Vesicovaginal fistulas: Results of surgical treatment during ten years (original) (raw)

Zenker’s Diverticulum: Modern Approaches to Surgical Treatment

Journal of Clinical Practice, 2016

The study is devoted to the peculiarities of surgical treatment of Zenker diverticulum. For convenience and for safety we propose the use of intraoperative video endoscopic transillumination of the diverticulum. The method significantly increases the safety of operation, shortens its duration and results to a better cosmetic effect. To avoid relapse, diverticulectomy should be supplemented by cricopharyngeal myotomy.

Posterior Urethral Valves: The Experience of a Tunisian Department ofPediatric Surgery


The posterior urethral valves (PUV) realized a low urinary obstruction associated with the persistence of a mucosal fold under the veru montanum. It is the first cause of subvesical obstacle of the child. It is also the most serious obstructive uropathy [1], with a significant risk of renal failure (25 to 40% of cases), sometimes requiring kidney transplantation (1% of children waiting for kidney transplants had PUV). This malformation, which appears very early in the development of the urinary tract, is often isolated. Its cause remains unknown. Antenatal diagnosis is possible in some cases and improves decision in postnatal load.

The first experience of two-stage treatment of transsphincteric fistulas of rectum by means of fibrin sealant

Russian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology Coloproctology, 2018

Aim of investigation. To improve the short­term and long­term results of transsphincteric rectal fistulas treatment by patented two­stage method that includes elimination of fistulous tract with the subsequent enzyme treatment of the wound channel and delayed sealing by two­component biological glue. Material and methods. The method of cryptogenic transsphincteric rectal fistulas treatment is proposed. The method is based on elimination of fistulous tract by resection of internal lining. This is followed by sealing of the wound channel by biological glue which provides hermetic sealing as well as indirect stimulation of tissue regeneration. Treatment results of the patient group that matched inclusion criteria were analyzed: straight fistulous tract, absence of inflammatory changes and severe fibrosis in the area of fistula internal orifice. Prospective nonrandomized study which included 14 patients with cryptogenic transsphincteric rectal fistulas was carried out. At pre­hospital s...

High rate of native arteriovenous fistulas: How to reach this goal?

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015

The types of vascular accesses for hemodialysis (HD) include the native arteriovenous fistula (AVF), arteriovenous graft (AVG) and central venous catheter (CVC). Adequately matured native AVF is the best choice for HD patients and a high percentage of its presence is the goal of every nephrologist and vascular surgeon. This paper analyses the number and type of vascular accesses for HD performed over a 10-year period at the Clinical Center of Serbia, and presents the factors of importance for the creation of such a high number of successful native AVF (over 80%). Such a result is, inter alia, the consequence of the appointment of the Vascular Access Coordinator, whose task was to improve the quality of care of blood vessels in the predialysis period as well as of functional vascular accesses, and to promote the cooperation among different specialists within the field. Vascular access is the ?lifeline? for HD patients. Thus, its successful planning, creation and monitoring of vascula...

Urethral reconstruction in severe hypospadias using buccal mucosa graft and penile skin flap

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2011

Introduction. Hypospadias represents the most frequent penile anomaly. The most challenging part of hypospadias surgery is urethral reconstruction. Many various tissues are used (local skin flaps, bladder mucosa grafts, buccal mucosa grafts etc.) for the reconstruction of the neourethra. Objective. Our aim was to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of combined buccal mucosa graft and penile skin flap in urethral reconstruction in severe hypospadias repair. Methods. Between December 2005 and August 2009, 48 patients with severe hypospadias, aged from nine months to 12 years (mean age 23 months) underwent surgery. Thirty-four (71%) had penoscrotal and 14 (29%) scrotal hypospadias. Ventral penile curvature was present in all cases, and was corrected by incision of the short urethral plate. Urethroplasty was performed using a buccal mucosa graft combined with dorsal penile skin flap. Results. Mean follow-up was 22 months (range from 9 months to 3 years). Satisfactory functional and ae...

Recurrent vulvovaginitis and vaginosis. Possibilities of effective therapy

Gynecology, 2020

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitals caused by various opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms arefound in 70% of all gynecological patients who seek help from medical institutions. Currently, scientists and clinicians in their practice are increasingly faced with insufficient effectiveness of treatment of vulvovaginitis and vaginosis, a tendency to a long and protracted course, recurrence of the process. One of the reasons for the longer and more severe course, the recurrence of the process is the increasingly common mixed infection with the possible simultaneous predominance of aerobes, anaerobes, andCandidafungi, which suggests the appointment of appropriate drugs. One of these drugs is Tergynan, which demonstrates a good clinical effect and tolerability of the drug in the treatment of recurrent vulvovaginitis and dysbiotic conditions of the lower genital tract.

Biliobronchial fistula secondary to percutaneous dilatation of the benign biliary stricture

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2012

Introduction. Biliobronchial fistula is rare. Very rarely it may be congenital, more frequently it is acquired as a complication of the hydatide cyst of the liver, pyogenic abscess, serious trauma and resection of the liver as well as recurrent cholangitis due to benign bile duct stricture or cholangiolithiasis. The main causes of the biliobronchial fistula are billiary obstruction and infectious lesion (abscess) in the liver. Case Outline. We present a 56-year-old man with benign stricture of the hepaticojejunostomy performed after operative common bile duct injury, who developed biliobronchial fistula following repeated percutaneous drainage of the liver abscess and percutaneous dilatation of the strictured anastomosis. Over the years the patient developed atrophy/hypertrophy complex, portal hypertension, grade II esophageal varicosities, ascites and splenomegaly. Although biliobronchial fistula was solved by a successful surgical reconstruction (new wide hepaticojejunostomy), the...

Current approaches to the therapy of vulvovaginites taking into account antibiotic resistance to the infectious agents

ScienceRise, 2016

Цель исследования: изучение качественного состава и показателей чувствительности к антибиотикам разных групп биоты влагалища у пациенток с неспецифическими вульвовагинитами. Состав вагинального микробиоценоза характеризовался преобладанием представителей семейств Enterobacteriaceae и Staphylococcaceae. Лечение неспецифических вульвовагинитов должно проводиться индивидуально с учетов данных определения чувствительности выделенных возбудителей к антибиотикам различных групп Ключевые слова: неспецифический вульвовагинит, микробиоценоз, условно-патогенная микрофлора, чувствительность к антибактериальным препаратам Aim of research: the study of qualitative composition and parameters of sensitivity/resistance to antibiotics of the different groups of biota of the low parts of genital tract in patients with nonspecific vulvovaginites. Methods of research: 242 women 18-47 years old underwent clinical-laboratory examination on the base of clinic and department of sexually transmitted infections SI "Institute of dermatology and venereology, NAMS of Ukraine". They were divided in two groups: 1st group-205 (84,7 %) patients with clinical and laboratory signs of vulvovaginitis; 2th group (control one)-37 (15,3 %) clinically healthy women. All patients, included in the research, underwent the complex of laboratory examinations according to the regulative documents of HM of Ukraine.

Treatment of complicated sternal wounds


Заживление ран в области грудины имеет свои особенности, что наиболее актуально, так как срединная стернотомия является основным оперативным доступом в кардиоторакальной хирургии. Локальные инфекционные осложнения ран в этой зоне возникают у 0,4-6 % больных, проявляясь в виде несостоятельности швов грудины, медиастинита и остеомиелита с формированием свищей, развитием хондрита реберных хрящей и сепсиса [1]. Факторы риска развития гнойных осложнений делят на дооперационные (пол, возраст, сопутствующая патология), интраоперационные (асимметричная стер-нотомия, метод ушивания стернотомного доступа, продолжительность операции, использование внутренней грудной артерии, кровопотеря, использование аппарата искусственного кровообращения) и послеоперационные (нестабильность либо ишемия грудины, рестернотомия, наличие инородных тел, послеоперационные кровотечения и гематомы) [2]. Лечение таких больных требует комплексного подхода, включающего консервативные и оперативные мероприятия. Своевременное дренирование раны и ее очищение с последующим ушиванием являются базисом современной тактики, а анализ индивидуальных особенностей течения раневого процесса