Internetbasierte Untersuchungen zur diagnostischen Klassifikation und Kodierung psychischer Störungen im Vergleich von ICD-11 und ICD-10 (original) (raw)
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Aim of the study: For the 11 th revision of the International Classifi cation of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) attitudes of psychologists towards classifi catory diagnostics should be considered. Method: A survey was conducted via the Internet in 22 countries. 1985 psychologists participated with N = 170 from Germany and N = 37 from Switzerland. Results: The German participants preferred the ICD. Classifi catory diagnostics should inform on treatment as well as serve for communication. The majority argued for a fl exible use and guidance towards strict criteria. In contrast to res pondents from other countries, a functional status as part of the diagnostic criteria was not considered but in line with them, a dimensional component was endorsed. Conclusions: Responses of the German psychologists partially diff er to those of participants from other countries. Diff erences and implications are discussed.
Internetbasierte psychologische Diagnostik
Bislang gibt es keine einheitliche Definition von „internetbasierter psychologischer Diagnostik “. Manche Autoren betonen ausschließlich den technologischen Aspekt und subsumieren alle computerbasierten Verfahren darunter, bei denen Testdarbietung und Datenspeicherung über das Internet erfolgt. Dazu zählen dann auch computerbasierte Testungen in Testlaboren, bei denen die Datenspeicherung nicht lokal sondern auf einem entfernten (Internet) server erfolgt (z. B. Meade, Michels & Lautenschlager, 2007).
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Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 2014
For the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) attitudes of psychologists towards classificatory diagnostics should be considered. A survey was conducted via the Internet in 22 countries. 1985 psychologists participated with N=170 from Germany and N=37 from Switzerland. The German participants preferred the ICD. Classificatory diagnostics should inform on treatment as well as serve for communication. The majority argued for a flexible use and guidance towards strict criteria. In contrast to respondents from other countries, a functional status as part of the diagnostic criteria was not considered but in line with them, a dimensional component was endorsed. Responses of the German psychologists partially differ to those of participants from other countries. Differences and implications are discussed.
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 2009
The ICD-10-Symptom-Rating (ISR) is a self-rating questionnaire for patients. According to its conceptualization, the instrument was developed to closely represent the syndrome structure of the ICD-10 while assessing the extent of psychological distress an individual suff ers from. The results of diff erent factor analyses testing the postulated syndrome structure as well as item and scale characteristics are reported here. Data was collected from a consecutive sample of 1 057 psychosomatic patients of the University Hospital Charit é Berlin. Evaluation of the dimensional structure of the questionnaire included exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses each computed with a randomized half of the sample. Multi-Sample-Analyses with diff erent subgroups of the sample were performed to test the stability of the factor structure. The individual factors were constituted by the postulated syndrome units of the ICD-10 involving a high and uniform distribution of accounted variance. They also proved themselves satisfactorily stable over the diff erent subsamples. The scales showed a high degree of internal consistency with relatively small gender and age eff ects, while psychological disorders had a large eff ect on the means of the scales. Taking a perspective of test theory, the ICD-10-Symptom-Rating is in accordance with the syndrome structure of the ICD-10 and suitable for the assessment of psychological symptoms. Other aspects pertaining to the reliability and validity of the ISR remain to be proven in future research. Heruntergeladen von: University of Pittsburgh. Urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Internetbasierte psychologische Behandlung bei Depressionen
Verhaltenstherapie, 2013
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