Evaluasi Pelayanan Kawasan Pasar 16 Ilir Pasca Kebijakan Penertiban Dan Tata Kota Palembang Tahun 2004 (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Publisitas
This study discusses how public services provide social welfare to the community. In the study of public service analysis for the social welfare of the community related to local government policies with minimum service standards originating from central policy. This study aims to describe how public services for community social welfare in Gandus District, Palembang City can run well according to the wishes of the local community. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The informants in this study were 13 (thirteen) people, and the sample was taken using the Snowball Sample. The results of the study found that public services related to policies in social welfare services for the community have been going well, this is strengthened by the activities carried out by the Government as much as possible in realizing a good service as a whole for the benefit of society.
geoedusains: Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi, 2021
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Good Governance In Structure Belantik Raya People's Market In Siak District
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics, 2022
The guidance carried out by the Department of Trade and Industry of Siak Regency on the Belantik Market which is included in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) People's Market is one of the government's efforts to realize good governance. This study aims to determine and analyze the application of good governance in the arrangement of the Belantik Raya People's Market in Siak Regency. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data analysis technique using triangulation technique. The results of this study explain that the implementation of good governance in the arrangement of the Belantik Raya People's Market in Siak Regency has been running for 2 (two) years in accordance with the rules that apply as an SNI Market. If it is associated with the theory of good governance, according to Sedarmayanti, the indicators are: Accountability, Transparency, Openness, Legal Certainty/Rule of Law that the application of the Belantik Raya People's SNI in Siak Regen...
JIM UPB: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Universitas Putera Batam, 2019
Decreasing the level of consumer satisfaction in the traditional market becomes a homework for policy makers, especially the regional government, as well as the people who are around the market, the community is now conducting transactions in a place not only to fulfill consumption, but there is also another side outside it, the level of security, comfort level is one of the factors causing the reduction in the level of community visits to traditional markets, the community now also sometimes makes the market a family recreation area, but there are indeed transactions. In this study the method used is a qualitative approach, because this method can analyze all activities in a planned manner so as to produce data in response to a problem or to test a hypothesis. Researchers in conducting this research used several data sources including primary data and secondary data. The role of the Cilegon regional government has been very maximal, in terms of facilities it has been proven that the local government has expanded land in 2014. Then from the regulari regional government continues to strive so that all public places including the traditional markets continue to improve Order, Cleanliness, and Beauty for convenience together with the issuance of these regional regulations. With the issuance of a number of these regulations, it has proven that the local government of the city of Cilegon has maximally performed its role, public places, including traditional markets, new markets, peacocks so that they continue to grow and even experience an increase so that it will prosper all parties. In terms of increased sales, the researchers analyzed that from a total of 556 kiosks, only 31 or only 5.57%, empty or unoccupied kiosks, this shows that the interest of traders to sell in the market is still very high, and that is related to the increasing number people who feel fasting as consumers for the services, comfort and safety of the New Merak market, so that they continue to visit these markets, this is all achieved thanks to the help and participation of all
Analisis Kesejahteraan Pedagang Kaki Lima DI Kota Sigli Kabupaten Pidie
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of welfare of street vendors in Sigli City before with after market relocation. The population in this study were all street vendors, totaling 166 street vendors. Sampling is done using the "Census" method. Census method is a method used to examine all the elements in the research area so that the results of the study will be more realistic. To find out the level of welfare of street vendors in the City of Sigli seen from the income obtained by traders before the after market relocation using a different test (t test ) This identified that there had been a decline in the level of welfare of street vendors in the city of Sigli Post-Relocation of their place of sale by the Pidie Government. The decline in street vendors' income after relocation reached almost 50 percent of the previous sales points. The results of verification using a different test show that the count of the output is 87.716 greater than the t table o...