Benign fibrous histiocytoma of the femur: A rare pediatric case report (original) (raw)
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Pediatric femur fractures, epidemiology and treatment
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2011
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine, Klinika za dečju hirurgiju -Odeljenje ortopedije i traumatologije, Novi Sad, Srbija Apstrakt Uvod/Cilj. Prelomi femura kod dece najčešće nastaju u različitim saobraćajnim udesima, u igri i sportskim aktivnostima i kod različitih patoloških stanja kosti. Dijagnoza je relativno jednostavna, podrazumeva anamnezu, klinički i radiografski pregled. Lečenje preloma femura kod dece je neoperativno ili operativno. Cilj ove studije bio je da se prikažu epidemiološke karakteristike preloma femura kod dece, tačnije u razvojnom dobu, sa posebnom analizom primenjenih metoda lečenja, kao i poređenje dobijenih podataka sa podacima iz literature. Metode. U evaluaciju su bili uključeni sledeći parametri: uzrast, pol, uzrok, vrsta i lokalizacija preloma femura, primenjeni tretman, kao i dužina hospitalizacije. Rezultati. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 143 preloma femura, 109 (76,2%) kod bolesnika muškog pola i 34 (23,8%) kod bolesnika ženskog pola. Uočen je statistički značajno veći broj povređenih muškog pola u odnosu na ženski pol (p = 0,0001). Prosečan uzrast dečaka u analiziranom periodu bio je 8,56 ± 5,49, a devojčica 8,68 ± 4,93 godina. Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na uzrast ove dve grupe (p = 0,758). Najčešće su bili zastupljeni prelomi dijafize femura, kod 93 (65,03%) bolesnika. Slede, prelomi gornjeg dela, kod 30 (20,98%) bolesnika, i prelomi donjeg dela, kod 20 (13,99%) bolesni-
Granulocytic sarcoma of the femur in a patient with acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2011
Introduction. Granulocytic sarcoma, chloroma or myeloblastoma are observed in 3% to7% of acute myeloid leukaemia and represents localized tumour composed of collection of immature leukaemic cells. It appears most frequently in patients with M2, M4 and M5 subtypes of acute myeloid leukaemia Case Outline. A 58-year-old female presented with pain and oedema of the right upper limb in November 2009. After two months the patinet had fracture dislocation and numerous osteolytic lesions of the right femur. Immunohistochemistry of tumour biopsy showed megakaryoblastic granulocytic sarcoma which was CD31++, F-XIII++, CD34-, FVIII+++, S100-, aktin-, EMA++, Bcl2++, CD43++, with positive proliferative marker measured with Ki-67 positivity in more of 50% of cells. Aspirate of bone marrow and immunophenotyping with flowcytometry revealed diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia. The course of the disease was rapid and the patient died before commencing chemotherapy, five months after first c...
Basal ganglia germinomas in children. Four clinical cases and a literature review
Voprosy neirokhirurgii imeni N.N. Burdenko, 2016
Интракраниальные герминомы составляют 0,5-2,1% первичных опухолей головного мозга [1-3]. В большинстве случаев заболевание развивается у подростков мужского пола, в азиатской популяции в несколько раз чаще, чем в европейской. Герминомы, как правило, локализуются в пинеальной или супраселлярной области [2, 4]. Доминирующими симптомами заболевания при локализации в хиазмально-селлярной области обычно являются снижение зрения и эндокринные расстройства, при локализации в пинеальной области-симптомы внутричерепной гипертензии и поражения среднего мозга (синдром Парино). Однако в 5-10% случаев
Atypical and typical course of neurofibromatosis type 1 in combination with pheochromocytoma
Endocrine Surgery
Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a hereditary disease that has a multisystem character of organism damage, a wide variability of clinical manifestations, up to the almost complete absence of typical symptoms. Phenotypic manifestations, their expressiveness and heaviness can be varied even among members of the same family with identical mutations. One of the possible clinical manifestations of this pathology is pheochromocytoma, the development of which is associated with a high risk of developing life-threatening conditions. Timely diagnosis of the disease, the choice of treatment tactics for the patient, genetic testing of blood relatives can significantly improve the survival rate and prognosis of the disease. In this article, on the presented clinical examples of patients with a typical and atypical course of type 1 neurofibromatosis in combination with pheochromocytoma, the issues of managing patients with this pathology are outlined.
Feline mammary fibroepithelial hyperplasia
The Agrarian Scientific Journal, 2019
A review of scientific literature concerning pathophisiology, diagnosis and the current methods of treatment of feline fibroepithelial hyperplasia of mammary gland is presented.
Case report: a child with cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria
Russian Pediatric Journal, 2020
Background. In the international clinical practice there have been occasional reports of phenylketonuria (PKU) and cystic fibrosis (CF) found simultaneously in the same patient. Both PKU and CF are the inherited disorders characterized by autosomal recessive type of inheritance. Currently the combination of two or more inherited disorders in one patient is considered to be a clinical rarity.Case description. This is a clinical case of two genetic disorders, CF and PKU, combined in a 5-year old patient who had been followed up since birth. Owing to implementation of neonatal screening for inherited and congenital diseases into clinical practice, during the first month of life the infant was diagnosed with CF (diagnostically significant elevation of immunoreactive trypsin [IRT] at the initial [163.2 ng/mL] and repeat testing on day 21 of life [138.7 ng/mL]) and PKU (phenylalanine [PA] level 15.9 mg/dL). Both disorders have been confirmed by genetic tests, i.e., homozygous DelF508 muta...
N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Proximal femoral fractures (PFF) are one of the most common reasons for admission of patients to a traumatological and orthopedic hospital. For the vast majority of patients with PFF, such injury means a loss of the previous degree of mobility. Clinical guidelines are the main working tool of a practicing physician, both a specialist and a narrow practice doctor. Conciseness, structuredness of information about a particular nosology, methods of its diagnosis and treatment, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, allow to give in a short time one or another answer to a question of interest to a specialist, to achieve maximum efficiency and personalization of treatment. These clinical guidelines include data on the classification, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of proximal femoral fractures. In addition, they provide methods for the rehabilitation of patients with this pathology.