Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru PAI di SMA Pesantren al-Quran Babussalam al-Muchtariyah Selayar (original) (raw)
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Upaya Kepala Madrasah Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru DI Madrasah Aliyah Bahrul Ulum Muliasari
The quality of education of a nation will determine the future of the nation itself in the sense that education is a very important requirement in determining the future development of the nation. The superiority of a nation is no longer characterized by the abundance of natural resources, but the benefits of human resources. Its quality is positively correlated with the quality of education, and quality of education is often indicated by the condition of good, qualified, and all the components that should be included in education. These components are the inputs, processes, outputs, staff, facilities, infrastructure, and cost. Deterioration of the quality of learning outcomes of students is not only caused by a lack of motivation to learn, lack of parental supervision, or weakness on the part of the teacher, but the factors that influence is strong enough madrassa management improper use and is not appropriate. To that end, one of the efforts to be made in improving teacher perform...
Zaman modern adalah sebuah teka-teki. Kebanyakan orang di negara-negara Barat dimanjakan oleh berbagai macam fasilitas (canggih) yang ada. Sekalipun demikian, tetap saja ada kekosongan dalam hidup mereka, selalu ada ketidakpuasan. Mereka mengalami frustrasi terus-menerus, namun tidak dapat mengenali penyebabnya. Yang mereka ketahui hanyalah: semakin memiliki banyak uang dan peralatan praktis nan canggih itu, justru mereka semakin merasa kekurangan. Kemudian mereka berusaha mencari jalan keluar untuk mengisi kekosongan itu. Beberapa beralih pada obat-obatan, alkohol, dan aliran kepercayaan (ketiganya menjadi candu). Yang lain ingin menemukan solusi dalam keluarga dan jodoh, namun gagal. Beberapa yang lain lagi beralih pada praktek psiko-terapi, aroma terapi, dukun, ponari-sweat, ramalan, dan sejenisnya.
Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru
The purpose of this study was to explore how the principal should work at school. Six efforts can be implemented by school principal in enhancing the teacher's performance including (1) to focus seriously on the improvement of teacher competencies, (2) to provide sufficient funding for improving teacher professionalism, (3) to supervise and guide teachers professionally, (4) to create a organizational culture of school that are comfortable for teachers, (5) to create innovation and advancement at school, and (6) to provide various rewards for each achievement that are done by teacher. Hence, it is recommended that school principal must more actively and creatively collaborate with teachers and educational stakeholder to conduct the improvement of teachers' performance.