The Effect of Leadership Style on the Performance of Pharmaceutical Personnel in the Local Hospitals in Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
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Abstrack Leadership has essenstial role in district hospitals operational which implement the Regional Public Service Board (BLUD) policy. The BLUD policy is intended to overcome financial constraints by providing flexibility in financial and resources management to improve performance in the community service. Shifting patterns of hospital management autonomy as corporations need to be run with management and service breakthroughs. The transformational leadership style needs to be applied in district hospitals to drive organizational and personal climate to generate the performance. The study in Semarang city district hospital was conducted on 100 samples showed that 53% of respondents deem that the transformational leadership style was applied well. Organizational outcome have been good in organizational citizenship behavior (51%), organizational culture (79%) and hospital vision (88%). Personal outcome provide better results in empowerment ((97%), job satisfaction (75%), commitment (73%), trust (73%), self-efficacy beliefs (94%) and motivation (79%). The result of logistic regression analysis reveals that leadership influences organizational outcome on citizenship behavior and organizational culture. A good leadership style will affect the organizational citizenship behavior of 4,51 times better (Exp B = 4,518). A good leadership style will make organizational culture 6,94 times better (Exp B = 6,942). While the logistic regression analysis shows the influence of leadership on personal outcome in job satisfaction, trust and motivation. Good leadership will encourage job satisfaction of 7.11 times greater (Exp B = 7,11), will increase the confidence of personnel by 12,34 (Exp B = 12,346). Good leadership will increase the motivation of hospital personnel 3,67 times bigger (Exp B = 36672). It is sugested to hospital leaders improving leadership styles by working up creativity and personnel innovation, paying attention on personel needs and better remuneration. To improve personal achievement, it is necessary to intensify supervision and invent comfortable working atmosphere.
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This research aims to determine the simultaneous or partial influence of leadership style, work environment and work discipline variables on the performance of Arjasari Community Health Center employees. In this study, the samples were employees of the Arjasari Community Health Center with a sample size of 30 people. This research uses quantitative methods with a total sampling technique. And the data analysis tool uses the SPSS version 25.0 program. Based on the results of research at the Arjasari health center, it shows that leadership style, work environment and work discipline influence employee performance both partially and simultaneously with a determination coefficient test value (R₂) of 0.978 or 97.8% so it can be interpreted as 97.8% The performance of Arjasari Community Health Center employees (Y) can be explained by the variables leadership style (X₁), work environment (X₂), and work discipline (X₃) This is an open access article under theCC BY-NClicense
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Basically, a few things need to be taken into account to improve the performance of an organization's employees. These are leadership, job characteristics, and work-ability. PT Tosa Sakti Sejahtera, Langkat Regency, North Sumatera, is one of the companies engaged in oil palm plantations and has many employees with various characteristics. A leader must be able to control himself in any situation, control and control his employees, and provide direction and motivation so that employees can work optimally to obtain optimal results. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership, job characteristics, and work-ability on the performance of employees of PT Tosa Sakti Sejahtera, Langkat Regency, North Sumatera. The data collected in this study were primary and secondary data, which were collected through data collection instruments such as questionnaires, interviews, and documentation studies. The population in this study consisted of 45 respondents. This study uses quantitative data with a multiple linear regression method. The test results show that partial leadership positively and significantly affects employee performance. Job characteristics have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work-ability has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, simultaneously, the leadership, job characteristics, and work-ability variables have a positive and significant effect on company performance.
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This research aims to determine the effect of leadership on employee performance at PT. Stella Satindo in Jakarta. The method used is explanatory research with a sample of 54 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this research, the leadership variable obtained an average score of 3.75 with good criteria. Employee performance variables obtained an average score of 3.88 with good criteria. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with the regression equation Y = 13.715 + 0.670X, and a correlation coefficient value of 0.817 or has a very strong level of relationship with a determination value of 66.7%. Hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05.\_Vol.8\_Issue.10\_Oct2021/IJRR-Abstract017.html, 2021
Not achieving the Key Performance Index (KPI) target within 5 consecutive years can be used as an indicator of the lack of maximum management in the company in facing competition. In-depth considerations are needed to answer the problems that occur related to this performance decline. Referring to several studies conducted related to motivation and performance, it is known that many variables can affect performance. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of transformational, democratic and situational leadership styles on employee performance at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Sharia Medan Branch Office. The population in this study were all employees who worked at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Sharia Medan Branch Office. Many samples in this study were as many as 50 respondents. Data were collected using observations and questionnaires. The data is tested using validity and reliability tests, and the data must meet the elements of the classical assumption test. Furthermore, the data analysis test was carried out using multiple regression analysis; t test, F test, and the coefficient of determination.The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence on the transformational, democratic and situational leadership style either partially or simultaneously. The amount of Transformational Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Situational Leadership explains that employee performance is 0.689 or equal to 68.90% while the remaining 31.10% is explained by other variables.\_Vol.7\_Issue.7\_July2020/Abstract\_IJRR005.html, 2020
The purpose of this study was to test and know more clearly how the influence of orientation leaders, morale, and the environment on the performance employee. The problem is that the author adopted, namely: whether orientation leaders, morale and working environment have a significant effect simultaneously and partially on the performance of employees Hospital Pertamina Pangkalan Brandan. This study uses a quantitative method involving 70 respondents. Collecting data is done using questionnaires division. The acquired data was analyzed using statistical formulas, using multiple linear regression analysis performed with SPSS version 23 program. Results of regression analysis as follows: Y = 2.861 + 0.308 X1 + 0.120 X2 + 0.446 + ε Variable orientation of leaders has the greatest influence on the performance of employees 0.342. The results of the analysis using the coefficient of determination is known that 76.2% of the employee's performance variation can be explained by the orientation leaders, morale and working environment at the 0.05% level of confidence. While the remaining 23.8% is explained by other variables not included in this study. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that partial orientation leaders have significant influence on employee performance. The test results simultaneously show the orientation leaders, morale and working environment has a significant influence on employee performance.
This study examines the effect of leadership style, organizational culture and training on employee performance at Pondok Indah Hospital. The study was conducted at Pondok Indah Hospital in South Jakarta. The population of this research is in the Division of Hospitality Employee Services Department and Laboratory at Pondok Indah Hospital . The study population numbered is 140 people . While the study sample as many as 104 people . This study uses Proportional random sampling method and data used in this study is primary data in the form of a questionnaire . The test results showed that the Leadership Style , Organizational Culture and Training is a variable determinant of employee performance. Partially Leadership Style does not affect the performance of employees, organizational culture does not affect the performance of employee , training a strong influence on employee performance . Leadership style , organizational culture and training together have a significant impact on the p...
International Journal of Social Science Research and Review
This research aims to find out the leadership style of Subdistrict head on Employee Performance in Muara Komam District of Paser Regency of East Kalimantan.. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The data collection techniques using observations, interviews and documentation studies. Based on the research results, it is known that the camat's leadership style uses a situational leadership style, where he can read every situation and match his leadership style with the maturity level of the employees. This thing because difference maturity employee seen from aspect ability and will employee in work.
In today's competitive period, every organization is trying to excel its performance. To work in a highly competitive and fast changing environment there is a need of highly adaptive leaders that can encounter challenges and help their subordinates to face and tackle those challenges. Leadership is the process of one man influencing the group of people and directing them towards their goal. Organizations always strive for new strategies and approaches to lead their employees in order to manage and enhance their performance. The aim of current study is to examine relationship between transformational leadership style instrumental leadership style, transactional leadership style and Participative leadership style on job performance. The data were collected from the employees of hospitals by using the Survey method from the selected sample comprising 300 primary school teachers from renowned schools. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and it was presented by SPSS. The major findings revealed that transformational leadership style instrumental leadership style, transactional leadership style and participative leadership style to employee's job performance of hospitals.