Dynamic Field Theory Research Papers (original) (raw)

Recent work has shown that lexical items come to take on the phonetic characteristics of the prosodic environments in which they are typically produced, a phenomenon referred to as “leaky prosody”. Focusing on pitch patterns in Mandarin,... more

Recent work has shown that lexical items come to take on the phonetic characteristics of the prosodic environments in which they are typically produced, a phenomenon referred to as “leaky prosody”. Focusing on pitch patterns in Mandarin, we show that leaky prosody can be derived from a flat (i.e., non-transformational, non-optimizing) model of speech production. Formalized using Dynamic Field Theory, in our model, lexical, phonological, and prosodic inputs each exert forces on a Dynamic Neural Field representing pitch. Notably, the forces exerted by these inputs reflect surface distributions in a large corpus of spontaneous speech. Our simulations showed that the flat model derives the short timescale effect of prosodic prominence on pitch production as well as the longer timescale effect of leaky prosody. By updating lexical items based on surface phonetic form, words that are consistently produced in high/low prosodic prominence positions take on the phonetic characteristics of those environments.

The problem of creation of Unitary Field theory, or the Theory of Everything, which the Einstein was so eager to solve by means of physics, remained unsolved since it is solvable only by means of the Word: because the Word, according to... more

The problem of creation of Unitary Field theory, or the Theory of Everything, which the Einstein was so eager to solve by means of physics, remained unsolved since it is solvable only by means of the Word: because the Word, according to Bible — is the God and «the God has»: Universe, His Child. This particular solution is given by the linguistic work about the Existing, offered by me to you and based on the Pressing method, the founder of which is Dionysus (Bacchus) — the ancient's god of the Word, Moon and Wine. // Познать Мир, Божий Храм - есть познать Слово нам. Слово - это Луна.

Abstract 1. We propose a neural dynamic model that specifies how low-level visual processes can be integrated with higher level cognition to achieve flexible spatial language behaviors. This model uses real-word visual input that is... more

Abstract 1. We propose a neural dynamic model that specifies how low-level visual processes can be integrated with higher level cognition to achieve flexible spatial language behaviors. This model uses real-word visual input that is linked to relational spatial descriptions through a neural mechanism for reference frame transformations.