Perancangan Buku Edukasi Permainan Tradisional Di Jawa Barat Untuk Anak-anak (original) (raw)

Perancangan Buku Visual Sebagai Media Pengenalan Permainan Tradisional Anak Jawa Timur


Traditional gameplay is a very popular game before modern games enter Indonesia which is passed down from one generation to the next. Traditional games are currently less favored by children in because of new games based on computer technology. No wonder if the traditional game began to be forgotten, not even a few of the children of Indonesia who are not familiar with the traditional game of their respective regions. Due to the development of the era and the lack of attention of parents to children, making children prefer a more practical digital games. The design process is done by using several research methods. The first stage, the authors perform the data collection phase by conducting field studies in the form of depth interviews to experts, and the distribution of questionnaires to elementary school children. The second phase of comparative study to compare content owned competitors, komperator, existing studies, and literature studies. From the results of the questionnaire, the authors identify problems that will be analyzed in depth to determine the right design solution. The last stage of this design, namely decision making and continued with the evaluation process hinga finally produce the right design. This visual book aims to invite the audience to learn and berekreasi in traditional game of East Java, until later they can learn, play, and know the culture of East Java. Book media serves as a medium of communication and knowledge that has a long term and is expected to become a medium that can develop and preserve the traditional games of East Java to the community. This book is strengthened by its content, there are 10 games without tools and 7 games with tools with infographic concept to make it easier for the audience to understand the contents of the content. The concept will be visible on every page of the visual book and a special attraction for this book.

Perancangan Buku Pop-Up Permainan Tradisional Anak sebagai Media Pelestarian Keaifan Lokal Lombok NTB

Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 2022

This writing aims to (1) describe children's games as ideas or inspiration for the creation of a work of Pop Up Books (2) describe the depiction of the form and process of making Visual Communication Design in the form of a three-dimensional Pop-up Book that elevates Lombok NTB's Traditional Children's Games in order to remain maintain and preserve the local wisdom of the archipelago through children's games. The methods used in the creation of this artwork include exploration and experimentation. In this case, the exploration was carried out by searching for libraries, pictures and all information related to the theme that I took, namely traditional games for children from Lombok, NTB. Then in terms of this exploration, do a sketch activity, which is then visualized in several uses of several bitmap-based applications such as Ibis applications on mobile phones and Coreldraw applications using laptops. The work is done by starting from making a sketch, then designing...

Perancangan Buku Cerita Bergambar Permainan Tradisional Sipak Rago

Judikatif: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Kreatif

Permainan tradisional adalah suatu permainan yang telah ada semenjak dahulunya dan diturun-temurunkan dari generasi ke generasi berikutnya, Permainan tradisional merupakan permainan yang menggunakan alat seadanya atau alami dari alam, permainan tradisional ada yang masih mempertahankan keaslian dan ada juga yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Sipak rago merupakan salah satu permainan tradisional Minangkabau yang sudah ada semenjak zaman dahulu, permainan sipak rago sering dimainkan sore hari menjelang magrib sambil menunggu azan magrib, sipak rago dimainkan berjumlah lima sampai sepuluh orang yang membentuk lingkaran, gerakan diambil dari gerakan silat, pakaian yang digunakan dalam bermain sipak rago pakaian hitam atau pakaian silat Minangkabau, dalam bermain sipak rago bola harus di opor ke teman satu ke teman lainya tanpa menyentuh tanah. Pada perancangan buku cerita bergambar permainan tradisional sipak rago ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan inovasi media edukatif dalam memperkenalk...

Sosialisasi Buku Permainan Tradisional Kalimantan Tengah Sebagai Upaya Dalam Pengembangan Aspek Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat

Traditional games are game activities that grow and develop in certain areas (such as in Central Kalimantan), which are related to cultural values, and values of community life and are taught from generation to generation from one age to the next. From this traditional game, students will be able to develop the potential that exists within themselves. In addition, they will get a meaningful experience, be able to build relationships with fellow friends, and be able to channel pleasant or memorable feelings. Another benefit of this traditional game is participating in preserving the nation's culture. The socialization activity of Central Kalimantan traditional game books is an effort by the writer in developing aspects of early childhood development. This activity was socialized by the writer to the teachers in the form of demonstrations of 4 traditional Central Kalimantan games. Then, the teachers would practice the game with the students. The writer also assisted with evaluatio...

Penguatan “Kaulinan Barudak Sunda” sebagai permainan tradisional

JPPM (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2020

This article aimed to strengthen “Kaulinan Barudak Sunda” as a traditional game towards the community in an effort to improved cultural security in Jatinangor District. To achieved this goal, we provided an understanding of the importance of “Kaulinan Barudak” traditional games towards the community through Focus Group Discussion regarding the identification and formulation of activity objectives, socialization, mentoring and practised of Kaulinan Barudak Sunda for children, and evaluation of activities. The method of implementing this activity was Problem Based Learning by solving problems that occurred regarding the fading of knowledge and practised of Kaulinan Barudak Sunda among children, also carried out with the Community Based Research method by involving the community in compiling shared ideas as needed. Based on the resulted of data analysis, we concluded that there was an increase of 68.5% in the aspects of the participants' perceptions, attitudes, and actions regardin...

Pengenalan Permainan Tradisional Jawa, Sunda, Batak dan Cina untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar


Kegiatan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Pengabdian Masyarakat (PKM-M) mengenai pengenalan permainan tradional Jawa, Sunda, Batak dan Cina telah dilaksanakan di SDN 005 Batam. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian ini melibatkan Tim PKM-M dan relawan dari berbagai aliansi yaitu dari Himpunan Mahasiswa teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Batam (HME), Kumpulan Anak Seni Politeknik Negeri Batam dan perwakilan dari masyarakat umum yang dihimpun secara sukarela. Pengenalan permainan tradional ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tahapan pra- pengabdian, pelaksanaan pengabdian dan pelaksanaan setelah pengabdian. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengenalkan permainan tradisonal yang ada di Indonesia khususnya permainan tradisonal Margalah yang berasal dari Batak, Cing ciripit yang berasal dari Sunda, Lulu Cina Buta yang berasal dari Melayu, Gasing yang berasal dari Jawa dan Yoyo Cina yang berasal dari Etnik Cina. Metode pelaksanaan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan menggunakan ...

Perancangan Buku Tentang Tradisi Patehan Di Kraton Jogjakarta


Setiap negara atau golongan memiliki kebiasaan tersendiri dalam meminum teh, begitu juga dengan Indonesia. Salah satu kota yang masih mempertahankan tradisi ini adalah Jogja. Kebiasaan minum teh di Jogja terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu di golongan masyarakat dan di lingkungan Kraton. Tradisi minum teh yang ada di Kraton disebut Patehan. Patehan adalah upacara menyajikan minuman (teh) untuk sultan. Upacara ini memiliki tata cara penyajian dan makna tertentu, tidak kalah dengan tradisi minum teh milik negara lain. Sayangnya tradisi ini masih kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, perancangan buku ini bertujuan agar tradisi ini dapat dikenalkan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat.

Permainan Tradisional Jawa Sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Untuk Menumbuhkan Keterampilan Global DI MI/SD

JMIE (Journal of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Education), 2018

The study of games in education is not new, from traditional games to modern website-based games have been done. Studies have even proved that traditional games have more proven value and benefits in the long run for education than modern games. However, the fact that the quality of education in various countries of the world is uneven, although they also know and have traditional games as part of its cultural elements. Like one of them can be seen in the quality of basic education in Indonesia, especially in the ability of thinking high level is still low. Moreover, in the 21st century students are required to have global skills of the 21st century. From this point the need to be studied about how the traditional Javanese games, as one of the greatest cultural heritages in Indonesia, can serve as a strategy to cultivate 21st century global skills for madrasah ibtidaiyah / primary school. This research is done by literature study with the method of textual criticism and external cri...

Perancangan Buku Warisan Budaya Wayang Kulit Indonesia

Jurnal Inosains, 2011

Dari tahun ke tahun kebudayaan Indonesia semakin terkikis, semakin lama makin hilang padahal itu semua adalah kekayaan adat indonesia. Sekarang sulit sekali ditemukan diantara anak-anak bangsa yang mengenal budaya sendiri, bisa dikatakan, anak-anak bangsa jaman sekarang sudah dihanyutkan dengan globalisasi yang terlalu deras melanda Indonesia. Seharusnya kita lebih menyaring budaya yang masuk, supaya tidak bersinggungan dengan budaya sendiri. Tapi sekarang, banyak anak-anak bangsa yang malu mengakui bangsa dan negaranya, bahkan mereka menertawakan budaya-budaya Indonesia yang mereka anggap aneh, kuno, ketinggalan jaman, dsb. Salah satu contohnya adalah kebudayaan wayang kulit. Wayang kulit adalah suatu budaya yang mengajarkan banyak pelajaran-pelajaran hidup manusia di dunia. Wayang penuh dengan nilainilai norma, filsafat hidup, kemuliaan, keagungan, dll. Hal ini sepatutnya yang harus banyak di mengerti oleh masyarakat Indonesia termasuk anak-anak bangsa. Maka dari itu penulis membuat tulisan dengan judul "Perancangan Buku Warisan Budaya Wayang Kulit Indonesia". Tujuan penulis adalah ingin memberikan pengetahuan seluas-luasnya tentang wayang kulit kepada masyarakat Indonesia, selain untuk melestarikan budaya wayang kulit Indonesia dalam media cetak seperti buku.

Eksistensi Permainan Tradisional Tamtam Buku dalam Membentuk Keterampilan Sosial

Aceh Anthropological Journal, 2024

Social skills can be explained as a person's ability to adapt to society and get along with other people (socializing). Social skills include the ability to communicate, build relationships with other people, respect individuals and other people, give or receive input, give or receive criticism, act according to existing norms and rules, and so on. Social skills are not a person's innate ability but rather are acquired through a learning process from parents, peers and the environment. Therefore, every child must be trained and accustomed to interacting with other people from an early age so that the child will grow into a person who has maturity in thinking and acting. This research study aims to improve and develop children's social skills through book tamtam games and to preserve traditional games by making them a learning medium in schools. The method used in this research is qualitative, data collection through interviews, observation and documentation notes. Research findings show that book tamtam games are still quite popular among elementary school students. This game is used as a learning medium in scout activities as a place for interaction and socialization between peers, teachers and those at the place where they study. In this paper, it is revealed that the book tamtam game is able to improve children's social skills in various aspects such as children's interpersonal behavior, behavior related to themselves, behavior related to academic success, peer acceptance, and communication skills.