The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning Model with Edmodo Assisted to Facilitate Critical Thinking Skills (original) (raw)

Improving Skills of Critical Thinking of Students Through Edmodo-Helped Problem Based Learning Model for Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School

International journal of scientific and research publications, 2019

This study aims to improve students' critical thinking skills in fifth grade students through Edmodo's Assisted Problem Based Learning model. The location of the study was at Lowokwaru Elementary School 2 Malang, with 34 subjects in the fifth grade-A. This study used Quasi Experiment with the design of one group pretest posttest design. This study was conducted in 2 meetings, by doing several stages, namely, developing a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet (LKS), and Critical Thinking Skills Test. Data collection techniques use the method of observation of teacher activities and student activities, tests, and student response questionnaires. The results showed an increase from the first meeting to the second meeting. For teacher activities at the first meeting the percentage was 81.40%, and at the second meeting the percentage increased to 92.10%. The activity of students in the first meeting had a percentage of 79.10% and at the second meeting the percentage increased to 94.10%. improvement of students' critical thinking skills can be seen from the results of evaluations at the pretest and posttest which respectively have the results of the average pretest scores 55 and posttest values with an average of 92. While the aspects of student responses to learning activities using edmodo assisted Problem Based Learning models show percentage of 87%

Development of Guided Inquiry Learning Tools using Socio-Scientific Issue to Train Critical Thinking Ability and Care for The Environment of Students

Journal of Environmental and Science Education

Learning cannot be separated from the existence of learning tools. Learning devices are components that are used as a reference for implementing the learning process. The learning process requires appropriate models and strategies to train students' knowledge and attitudes. This study aims to determine the characteristics and feasibility of guided inquiry learning tools using the socio-scientific issue (SSI) to train critical thinking skills and care for the environment of students. The learning tools developed consist of a syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, and evaluation tools for question sheets. The characteristics of the learning tools are (1) containing guided inquiry (2) containing socio-scientific issues (SSI), (3) training critical thinking skills, and (4) training environmental care. The research model used is ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluations) which is modified by using 4 of the 5 stages of ADDIE. The results of the feasibil...

Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills of Students of Class X Mia Man 3 Kota Padang Panjang Using Guided Inquiry


Education is an effort to develop students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a social environment in which interaction occurs between students and educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of knowledge competencies, attitude competencies and skills competencies of students by using a guided inquiry model. The research subjects were class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The design of this study uses classroom action research. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle of which was held 3 times. The results of this study indicate that the average score of knowledge, attitudes and skills of students of class X MIA has increased. The first cycle obtained an average of 77.87%, while in the second cycle there was an increase of 82,49%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the students' critical thinking skill...

Guided Inquiry Learning Model, Simple Practicum Tool, Creative Thinking Skills

Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika

The main objective of this research is to produce junior high school Physics teaching materials oriented to a simple practical tool that can be used to foster junior high school students 'creative thinking skills, with the specific aim of knowing the indicators of junior high school students' creative thinking skills that can be grown through the use of a guided inquiry learning model assisted by a simple practicum tool. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with the design of Equivalent Pretest-Posttest Design (Design of Prates-Pascates Equivalent). This research was conducted at the Labschool Junior High School of Tadulako University where the class VIII students being the research subjects. The research instrument used was an essay test and observation sheet. The data analysis technique used was quantitative data analyzed by inferential statistics, calculating the significance of the differences in the average of both groups of samples and qualitative da...

The Effectiveness Of Guided Inquiry-Based Learning To Train Critical Thinking Skills In The High School Level

Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)

This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of guided inquiry based learning to train critical thinking skills on ecosystem topic in the high school level. The trial test in this study involved 10 th graders of SMA Negeri 1 Sumenep in the second semester of academic year 2017/2018 by implementing the modified guided inquiry based learning devices. The research design was that used in this study was One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data of students' critical thinking skills were obtained from students' answers to the six critical thinking skills instruments. The results obtained from this study is in the form of critical thinking skills data of students viewed from the gain score and students' mastery learning outcomes. The gain score obtained by the students has an average of 0.74 which categorized as high. Moreover, the percentages of students' mastery learning data showed that 100% of students succeeded after being given the treatment. Based on these data, it can be concluded that guided inquiry based learning enables students to practice their critical thinking skills on ecosystem topic.

Effectiveness of guided inquiry learning model to improve students’ critical thinking skills at senior high school

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018

This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of guided inquiry learning model to improve students' critical thinking skills. Subjects in the research were 90 students at three groups of senior high school grade X on Tarik (Indonesia), which follows a physics lesson on static fluid material in academic year 2016/2017. The research was used one group pre-test and post-test design. Before and after being given physics learning with guided discovery learning model, students in the three groups were given the same test (pre-test and post-test). The results of this research showed: 1) there is an increased score of students' critical thinking skills in each group on  = 5%; 2) average N-gain of students' critical thinking skills of each group is a high category; and 3) average N-gain of the three groups did not differ. The conclusion of this research is that learning model of guided inquiry effective to improve students' critical thinking skills.

Development of PhET-Aid-Based Inquiry Learning Devices to Improve Student Critical Thinking Skills

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019

This study aims to produce a valid, practical and effective PhET-assisted inquiry learning model to improve students' critical thinking skills. Development of learning tools using the 4D model. Learning tools developed are syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets and student textbooks. The feasibility level of the device is known through validation conducted by two lecturers. To determine the achievement of student learning outcomes used test questions using the pretest-posttest design method. The learning device trial was carried out on 60 students of class IX SMP Negeri 9 Ambon consisting of two groups namely Class IX-10 and Class IX-11. The results of the validity of the learning tools validated by the lecturers obtained the average percentage results namely syllabus 98.95%, lesson plans 99.23%, student worksheets 99.24%, Student Textbooks 98.72% and critical thinking skills test questions 96.47 %. From the results of the research that has been carried out it can be concluded that: 1) The validity of the learning tools that have been developed as a whole are categorized as good and suitable for use in learning; 2) The practicality of the developed learning tools includes the implementation of lesson plans categorized as good and can run well based on student responses; 3) the effectiveness of the learning device is shown by an increase in students' critical thinking skills based on the results of the t-test and n-gain scores.

Developing Inquiry-Based Learning Materials Through Integrated Lesson Study with 4-D Model to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skill


Critical thinking is an important skill that needs to be developed for the future of the students. However, this has not been facilitated properly in the learning process of science at junior high school. This study aims to develop inquiry-based science learning materials that are valid, practical, and effective to improve students’ critical thinking skills. This R and D study adapted the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate) which is integrated with lesson study activities. The trial subjects in this study were students of class VIII SMPN in the city of Mataram. The development of learning devices uses lesson study activities (plan, do, see) that involve SMPN science teachers in the city of Mataram. Product feasibility testing was carried out by experts using the validation instrument prepared by the researcher. Testing the practicality of the learning process uses the implementation observation sheet, teacher response questionnaire, student response questionnaire, and ob...

Critical Thinking Skills Improvement of Students Through Guided Inquiry Learning Model with Scientific Approach

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed many schools to create hybrid learning systems due to drastic changes in the learning environment. Technology and knowledge have advanced swiftly in the 21st century. As the foundation of education, the school is expected to foster students' 4C skills, one of which is critical thinking. This study aimed to analyze how students' critical thinking skills changed after studying harmonic motion using the guided inquiry model and scientific approach. The study used a quantitative method with the pre-experimental design's one-group pre-test post-test procedure. A 10-question essay was used to obtain data from 31 students in grade X IPA 3. The findings indicated that students' critical thinking skills improved, with an N-Gain score of 0.72. As well as implications for this study, there were significant differences in critical thinking participants were educated with the T-test sample pair after using the santific suppression with the guided inqu...