Legal and Institutional Framework for the Development and Implementation of the Environmental Management Plans in Croatia (original) (raw)
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Generally, the question of development for each area or development policy is how we develop and build, and during that procedure, how we preserve the existing biodiversity, flora and fauna, cultural heritage, air and water quality, and the landscape. In recognition of the EU acquis in the field of environmental protection, Croatia has assumed the obligation to implement a Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Plans and Programs. Social benefit from Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, as a practical way of special monitoring and assessing the impact of development activities on the environment, has proved to be very useful. It provides a possibility for the plans and programs makers to develop ideas that could be assessed while creating a document, enabling them to change the concepts and provide alternative proposals, which has not been a practice so far. The new Decree on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the impact of plans and programmes in Croatia prescribes t...
Water and Waste Management in Croatia
The natural environment is one of the most important assets in Croatia’s economy; it is one of the main drivers of economic development, given its essential role in tourism in Croatia. The country has a well-preserved environment mainly due to the absence of heavy industrial pollution over recent years; it is distinguished by a great biological and geographical diversity and has relatively abundant fresh water supplies. However, the level of environmental protection is in general lower than in the EU.
It is a well-known fact that healthy environment is a basic prerequisite for preserving people's health and quality of life. Various symptoms of environmental crisis, perceptible worldwide in their various forms, are giving a clear warning that current civilization development patterns, unless significant changes and reversals occur, are unsustainable. The paper gives an overview of actual national state of the environment. It is pointed out that institutions whose competence involves the management of particular segments of the environment are insufficiently interconnected, and thus against insufficiently developed environmental awareness and the prevailing adverse economic conditions, render difficult any positive development with regard to restoring to measures for recovery and improvement aimed at preserving good quality of the environment. It is furthermore pointed out that rational and in the long-term efficient environmental protection at national level may be achieved and maintained only if considering the state of environment in its integrity, and by taking the measures and implementing the solutions based on an interdisciplinary expert approach accompanied by holistic management. In order to increase the efficiency of environmental protection, it is certainly indispensable to achieve inter-institutional integration and action while considering and contemplating individual environmental components as an integral corpus -indivisible ecosystem.
Reflections on the Mediterranean / Jurčević, Katica ; Kaliterna Lipovčan, Ljiljana ; Ramljak, Ozana - Vis : Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar ; VERN, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 2019, 253-264, 2019
Municipal waste management is one of the most important environmental challenges of the modern world, and waste-related issues have become increasingly important in both the public and scientific arenas. Municipal solid waste is an inevitable by-product of the production and consumption patterns of modern societies. The development of waste management strategies is a complex and challenging task, influenced by technical, site-specific aspects. The City of Split is the second largest and second most populous city in Croatia (the only larger city is the national capital Zagreb) and the largest Croatian city on the Adriatic coast. It is located on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and covers a central peninsula and its surroundings. The city's economy is mainly based on tourism and the service sector, which is why it is particularly important how Split manages its municipal affairs. It is worth noting here that many other large Mediterranean cities with an economy based mainly on tourism also have similar problems, with Naples leading the way. The problem of pollution of the basic ecological system (air, water and soil) by waste as a result of the growing population is also analyzed in this paper. The Karepovac landfill in Split is currently being rehabilitated after decades of neglect. The inhabitants of Split are heavily dependent on tourism and are concerned about their city. However, the response of the local community in Split has not been strong enough to solve the serious ecological problems related to the Karepovac landfill. In this paper, mainly sociological points of view on the recovery process are presented. Interviews were conducted with the representatives of all major stakeholders (politicians, experts, media and civil society) and valuable insights were gathered on this topic.
From wish to action – how does Croatia manage its hazardous waste?
Environmental Economics, 2017
The paper analyzes the hazardous waste management system in the Republic of Croatia with respect to the obligations arising from the EU acquis communautaire in the field of environmental protection. Besides analyzing the existing legislative regulations and strategic framework, assessments were made of the amounts of hazardous waste produced as by-products of the manufacturing and service processes. The following data relating to hazardous waste producers were analyzed: air pollution emissions, water pollution emissions, soil pollution, pollution types, emissions of polluting substances, amounts of waste in the reporting year, temporary storage at the beginning and at the end of the year, waste management at the site of production, waste delivered to the waste collecting firm, waste caretakers, and data on hazardous waste export. For hazardous and special types of waste, changes in the amount of hazardous waste, collecting, storage, processing and recovery, hazardous waste caretakin...
Development of the competitive business in the context of environmental legislation in Croatia
Collegium antropologicum, 2014
Environmental protection has a key role in the context of crisis management. It is not just about development of the industry of environmental protection and implementation of new ways of management in innovative solutions in solving problems. Important area of improvement is also revision of environmental legislation aiming at simplification and reduction of costs of procedures for the business. This paper discusses problems of business sector in Croatia related to transposition of demanding environmental EU regulation, it suggests improvements such as simplification of special waste management systems, of environmental impact assessments processes, environmental permitting etc. The paper considers revision of environmental protection not by lowering environmental standards, but by introducing transparent and compromising models between business and environmental protection, based on sustainable development, with control mechanisms which don't impact functioning of business sec...
Environmentally and Tourism-Friendly Urban Planning Model - the Case of Croatia
This paper elaborates the issue of possible urban development of Croatian communities leaving low carbon footprint and less environmental impact in general which would at the same time ensure preserving of their attractiveness for inhabitants and tourists. Owing to its beauty, wealth of its ecosystems and abundancy of water, Croatia is under an ever increasing pressure of developers. Dominant model in Croatia are greenfield investments in tourism, while historical buildings or sites located in priceless city centres are often out of use. Author considers environment as an asset of the locality and of tourist destination, analyses land use and based on empirical research proposes the urban development model that is environmentally and tourism friendly. Environmentally-friendly urban planning implies fewer miles of roads and of the utilities, less pollution, less impervious surfaces, better water management and the protection of ecosystems, and less greenhouse gas emissions. It at the...
Environmental challenges for sustainable development in the Croatian North Adriatic littoral region
Dela, 2009
The paper presents some geographical aspects of sustainable development in a part of the North Adriatic region in the Republic of Croatia. This sensitive region is confronted with problems of space management, water supply, waste management, transportation and energy, especially during the tourist season because of the pressure on infrastructure in the coastal region where there is a great concentration of population and tourist capacities. Another environmental problem is the oil transportation by a pipeline which is planned to be built in the frames of Russian-Croatian project Družba-Adria.
Implementation of Green Infrastructure Principles in Dubrovnik, Croatia to Minimize
Urbani Izziv, 2015
Increasing development pressure on the Croatian coastal zone has lead to environmental degradation due to a lack of appropriate strategies and policies in promoting well-planned and managed urban areas. Research has shown that six coastal cities have been facing problems connected with climate change (storm waters, floods, soil erosion and urban heath). Key elements of urban sustainability, in spatial context, are based on a balanced relationship between built and open urban spaces on one hand and connectivity between urban open spaces and between such spaces and surrounding landscapes at the regional scale (principles of urban green infrastructure). Detailed research based on comparative analysis shows that ecological problems have to do with unbalanced urban morphology in Dubrovnik (disappearance of green areas as absorptive surfaces and loss of connectivity). The findings offer a possible conceptual solution on applying the principles of green infrastructure, where the preservation and linkage of ecologically valuable green areas within urban fabric is crucial. These areas are planned as multifunctional spaces; they are important for biodiversity, urban morphology, and urban social life, as well as for mitigating the consequences of climate change.