A Role for Surgery in Patients with Silent Ischemia (original) (raw)
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Syndrome of Chronic Abdominal Ischemia in the Practice of General Surgeons
Journal of Clinical Practice, 2014
One possible cause of resistant abdominal pain syndrome is a chronic intestinal ischemia caused by varying degrees of occlusion of the mesenteric vessels. Due to the variety of clinical manifestations, just noticeable their specificity and lack of awareness of general practitioners timely diagnosis of the syndrome of chronic abdominal ischemia is difficult. The main methods of diagnosis at this stage are: ultrasound duplex scanning, spiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance computed tomography angiography in the mode of indirect and direct angiography. The method of choice of surgical treatment is percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting of the arteries.
Ischemic strokes in oncological patients—treatment and challenges: a literature review
Varna Medical Forum, 2021
At present, one out of ten patients with ischemic stroke has also an established oncological diagnosis and this frequency is expected to rise with the continuing success and progress in diagnosing cancer and as a direct result from the treatment, which in its turn prolongs the life of those patients. The heightened quality of life is one of the major targets for the team managing oncological patients. The present studies show that the recurring clinical and subclinical strokes worsen the performance status of the patient—as they are the leading cause of disability and death among the oncological patients and the general population. The advancements in the screening, establishing the diagnosis, and treating the oncological condition have led to more and more patients with an increased five-year survival rate. This on the other hand increases the number of patients susceptible to a higher risk of ischemic strokes—both due to the risk factors of the general population and the cancer-s...
Current Status of Care in Ischemic Stroke: Literature Review
The article discusses the relevance of ischemic stroke as one of the important medical and social problems, outlines the epidemiology of stroke in Kazakhstan and on a global scale, and focuses on the determinants of stroke. Particular attention is paid to the provision of medical care for stroke, taking into account the recommendations of the World Stroke Organization and the European Stroke Organization, the formation of a new ideology of stroke treatment, which, in addition to basic therapy, includes neuroprotective therapy as one of the most attractive and promising areas in treatment of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident. The review presents the organization of a stroke service in Kazakhstan in accordance with the levels of regionalization, the key tasks of providing care at the hospital level, the role of a multidisciplinary team and a multidisciplinary approach to managing a patient with a stroke. The normative documents regulating the organization of the stroke service are indicated. It is concluded that the provision of qualified assistance at all stages of hospitalization of a patient with a stroke can reduce the number of patients with a fatal outcome and increase the number of patients with a favorable outcome. We searched and selected scientific literature from the electronic databases Medline (through PubMed), Cochrane, Google Scholar, CyberLeninka and eLibrary.
Continued Ultrasound Surveillance Required after Hand Ischemia Associated with Trauma in Children
Annals of vascular surgery, 2018
Hand ischemia following trauma in children is rare, and the natural history after upper extremity arterial bypass in children is unknown. We hypothesize children with brachial artery repair are at long-term risk of developing aneurysmal degeneration or thrombosis, thus necessitating annual duplex ultrasonography and physical examination. A retrospective review of children who had brachial artery repair (bypass or vein patch) for hand ischemia secondary to trauma at a level I trauma pediatric hospital was performed. Telephone interviews were conducted to assess the presence of arm/hand symptoms (pain, weakness, fatigue, sensory function, limb length discrepancy). Between 2003 and 2016, 16 children (12 males), mean age 8 years (3-13 years) underwent brachial artery repair (12 bypass with vein, 4 vein patch). Mechanism of injury included 11 supracondylar fractures and 5 lacerations. All patients were seen at 2 weeks with a duplex ultrasound. Thirteen patients were lost to follow-up. Th...
The minimally invasive surgery in patients with chronic haemorroidal disease
Medical news of the North Caucasus
В настоящее время хронический геморрой становится одной из наиболее распространенных болезней. Заболеваемость геморроем составляет 140-160 случаев на 1000 человек взрослого населения [1, 16]. В структуре проктологической патологии на долю геморроя приходится от 34 до 41 % от общего числа колопроктологических больных [11]. В последние годы в практике лечения хронического геморроя все более широкое распространение получают малоинвазивные методы. Наиболее распро-страненным способом лечения в России по-прежнему остается геморроидэктомия, выполняемая у 75-79 % пациентов [7, 15], а малоинвазивные способы применяют лишь у 5 % [4]. Это свидетельствует как о высокой частоте встречаемости «запущенных» форм геморроя, так и о нередком сочетании геморроя с другими заболеваниями прямой кишки [5, 12, 14]. Не имеющий тенденции к снижению удельный вес рецидивов и послеоперационных осложнений после геморроидэктомии подчеркивает необходимость более тщательного обоснования показаний к оперативному Сведения об авторах:
Multimodal Neuroprotective Therapy of Comorbid Patients with Chronic Cerebral Ischemia
В статье рассмотрены этиологические факторы и патофизиологические механизмы развития и прогрессирования сосудистой мозговой недостаточности. Приведены основные направления лечения этих больных, включая комбинированное назначение полимодальных препаратов, имеющих нейропротективное, метаболическое и сосудистое действие. Ключевые слова: хроническая сосудистая мозговая недостаточность, церебральный кровоток, нейропротективная терапия.
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia (Clinical Cases)
Byulleten-Vostochno-Sibirskogo-nauchnogo-tsentra-Sibirskogo-otdeleniya-Rossiyskoy-Akademii-meditsinskih-nauk, 2016
Acute mesenteric ischemia is one of the most severe pathological conditions in terms of its course and prognosis. In the case of bowel infarction it is accompanied by an extremely high fatality rate. At the present day, despite there are ways to determine the patency of the vascular bed of the intestine accurately, developed principles and methods for the treatment of surgical interventions in different variants of acute occlusion of mesenteric vessels, it is not always possible to save the lives of patients with this disease. However, knowledge of the clinical picture of the disease, the consistent implementation of objective methods of diagnosis, timely decision on the need for surgical treatment can restore blood flow in the basin of the superior mesenteric artery and provide recovery and rehabilitation of these patients.
The phenomenon of ischemic preconditioning at the patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
Catedra Neurologie USMF„Nicolae Testemițanu”Medical scientific literature referring to the ischemic preconditioning that includes concepts, classifications, pathophysiological mechanisms and biochemical changes has been studied. Electronic library consisting of items about the importance of remote ischemic preconditioning, applied in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke has been searched. The purpose and objectives of the following research have been set out. The scientific and practical importance of remote preconditioning in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke has been established. A fost studiată revista literaturii referitor la precondiţionarea ischemică, incluzând notiuni generale, clasificari, mecanisme fiziopatologice şi biochimice. A fost cercetată biblioteca electronică cu articole ce includeau informaţii despre importanţa precondiţionării ischemice la distanţă aplicată în accidentele vasculare cerebrale ischemice şi hemoragice. Au fost stabilite scopul şi obiectivele următoarei cer...
Russian journal of hematology and transfusiology, 2021
Introduction. Among the most common congenital coagulopathies are haemophilia and Von Willebrand disease. These illnesses are often mimicked by orphan hereditary coagulopathies, including combined coagulation factor V and VIII deficiency.Aim — description of a clinical presentation, hampered diagnosis and choice of haemostatic therapy in a surgical patient with combined blood coagulation factor V and VIII deficiency.Main findings. We describe a clinical case of congenital combined factor V and VIII deficiency and detail the aetiology, frequency, localisation and intensity of haemorrhages. Comorbidity and surgical indications are demonstrated to require an inter-specialty medical involvement.