Stimulus Keaktifan Siswa Melalui Penerapan Media Interaktif Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Secara Daring [Stimulating the Activeness of Students Through the Implementation of Interactive Media in Online Mathematics Learning] (original) (raw)

Optimalisasi Media Pembelajaran Online Dalam Mendorong Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Pada Kelas Matematika [Optimization of Online Learning Media to Encourage Students’ Active Learning in Mathematics Class]

JOHME: Journal of Holistic Mathematics Education, 2021

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic requires learning to be done online. That way, the use of technology in the 4.0 era is also needed to be used as an online learning medium. Media that can be used to support online learning are Cisco Webex and educational games such as Quizizz. Observations made by the author of the sixth grade elementary school students show the problem of the lack of active learning of students when participating in online learning. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to describe the optimization of online learning media to encourage student learning activities in learning mathematics. The formulation of the problem taken is how to optimize online learning media by teachers in encouraging student learning activities in learning mathematics. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. In addition, in Christian education, teachers must still see each student as the image and likeness of God even though students are less active in participati...

Penerapan Media Interaktif Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika


This study aims to analyze the ability of teachers to develop interactive learning media and also to analyze the usefulness of interactive media in learning mathematics. The subjects of the study included two seventh grade mathematics teachers and six seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 08 Batu. The method used in this research is a descriptive field method with a case study approach. While the research instruments used include documentation; observations, and interviews. The results of this study indicate that mathematics teachers are able to develop interactive media, but the resulting media is still relatively simple. In addition, the results of this study also show that the use of interactive media in learning mathematics can provide benefits.

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa

ITEJ (Information Technology Engineering Journals), 2017

This research is a form of interactive multimedia development as a resource that aims to: 1) Develop Interactive Multimedia Learning Material and Beam Cube; 2) Determine the feasibility of Cube Interactive Multimedia Learning Material and Beam; 3) Increasing interest in learning math using the Interactive Multimedia Learning Material and Beam Cube. This research method is the Research and Development (R & D), adapted from ADDIE development model, with the following steps: 1) Analysis,2) Design,3) Development,4) Implementation5) Evaluation.Validation is done by two people matter experts and two experts media. Teaching materials developed tested to 5 learners VIII class A and 31 learners in class VIII B of SMP Negeri 12 Cirebon. Feasibility level Interactive Multimedia-Based Instructional Materials and Beam Cube based assessment: 1) Matter Experts obtained an average value of 4.2 which is included in the category of Good, 2) Expert Media obtained an average value of 4.26 are included ...

Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Untuk Mata Pelajaran Matematika

Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah, 2020

A learning model that is widely applied to schools is a model of lecture learning with one-way communication, where the action is the teacher, while the student only enables the sense of vision and the sense of hearing. Conventional learning models are considered to be less exploring students ' knowledge, attitudes, and student behavior. One solution to help conventional learning is to use more practical interactive learning media. The development Model in this study uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) with the stages of development model is concept (concept), design (design), obtaining content material (collection of materials), assembly (preparation and manufacture), and testing (trials). The results of the study showed interactive media applications in assisting students to understand the subjects of mathematics running in accordance with its functionality. Keywords: Interactive Media, Media Learning, Multimedia Dev...

Analisis Penggunaan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika

ANARGYA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine and identify the extent how far the use of computer-based interactive multimedia made by the Lectora application on the motivation of students and their responses. The author uses qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The research was held at MA Assa'adah Jamanis Tasikmalaya. The research subjects were students and mathematics teachers 10 th grade. The selection was made purposively. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic condition, the number of students is limited to 50% of the computer laboratory capacity, which is 16 people. The technique of collection data are semi-structured interviews, observation of active participation in data collection, and documentation. The instruments used in this study are (1) interview instruments, (2) observation instruments, (3) document instruments. Data were analyzed using the Analysis Interactive model with several stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the use of interactive multimedia learning media, students were motivated and active. They feel happy and challenged. They also don't feel bored when they are at the computer. This learning media presents material complete and attractive material. This interactive learning media is easy to use, contains mathematical concepts, material can be repeated, both written and video material. This media can create a more focused learning condition. The media is relevant to the material being studied. However, it is important to note, that although technology can be learning resource, it still cannot replace the teacher's position.

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika-l Berbasis Multi Media Interaktif

Multimedia adalah suatu istilah generik bagi suatu media yang menggabungkan berbagai macam media baik untuk tujuan pembelajaran maupun bukan. Keragaman media ini meliputi teks, audio, animasi, video, bahkan simulasi. Multimedia sebagai :Kombinasi teks, grafik, suara, animasi dan video. BHa pengguna me~dapatkah keleluasaan dalam mengontrol maka hal ini disebut multimedia inteta~J1f" MUfti media interaktif pada mata kuliah matematika I dirancang vsedemikian rupa berdasarkan kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa dengan menggunakan Macromedia . flash program ini berisi informasi materi dalam bentuk teks, suara, gambar video maupun gambar animasi. Selain itu matematika I ini juga berisi evaluasi dalam bentuk pilihan ganda. Pada setiap tahap evaluasi diberikan umpan batik berupa pernyataan benar atau salah terhadap jawaban yang diberikan pemakai (user). Program ini diimplementasikan terhadap kurang lebih 25 mahasiswa. Sembilan puluh enam persen menyatakan program ini sangat menarik dan sanga...

Implementasi Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Online Pada Pembelajaran Daring Mata Pelajaran Matematika


This study aims to obtain data and information related to the implementation of the use of online learning media in online learning in mathematics. This study uses qualitative research methods through descriptive explanations to find out an overview of the use of online learning media in online mathematics learning. Participants in this study were students of SMP Negeri 1 Juwiring class VIII E, F, G, H and the math teacher in that class. Data collection was carried out by interview, direct observation, learning value, documentation and distributing questionnaires to students. The results of this study are teachers using whatsapp group and google classroom in online learning, unstable internet network, lack of student understanding of the material, and the number of assignments given. Learning online is less effective because the teacher only provides material and assignments. Teachers can increase learning online outcomes with present material through LMS, provide guidance and commu...

Efektifitas Media Online yang digunakan dalam Proses Pembelajaran Daring

PALAPA, 2021

The covid-19 pandemic era forced teachers and educators to apply learning by applying online models. Many platforms are offered to facilitate learning, of course it confuses what application is suitable to use so that learning continues to run well even with the online system. So the purpose of this study is (1) to know the understanding and interest of students after learning by using online media platform, (2) to know the effectiveness of the platform that is often used during emergencies Covid-19, (3) able to implement a suitable platform for learning during pandemic Covid-19. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. where in research the data obtained is then interpreted by the researcher. Based on the results obtained that the use of WAG as a single medium in learning is less effective, while the use of the classroom can be said to be effective because it is applied to students become more active in learning while the google meet application provides effective results ...

Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Siswa Menggunakan Multimedia Interaktif

Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Literasi matematika yaitu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh semua siswa. Strategi pengajaran juga media pembelajaran yang kurang inovatif berkontribusi pada kecenderungan siswa untuk kehilangan minat belajar, ehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat literasi matematika mereka. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam bidang matematika, penelitian ini bermaksud mengevaluasi dan menganalisis efisiensi model pembelajaran Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) dengan multimedia interaktif (geogebra). Pada semester II tahun pelajaran 2022/2023, penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 2 Gemuh. Desain eksperimental kelompok kontrol pretest-posttest digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP Negeri 2 Gemuh. Cluster random sampling, yaitu teknik pemilihan sampel yang digunakan dimana dipilih dua kelas secara acak dari populasi untuk dijadikan sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Dengan membandingkan hasil gain-score antara pretest dan posttest, a...