Statistics of photo-multiplier charge and time measurement (original) (raw)
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Statistics of the Charge Spectrum of Photo-Multipliers and Methods for Absolute Calibration
We derive the full expression for the shape of the charge spectrum that results from the illumination of a photo-multiplier tube. The derivation is for low intensity illumination with constant gain, a common condition for most nuclear and particle physics applications. Under these conditions, it is shown that an analytic expression can be formulated that describes details of the spectrum including the pedestal and dark noise with excellent fidelity to allow statistical fits to data. The derivation and full formula using either Gaussian or Poisson models for gain, and its limiting forms under various simplifying assumptions are presented with strategies on their use. The analytic description can be used to formulate data acquisition strategies to perform precise absolute calibration of photo-multipliers, the digitizers, and the data acquisition system.
Timing properties of Philips XP2020UR photomultiplier
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
The timing properties of scintillation counters consisting of small NE111 plastic scintillators coupled to the XP202OUR photomultipliers have been studied in comparison to that based on the XP2020. The time jitter of both the photomultipliers, their photoelectron yield for the NE111 plastics and the time resolution with 60 Co and 22 Na sources were measured. A high time resolution was achieved with the XP202OUR equal to 90 ps for 6O Co (at 1 MeV) and 140 ps for 22 Na (at 290 keV) energy settings, about 30% and 20% better respectively than those observed with the XP2020. The large improvement of the time resolution is due to : 30% lower time jitter, about 25% higher photoelectron yield and for the 6°Co energy settings also to a reduced influence of the space charge effect in the XP2020UR. The normalised time resolution to the photoelectron number, measured with 22 Na source, is better by a factor of 1 .14 which corresponds well to the improvement of the time jitter in the new XP202OUR photomultiplier .
Applied Optics, 1971
The effect of gain variation on the integrated output-charge distribution of a photomultiplier tube is investigated experimentally and shown to be a predictable function of the multiplier single-electron response. Standardized or nonstandardized pulses recorded using either capacitive or digital storage are considered. Theoretical values for the moment-generating functions and variances (noise powers) of the charge distributions obtained in these four cases are given, and the role of these various distributions in determining the length of time required to achieve a given accuracy in a light-flux measurement is discussed. The experimental measurements adequately confirm the theoretical predictions. The work includes a critical discussion of the field of theoretical and experimental noise investigations in photomultiplier tubes with regard to their relevance in the present state of technology.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1993
has been studied with fast light pulses generating yields up to 2 x 10 3 photoelectrons/cm 2 or peak currents of 24 mA. Linearity was obtained with a tapered bleeder chain at a tolerable loss of gain. The serial test of altogether 140 photomultipliers revealed the close correlation between single electron and amplitude resolution. The influence of the photoelectron statistics on this correlation is discussed.
Tests of timing properties of silicon photomultipliers
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2010
Timing measurements of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) at the picosecond level were performed at Fermilab. The core timing resolution of the electronic measurement technique is approximately 2 picoseconds. The single photoelectron time resolution (SPTR) was measured for the signals coming from the SiPM's. A SPTR of about one hundred picoseconds was obtained for SiPM's illuminated by laser pulses. The dependence of the SPTR on applied bias voltage and on the wavelength of the light was measured. A simple model is proposed to explain the difference in the SPTR for blue and red light. A time of flight system based on the SiPM's, with quartz Cherenkov radiators, was tested in a proton beam at Fermilab. The time resolution obtained is 35 picoseconds per SiPM. Finally, requirements for the SiPM's temperature and bias voltage stability to maintain the time resolution are discussed.
Silicon photomultiplier timing performance study
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in …, 2010
Many characteristics of Silicon Photomultipliers can be tuned with temperature and operation voltage. We present preliminary results of a study of the effect of these two operation parameters on the time resolution of large active area Multi-Pixel Photon ...