IJSER, 2019

Language is a carrier of culture. It conveys all the information about culture in verbal and written forms. On the other hand, culture influences and shapes language. Language is intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved. The following research had been placed within the socio cultural approach of discourse analysis in order to highlight how language is a cultural and psychological tool for getting things done. It further illustrated that how speakers construct the contextual foundations of their talk. It illustrated the influence of socio cultural factors on the structure, rhetorical devices, and choice of words of participants’ written and spoken discourse. The following Qualitative study aimed to identify those socio cultural elements which implicitly influence one’s expression of thought, emotions and perceptions and such expression of one’s subjectivity servers as a manifestation of one’s conscious identity. For that purpose, document analysis and semi-structured interviews was conducted among participants belong to different socio cultural background. The data was analyzed by using Fairclough three dimension model of discourse analysis. It was concluded that socio cultural factors do influence one’s language in terms of their choices of words and it also causes hindrances to one’s expression of Identity

Sociocultural Implications of Language: An Investigation of the Hindrances Caused by Sociocultural Factors on Expressive Discourse


Language is a carrier of culture. It conveys all the information about culture in verbal and written forms. On the other hand, culture influences and shapes language. Language is intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved. The following research had been placed within the socio cultural approach of discourse analysis in order to highlight how language is a cultural and psychological tool for getting things done. It further illustrated that how speakers construct the contextual foundations of their talk. It illustrated the influence of socio cultural factors on the structure, rhetorical devices, and choice of words of participants’ written and spoken discourse. The following Qualitative study aimed to identify those socio cultural elements whi...

A Social Cultural Approach to Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis as a research method can be found in two major families, linguistic-based analysis (such as conversation) and culturally or socially based discursive practices. From the angle of method, discourse analysis can be divided into five categories, that is, structural analysis, cognitive analysis, social cultural analysis, critical analysis and synthetic analysis. In the paper, Social cultural analysis is chosen to be discussed as it regards discourse as interactional activities and emphasizes the social function of language. Language interaction involves all sorts of social cultural contexts; the author tries his best to make an exploration in discourse analysis from the social cultural approach so as to contribute something to the research.

Discourse analysis: The sociolinguistic analysis of natural language


Contents Acknowledgements ix Notational Conventions xi PART ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Discourse Analysis: A Programmatic Introduction \ 1 Language, action, knowledge and situation 1 2 The impossibility of discourse analysis? 3 3 Discourse analysis and linguistics 6 4 Discourse ...

Discourse as a Phenomenon of Culture


anthropological perspective has involved treating language as a component of culture" 3. 1. Culture as a mediating system in the study of discourse As has been rightly noted by the representatives of linguistic anthropology E. Keating and A. Duranti in their work "Discourse and Culture", "Discourse <…> is what makes human cultures possible and unique". They view the phenomenon of culture from several perspectives. Thus, the cognitive point of view describes culture as a knowledgebased view of culture; the semiotic point of view equates culture with communication (culture is communication), presenting it as a representation system existing through myths, rituals 4. Following the perspectives of linguistic anthropologists, culture can be described as a mediating system or as a way in which people learn to use tools and mechanisms, including language. Interestingly, they emphasise the role of language in discourse or as a mediator between past and present, potential and existing, given in reality and imagined. In this respect, the concept of cooperative action by Ch. Goodwin 5 can be discussed in more detail. According to the author's observations, cooperative actions are at the heart of culture as a whole, as such actions involve using resources left behind by anonymous predecessorsmaterial artefacts (not only specialised tools such as Mansell's colour atlas or a sophisticated oceanographic instrument, but also the most familiar things like kitchen utensils), language signs, categories of professional discourse. In this way, Ch. Goodwin sought to show that all human activities, every cultural form, can be described in terms of cooperative action. With regard to language, Ch. Goodwin emphasised the need for an integral approach, the use of which involves analysing speech activity, discourse, from both a linguistic perspective and a social action perspective, "since both are carried out simultaneously by speakers" 5. 3 Bargiella-Chiappini F. Interculturality, "culture-in-use", and intercultural business discourse. Communication in the professions.

Socio-cultural System of Communication: Imitation, Development and Limitations

A language learner understands the prevalent socio-cultural system of communication. A language continues to be a system in a circle with sounds and emotions. Knowing words also needs the understanding of the sentiments and the emotional appeal that they evoke according to the context. Sometimes words is used in one circle in the same language may not have the same effect in another circle. There is a great difference between one and the other with regard to the use of the language if the socio-cultural components are varied. This paper analyses the system and elucidates its connection with the sentiments and differences, without getting into which effective communication cannot take place. The present study also aims at unearthing the need to be involved emotionally into the expressions of a target language along with the awareness about the grammatical rudiments and vocabulary for effective communication, in the activity of language teaching and learning.