The Image of the Millennial in S. Rooney’s Creative Work (by the Example of the Novels “Conversations with Friends” and “Normal People”) (original) (raw)
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Fiction and non-fiction in the “thirty-year-old” generation (“millennials”) prose
Philology and Culture
Based on the analysis of the texts from contemporary Russian literature, the article investigates one of the features of the “thirty-year-old” generation prose (V. Bogdanova, O. Vasyakina, K. Hepting, K. Kupriyanov, E. Manoilo, V. Pustovaya, B. Khanov, I. Khanipaev, et al.). As an additional source, this research uses “thirty-year-old” writers’ interviews and the results of the comparison of their prose with the texts and manifestos of “new realists”. The purpose of the research is to understand the features characterizing the combination of fiction and non-fiction in the latest Russian prose. The article raises the problem of biographical, non-fictional and fictional boundaries in the “thirty-year-old” generation texts. In particular, it appears necessary to understand how the millennial author’s biography is reflected at the levels of the genre, composition and plot. Special attention is paid to the authentic and psychological aspects in the artistic method of “thirty-year-...
Philology. Issues of Theory and Practice, 2021
The main purpose of the study is to determine specificity of functioning of double artistic reference as a method of world modelling in the process of ontologising cultural and philosophical images in prose of the “generation of forty-year-olds”. The article presents an analysis of the mythologeme “forest”, corresponding to the receptive concepts of “The Philosophy of the Common Task” by N. Fyodorov and the novella “Soul” by A. Platonov. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time referential field of the context peculiar to the mythopoetic meta-image “forest” in works by A. Bitov and A. Kim was identified, its components being archetypical, cultural and philosophical meanings. As a result, the “world-like” meta-image “forest” is defined as a meaning-bearing concentric circle of providential premonition about downfall of the “common task” in social entropy of “existential loneliness”.
Woe from Wit in the Novel “The Adolescent”
Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology, 2022
The significant role of the images and the situations of the play by Griboyedov in the novel “The Adolescent” are often noted by Dostoevsky scholars. The novel and the play are connected by the common conflict of reason and feeling. The image of a misanthrope represented by the figure of Chatsky is very important for the novel “The Adolescent.”In the plots of the compared works rumors of madness play an important role. This gossip is combined with a motive of discovering a secret (or “rumor”). Fear of the discovery of a secret is amplified by the theme of espionage, eavesdropping in the novel by Dostoevsky. The importance of the situation of revealing something intimate for “Woe from Wit” and “The Adolescent” indicates the complexity and duality of depicted reality. A theme of illusions initially enthralling characters unifies the play and the novel. It is the theme of “happy ignorance.”The idea of non-inclusiveness and irrationality of life is common for both the play “Woe from Wit...
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Textual Multiverse in Science Fiction Prose, as in I. Asimov’s “The Bicentennial Man”
Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 109-121., 2017
Science fiction (sci-fi, sf) is of particular interest for researchers working in cognitive poetics. One major reason for this is the way that science fiction creates and runs alternative worlds that are both alien and recognizable; and the strangeness of these world-constructions can illuminate the operating limits of stylistic frameworks such as text-world theory, narrative comprehension, and other worlds-based mental models. When science fiction and fantasy writers imagine an unknown world, they draw necessarily on the familiar as well as the strange. It becomes is a particularly interesting object of study for stylistics in general for its somewhat unique stylistic features, including unique and creative imagery, experiments with narrative structure and new words formation. It proves to be especially interesting in the field of cognitive stylistics from the point of view of Text World Theory’s (TWT; originally formulated by P. Werth in 1999) implementation, as one of science fiction’s main features is the creation of new worlds. Thus, science fiction seems to be a well-suited example for studying TWT. In this paper, I explore the mental world creation of the science-fiction novel “The Bicentennial Man” by the American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1976). I consider the structural variety in the textual multiverse of this novel, wherein text worlds can be classified into different groups according to how “fantastic” they appear to the reader, and how it affects the reader’s perception of the whole novel.
“Ordinary” as a set of extraordinary in the artistic sociology of F. M. Dostoevsky
Culture and Text
The article presents a detailed commentary on the place of the novel “Idiot”, in which the typological characteristics of the community of ordinary people are presented. The impossibility of change and development turns out to be the defining feature of this category, but it is no longer due to the table of ranks. An ordinary person, being a representative of the multitude, dreams not of reaching the cherished step in the official hierarchy, but of knowing by everyone what he initially does not have – originality. Belonging to a multitude of ordinary people, an ordinary person opposes himself to him, thereby declaring his inequality with him and at the same time equality with those geniuses of humanity with whom he cannot have equality by definition.
South in W. Faulkner’s creative life
Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 2016
Рассматриваются произведения Фолкнера, действие которых охватывает годы Гражданской войны. Исследуется, как в творчестве Фолкнера используются и трансформируются топосы южного военного романа, изучается преломление мифологемы «проигранного дела».