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The goal and the significance of the this study are obtain empirical evidence on the influence of organizational commitment, professional commitment and motivation towards auditors' job satisfaction. In this study, the researcher also observed the indirect influence of organizational and professional commitment towards job satisfaction through motivation as the intervening variable. This study employed survey method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents..The result of the study showed that organizational and professional commitment influence the motivation significantly and positively. This study also proved that organizational commitment, professional commitment and motivation affected auditors' job satisfaction significantly and positively. More to the point, organizational and professional commitment indirectly affected auditors' job satisfaction through motivation as intervening variable. The direct influence of the organizational and professional commitment variables towards job satisfaction, as a matter of fact, bigger than their indirect influence. The result of the study showed that organizational commitment gave the greatest influence toward auditors' job satisfaction. Therefore, the organizational commitment needed to be improved by Accountant Public Office. PENDAHULUAN Profesi auditor merupakan profesi yang membutuhkan tingkat keahlian dan independensi tinggi. Profesi ini pada dasarnya juga membutuhkan adanya komitmen organisasi terhadap lembaga tempat bekerja dan komitmen terhadap profesi auditor yang sedang dijalaninya sekarang. Komitmen organisasional dan komitmen profesional merupakan bentuk-bentuk komitmen yang dapat mendukung tercapainya tujuan organisasi. Komitmen terhadap organisasi menunjukkan suatu keadaan dimana seorang karyawan mempunyai nilai dan tujuan yang sama dengan organisasi, terlibat dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi serta berniat memelihara keanggotaan dalam organisasi (Aranya, 1984). Persaingan usaha yang ketat dan adanya persaingan dalam merekrut sumber daya manusia terbaik dan profesional menyebabkan sumber daya manusia senantiasa menempati kedudukan yang semakin penting dalam perusahaan. Seiring dengan kebutuhan terhadap karyawan yang profesional maka perusahaan berusaha menjaga dan mempertahankan mereka demi kelancaran operasional usaha. Faktor sumber daya manusia dalam kesuksesan perusahaan tidak dapat diabaikan. Pandangan atau falsafah yang berkembang di tengah masyarakatpun semakin mendukung kondisi tersebut. Saat ini semakin menguat adanya permintaan dan tuntutan untuk memperhatikan atau memprioritaskan aspek manusia dalam dunia kerja dan bukannya aspek ekonomi atau aspek teknologi dalam setiap organisasi. Manusia adalah sumber daya organisasi yang bernilai (Amin Wijaya, 1994). Manusia memberikan jasa pada saat sekarang dan masa yang akan datang, yang tidak dimiliki
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh profesionalisme, independensi, kompetensi, dan pengalaman kerja terhadap kualitas audit di Kantor Akuntan Publik baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat kausalitas. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer melalui penyebaran kuesioner tertutup kepada auditor yang bekerja di KAP Bandung yang terdaftar di Direktori Ikatan Akuntan Publik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa profesionalisme, independensi, pengalaman kerja secara parsial tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kualitas audit kecuali kompetensi secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas audit, sedangkan secara simultan profesionalisme, independensi, kompetensi, dan pengalaman kerja berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit.
Fraud, 2021
Fraud atau kecurangan adalah suatu tindakan yang disengaja oleh satu individu atau lebih dalam manajemen atau pihak yang bertanggungjawab atas tata kelola, karyawan, dan pihak ketiga yang melibatkan penggunaan tipu muslihat untuk memperoleh satu keuntungan secara tidak adil atau melanggar hukum. (IAPI, 2013). Menurut The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) merupakan organisasi profesional bergerak di bidang pemeriksaan atas kecurangan mengklasifikasikan fraud (kecurangan) dalam tiga tingkatan yang disebut Fraud Tree, yaitu sebagai berikut : Penyimpangan atas asset (Asset Misappropriation) , Pernyataan palsu atau salah pernyataan (Fraudulent Statement) ,Korupsi (Corruption).
Leonardo Gilang Indra Nugraha
This research is classified as a quantitative research, it aims to show how the effect of Professionalism, Competency, Independency and experience can affect the quality of audit. This research utilizes the auditor whose are working in BPKP Office, Bengkulu Province as the sample. The selection of samples in this study was conducted using the census method.The Hypothesis tests in this research is using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The results of these tests are professionalism influences the audit quality, competence influences the audit quality, independence influences the audit quality, experience influences the audit quality.
Earning management is a strategy undertaken by management to correct the information in the financial statement, this strategy has a objective to maintain their interested parties. There are two strategies of earning management, the first is earning manage-ment through arbitrary undertaking items and earning management through real activities. After Sarbanes oxley act, manage-ment prefer to use earning management through real activities rather than earning management through arbitrary undertaking items. The purpose of this quantitative study is to test and analyze the effect of audit quality moderate the activity of the real earn-ings management through accruals and activity on firm performance. The object of research is the manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange Indonesia) in 2009-2012. The samples used were 51 companies by using purposive sam-pling as a sampling technique and the technique of multiple linear regression analysis as a technique of data ...
Jurnal Tepak Manajemen Bisnis, 2018
Control is a mechanism utilised by executives to ensure that organisational policies and system are well in place to guide the organization to reach its goals. An internal auditor is required to possess a certain level of competency and independence to determine whether the organization's (government) work ethics is in compliance to standard law and regulations. The role of the internal auditor, as part of the APIP in the Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangungan (BPKP) Perwakilan Provinsi Riau is to produce quality audit result that is able to exert strain on the workload, enabling law enforcers to expose corruption cases in the Riau province. A certain level and form of motivation is required to ensure that an auditor is able to work to the best of his or her ability voluntarily. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between independent and dependent variables, moderated by motivation. The research methodology utilizes Partial Least Square with a sample size of ninetythree auditors from BPKP Perwakilan Provinsi Riau. The reader will be able to form the following conclusion based on the purpose of the research and area of analysis; competency and independency variables will influence the quality of the audit significantly while the workload variable will not influence the audit quality significantly. There is no significant effect between the Motivation as moderation variable and the competency, independency as well as the work load variable towards the quality of the audit.