Perilaku Konsumsi Islam DI Indonesia (original) (raw)

Perilaku Konsumsi Islami Masyarakat Muslim Surabaya yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19

Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam, 2022

The raise of covid-19 case in East Java have the government to enforce PSBB (Local Lockdown Policy), nevertheless this policy makes peoples spend more money on some particular product. This condition is known as panic buying. In Islam, people are forbidden to have a massive consumption for their own. Its explained in Q.S. Al-Araf (31). To know the consumption behaviour of muslim that having issue on their economy aspect because of covid-19 is the purpose of this study. This is a quantative study with survey method. This study uses validation test, reliability test, and descriptive statistic analysis through tendency variable table. The result of this study explains that the consumption behaviour of muslim in Surabaya that having economic issue because of covid-19 does not contrary to Islamic values.

Perilaku Konsumen Muslim Indonesia Terhadap Perkembangan Produk Makanan dan Minuman Halal

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan, 2022

The purpose of writing the article is to determine the impact of modernization on lifestyle in some Muslim communities who have a tendency to care less about the parameters of religion (Islam) in terms of consuming a food/beverage product, medicines, and even cosmetics. The research method used is library research using data collection techniques through several literatures, both theoretical and empirical. The results of the analysis say anything consumed in an Islamic perspective has implications for mental health. Halal standardization has also been strengthened by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2014 concerning the Guarantee of Halal Products as a whole to all levels of society. In addition, the Government has also formed a body called the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) which is tasked with organizing halal product guarantees (JPH). This shows that the Government is also very concerned about the needs of its citizens in meeting the consumption of all products with halal standards. Standardization of halal food or beverage products as well as medicines and cosmetics consumed or used by a Muslim is very important, because this will have an impact on mental health for those who consume them. The halal and nutritional content of the products consumed by a Muslim is one part of the Prophet's concern, namely that a Muslim does not eat anything except halal and toyyib.

Pola Konsumsi Islami Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di Kota Mataram

Jurnal Econetica: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis, 2021

Islamic Consumption Patterns During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mataram City. The consumption pattern of the community is influenced by several factors including income factors, prices of goods, population, tastes, but another thing that makes people's consumption patterns in the city of Mataram also change is because of the Corona 19 virus outbreak. So the purpose of this study is to determine consumption patterns. Islamic society of the city of Mataram during the pandemic. This research is descriptive and uses a qualitative approach. Method of data collection by interview, observation, documentation. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling the objective sample was the sample was taken based on the purpose of the study. Follow by snowball sampling until the information obtained is considered saturated. Data analysis using qualitative analysis using the validity of the data. The results showed that the consumption pattern of the people in Mataram City during the pandemic experienced a change from the consumption pattern before the pandemic. Consumption patterns during the pandemic are dominated by food consumption. This is because people are trying to increase their body's immunity so they don't get infected by the coronavirus outbreak, although most of it is done online to avoid direct physical contact. Consumption before the pandemic in the city of Mataram was mostly on non-food consumption patterns because the level of community needs in big cities was very diverse beyond basic needs. In addition to the consumption of the right materials, which dominates the consumption activities of the people of Mataram City, is the consumption of other communication services that support work and study activities from home. Due to the Pandemic, Most of the workforce works at home and many school children study from home. This requires communication tools that are always ready at all times during work and study activities carried out. However, in fulfilling the consumption pattern which is a basic need, the people of the city of Mataram are constrained by the budget they have. Because the budget is limited, the consumption pattern also follows the existing budget.

Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Al-Intaj : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah, 2018

Human Resources in everyday life will never be separated by the fulfillment of needs or consumption. Islamic economics provides a picture and guidance in terms of consumption is justified and required in Islamic teachings that are guided by the rules of Shari'a. An item or commodity which is actually allowed to be used or consumed can be something that can be contrary to sharia depending on the behavior in using the goods or commodities. It can be concluded that consumption in Islam is loaded with spiritual values that indirectly lead consumers to avoid consumptive and keep the benefit is not just pleasure and satisfaction.

Perilaku Konsumen Islam Modern Perspektif Konsumsi dalam Islam

Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman

This study aims to determine the concept of consumption in the view of Al-Ghazali and Muhammad Abdul Mannan on its relevance to the consumption behavior of modern Muslim society. This type of research is library research using a quantitative approach method based on secondary in the form of books and related scientific journals in accordance with the theme of this research and primary data in the form of books from Al-Ghazali and Abdul Mannan. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that according to Al-Ghazali and Abdul Mannan Islamic provisions regarding consumption are controlled by five principles, namely justice, cleanliness principles, simplicity principles, generosity principles, and moral principles and there is a relevance between Al-Ghazali and Abdul Mannan's consumption concepts with The consumption pattern of modern Muslim society in Indonesia today is due to the awareness of modern Muslim society about the cleanliness of food consumption and simplicity in...

Rasionalitas Muslim Terhadap Perilaku Israf Dalam Konsumsi Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

EkBis: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2019

In an economic activity, it is prohibited to mix between halal and haram, because this is part of consumption behavior. Seeing how Islamic consumer behavior in consumption is what makes the writer want to analyze the rationality of Israf in consumption by linking the value of values contained in Islamic economics. By using qualitative research methods with literature research, namely by explaining the rationality of Muslims towards israf behavior which will then be explained in the literature on the consumption of Islamic economic perspectives. Where the results of the study show that Muslim rationality is in line with Islamic behavior, by having to consider Israf's actions.Keywords: Rationality, Israf, consumption

Analisis Perilaku Konsumtif Masyarakat Muslim Menjelang Idul Fitri DI Kota Pekanbaru


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim pada saat menjelang Idul Fitri. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim pada saat menjelang Idul Fitri?. Populasi adalah masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru. Jumlah sampel adalah sebanyak 100 orang responden. Variable penelitian adalah faktor intenal (X1), faktor eksternal (X2) dan perilaku konsumtif (Y). Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Faktor internal dan faktor eksternal berpengaruh secara sigifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru. Faktor dominan yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru adalah faktor internal.

Perilaku Konsumen: Perspektif Konvensional dan Perspektif Islam

ABSTRAK A good understanding about customer behavior had a high impact to company success. There are some factors affecting customer's purchasing decisions. Those factors are build customer's product perception and customer willingness to buy. Customer behavior and costumers reaction on a certain situation are differ, depend on the way how he/she look at the situation. These condition affected on the differ of application or approach. Western and Islamic perspective has a fundamentally different way of seeing customers behavior. This differ calls scientist to includes Islamic Ethics. PENDAHULUAN Reaksi-reaksi konsumen terhadap strategi pemasaran memiliki dampak besar terhadap keberhasilan perusahaan. Karena itu tidak mengherankan jika pemahaman mendasar tentang manfaat dari studi dan manajemen pemasaran merupakan pemicu penting bagi banyak perusahaan untuk menciptakan bauran pemasaran yang dapat memuaskan konsumen, termasuk juga analisis tentang mengapa, apa, di mana, kapan dan bagaimana para konsumen serta siapa yang membeli. Hasil dari pemahaman tersebut akan memungkinkan para pemasar/produsen dapat memprediksi dengan lebih baik terkait dengan bagaimana para konsumen akan merespon terhadap strategi-strategi pemasaran yang dijalankan perusahaan (Assael, 1999). Khusus untuk pembelian pertama kali, konsumen akan mempertimbangkan sejumlah faktor sekaligus dalam waktu yang bersamaan (Shafiq, dkk., 2011). Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan beli konsumen, menurut mereka, mencakup pengetahuan konsumen tentang produk, kualitas produk, harganya, disain atau pembungkusan, selebritas endorser, fesyen, dan hubungan keluarga dengan produk ketika konsumen merencanakan untuk membeli suatu produk untuk pertama kali. Hubungan antar faktor tersebut akan membentuk persepsi nilai produk, yang pada gilirannya, akan memengaruhi minat beli konsumen. Menurut Michael (1974), sumber utama persepsi tentang nilai produk adalah pembungkusan. Pembungkusan/disain produk dapat menimbulkan kepercayaan konsumen dan bisa disesuaikan (versatile), kemudian pembungkusan atau disain itu akan meningkatkan persepsi nilai dimata para konsumen, (Belleau dkk., 2007). Komunikasi lain atau promosi juga memainkan peran cukup penting dalam penciptaan persepsi positif tehadap produk. Dengan

Perilaku Konsumen Muslim DI Indonesia Terhadap Ibadah Umroh: Antara ‘Ubudiyah Dan Gaya Hidup


Ibadah umrah merupakan salah satu ibadah di dalam Islam yang memiliki dua dimensi, yaitu dimensi duniawi dan dimensi akhirat. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengeksplor pola konsumsi masyarakat muslim dalam membelanjakan hartanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya, salah satunya ibadah umrah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian literatur terdahulu yang relevan, disesuaikan dengan fakta di lapangan dan kemudian disusun secara ilmiah dan dilanjutkan pada pembahasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ibadah umrah memiliki dua dimensi, yaitu dimensiduniawi berupa gaya hidup dan dimensi akhirat yaitu ibadah. pola konsumsi masyarakat muslim dalam membelanjakan hartanya untuk ibadah umrah sejalan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan dharuriyyat, hajiyyat, dan tahsiniyyat. Meskipun dalam kategori ibadah, umrah masih lekat dengan bisnis dan gaya hidup yang tidak mungkin dipisahkan antara keduanya.

Penerapan Perilaku Konsumsi Islam Pada Penerima Beasiswa Satu Keluarga Satu Sarjana Badan Amil Zakat Nasional DI Jawa Timur (Perspektif Fahim Khan)

Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan, 2020

This research aims to know how application of Islamic Consumption Behavior Fahim Khan’s Perspektive on Recipients Satu Keluarga Satu Sarjana Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (SKSS BAZNAS) Scholarship in East Java. This method that used is qualitative approach with s case study strategy. Data was collected by interview dan direct observation of the object research. The analysis technique that used is descriptive qualitative analysis that is narrating the result of interview dan direct observation. Based on the result of this study concluded all recipient of Satu Keluarga Satu Sarjana Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (SKSS BAZNAS) scholarship in East Java have been applied Fahim Khan’s perspective of Islamic consumption behavior. Suggestions for further research should apply this research to another scholarship deeply.Keywords: Consumption Behavior, Fahim Khan, world consumption, hereafter consumption