information with true and valid data and facts. a citizen must be able to identify the credibility of information sources rationally and logically, and not emotionally. The developing of citizen digital literacy conducted through media education that presents complete and balanced information as material for citizens to become active citizens and play a positive role.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023
Lecturers at the Jakarta Indonesian College of Economics provided counseling about entrepreneurship in the context of Community Service with topics that are appropriate in the current era, namely Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era. This is an adjustment to the times. Community service using lecture and discussion methods to high school students whose content needs to be emphasized that today's business needs to master ecommerce. Because e-commerce is defined as the process of buying and selling between two parties in a company by exchanging goods, services or information via the internet. This is the world of digital entrepreneurship, namely entrepreneurship that is influenced by, or takes advantage of, digital transformation in business. In this development, millennials, including Pelita Tiga High School students, absorb digital business knowledge more easily than the older generation.