Determinants of Timely Completion of Construction Projects in Selected Construction Investment Companies in Nairobi County (original) (raw)



Building construction projects, globally, are planned to be executed at a given cost, to a predetermined standard and within a specified time period. However it is not uncommon to see such projects take longer than was originally envisaged, and, the duration of building construction projects is increasingly becoming an issue of concern among the stakeholders in the construction industry. This is because of the increasing rates of interests, commercial pressure, inflation and the potential of a construction project to result in disputes and claims leading to litigation or arbitration. The purpose of this study was to assess project time overruns and performance of construction projects in Uasin Gishu County of the Republic of Kenya. The objective of the study was to assess the extent to which project management teams’, contractors’ capacities’, client related and force majeure factors, influenced time overruns in public sector building construction projects in the county. Correlational research design was adopted for the study to enable answering the research questions. The target population for the study was 89 comprising of professional and technical staff of the directorate of Public Works, contractors and public sector clients with building construction projects in the county. Data was collected through census of the entire target population of 89 respondents and, the study adopted purposive sampling to target specific groups who could provide the desired information concerning time overruns in public sector building construction projects. The study used self-administered questionnaires as the research instrument for data collection as it was quick and could be easily e-mailed to respondents who were easily reachable. A pilot study was conducted at Uasin Gishu County. Data collection instruments were subjected to peer review, scrutiny by research experts comprising of my supervisors and review of the pilot testing to ascertain its validity. Reliability was tested by split-half method using the r-function of Spearman brown prophecy. Quantitative approaches, using Microsoft Excel as well as Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 20 was used to process, analyze and interpret data. On the first objective the study established that the relationship between adequacy of project management team members and project time overruns was significant (rho = .135, p = .299) and that project teams had adequate number of members and therefore numbers could not have been the reason for time overruns. On the second objective the study established that the relationship between contractors who had clear organizational structures and time overruns was unrelated (rho = -.162, p =.209) and that contractors did not have clear organizational structures that could help minimize time overruns. On the third objective the study established that the relationship between regular payment by clients and project time overruns was significant (rho = 711**, p =.000) and that clients did not make payments on time, and this contributed to time overruns on building construction projects. The fourth objective found out that the relationship between occurrence of poor weather conditions affecting projects as a force majeure factor and project time overruns were un related (rho = -.102, p =.444) and that poor weather conditions affecting projects did not occur frequently, thus not time overrunning building construction projects. The studies major conclusion was that, there was need to regulate the public sector building projects by registering experienced professionals. The major recommendation was that effective ways must be designed to verify the list of staff produced by contractors in support of their application and to ensure also that these key staff positions are continually filled by technically competent individuals. These study findings may be useful to Contractors, Clients, Project Managers and other building construction industry players in public sector to achieve project objectives on time.

Effect of External Factors on Completion of Construction Projects in Kenya: A Case Study of the Department of Health, Makueni County, Kenya

˜The œstrategic journal of business & change management, 2024

The completion of construction projects is dependent on a project cycle that is seamless to ensure reliability. External factors in the study included political factors, socioeconomic factors and technological factors. The objectives were the effect of political, socioeconomic and technological factors on the completion of construction projects in the department of health, Makueni County, Kenya. The theoretical framework included the theory of constraints and the resource dependency theory. The target population was the 238 projects in health facilities in Makueni county initiated between financial year 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. The respondents were the facility managers who are also the Health Facility Project Management Committee secretaries. Cross sectional Descriptive study approach was utilized in this study. A stratified sampling approach was used. The sample size was 150 projects. Primary data was gathered using a structured questionnaire. Chi-square test was used to determine association between variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine the effect of significant external factors on completion of construction projects. Statistical significance was assumed at P<0.05. Majority of the study participants were aged between 31.0 and 40.0 years old (56.0%), were nurses (77.3%), had managed their facility for over 5 years (74.7%) and were working in a Dispensary (77.3%). The male and female participant ratio was 1:1. There was less likelihood of the projects being completed in the presence of political involvement, transition in leadership, and contract payment (OR 0.1, 0.7 and 0.3 respectively). Political involvement and contract payment were found to be statistically significant when it came to project not being completed (p 0.001 and p 0.004 respectively). Raw material availability was significantly associated with completion of projects (p 0.03). Multivariate analysis showed increased odds of completing construction projects from 2.7 to 5.3 times when raw materials were available. The study concluded that political factors and socioeconomic factors significantly affect completion of construction projects. The study recommends that key stakeholders involved in the construction management process such as politicians be taken through monitoring and evaluation training to ensure that projects are well management and all risks averted. The researcher recommends a comparative study on the effect of technological factors on completion of construction projects.


ABSTRACT The Principle objective of this project was to establish the major causes of delays in projects implementation in the construction industry in Kenya. The study delimited itself my limiting the scope into the roads maintained /constructed by the KeNHA in the coast region of Kenya. This was deeply looked at by taking into account four major objectives that included: to establish the extent to which construction project financing influence the delay of construction projects in the road sector, to investigate the extent to which construction project planning influence the delay of construction projects in the road sector, to find out the extent to which contractor’s experience influences the delay of construction projects in the road sector, and ,to investigate the extent to which supervision of work influences the delay of construction projects in the road sector. The study employed a survey research design, since it was an in depth investigation of an individual group of respondents. The questioners were used as the main source of gathering information from selected 55 respondents that cut a cross categories like constrictors, surveyors, engineers and many more. These questionnaires were emailed to some respondents; others were dropped and picked later while some were administered by research assistants. Questionnaires were sorted out, data keyed in into the SPSS for analysis. This information then was presented by use of frequency tables. From the hypothesis testing using the Chi-Square, the calculated Chi-Square values were found to be greater than the critical value of 9.488 thus the alternative hypotheses were adopted in all the four cases as per the objectives. Recommendations for further studies have been included in the last chapter (chapter five).

Determinants of Timely Completion of Road Construction Projects in Kakamega County, Kenya

Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2020

This study investigated the influence of project manager’s competency, project cost overruns, project financing structure and project lead time on timely completion of county road construction projects in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study was based on descriptive research design and targets prequalified contractors in Kakamega County, county public works officers Employees in Kakamega County, Transport and Infrastructure department, Contractors’ technical staff, Government civil engineers from National Construction authority, Kakamega region, who were stratified and selected by simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 24, where descriptive and inferential statistics was computed. Both descriptive and inferential statistics showed that all of the study’s conceptualized independent variables (project manager’s competency, project financing structure, project cost overruns, project lead time) significantly infl...

Determinants of Completion of Government Construction Projects in Kenya: A Case of Nyamira County Determinants of Completion of Government Construction Projects in Kenya: A Case of Nyamira County


The government construction projects are key in the economy of any country worldwide. They contribute to around 10% of the global GDP. Completion of a given project along the three critical dimensions of time, cost and quality, requires detailing all the planning requirements. The general objective of this study was to establish the determinants of completion of government construction projects in Kenya. The scope of this study was limited to 162 government projects in Nyamira County. The design of this research was a descriptive survey research. The population for this study was composed of 162 projects in Nyamira County. The study used a structured self-administered questionnaire to collect. A pilot study was conducted to pre-test the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. Quantitative method involved descriptive analysis. Data from questionnaire was coded using Sta...

Influence of Time Overruns on the Implementation of County Construction Projects; The Case of Lamu County, Kenya

International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology, 2017

Time overruns and delays in implementation of construction projects has become a common phenomenon globally and Kenya is no exception, especially with the coming of devolution system. Failure to timely deliver projects interferes with project deliverables which in turn have negative impacts on project success in terms of time, cost, quality and safety. Identifying the significant factors influencing project delays and overrun is vital to minimize these impacts. A number of factors have been said to influence the rates at which these projects are completed. The Purpose of this study was to examine the Influence of Time Overruns in the Implementation of County Construction Projects; the Case of Lamu County, Kenya. The study was based on three theories that touched on organizational theory, agency theory, and financial distress theory. The research was guided by the following objectives: to determine the influence of political goodwill in the implementation of County construction projects; the case of Lamu county, Kenya; to assess the influence of budgetary allocations on the implementation of County construction projects; the case of Lamu county, Kenya ; to examine how organisation structures within the county government influence the implementation of County construction projects; the case of Lamu county, Kenya; and to find out the extent to which contracts management influences the implementation of County construction projects; the case of Lamu county, Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population was 70 respondents. Stratified sampling was used to select 60 respondents so as to allow full participation of the respondents. Primary data was collected using structured administered questionnaires consisting of both closed and open-ended questions. Data collection tools were piloted among 10 respondents in the neighboring Kilifi county and suggestions made before finalizing their development. The researcher visited the targeted respondents, used research assistants to access some other respondents, and e-mailed questionnaires to some respondent who were not easily accessible for one on one questionnaire filling. Data collected was analyzed using quantitative methods with the help of (SPSS) version 20. Research findings showed that of the 60 targeted respondents 50 of them responded representing 83.33% response rate considered adequate to constitute a basis for valid conclusion. From the study"s findings, it was concluded that, politics and political goodwill has a significant influence on the rates of projects completion. The politicians decide the amount of money to be allocated to various projects, the time periods that this money should take to reach the project implementers, the site/location of the projects, the priority projects and many more. The study also concluded that the budgetary allocations from both the national and county governments have a significant influence on the implementation and completion of projects. Besides, the researcher concludes that county governance structures have a significant influence on the rates of projects completion. Finally, the researcher concludes that contracts management significantly influences the rates at which projects are completed by counties. The laws, rules and regulations that govern the people to be awarded contracts, the people to award the contracts, the stakeholders to be enjoined in the contractual process and the time periods of paying the contractors is very important in determining the time projects are completed. The study recommends that future research should be undertaken in other counties in the coast region to ascertain whether such factors outlined above also influence the rates of projects completion. The study also recommends for a research to be done examining the influence of community participation on construction projects implementation in counties, in Kenya.

Determinants of Project Implementation Performance in Building Construction Projects in Selected Parastatals in Kenya

Ndambuki moses raymond, 2019

The study seek to assess how Environmental factors Influence Project implementation performance in building construction Projects in Kenya, to determine how leadership factors Influence Project implementation performance in building construction Projects in Kenya, to establish how cash flow factors Influence project implementation performance in building construction projects in Kenya, and to examine how Change of project scope Influence project implementation performance in building construction projects in Kenya . The target population was 220 respondents which necessitated a sample size of 15% randomly giving a sample size of 33 respondents .The sample size was drawn from parastatals, Consulting firms and contractors within Mombasa county. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and descriptive statistics used in data analysis with the help of statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS).Data presentation was in descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Testing of hypothesis was done using chi-square tests. The study findings established that Change of scope factors(X4), Cash flows factors(X3), Leadership factors(X2) and Environmental factors(X1) all with a level of significance of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 had a statistically significant relationship with project implementation performance(Y). The beta coefficients of constructs that constitute the four independent variables that predict the dependent variable: performance implementation was derived through the regression model equation as follows. Y= β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4+ ε Y= 0.477 + 0.281 (X1) + 0.119(X2) + 0.320(X3) + 0.188(X4).The equation shows that all factors have a positive influence on the implementation performance of building and construction projects. The regression equation shows a unit increase in environmental factors, leadership factors, cash flow factors and change of scope factors would lead to a positive increase of 0.298, 0.119, 0.320 and 0.188 respectively in implementation performance of building and construction projects in Kenya. The regression equation above established that holding all other factors constant (no determinants or factors) implementation performance of building and construction projects in Kenya would be 0.477.All the null hypothesis H0 were rejected and the alternative construction project implementation performance.


Kenya government roads has committed large sums of money in the roads infrastructure through Kenya Roads Board (KRB). Despite the importance of road infrastructure and the billions of dollars committed to it, road construction projects are never completed on time. The purpose of the study was to assess the determinants of timely completion of road construction projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The specific objectives were; to establish the extent to which top management support determines timely completion and to assess the extent to which effective procurement process influences timely completion of road projects. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Research questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from 43 respondents based on their suitability. Relative importance index (RII) was adopted to determine the ranking of different determinants in order of importance in timely completion of road construction projects. The study found out that top management supp...

Determinants of projects delay in the construction industry in Kenya; the case of selected road projects implemented by Kenya national highways authority in Kenya’s coast region


This research project report has been submitted for examination with my approval as the candidate's University Supervisor. Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________________ MR. JOHNBOSCO KISIMBII LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF EXTRAMURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI-MOMBASA CAMPUS iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to sincerely thank my supervisor, Mr. Johnbosco Kisimbii, for his invaluable guidance. I want to thank him so much for his patience, useful advice and ideas. His willingness to meet me at short notice is highly appreciated. Special thanks go to members of staff at ExtraMural Studies Mombasa for their cooperation during this course-specifically to Mr. Alexander Musembi for offering to assist me with his invaluable computer skills that made this document presentable in the required standard. My thanks go to colleagues whose encouragement was the source of strength that took me through the many difficulties of compiling this report. My sincere thanks go to the respondents who spared their time resource to contribute to data that made the study possible. I finally thank the almighty God for the gift of life and strength that ensured the project was concluded without interruption. iv DEDICATION This research is dedicated to my mother, Mrs. Milka Kimemia, who taught me that the best kind of knowledge to have is that which is learned for its own sake. It is also dedicated to my wife Mrs. Rahab Mbugua, who taught me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. v TABLE OF CONTENTS

Determinants of Timely Completion of Projects in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Power and Lighting Company, Thika

In Kenya, the electric power supply is significantly insufficient and covers a mere 20% of the population. Experience has shown that past electric power projects have not realized the expectations in terms of their implementation and quality at entry. This study was undertaken to determine the factors that influence timely completion of power projects within Thika region. These factors were assessed from various project levels; ranging from formulation of project plans, execution, monitoring and evaluation, and closure. The factors responsible for each situation were then identified and analyzed. Research findings were based on this analysis. Descriptive and exploratory research designs were adopted. The target population was project engineers, supervisors and technical staff working in projects. The information pertaining to monitoring and evaluation came from the representatives of project financiers who included Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) staff and other reliable stakeholders. This information motivated the coverage of all the concerns in different phases of the projects.Simple random sampling was employed to identify the key informants, who were grouped based on common characteristics. Questionnaires, interviews and observation check lists were used to collect data from various respondents based on their suitability. The data collected was then coded and analyzed using SPSS. Measures of central tendency and correlation analysis were used to establish an interaction between the independent and dependent variables. Procurement delays, timely availability of funds and climatic factors were observed to be the main factors that influenced the timely completion of KPLC projects in the studied area.