Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (Case Study of Café Grind & Pull Makassar (original) (raw)
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Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences
A B S T R A C TThis study was aimed to analyse the effect of product quality, price, promotionon customer satisfaction and the effect of customer loyalty at You Coffee andResto Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Indonesia. 125 sample were selected by purposivesampling in You Coffee and Resto. Data were collected by questionnaires andStructural Equation Model (SEM) were applies as an analysis technique. Theresults analysis showed that product quality, price, promotion have positive andsignificant effect on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.productquality, price and promotion need to be increased in order to improve satisfactionand loyalty Customer.
Service Quality, Customer Value, and Price to Consumer Satisfaction at Kopi Kenangan Coffee Shop
International Journal of Social Science, 2022
This research aims to analyze service quality, customer value, and price on customer satisfaction at Kopi Kenangan Shell. The quantitative method was used as the methodology with questionnaires as the data collection to 100 respondents. Data analysis used SPSS 25 with research testing techniques including validity, reliability, classical assumption, and multiple linear regression. The result found that service quality had a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, as seen from the t count > t table (2,332 > 1,984). Price has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction as seen from the t-test > t table (4,170 > 1,984) and service quality, customer value, and price have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction as seen from the regression equation Y = 0.656 + 0.348 X1 + 0.202 X2 + 0.316 X3. The research obtained the value of R square of 0.729 means that the independent variables in this study (service quality, customer value, and price) significantly influence the dependent variable (consumer satisfaction) of 72.9%.
Services that are carried out almost throughout the company over the years have always been the spotlight by the entire public as consumers. This can be seen from the increasing number of companies that implement service management systems to be run by all of their employees. Services usually associated with companies engaged in the food and beverage industry in particular restaurants or cafes. Services are usually associated with companies engaged in the food and beverage industry, especially restaurants or cafes. The quality of service in the field of cafe services is one of the ideas that is often used by customers in assessing the quality of the cafe, in addition to the taste and quality of food, the quality of service and good performance of employees also greatly support customer satisfaction. Today's people's lifestyle, prefer something fast and practical, including one of them is in meeting food and beverage needs. Just like food, coffee drinks are something that is universal and desired by many people, one of which is Starbucks Coffee. This study will examine the influence of service quality on consumer loyalty to Starbucks coffee products. The purpose of this study is to know the influence of service quality, satisfaction and trust on consumer loyalty in Starbucks Coffee. Respondents involved in this study were 173 customers and using Structural Equation Model (SEM) for data analysis. The results showed that product quality has an influence on customer satisfaction, perception of price influences customer satisfaction and satisfaction influences customer loyalty. The results of the study show that good service quality increases satisfaction, good service quality will increase trust, good service quality will increase loyalty and high satisfaction will increase loyalty while high trust does not increase loyalty. The affect of managerial implications that is Starbucks coffee suggested for customers should also provide suggestions and criticisms that are useful for the progress of Starbuck Coffee in the future. Suggestions and criticisms can facilitate Starbuck Coffee in determining strategies to improve the quality of service to customers.
The Effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction at Roya Café Mantingan
BISNIS : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam
Quality assurance becomes the main priority for the company. The quality of the product is closely related to the ability of the product to carry out its functions, with the good quality of the product will make the consumers satisfied and trust. Customer satisfaction is something that needs to be considered by the company. Another factor that can affect customer satisfaction is the quality of service as an effort to fulfill the needs and desires of consumers and the provision of delivery in keeping up with consumer expectations. This study aims to determine the influence of product quality and service quality partially and simultaneously on customer satisfaction at Roya Café. The research method uses a type of quantitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation. The research instrument uses questionnaires distributed to Roya Café consumers. The sample was taken by 226 respondents, using Non-Probability Sampling technique with Incidental Sampling approa...
Attributes of Coffee Shop as Antecedent of Customer Satisfaction
Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship
Purpose – This study was conduct to examine the effect of attributes coffee shop to customer satisfaction in Indonesian coffee shop industry. Furthermore, this study is also examined customer loyalty as consequences of customer satisfaction Research Design – Five attributes of coffee shop were identified as having potential to be antecedent of customer satisfaction. The five attributes were: store atmosphere, employee attitude, IT service, coffee quality, and price fairness. Research Methodology – This study used online questionnaire which is adopted from the previous studies. The online questionnaires were used Google Form and shared through various social media platform. A total 851 respondents from 34 province in Indonesia were involved but only 350 respondents were qualified. KMO Factor analysis and regression analysis were performed to identify the validity of items and examine the relationship among variables. Findings – The results revealed that five of six hypothesi...
Black Coffee Shop Customer Satisfaction Based on Product Quality and Service
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship, 2021
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The Role of Service and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty
Journal of Consumer Sciences, 2022
Coffee shops are today's businesses with good and competitive prospects in providing customer satisfaction and building customer loyalty. This study aims to analyze the relationship between service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty, the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the relationship between product and service quality and customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction. The study was conducted using quantitative methods, sampling a questionnaire to 100 customers of Coffee Shop. The study was conducted in August 2021. Meanwhile, to analyze the relationship between variables, using partial least squares (PLS). Based on the study results, it can be concluded that service quality directly affects customers, especially customer satisfaction. Product quality also affects customer satisfaction and loyalty and vice versa. However, service quality did not directly affect customer loyalty. Meanwhile, mediation throug...
11.The Influence of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
One of the vital needs of increasing population in our country is food. There are a few number of restaurant goers to meet the necessity of food. Most of the people in our country occasionally go to the restaurant to enjoy ethnic and some of western food items. The main purpose of this study is to identify some key drivers of customer satisfaction on restaurant services. The study covers the opinion of restaurant goers in Khulna region. This research is based on empirical study. Primarily, researchers contacted with 450 customers for their valuable opinion regarding restaurant services. But, 246 customers gave their spontaneous response in this regard. Chi-square test has been applied for testing hypothesizes by using SPSS software. This study aims to link some factors of service quality and price fairness of restaurant with the customers' satisfaction. The researchers find out that customers of restaurant have negative impression about product and service quality fairness, price fairness, staff's service, environment of the restaurant, image of the restaurant and loyalty of the restaurant. The researchers suggest emphasizing on those critical issues to attract new customers and retain existing customers.
The International Journal of Business & Management
Introduction The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Creative Economy created in 2016 amounted to 922.59 trillion rupiah. The GDP of the creative economy grew by 4.95%. In 2016 the creative economy contributed 7.44% to the total national economy. The creative economy in Indonesia experiences good growth and one of the industries that most influences growth is the creative economy in Indonesia is the culinary industry. The culinary industry is increasingly stretching and the highest support for the creative economy in Indonesia. Based on data from the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) of the Republic of Indonesia, the culinary subsector contributed 41.4% of the total contribution of the creative economy of Rp 922 trillion in 2016. This number was the highest compared to the other 16 sub-sectors in Bekraf RI. Creative industry contributions are based on data from 8.2 million units of creative industry units, 68% of which are in the culinary industry. In the growth of the Creative Economy in Indonesia, it can be seen that the Subsector of the Era with Highest Income 2016 is the culinary industry with total income of Rp 382 trillion. The cafe business potential continues to experience significant growth. Cafe is a favorite location for meeting arenas, meetings and just gathering and relaxing together with friends as part of people's lifestyles. In fact, it is very easy to find several cafes in the corners of the big city of Indonesia. The phenomenon then gave birth to new terms among adolescents to business people, namely the term "Ngafe". The term "Ngafe" refers to the invitation to carry out activities more than just drinking coffee or tea at the Cafe. The development of business in the field of FnB (Food and Beverage) at this time has developed very rapidly and has experienced a continuous metamorphosis. Every business actor in the business category is required to have sensitivity to any changes that occur and place an orientation to customer satisfaction as the main goal and increase profits (Kotler and Keller, 2009). There are developments and opportunities for food and beverage business so this encourages the emergence of various types of Cafe businesses, one of which is Cafe Harmony. This effort arose because of the promising opportunities in the cafe business and the high level of interest in Nganjuk Regency. Cafe Harmony is a cafe that is addressed at Jl. Gatot Subroto 05 Tanjunganom Nganjuk and open every day from 10.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB. Cafe Harmony started its business in 2014. The menu available at Cafe Harmony consists of various types of coffee which are the mainstay menu. Cafe Harmony not only serves a variety of coffee drinks, but also provides a variety of beverage menus such as tarro, bubble gum frappe, oreo cookies, red velvet and a number of others, besides that there is a food menu that can be ordered from mild to heavy foods, such as chiken barbecue, burger, spaghetti, and several other menus. Based on the description above regarding perceptions of product quality, price, and cafe atmosphere at Cafe Harmony the authors are interested in researching more about product quality, price, and cafe atmosphere at Cafe Harmony as a marketing strategy in increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. So the author took the study
Proceedings of the 1st Universitas Kuningan International Conference on Social Science, Environment and Technology, UNiSET 2020, 12 December 2020, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia, 2021
T Every Commercial Bus Company majoring in Kuningan-Jakarta strives to provide competitive services and prices in the hope of providing customer satisfaction so that customers are ready to return to using the bus service. Nevertheless, consumers are less satisfied with the delivery given by The Jakarta-Kuningan Bus Company. So important is the loyalty of a consumer to the organization or company, then it should be if the service company always puts the consumer in the most important position to be satisfied in any planning and activities carried out both in the quality of service and perception price. Operational standards made by the company in providing quality service services that are always based on how to provide the best satisfaction to customers. However, the number of complaints from Customers against service is given so that it decreases the number of passengers every year. From 2017-2019 therefore, this research was conducted to find out perception price and quality of service in knowing customer satisfaction to better understand customer loyalty. Population in consumer research PO Bus Department Kuningan-Jakarta at Kertawangunan Kuningan terminal west Java). The number of samples used was 140 respondents. The method of data collection is done through the questionnaire method. The study used structural equation modeling analysis (SEM) techniques using the AMOS 2.1 analysis tool. The results of this study show that price perception has an influence on customer satisfaction, Service quality has an influence on customer satisfaction, price perception affect customer loyalty, service quality has no influence on customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction has an influence on customer loyalty.