Kaufleute als Ethnographen. Die Berichte über die Expeditionen zu den Kanarischen Inseln und an die Küste Westafrikas des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (original) (raw)
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Space of Experience and Space of Contingency: West Africa in Alvise Cadmostos navigazioni atlantiche One of the most important protagonists of the exploration and construction of a new oicumene in the 15th century was Venetian patrician Alvise Cadamosto (1426/1432-1483). In the service of Portuguese infant Henry the Navigator he embarked on two expeditions to Africa in 1455 and 1456. Exploring the West-African he and his men reached the mouth of the Gambia River in 1455 and the Geba River and the Bissago Islands in 1456. Sometime after his return to Venice in 1463 he composed a detailed account of his voyages. This account, the so called navigazioni atlantiche, is the only contemporary travelogue of a protagonist of the Portuguese expansion into Africa in the period of Henry the Navigator and must be regarded as one of the milestones in the history of ethnography in the Middle Ages and beyond. Scrutinizing the navigazioni it becomes clear that even in those regions that had already been discovered by previous Portuguese expeditions Cadamosto only to a very limited extent could draw on the experiences made by these. The West African coast line down to Cape Roxo as already represented in the nautical chart of Venetian map maker Andrea Bianco of 1448 obviously was not mapped in the chart Cadamosto had with him which meant he had to discover it for himself. In the regions south of the Sine-Saloum delta Cadamosto entered a space of even higher contingency because her he encountered peoples who had not yet had any contact with European explorers and whose attitude towards the strangers from the north he had to asses all by himself accurately observing the customs of “a different world” as he labeled it in the prologue of his account. Cadamostos often noted highly nuanced hermeneutics of the “other” must thus be explained with him having to come to terms with a particular space of contingency constituted of geographical sites and people completely unknown.
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Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte -Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, 2018
,,Die protestantische Mission entwickelte sich aus der eng mit der Abolitionsbewegung verknüpften evangelikalen Erweckungsbewegung. Dabei ist es eine besondere Ironie der Geschichte, dass ausgerechnet die Abolitionisten in gewisser Weise zu den Wegbereitern der kolonialen Expansion in Afrika gehörten. Die Abschaffung des Sklavenhandels hatte […] zu einer Intensivierung der Sklaverei in Afrika geführt. Der Aufruf der Missionare zum Kampf gegen die Sklaverei und tyrannische Sklavenhalter bot wiederum einen zentralen Vorwand für europäische Mächte, in Afrika zu intervenieren.“
Koloniale Repräsentationen Südwestafrikas im Spiegel der Rheinischen Missionsberichte, 1842-1884
Journal of African Studies, 2012
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