A nonlinear prerelativistic approach to mathematical representation of vacuum electromagnetism (original) (raw)

A nonlinear prerelativistic approach to mathematical representation of vacuum electromagnetism. 1 Introduction: General Notions about Physical Objects and Interactions

This paper presents an alternative to the Maxwell vacuum equations pre-relativistic approach to description of electromagnetic field objects. Our view is based on the understanding that the corresponding differential equations should be dynamical in nature and the physical relations represented by them should represent local stress-energy-momentum balance relations. Such a view does not go along with the classical assumption for local recognizability of the electric and magnetic constituents E and B as time-stable and space propagationg subsystems of the field objects. The corresponding reconsideration brought us to the assumption, that the two couples (E, B) and (−B, E) are much more adequate in this respect: free electromagnetic field objects exist in a permanent propagation with the fundamental velocity c, so each of its recognizable subsystems should be able to carry momentum, and neither E nor B are able to do this separately, while each of the couples (E, B; −B, E) is able to do this, but only in presence of the other. Therefore, the necessary internal local dynamics, admissible changes, time stability and recognizability during space propagation should be viewed in terms of (E, B) and (−B, E) and their mutually compatible changes.

The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Aspects of the Electrodynamic Vacuum-Field Theory Models

We review the modern classical electrodynamics problems and present the related main fundamental principles characterizing the electrodynamical vacuum- eld structure. We analyze the models of the vacuum eld medium and charged point particle dynamics using the developed eld theory concepts. There is also described a new approach to the classical Maxwell theory based on the derived and newly interpreted basic equations making use of the vacuum eld theory approach. In particular, there are obtained the main classical special relativity theory relations and their new explanations. The well known Feynman approach to Maxwell electromagnetic equations and the Lorentz type force derivation is also discussed in detail. A related charged point particle dynamics and a hadronic string model analysis is also presented. We also revisited and reanalyzed the classical Lorentz force expression in arbitrary non-inertial reference frames and present some new interpretations of the relations between special relativity theory and its quantum mechanical aspects. Some results related with the charge particle radia- tion problem and the magnetic potential topological aspects are discussed. The electromagnetic Dirac-Fock-Podolsky problem of the Maxwell and Yang-Mills type dynamical systems is ana- lyzed within the classical Dirac-Marsden-Weinstein symplectic reduction theory. The problem of constructing Fock type representations and retrieving their creation-annihilation operator struc- ture is analyzed. An application of the suitable current algebra representation to describing the non-relativistic Aharonov-Bohm paradox is presented. The current algebra coherent functional representations are constructed and their importance subject to the linearization problem of nonlinear dynamical systems in Hilbert spaces is demonstrated.

On the Pre-Metric Formulation and Nonlinearization of Charge-Free Electrodynamics

Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics

This paper presents a coordinate free pre-metric formulation of charge free Maxwell-Minkowski electrodynamics, and of the developed by the authors non-linear Extended Electrodynamics. First we introduce some formal relations from multilinear algebra and differential geometry to be used further. Then we recall and appropriately modify the existing pre-metric formulation of linear charge free electrodynamics in pre-relativistic and relativistic forms as preparation to turn to corresponding pre-metric nonlinearization. After some preliminary examples and notes on nonlinearization, we motivate our view for existence and explicit formulation of time stable subsystems of the physical field objects considered. Section 5 presents the formal results of our approach on the pre-metric nonlinear formulations in static case, in time-dependent case, and in space-time formulation. In the Conclusion we give our general view on "why and how to nonlinearize". The Appendix gives a possible formal extension of our aproach to many subsystem field objects.

Equations of electrodynamics: Final essence of EM phenomena

Proceedings of the Joint INDS'11 & ISTET'11, 2011

Looking for the deeper essence of natural phenomena and minimal number of physical laws describing them, a hypothetical vacuum medium is stratified into structural layers, as the levels of observation of respective processes. Instead of a fluidic, the dielectric medium successfully explains all EM phenomena at least. More or less convincingly, inertia and gravitation are explained on EM bases, and the speed of light propagation, with respective reference frame, is conditioned by gravitation itself. The unification of physics is thus initialized, just on the advanced classical bases.

(Re)Foundation of Electrodynamics

IJPSR, 2023

EM theory started from electricity and its current, as the carriers or objects, mediated by the fields and potentials. In the opposite sense, the fields are formal features of the potentials, limited by the carriers. Apart from the central Coulomb's law, similar Ampere's law is here generalized. The radial-static and transverse-kinetic, are thus supplemented by longitudinal-dynamic forces. The fields are introduced in the three ways: as the evident forces, via the object densities and by analogy of the potentials with fluid mechanics. As the simplest basic set, the two algebraic relations of J. J. Thomson operate by the two moving fields. Instead of the parallel or hierarchical processes, they form a causal loop with the constitutive field relations. The spatial derivatives of the algebraic pair give the four differential forms, wider from Maxwell's equations. The elimination of excessive, and explanation of remaining terms, convincingly relate the two sets. Maxwell's equations are finally presented in Einstein's tensor form, concerning 4D space.

Modern Classical Electrodynamics and Electromagnetic Radiation - Vacuum Field Theory Aspects

The work is devoted to studying some new classical electrodynamics models of interacting charged point particles and related with them physical aspects. Based on the vacuum field theory no-geometry approach, developed in \cite{BPT,BPT1}, the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian reformulations of some alternative classical electrodynamics models are devised. A problem closely related to the radiation reaction force is analyzed aiming to explain the Wheeler and Feynman reaction radiation mechanism, well known as the absorption radiation theory, and strongly dependent on the Mach type interaction of a charged point particle in an ambient vacuum electromagnetic medium. There are discussed some relationships between this problem and the one derived within the context of the vacuum field theory approach. The R. \ Feynman's \textquotedblleft heretical\textquotedblright\ approach \cite{Dy1,Dy2} to deriving the Lorentz force based Maxwell electromagnetic equations is also revisited, its complete l...

On the foundational equations of the classical theory of electrodynamics

Resonance, 2013

A close examination of the Maxwell-Lorentz theory of electrodynamics reveals that polarization and magnetization of material media need not be treated as local averages over small volumes -volumes that nevertheless contain a large number of electric and/or magnetic dipoles. Indeed, Maxwell's macroscopic equations are exact and self-consistent mathematical relations between electromagnetic fields and their sources, which consist of free charge, free current, polarization, and magnetization. When necessary, the discrete nature of the constituents of matter and the granularity of material media can be handled with the aid of special functions, such as Dirac's delta-function. The energy of the electromagnetic field and the exchange of this energy with material media are treated with a single postulate that establishes the Poynting vector S = E ×H as the rate of flow of electromagnetic energy under all circumstances. Similarly, the linear and angular momentum densities of the fields are simple functions of the Poynting vector that can be unambiguously evaluated at all points in space and time, irrespective of the type of material media, if any, that might reside at various locations. Finally, we examine the Einstein-Laub force-and torque-density equations, and point out the consistency of these equations with the preceding postulates, with the conservation laws, and with the special theory of relativity. The set of postulates thus obtained constitutes a foundation for the classical theory of electrodynamics.