The Local Wisdom in Javanese Traditional Games (Ethnolinguistic Study) (original) (raw)

Local wisdom values of Javanese children’s traditional games: a methaphorical ecolinguistic view


This research focuses on the description of local wisdom values in the traditional children’s games based on the local Javanese culture. The locational research data source was the Javanese children living in a Javanese community, especially those in Yogyakarta. The substantive data was the local wisdom values contained in the traditional children’s games. The data was gathered by using the observation method, namely by observing texts of traditional children’s games available during the research timeline. The techniques used to apply the observation method were recording and note-taking. Besides the observation method, interviewing methods were also applied. Interview was conducted to several experts who understand the local wisdom values contained in the Javanese traditional children’s games. In addition, the interview was conducted to children who play the traditional children’s games. Data analysis was carried out using distributional and content analysis methods. This research ...

Retrofitting Javanese Traditional Games as Indonesia Culture Identity: Providing English Vocabulary

Permainan tradisional Jawa merupakan salah satu budaya yang diwariskan dari masyarakat turun temurun yang sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, khususnya untuk mendidik anak-anak. Sayangnya, dampak game modern di era modern dari negara lain telah meruntuhkan posisi permainan lokal. Hal itu nampaknya memberi dampak negatif bagi anak-anak saat ini. Mereka cenderung fokus pada game baru di google playstore tanpa memahami nilai edukatif dari game itu. Akibatnya anak-anak meninggalkan permainan tradisional Jawa dan meninggalkan permainan edukatif. Peneliti bertujuan untuk memodifikasi permainan tradisional Jawa dalam menyajikan kosa kata bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak untuk memotivasi mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, peneliti mengadaptasi model Kemp and Yalden dari rancangan program instruksional untuk perkuatan permainan Tradisional Jawa. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa permainan Tradisional Jawa: Pembelajaran Alfabet adalah hasil yang disempurnakan dari permainan Sobyong, Pembelajaran Hari adalah hasil yang direkonstruksi dari permainan Engklek, Pembelajaran Warna adalah hasil yang disempurnakan dari permainan "Jamuran", dan Pembelajaran bagian – bagian tubuh manusia, adalah hasil yang diperbaiki dari "Oyak-Oyakan". Modifikasi permainan ini bisa dinikmati dalam proses belajar kosa kata bahasa inggris. Abstract A traditional Javanese game was one of the cultures inherited of hereditary society which has great value to society, specifically to educate the children. Unfortunately, the impact a lot of modern games in modern era from other countries has demolished the position of local games. It seem gave negative impact for children today. They tend to focus on new game (download new game continuously) in Google play store without understanding educative value of it's game. Consequently the children abandon traditional Javanese game and leave educative game. The researcher aimed to retrofit traditional Javanese games to provide English vocabulary for children in order to motivate them in Learning English. To solve the problem the researcher adapted Kemp and Yalden model of instructional program design to retrofitting Javanese traditional game. The result showed that Javanese traditional games: Learning alphabet was the result retrofitted from Sobyong game, Learning days was the result retrofitted from Engklek game, Learning Colors was the result retrofitted from " Jamuran " game, and Learning part of body was the result retrofitted from "Oyak-Oyakan". These modification games could be enjoyed in English vocabulary learning process.

Recognition of Traditional Games in Indonesia as Cultural Preservation Efforts Through Special Event

Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination (ICTGTD 2016), 2017

This research discusses the introduction to build the awareness and recognition of the traditional games in this country. The existence of these traditional games start to be erased along with the movement of the era. This threatened existence cause many children and youth, as the main actor in the preservation of national culture, even do not know about this treasure heritage. Based on that concern writers try to make an activity to introduce various kinds of traditional games from some parts of Indonesia that applicable and suitable enough with today's condition.. The benefits value of the games also being presented together with the tutorial. This thesis is formed in an outing activity with the traditional games as the tools. Nusantara game activities with the introduction of those aspects in which the value of culture, philosophy, history, role, application, and benefits should be part in preserving national culture and also provide for regional cultural traits. This study combine the methodology of R&D and Action Research with descriptive approach with qualitative data approach. The results of this study identified that the game does have a big part in the archipelago nation's cultural heritage. Through the efforts of recognition given in the project, this activities carried out that the traditional games need to be introduced to the people as a cultural preservation efforts since by recognize these games and its aspects will enhance the awareness of individuals and groups about the importance of preserving the national culture in this form of traditional games.

The Education Philosophy in Sumatera Traditional Games: Recording Islands in Indonesia to Preserve Culture


The purpose of this study was to describe the philosophy of education existing in folk games around the Indonesian archipelago. The study used ethnographic methods in researching local sites originating from the culture as the object of the research. Based on the research findings, 13 traditional games in Sumatra Island are still played, including the figure of the fig, cato, blast, ligu, dakocan, sundung khulah, erdeger, giddy, gibber, no-tek, bicau, and tejekan-teekan. The philosophy of education in the games more dominantly is on the philosophy of pragmatism, realism, and existentialism—while other educational philosophies that less dominant are reconstructionism, idealism, and progressivism. However, a variety of folk games on Sumatra Island includes education values of perseverance, smart thinking, being creative, and focused thinking. Folk games can strengthen friendship and mutual familiarity with others. The games of cato, giddy, no-tek, and teasing are some typical children...

Study of Ethnomathematics Exploration of Arul Games Lampung Culture

Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal

The purpose of this research is to explore the mathematical concepts that exist in traditional arul games. This research is an exploratory study with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and literature studies. The results showed that in traditional games arul found mathematical concepts including the concept of division, fractions, comparison, the revival of two circles, the determination of the center point of the circle, the unit is not standard, half hollow ball, circle, chance, distance, speed and time. The mathematical elements contained in traditional games can be used as learning materials in the classroom so that it is more contextual and a means in preserving local culture. Keywords: ethnomamatics, traditional game, Lampung

Cooperative Values of Indonesian Folk Games: Efforts in the Nation Character Building\_Vol.5\_Issue.10\_Oct2018/Abstract\_IJRR0037.html, 2018

Indonesia has several folk games, such as kasti (baseball), lari goni (gunny run), engrang (bamboo feet), congklak (picking stones), patok lele (wood sticking), engklek (single foot jump), lompat tali (rope jump), kelereng (marbles), and pecah piring (plate breaking). The research method utilized focus group discussion which was aimed at getting thorough mechanism of the games. Discussions were conducted several times and involved students who were divided into some groups; each group consisted of 5-8 players who were active students at an Islamic boarding school which was located in Simpang Mangga village, Bandar Huluan district, Simalungun Regency with other supporting elements, such as the technical recording, documentation, and technical unit. The results found that there are eighteen values: faith, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard-work, creativity, independence, democratics, curiousity, spirit of nationality, love for homeland, appreciation to achievement, friendliness, love for peace, reading hobbies, care for environment, social concerns, responsibility. The traditional games can be applied in schools, families and communities to form nation character building for pupils, students, children, among others.

Model of Java Traditional Games in Forming Social Character of Early Age in TK Perwanis Medan

Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal, 2020

This study aims to describe how the implementation of traditional Javanese game models in shaping the social character of children in Perwanis Medan Kindergarten as well as describing what social characters are produced from traditional Javanese games (hide and seek, congklak, crank, and cublak-cublak suweng). This research is a type of qualitative descriptive study, with research subjects namely the school principal, teacher, school committee, and several children at TK Perwanis Medan. Data collection techniques used in the form of; observation, interview and documentation. Analysis of the data used in the form of descriptive analysis, which includes three pathways namely; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The conclusion obtained is that the implementation of social character formation through traditional games has been going well and optimally, while the indications of each of the basic elements of social character education, including: moral knowing (mor...

Sundanese Traditional Games as Media for Promoting Children’s Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Development in Cikaum Subang

Journal Sampurasun : Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage

Preschool age that ranges from three to five years old is considered as a critical period for children’s development in several aspects. This development is highly suggested to be stimulated through activities that can be enjoyed by the children. Starting from this point, this study aims to investigate how Sundanese traditional games can promote the development of children’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities that are widely recognized as the three crucial learning domains proposed by Bloom (1956). The study that was conducted in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Cikaum Subang employed a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were taken from questionnaires that were distributed to 92 PAUD teachers as the participants. The study reveals that about 85% of the participants implemented traditional games as one of the teaching methods in their classes. Based on the analysis, it was found that the various types of traditional games employed by singing, guess...

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Developing Children’s Linguistics Intelligence using Sodokoro Traditional Game


Abstract: The utilization of traditional games in teaching has been done in some of both developed and developing countries. In Indonesia, some kindergartens have utilized some local traditional games to develop children intelligence. One of these is Sodokoro game. To have a strong theoretical base and to comply with educational philosophy on this game, this study used Research and Development method. The model was combined with action research to justify model. In addition, it was conducted a visiting to some Kindergartens that utilize the Sodokoro game as teaching media. This study concluded that it is very important to develop linguistic intelligence of children because from this intelligence, it can be derived other intelligences. The result imply that it needs further and in-depth studies that mainly related to the physique, psychic and sosiological aspets of chidren in utilizing the game. Hence, the study recommend a curriculum development, both from government and nongovernem...

Gelati Ilmu: The Educational Game in Banten-Dialect Javanese Language for Learning Media of Fourth Grade Students

International Journal of Elementary Education

Banten-Dialect Javanese Language is one of the most difficult subjects, according to the 4th grade elementary school students. This situation is caused by several factors, namely motivation, environment, mother tongue, surrounding culture, as well as the boring and less innovative instructional media. The study aims to develop a quality educational game as an alternative learning media for the Banten-Dialect Javanese Language subject. This type of research is development. The study used the ADDIE model as a development method. This educational game had been validated by 1 material experts and 1 media expert. The experiment subjects were 4th grade students collected 30 students. Data collected methods are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The technique of analysing the data is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of validity test by material experts were 94.44% (very good) and by media experts, namely 83.92% (very good), so it is said to be valid....