Valuable Information about Bulgarian History in the Vita of a Little Known Saint and Old Bulgarian Literature (original) (raw)

The Silence of the Bulgarian Clio, or the Missing of Bulgarian Medieval Chronicles’

The article poses the problem of the missing Bulgarian chronicles during the Middle-ages. It traces the literary appearances of historical consciousness in different parts of Bulgarian history between the 7th and 15th century. The conclusion reached is that the old-bulgarian historiography is a sign of consecutive, although maybe unconscious refusal of objective reflection of the ongoing events. The created texts are an attempt of recreation of history in relation to some ideal image of the past, which is usually (or should be) used as an argument in the aspirations towards political and ethnical autonomy.

Historical memory of the times of the First Bulgarian Empire in the Bulgarian literary monuments of the 15th–16th centuries

Vertograd multicoloured: dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of Boris N. Florya, 2018

роблема исторической памяти как одного из компонентов коллективной памяти, соотношения между памятью и историей получила широкое освещение в научной литературе и остается актуальной до сих пор. Начиная с середины 1920-х гг. она является предметом исследования не только профессиональных историков, но и философов, социологов, политологов и культурологов 1. Усилиями ученых разных специальностей было вы-Приношу глубокую благодарность ведущему научному сотруднику Отдела истории средних веков Института славяноведения РАН А.А. Турилову за неоценимую помощь при подготовке данной статьи. Статья написана в рамках работы над проектом программы Президиума РАН «Этнические, конфессиональные, социокультурные компоненты идентичности славянских народов в Центральной, Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе: от раннего Нового времени до наших дней».

„The Antiquity of the Fatherland and the Deeds of the Bulgarians” by Petar Bogdan Baksič – Structure, Contents, Main Historical Sources

Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum), 2019

is preliminary study of the only extant manuscript of the historical tractate, written by the catholic arcbishop Petar Bogdan Baksič (1601–1674) in Latin and rediscovered in 2017, aims to reveal the methodological principlesof the author, the structure and the historical sources of the text. In the treatise there is evidence about the date of its creation (1666) as well as about the main historical sources used by the author. These sources include some well known historical works written by Caesar Baronius, Antonio Bonfini, Martin Cromer, Mauro Orbini, the popular Luca Wadding’s Annales Minorum,dogmatical works and hagiographical accounts of authors such as Charles Vialart, Sixtus of Siena, Pietro de’ Natali, Ivan Tomko Marnavič, Latin translations of medieval ecclesiastical histories, etc. The article claims that the main goal of the author was to offer a historical account of the catholicism in the Bulgarian lands, mainly in the region around Chiprovez, called "fatherland&quo...

Щрихи от историята на българския Златен век: преводната литература в контекста на духовното присъединяване към византийската общност (Outlines of the History of the Bulgarian Golden Age: Translated Literature in the Context of the Spiritual Integration to the Byzantine Commonwealth)

Български език и литература, 61, 4, 2019, 407–418.

Bulgarian Golden Age is, on the one hand, a time of territorial expansion and significant presence on the political map of Europe; on the other hand, it is the period of the first major peaks in Slavic literature, and, probably, in arts and architecture. At its core, the Golden Age is joining the spirituality and mentality of the Byzantine world and adoption of the achievements of its centuries-old philosophical tradition. The Byzantine models in literature were borrowed by using two co-existing principles: copying and adaptation. The former might be observed in most of the works intended for non-liturgical individual or monastic reading, which were translated in full. The latter is found in miscellanies compiled from partial translations and excerpts, or in Old Bulgarian translations that were abridged, edited, or reworked. The article aims at examining the most important examples of such adaptation and its features, pointing out the role of the aristocracy and the ruler himself in guiding these processes. Българският Златен век е, от една страна, време на териториални разширения и значимо присъствие на политическата карта на Европа. От друга страна, това е епохата на първите големи върхове в областта на славянската писмена култура, и, вероятно, на изобразителните изкуства и архитектурата. В същността си Златният век е присъединяване към духовността и менталността на византийския свят и усвояване на достиженията на една многовековна философска традиция. Възприемането на византийските модели се осъществява посредством два съсъществуващи принципа: препредаване на образците и адаптиране на образците. Първият е водещ за много от произведенията за индивидуално или монашеско четене, които били превеждани изцяло като огледално отражение на своите оригинали. Що се отнася до втория принцип, той може да се открие в преводни сбирки, съставени от извлечения от византийски патристични съчинения или от съкратени, редактирани или преработени готови старобългарски преводи. Статията си поставя за цел да изследва най-важните примери за подобен тип адаптиране и техните характерни особености, като особено внимание се отделя на ролята на аристокрацията и владетеля за инициирането и насочването на тези процеси.

Bulgarian State Tradition and its Delivery to Europe. The Deluge: Oldest Written Evidences and Migrations of Bulgarians. Yavor Y. Shopov, Petko Dimitrov, Dimitar Dimitrov and Bono Shkodrov-Avant-garde Research of Ancient Bulgarians, v.1, pp. 3-23, (2007) PART 1

We studied the earliest version of the Deluge story, which was found on two clay tablets excavated from the Older Nippur library in “Tablet Hill”, Nippur by H. Hilprecht. These two tablets with cuneiform inscriptions were written by the tsar (emperor) of Kutians Erridu- pizir after he conquered the whole Sumer and Akkad in 2478 B.C. (accordingly the Nippur chronology). They state that the house-boat of the Ut- napishtim (the Babylonian Noah) landed on the mount Nisir in the land of Kuti (Guti). We studied the history of people of Kuti and demonstrated that national name Kuti is older version of Kutiguri (the biggest branch of ancient Bulgarians living in the Great Bulgar in VI- VII-th century AD). The affix -guri means people in ancient Bulgarian language, i.e. Kutiguri means “people of Kuti”. This result links the ancient Bulgarians with the land of Kuti where landed the house-boat of Ut- napishtim. Therefore we studied the locations of the Kuti by toponims and hydronames they left in Asia. We placed them on the map to obtain a map of their settlements. We studied the ceramic fragments left by Kutians found at these locations and compared them with ceramics found in Bulgaria. Using the drawing patterns on these artifacts we found that Kutians were leaving in Bulgaria in the first half of the 6-th millennium B.P. and letter migrated south perhaps in result of the Flood. They established settlements in Zagros Mts in Iran in the beginning of the 4-th millennium B.P. Probably Erridu- pizir considered these territories under “land of Kuti”. We found in Iran 210 toponims and hydronames formed on the base of Kuti. We studied the morphology of these ancient Bulgarian ethnonims. They are compared with Bulgarian ethnonims in Bulgaria and in the ancient states of Volga Bulgar and the Great Bulgar, and with synthetic toponims formed from the same base with the same suffixes as these forming the toponims in Bulgaria. This way we determined the different Bulgarian toponims in Iran, which coincide with the theoretical (synthetic) Bulgarian toponims. 68 of them still exist not only in Iran, but also in Bulgaria, the Great Bulgar or Volga Bulgar territories (now in Ukraine and Russia). We found also many toponims in Iran, which coincide with the names of the major cities and peaks in Bulgaria, which were named by ancient Bulgarians (Varna, Burgas, Madara, Balkan etc.). Some of them form the name of up to 43 different places in Iran each (they are repeated in up to 43 toponims each). Using toponims we demonstrated that ancient Bulgarians migrated to Europe from the Kushan Empire after its decomposition. Then they founded Bulgarian state tradition in Europe.