Implementation of E-Government in Health Service Innovation Based on Sikeroki Program in Bontomarannu Health Center of Gowa Regency (original) (raw)

Penerimaan dalam E-Government (Studi Fenomenologi pada Pengguna Layanan Terpadu Satu Pintu di BPTSP DKI Jakarta


This study discusses the impedation of e-government on Jakarta one-stop service agency (BPTSP) which focuses on its object is the service user in the agency. How Acceptance of e-government in the body is the problem formulation of this research. The Birth of this Institution is based on Local Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on the implementation of One Stop Integrated Service, only focusing on service users. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach to see the experience of the users of electronic or e-government based service system which is the obligation of every government body to apply it. The object of research is five people. Results from research Acceptance of e-Government Implementation at the One Stop Service Integrated Service Body, covering two issues. First, problems with managers, and the second problem on community acceptance. Issues on management, ie problems on technical or support to the system and infrastructure and human resources of technicians. The problem with community acceptance is the impact of the system in service. The system with a double mechanism, makes people feel inefficient.

Strategic policy: Application of participatory innovation in electronic-based public sector services in Malang City (Malang online service system study – SINGO)

Routledge eBooks, 2022

The online poor service system originated from problems that often arise in the implementation of public services for the community of Sawojajar Urban village (Kelurahan), Malang City. Along with the running of government administration services in Sawojajar urban village electronic-based public sector services were successfully innovated. With the success of this innovation, the Malang City Government will then adopt and implement it in all urban villages in Malang City. However, the implementation cannot be separated from the problems that arise from the readiness of each implementer. In this study, a descriptive method can be understood as a series of procedures used to solve the problems investigated by describing the condition of the research subject, both a person, society, and based on visible facts or as they are. This study shows that the implementation in carrying out services in urban village's administration throughout Malang City is still not running as expected. There are several problems faced, such as a lack of understanding of program implementers, so that the infrastructure they have is unable to accommodate what is needed. From these problems, the application has not been running as well as the success that was carried out in Sawojajar urban village as the initiator of electronic-based public service delivery. The suggestions in this study are for a structured evaluation of the implementation of public sector service innovations based on the online Malang online system. The results of this evaluation can later be used as material for developing further policies to implement other electronic-based public sector service innovations.

Digital Innovation of Banyuwangi Government in Encouraging Improvement of Public Services and Social Development

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

Developing countries are starting to compete to improve their social welfare through innovation. Meanwhile, at the regional level, Policy Reform is also implemented in Indonesia to build a digital society and public services. This study aims to analyze innovation policies that can adapt to changes in public services and development and analyze the construction of organizational culture in Banyuwangi Regency in supporting changes in public services and development. The approach used in this research is qualitative. Data processing results are interpreted using the type of social policy research. The research location is in the regional command of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, Republic of Indonesia. This study showed that the regional government issued a public service policy by developing a digital ecosystem called Smart Kampung. Smart Kampung is an integrated village development program that combines fiber optic-based ICT, productive economic activities, creative economic activities, health-education improvement, and poverty alleviation efforts. The parties involved in developing the smart kampung program, namely the government, support this program; the leadership factor and the provision of regulations are the main keys in implementing the program, as well as the involvement of the private sector and the community in social development.

Inovasi Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran Melalui Egovernment DI Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Yogyakarta


This research aimed to deeply understand the innovation and the supporting and inhibiting factors innovation of birth certificate service by E-Government. The research design used in this research were descriptive with qualitative approach. The research design was considered able to explain this research in depth. The results showed that the Innovation of Birth Certificate Services by E-Government in Yogyakarta's Department of Population and Civil Registration has not been optimal. It could be seen by the five indicators of innovation of public service according to Rogers advantages, compatibility, complexity, triability, and observability. From those five dimensions, it could be showed that the inovation has not been optimal by these case: 1) the number of users in online birth certificate making service were low, 2) the service innovation offered by the government were numerous, 3) there were no special officers who take care of the online birth certificate making service, 4) the online birth certificate making service was still conducted partially, 5) The citizen's ignorance about the online birth certificate making service. There were also various supporting and inhibiting factors in the innovation of birth certificate making service by e-Government that conducted by the Yogyakarta's

Elements and success factors of the electronic-based public service to the active role of the community in the Lukadesi Program in Wukirsari village government

Proceedings of the International Conference of Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019), 2019

This article intends to provide an overview of public services in the digital era. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, this study discusses how the importance of building public trust, which in addition to interacting directly or indirectly through social media. Therefore, electronic-based public services are only a medium to bring information closer to the public, but then cannot be linear in encouraging public participation. The results of the study show that public services that prioritize public use will build trust in the community. This can be seen from the data that there is an increasing trend in community participation, namely 11% in 2013, 18% in 2014, 81% in 2015, 92% in 2016, and 91% in 2017 because of service innovations electronic-based public services in the form of citing death or lukadesi certificates that began in 2012. The trend of an increase in community participation is due to the emergence of the active role of the community in accessing the lukadesi program. Furthermore, increasing community participation is caused by the opportunity to utilize electronic-based public services, as well as the willingness and ability of the government to benefit from this electronic-based public service. Meanwhile, this research was conducted at the Wukirsari Village Government, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The recommendations of this study are the importance of the government's ability to present benefits in public service innovation in the digital era, and the need for adjustments to public service innovations towards local wisdom that exist in society in the digital era.

E-Government Based Public Services in Medan Barat Subdistrict

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly ICCSSIS), ICCSIS 2019, 24-25 October 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019

This article discusses government efforts in the implementation of bureaucracy reform as stipulated in the law No. 25 of 2009 about public services related to the service to its residents with quality service standards, fast, easy, affordable and be measured. It is in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 about national policy on e-Government development.In its development, e-Government is still far from expectations, government institutions both in the center and the region do not yet consider the important e-Government. E-Government is considered a project and a momentarily trend. Kecamatan Medan barat is one of the sub-districts in Medan that has been conducting bureaucracy reform by providing public services based on electronic (ekecamatan) in managing Administration andIncrease Community participation.The results showed the success of public services electronic-based public services in Kecamatan Medan Barat had a prerequisite, namely (1) the support from the District Leadership (Camat), (2) availability of Financial Resources and Human Resources (3) Transparency In the public service process with application system. In addition, ekecamatan based services facilitate the residents to obtain information and manage various purposes in the form of administrative services products.

E-Government-Based Public Service Innovations during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Office of the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Keerom District

Formosa Journal of Science and Technology

This study aims to see and describe the service innovations that have been implemented by the Keerom Regency Population and Civil Registration Office in improving the quality of its services and the inhibiting factors. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study show the relative advantage of being able to shorten the process of service and document management; compatibility in general is compatible and not complicated for those who understand both employees and the community; the possibility of trial (trialability) of this online application has been tested and can help services quickly; in terms of convenience, it is very helpful for employees in facilitating the community compared to the old system.

Effectiveness of Service in Realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office West Meral District Karimun Regency


This research was motivated by the ineffectiveness of services at the Pangke Village Office of West Meral District of Karimun Regency. Lack of Human Resources (HR) and lack of skills make service activities slow. So that the community as a recipient of the service feels dissatisfied and the community wants an easy, fast and cost-effective service. This research aims to find out how effective Pangke village office services are and what are the obstacles in the application of service effectiveness. The data was collected using field observations, unstructured interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis used in this study is a qualitative data analysis method. This research uses theories developed by Siagian regarding time factors, accuracy factors and service-giving style factors. The results of research on the Effectiveness of Services in Realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office of West Meral District karimun can be said to be "Quite Good". The constraints in the effectiveness of services in realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office of West Meral District of Karimun Regency are due to the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure in the running of services. Then the lack of human resources, human resources that are less reliable, less creative, less skilled and less insightful in the provision of services to the community.

The Development of Web-Based Health Center Management Information System at Puskesmas Pinarik Using Codeigniter Framework


Information systems are one of the fields of science within the computer science family where technically it refers more to business processes and management of an application to the sustainability of business processes of institutions, industries or organizations. The need for information systems in the industrial world is increasing along with the development of technology which has very significantly grown, many models and technologies are offered to simplify the processes that take place in companies or in agencies to reduce and minimize errors and human-errors. This is also felt by a government agency in Batang Lubu Sutam District, where there is a Puskesmas that is still very overwhelmed in the administrative process because it has not utilized technology in managing the processes in the Puskesmas, both in terms of patient registration and other related processes. . The need for a Management Information System is the right solution for the Pinarik Health Center to improve the ...

Innovation of Dokter Kependudukan Online (dr. KePO) in Improving Local Governance System in Gresik District, East Java Province

Proceedings of the 1st MICOSS Mercu Buana International Conference on Social Sciences, MICOSS 2020, September 28-29, 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021

The study is about the innovation of Dokter Kependudukan Online (Dr.KePO) in improving local governance in Gresik district, East Java province. This study was motivated by the existence of a new paradigm in local government services at the village level. The aims of this study were to improve the performance of local government administration. This study uses a qualitative method. Triangulation of data sources was to explore the truth of certain information through various methods and sources of data collection. Participant observation, written documents, archives, historical documents, official records, personal notes or writings and pictures to produce different evidence or data. While data processing, researchers performed data reduction. The reason for choosing this method because this study was a contemporary social event or phenomenon. With this method, researchers can make observations and in-depth interviews with careful subjects. The results obtained in this study were that the regional government of Gresik district has carried out several social interventions to improve services to the community from city to rural levels. Local government intervention in this context was Department Demography and Civil Registration which directs the creation of innovation in facilitating population administration management services and civil registration.