Forensic Document Examination Research Papers (original) (raw)

Sequence of writing problems constitute only a small percentage of most document examiners’ case loads, but solving such problems can be crucial. It is important to know the factors that make sequences capable of determination, and when... more

Sequence of writing problems constitute only a small percentage of most document examiners’ case loads, but solving such problems can be crucial. It is important to know the factors that make sequences capable of determination, and when possible, to know how to make such a determination or where to find further assistance. McCrone Associates, a microscopical and microanalytical consulting firm with a wide range of instrumentation and analytical techniques, is occasionally asked to supplement work performed by individual examiners in smaller laboratories. For this reason, McCrone sponsored research to ascertain which instruments, illumination methods, magnifications and techniques might provide more definitive answers to a variety of sequence of writing questions. We derived a number of insights from this research which we would like to present as a general microscopical theory of sequence determinability. It is hoped that this theory will provide the document examiner with one more ...

Artificial defects on the documents can be classified into two categories: extraneous marks and deteriorating factors. Identifying and categorizing artificial defects of the examined document and determining some critical unforeseen... more

Artificial defects on the documents can be classified into two categories: extraneous marks and deteriorating factors. Identifying and categorizing artificial defects of the examined document and determining some critical unforeseen details are the aims of this study. Real case samples were collected from our archive and examined. It was found that 41 out of total 100 cases include either extraneous marks or deteriorating factors.

Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada belgeinceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin üzeri kapatıcılar ile kapatılmış yazılarda okunurluk sağlama etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaç lanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Adli belge inceleme... more

Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada belgeinceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin
üzeri kapatıcılar ile kapatılmış yazılarda okunurluk sağlama etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaç lanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Adli belge inceleme alanında kullanılan ve spektral analiz yöntemi ile çalışan Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarının karşılaş tırmalı olarak incelenmesi amacı ile beyaz kâğıt, saman kâğıdı ve senet kâğıdı üzerine mavi ve siyah tükenmez kalem ve mavi ve siyah jel mürekkepli kalemlerle yazılan yazılar; 1 gün, 1 hafta ve 1 ay sonra kapatıcılar (2 farklı marka sıvı kapatıcı, 1 adet kalem kapatıcı ve 2 farklı marka şerit kapatıcı) ile tek ve çift (hem ön hem arka yüzey) taraflı kapatılmıştır. Daha sonra hazırlanan bu örnekler Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarında incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Spektral yöntemlerin üzeri kapatıcı ile kapatılmış yazıların görünür hale getirilmesinde %50 ile %100 oranında başarılı olduğu, ortalama okunurluk sağlama oranının %83.3 olduğu görülmüştür. Bu oranlar, alttaki mürekkep türü, rengi ve kâğıt türüne göre farklılık göstermektedir. Sadece üzeri kapatılan yazılarda okunurluk sağlama oranı daha yüksek (%94) iken bu oranın hem üzeri hem de arka yüzeyi kapatılmış yazılarda %68.5’e düştüğü görülmüştür. Her üç cihazın okunurluk sağlama etkinlikleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Bu cihazların kullanımının belge inceleme uzmanı ile belge inceleme laboratuvarlarının başarı düzeyini oldukça artıracağı, rapora yansıtılacak gerekçe ve görsel destek ile bilimsellik ve nesnellik açısından oldukça etkin sonuçlar doğuracağı kanaatine varılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: El yazısı; yazılar

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the... more

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the history, technology, and properties of gel pens. Microscopical (visual) and chemical methods were also evaluated as ways to characterize and identify gel inks. The results of the study demonstrate that the presence of a gel ink can often be determined, but that some gel inks resemble other types of pens, especially roller balls, upon visual examination. Further, chromatographic methods used to characterize traditional dye-based inks may be less useful with gel inks; for these, other spectrometric methods including Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) were evaluated and proved useful.

This paper introduces the WANDA Measurement tool (WAM) for forensic document examination. The WAM is an essential component of WANDA, a workbench that supports the user in the complete task flow of processing documents, measuring... more

This paper introduces the WANDA Measurement tool (WAM) for forensic document examination. The WAM is an essential component of WANDA, a workbench that supports the user in the complete task flow of processing documents, measuring characteristic features in handwritten documents, and writer search. By using technologies like plug-ins. XML, and client/server modularity, a system was created that is easy to maintain. portable, and highly adaptable. Within WANDA, the WAM is the tool for interactively measuring handwriting features. The WAM was developed based on recommendations from a comparison study between two forensic writeridentification systems, Script and FISH. It incorporates nine measurements identical to those of FISH, and a new allograph measurement that is discussed in this paper. Furthermore, its intuitive new user-interface reduces the steep learning curve and streamlines the working process. A comparison of features previously measured by forensic experts using FISH, with...

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the... more

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the history, technology, and properties of gel pens. Microscopical (visual) and chemical methods were also evaluated as ways to characterize and identify gel inks. The results of the study demonstrate that the presence of a gel ink can often be determined, but that some gel inks resemble other types of pens, especially roller balls, upon visual examination. Further, chromatographic methods used to characterize traditional dye-based inks may be less useful with gel inks; for these, other spectrometric methods including Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) were evaluated and proved useful.

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the... more

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the longest similar sequences of strokes between a pair of genuine signatures. The stability regions are then used to select the most stable signatures, as well as to estimate the extent to which these stability regions are encountered in both genuine and simulated (forged) signatures, thus modeling the signing habit of a subject. Experimental results on the SUSig database show that the proposed model can be effectively used for signature verification.

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the... more

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the history, technology, and properties of gel pens. Microscopical (visual) and chemical methods were also evaluated as ways to characterize and identify gel inks. The results of the study demonstrate that the presence of a gel ink can often be determined, but that some gel inks resemble other types of pens, especially roller balls, upon visual examination. Further, chromatographic methods used to characterize traditional dye-based inks may be less useful with gel inks; for these, other spectrometric methods including Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) were evaluated and proved useful.

Gurmukhi is a written script of the Punjabi language spoken by 104 million people worldwide. It has been previously shown in a study of Punjabi residents to contain several unique class characteristics. In this paper these class... more

Gurmukhi is a written script of the Punjabi language spoken by 104 million people worldwide. It has been previously shown in a study of Punjabi residents to contain several unique class characteristics. In this paper these class characteristics and others were analysed in both 1st generation and 2nd generation Punjabi decedents residing in the United Kingdom. Using the Pearson Chi-squared test, eight characteristic features were found to be statistically different in the Gurmukhi handwriting of the two populations (pN0.01). Additionally there are several changes in previously identified class characteristics, such as script type and angularity of characters, between the 1st generation and 2nd generation Punjabi populations. These class characteristics may be of value to forensic document examiners and allow them to identify the population and the generation of the writer of a suspect document.

This study was carried out in Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, Document Examination Laboratory in order to determine the changes in signatures over time. Signature is a biometric element... more

This study was carried out in Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, Document Examination Laboratory in order to determine the changes in signatures over time. Signature is a biometric element consisting of descriptive texts and figures that shows an individual's characteristics. The signature, like handwriting, undergoes some changes over time. These changes may occur due to personal and environmental factors. In order to define such changes, a sample group was determined and their signatures on timesheets for 1st, 7th, 15th, 30th, 90th, 180th and 360th days were examined. It is expected that some changes may occur in second signatures which are signed at the end of the working day. These signatures were evaluated in terms of "complexity", "speed", "pressure", "deviation angle from the baseline", "aspect ratio" and "special marks" variables. When the change in signature characteristics in different time periods were examined; it was observed that "speed" has decreased while "pressure" has increased (4, %40) or both have remained constant (5, %50) for most of the participants. While the "complexity" (7, %70) and "deviation angle from the baseline" (9, %90) of the signatures remained constant, "aspect ratio" of signatures in half of the participants tended to remain constant (5, %50). When the change of the second signature on the same day is also examined, it was observed that the second signatures of four participants had more pressure whereas two participants had less pressure; three participants had a tendency to exaggerate the initial stroke of their signatures; four participants had a tendency to decrease the number of mid characters, six participants had changes in their last figure of their signatures and four participants had similar characters in comparison with first signatures.
This study is a preliminary study for more comprehensive studies that are carried out by expanding the sample group and evaluating many factors such as age, gender and professions together.

In an anonymous note case, the first step in the investigation was an examination of the cash register receipt upon which the message was written. The fact that the note was written on paper not manufactured for writing created... more

In an anonymous note case, the first step in the investigation was an examination of the cash register receipt upon which the message was written. The fact that the note was written on paper not manufactured for writing created significant features which prevented identification. Because of these distortions and disturbances, a comparative examination of handwriting would have been futile. Further examination of the suspects' actual handwriting (exemplars) was curtailed, saving time and costs for the client.

This paper provides techniques and procedures to calibrate the stereomicroscope in a forensic document examiner’s laboratory and thus to reduce bias in producing microscopical images of handwriting, inks, writing and printing, or other... more

This paper provides techniques and procedures to calibrate the stereomicroscope in a forensic document examiner’s laboratory and thus to reduce bias in producing microscopical images of handwriting, inks, writing and printing, or other evidence for more accurate presentations in forensic document examiners’ reports and for trial exhibits. Instructions are provided on how to determine field sizes at any magnification, how to calibrate a stereomicroscope eyepiece reticle for taking precise measurements, and how to create labeled scale bars for inclusion into photomicrographs.

Este estudio se refirió, como lo indica el título, sobre la individualidad en la escritura de gemelos monocigóticos. El tema de las similitudes en la escritura a mano, de personas no relacionadas y relacionadas, tiene una posición... more

Este estudio se refirió, como lo indica el título, sobre la individualidad en la escritura de gemelos monocigóticos. El tema de las similitudes en la escritura a mano, de personas no relacionadas y relacionadas, tiene una posición prominente en el campo del examen forense de documentos, y una de las más estudiadas es la escritura de gemelos. En el siguiente estudio intervinieron 14 personas o 7 pares de gemelos monocigóticos, conformado por 3 parejas de sexo masculino y 4 parejas de sexo femenino, sus edades oscilaron entre los 17 y 48 años. Se utilizó el método tradicional de análisis para identificar los gestos gráficos y la individualidad en sus escrituras, mediante los siguientes elementos que pasaremos a mencionar: Tamaño de escritura, inclinación, velocidad, proporciones de letras, aspecto general o “efecto pictórico”, calidad de escritura y mediante las formas individuales de las letras. La cuestión, sin embargo, es determinar la influencia que pueden tener en la escritura a mano dos individuos que fueron criados simultáneamente, tanto a nivel de estudio como también a la educación parental. Se analizaron características gráficas comunes entre ellos. El análisis se realizó en muestras de escrituras que cada individuo escribió, se les proporcionó un breve texto que contenía todas las letras del alfabeto. Las muestras recolectadas fueron examinadas teniendo en cuenta las características antes mencionadas.
Una vez terminado de analizar los escritos y compararlos entre hermanos gemelos, se llegó a un promedio general de que las escrituras de gemelos presentaban un 26.5% de nivel de similitud, conformando un 73.5% de nivel de individualidad. Por lo tanto, concluimos que, a pesar de poseer similitudes en sus gestos gráficos, los gemelos monocigóticos poseen un alto nivel de individualidad en sus manuscritos.

The aims of this study were to determine if computer-measured dynamic features (duration, size, velocity, jerk, and pen pressure) differ between genuine and simulated signatures. Sixty subjects (3 equal groups of 3 signature styles) each... more

The aims of this study were to determine if computer-measured dynamic features (duration, size, velocity, jerk, and pen pressure) differ between genuine and simulated signatures. Sixty subjects (3 equal groups of 3 signature styles) each provided 10 naturally written (genuine) signatures. Each of these subjects then provided 15 simulations of each of three model signatures. The genuine (N = 600) and simulated (N = 2700) signatures were collected using a digitizing tablet. MovAlyzeR â software was used to estimate kinematic parameters for each pen stroke. Stroke duration, velocity, and pen pressure were found to discriminate between genuine and simulated signatures regardless of the simulator's own style of signature or the style of signature being simulated. However, there was a significant interaction between style and condition for size and jerk (a measure of smoothness). The results of this study, based on quantitative analysis and dynamic handwriting features, indicate that the style of the simulator's own signature and the style of signature being simulated can impact the characteristics of handwriting movements for simulations. Writer style characteristics might therefore need to be taken into consideration as potentially significant when evaluating signature features with a view to forming opinions regarding authenticity.

"The so-called handwriting identification is based on stability, individual differences and significant characteristic of the handwriting as the premise, the identification by the forensic document examiner (FDE) from the... more

"The so-called handwriting identification is based on stability, individual differences and significant characteristic of the handwriting as the premise, the identification by the forensic document examiner (FDE) from the submitted (questioned and specimen) document analysis and compared to the writer's writing habits, after comprehensive study and evaluation of the two (questioned and specimen) writing habits rendered in the handwriting characteristics of the same process." 1 Therefore, it can be said that all the results of the identification are based on the document examiner, analysis, comparation, evaluation and conclusion of these five factors, as long as one of the factor deviations, the results of identification will be affected. So, for a long time this field has placed special emphasis on the professionalism and learning background of the experts, and also including analysis, comparing, evaluation and conclusion process are standardized2, however, it is undeniable that the results of the identification are vary greatly depending on the document examiner (or laboratory), including the admissibility of the case, the adoption of the identification process and the identification method, and even the statement of the results. In view of the basis of 3 0 0 C individual characteristics3 3 0 0 D and 3 0 0 C verification of conclusions 3 0 0 D , I purpose the following two points to avoid disputes. First, 3 0 0 C individual characteristic 3 0 0 D , because it is not possible to emphasize its particularity by likelihood ratios, it is recommended to use "critical" characteristic" to show the basis for the results, such as the difference between left-handed and right-handed is the typical evidence of writings are or are not of common authorship; As for other items such as describing feature of writing, relative relationship between words or strokes, pen pressure, and appearance because the writing instruments or writer is influenced by internal and external factors. Although they are the elements generally used for analysis and comparison, the case will be different from writer to writer. It will be modified4 because of different writer, so used as an evidence for distinguishing or concluding the authenticity of writer will also be different, and these differences are not how the uniqueness of the characteristics are but the critical to the characteristics. For example, by facing of unnatural handwriting, the document examiner may observe differences, in between " pen stop" and " pen deposit ".

Reports related to Forensic handwriting examination often face harsh criticism in courtroom. At times it is claimed that the similarities or dissimilarities cited by the expert is not present. In many cases it may be claimed that there is... more

Reports related to Forensic handwriting examination often face harsh criticism in courtroom. At times it is claimed that the similarities or dissimilarities cited by the expert is not present. In many cases it may be claimed that there is a similarity or dissimilarity which is not noticed by expert. It is not uncommon to find two opposite reports filed before court in the same case by two different experts. Such a situation often adds to confusion and chaos and leads to doubtful situation in court regarding credibility of expert opinion. Pictorial similarities and differences are a matter of perception thus allows wide scope for debate and personal opinion. Though pictorial appearance does not present a complete scenario of forensic handwriting examination, the reasoning by experts presents a simplified explanation of decision making by experts so that a layman can understand. In the process many omissions happen. These omissions often include facts which are soul of handwriting examination which in turn causes failure of forensic community to sensitize courtroom about meticulous task of handwriting examination. The popular belief that simple explanations can make advocates and judiciary understand scientific work has built perception of handwriting examination as only comparison of like to like as this is only part get presented in courts case after case. In pursuit of acceptance by layman, document examiners prefer not to highlight more intricate parts of this comparison which can help the court in differentiating between cursory and scientific examination. This paper will discuss current system of expressing reasons and suggest changes which can be done in current format of reasoning to illustrate science involved in examination of handwriting.

In the late 1980s, Dr. Philip D. Bouffard began development of the 1st computer-based typewriter typestyle classification program, which he called "TYPE." This program, based on the manual typewriter classification systems of the time,... more

In the late 1980s, Dr. Philip D. Bouffard began development of the 1st computer-based typewriter typestyle classification program, which he called "TYPE." This program, based on the manual typewriter classification systems of the time, required a DOS-based operating system and used a searchable database to limit the number of known type specimens that had to be compared with a questioned typewritten text. Dr. Bouffard gave his time and this program to the forensic document examination discipline in order to further the science. Over the years, this author has used Dr. Bouffard's program to solve many typewriter questions and, in appreciation, endeavors to update the program to run in the current Windows® environment so that the forensic document community can continue to benefit from Dr. Bouffard's foresight and generosity.

Özet Bu çalışmada belge inceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin üzeri karalanmış yazılarda; mürekkep türü, mürekkep rengi, kâğıt türü, süre gibi değişkenler kullanılarak etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.... more

Özet Bu çalışmada belge inceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin üzeri karalanmış yazılarda; mürekkep türü, mürekkep rengi, kâğıt türü, süre gibi değişkenler kullanılarak etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Adli belge inceleme alanında kullanılan ve spektral analiz yöntemi ile çalışan Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi amacı ile markası ve modeli bilinen 29 adet mavi, 25 adet siyah tükenmez kalem, 12 adet mavi 13 adet siyah jel kalem ile beyaz kâğıt, saman kâğıdı ve senet kâğıdı kullanılmıştır. Beyaz kâğıt, saman kâğıdı ve senet kâğıdı üzerine yazılan yazılar; 1 gün, 1 hafta ve 1 ay sonra yine bu kalemler arasından seçilen farklı kalemler ile karalanmıştır. Daha sonra hazırlanan bu örnekler Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarında incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak spektral yöntemlerin üzeri karalanmış yazıların görünür hale getirilmesinde % 12 ile % 100 oranında başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu oran mürekkep türü, rengi ve kâğıt türüne göre farklılık göstermektedir. Her üç cihazda da okunurluk sağlama açısından süreye bağlı bir değişkenlik gözlenmemiştir. Bu cihazların kullanımının belge inceleme uzmanı ile belge inceleme laboratuvarlarının başarı düzeyini oldukça artıracağı, rapora yansıtılacak gerekçe ve görsel destek ile bilimsellik ve nesnellik açısından oldukça etkin sonuçlar doğuracağı kanaatine varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belge inceleme, hiperspektral analiz, karalanmış yazılar OBLITERATED WRITINGS EXAMINATION BY SPECTRAL AND HYPERSPECTRAL METHODS. Summary In this study, it is aimed to determine the effectiveness by means of using the variables such as the ink type, ink color, paper type, period in obliterated writing on of the spectral examination methods which are used in the document examination area. 29 blue and 25 black ballpoint pens, 12 blue and 13 black gelpens and blue print paper, white paper and deposite slip with the known brand marks and models are provided for they purpose of the comparative examination of the equipment Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 which are operated by means of the spectral analysis method and used in the forensic document examination area. The writings which are written on the white paper, blue print paper, and deposite slip are cover obliterated by ink however a different group covered with the different ballpoint pens and gel pens that were chosen thorouh the same pens after 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. After that, these examples were examined by means of the Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 equipments.

Multispectral imaging allows for analysis of images in multiple spectral bands. Over the past three decades, airborne and satellite multispectral imaging have been the focus of extensive research in remote sensing. In the recent years,... more

Multispectral imaging allows for analysis of images in multiple spectral bands. Over the past three decades, airborne and satellite multispectral imaging have been the focus of extensive research in remote sensing. In the recent years, ground based multispectral imaging has gained an immense amount of interest in the fields ranging from computer vision and medical imaging to art, archaeology and computational forensics. The rich information content in multispectral images allows forensic experts to examine the chemical composition of forensic traces. Due to its rapid, non-contact and non-destructive characteristics, multispectral imaging is an effective tool for visualization, age estimation, detection and identification of forensic traces in document images. Ink mismatch is a key indicator of forgery in a document. Inks of different materials exhibit different spectral signature even if they have the same color. Multispectral analysis of questioned documents images allows identification and discrimination of visually similar inks. In this paper, an efficient automatic ink mismatch detection technique is proposed which uses Fuzzy C-Means Clustering to divide the spectral responses of ink pixels in handwritten notes into different clusters which relate to the unique inks used in the document. Sauvola's local thresholding technique is employed to efficiently segment foreground text from the document image. Furthermore, feature selection is used to optimize the performance of the proposed method. The presented method provides better ink discrimination results than state-of-the-art methods when tested on publicly available UWA Writing Inks Dataset.

While a handwriting expert can be an analyst, a handwriting analyst is not necessarily an expert. There certainly are those that claim to be proficient in handwriting analysis but not all are created equal. Here are some of the... more

While a handwriting expert can be an analyst, a handwriting analyst is not necessarily an expert. There certainly are those that claim to be proficient in handwriting analysis but not all are created equal. Here are some of the differences and what you should consider when selecting a qualified forensic document examiner.

A B S T R A C T The main methods for dating ballpoint pen inks in questioned documents used up to day are based mainly on the analysis of ink volatile components. These methods have some limitations still unresolved, such as the... more

A B S T R A C T The main methods for dating ballpoint pen inks in questioned documents used up to day are based mainly on the analysis of ink volatile components. These methods have some limitations still unresolved, such as the impossibility for dating documents older than two to five years and the destruction in part or totally of the questioned document after the analysis. This study aims to overcome these drawbacks by exploring the feasibility of dating inks based on their spectroscopic UV–vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectra monitoring combined with a Partial Least-Squares (PLS) multivariate modelling. Inoxcrom® ink samples were exposed to artificial aging, their reflectance spectra were measured and a multivariate calibration was applied. Mathematical pre-treatments of the spectroscopic data were carried out to enhance the prediction ability of the models and the qualitative interpretation of the spectra. The best PLS model was obtained after SNV spectral filter. Accurate predictions (RSD of 25%) were obtained for two of the five pen inks analysed and a correlation between the natural aging and the accelerated artificial aging could be established. Moreover, the spectra region more closely related to the ink aging process could be delimited, in which younger inks were characterized by modifications in the visible and NIR spectra region, while after aging the most influential region was the NIR spectrum. The mismatch with the other three pen inks tested could be attributed to consistent differences in ink formulations. Inks sharing a common chromatographic profile proved to fit correctly in the predictive model indicating that the methodology shows a great potential for future applications in the field of questioned documents dating.

The age of a relatively old document is one of the pending issues to be resolved in the field of forensic documentary examination. Although nowadays there are a variety of analytical methodologies focused in the analysis of inks for... more

The age of a relatively old document is one of the pending issues to be resolved in the field of forensic documentary examination. Although nowadays there are a variety of analytical methodologies focused in the analysis of inks for dating documents, the paper analysis has attained little attention. This work aims to develop two complementary approaches for estimating the age of documents based on paper analysis employing the pyrolysis technique coupled to gas chromatography with detection by mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS): (i) a direct approach using the pyrolytic fingerprints and multivariate regression with artificially aged samples, and (ii) an indirect approach based on the identification of compounds characteristic of the document period. The direct approach has successfully allowed the age estimation of relatively old documents under police custody (up to 30 years of age) and the determination of a relation between the natural and the accelerated aging of paper under the used conditions. This approach is applicable to papers that have the same (or similar) composition and have been stored under comparable storage conditions. Additionally, the indirect approach is presented as an interesting perspective to ratify valuable information of the document age.

Highly programmed skilled movements are executed in such a way that their kinematic features adhere to certain rules referred to as minimization principles. One such principle is the isochrony principle, which states that the duration of... more

Highly programmed skilled movements are executed in such a way that their kinematic features adhere
to certain rules referred to as minimization principles. One such principle is the isochrony principle, which states that the duration of voluntary movement remains approximately constant across a range of movement distances; that is, movement duration is independent of movement extent.
The concept of isochrony suggests that some information stored in the motor program is constant, thus reducing the storage demands of the program. The aim of the present study was to examine whether forged signatures can be distinguished from genuine signatures on the basis of isochrony kinematics. Sixty writers were asked to write their own signatures and to forge model signatures
representing three different writing styles: text-based, stylized, and mixed. All signatures were digitized to enable high precision dynamic analyses of stroke kinematics. Vertical stroke duration and absolute amplitude were measured for each pen stroke of the signatures using MovAlyzeR1
software. Slope coefficients derived from simple regression models of the relationship between stroke duration and amplitude served as our measure of isochrony. The slope coefficient reflects the degree to which stroke duration increases in relation to stroke amplitude. Higher coefficients
indicate greater increases in stroke duration for a given stroke amplitude and thus violate the isochrony principle. We hypothesized that the duration–amplitude coefficients for forged signatures would be significantly greater than for genuine signatures suggesting non-adherence to the isochrony
principle. Results indicated that regardless of the style of the writer, genuine signatures were associated with low slope coefficients Pen strokes forming forged signatures had significantly greater duration–amplitude slope coefficients than genuine signatures. These findings suggest that
when forging signatures, writers execute pen movements having steeper duration–amplitude relationships than for genuine signatures.

The toner particles left by the printers on a document can be a guide in the analysis of many cases in the discipline of forensic document examination. Analyzing the sequence of written or signed part and printed part of a document is... more

The toner particles left by the printers on a document can be a guide in the analysis of many cases in the discipline of forensic document examination. Analyzing the sequence of written or signed part and printed part of a document is crucial to detect fraud. The aim of this study is to determine whether counting the printer toner particles on the ballpoint pen lines and the adjacent blank area as a useful method for definig the sequance of non-intersecting ballpoint pen and laser-printed writings. Samples were formed by writing letters and numbers on papers which were printed either before or after the writing process. A total of 10 different printers were used to prepare the printed parts of samples. Each sample was examined under the infrared light using Video Spectral Comparator (VSC 8000, Foster+Freeman, UK). Two forensic document examiners evaluated the existence of the particles on the groove of sample lines using a double blind method. Amount of the particles on the groove of line strokes determined whether the letters and numbers on the document were formed before or after the document text was printed. In 8 out of 10 documents, it was possible to detect sequences of written and printed parts. Two printers were slightly used and toner particles of these printers were sparsely scattered on the sample papers. This situation caused the examiners to not determine the sequence. Although this is a preliminary study, the results are promising for more comprehensive studies.

Multispectral imaging allows for analysis of images in multiple spectral bands. Over the past three decades, airborne and satellite multispectral imaging have been the focus of extensive research in remote sensing. In the recent years,... more

Multispectral imaging allows for analysis of images in multiple spectral bands. Over the past three decades, airborne and satellite multispectral imaging have been the focus of extensive research in remote sensing. In the recent years, ground based multispectral imaging has gained an immense amount of interest in the fields ranging from computer vision and medical imaging to art, archaeology and computational forensics. The rich information content in multispectral images allows forensic experts to examine the chemical composition of forensic traces. Due to its rapid, non-contact and non-destructive characteristics, multispectral imaging is an effective tool for visualization, age estimation, detection and identification of forensic traces in document images. Ink mismatch is a key indicator of forgery in a document. Inks of different materials exhibit different spectral signature even if they have the same color. Multispectral analysis of questioned documents images allows identification and discrimination of visually similar inks. In this paper, an efficient automatic ink mismatch detection technique is proposed which uses Fuzzy C-Means Clustering to divide the spectral responses of ink pixels in handwritten notes into different clusters which relate to the unique inks used in the document. Sauvola's local thresholding technique is employed to efficiently segment foreground text from the document image. Furthermore, feature selection is used to optimize the performance of the proposed method. The presented method provides better ink discrimination results than state-of-the-art methods when tested on publicly available UWA Writing Inks Dataset.

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the... more

With the increasing use and variety of gel pens on the market, forensic document examiners may encounter problems identifying gel pens from other common pen types. This study discusses the initial findings of an investigation into the history, technology, and properties of gel pens. Microscopical (visual) and chemical methods were also evaluated as ways to characterize and identify gel inks. The results of the study demonstrate that the presence of a gel ink can often be determined, but that some gel inks resemble other types of pens, especially roller balls, upon visual examination. Further, chromatographic methods used to characterize traditional dye-based inks may be less useful with gel inks; for these, other spectrometric methods including Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) were evaluated and proved useful.

Özet Bu çalışmada belge inceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin üzeri karalanmış yazılarda; mürekkep türü, mürekkep rengi, kâğıt türü, süre gibi değişkenler kullanılarak etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.... more

Özet Bu çalışmada belge inceleme alanında kullanılan spektral inceleme yöntemlerinin üzeri karalanmış yazılarda; mürekkep türü, mürekkep rengi, kâğıt türü, süre gibi değişkenler kullanılarak etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Adli belge inceleme alanında kullanılan ve spektral analiz yöntemi ile çalışan Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi amacı ile markası ve modeli bilinen 29 adet mavi, 25 adet siyah tükenmez kalem, 12 adet mavi 13 adet siyah jel kalem ile beyaz kâğıt, saman kâğıdı ve senet kâğıdı kullanılmıştır. Beyaz kâğıt, saman kâğıdı ve senet kâğıdı üzerine yazılan yazılar; 1 gün, 1 hafta ve 1 ay sonra yine bu kalemler arasından seçilen farklı kalemler ile karalanmıştır. Daha sonra hazırlanan bu örnekler Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 cihazlarında incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak spektral yöntemlerin üzeri karalanmış yazıların görünür hale getirilmesinde % 12 ile % 100 oranında başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu oran mürekkep türü, rengi ve kâğıt türüne göre farklılık göstermektedir. Her üç cihazda da okunurluk sağlama açısından süreye bağlı bir değişkenlik gözlenmemiştir. Bu cihazların kullanımının belge inceleme uzmanı ile belge inceleme laboratuvarlarının başarı düzeyini oldukça artıracağı, rapora yansıtılacak gerekçe ve görsel destek ile bilimsellik ve nesnellik açısından oldukça etkin sonuçlar doğuracağı kanaatine varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belge inceleme, hiperspektral analiz, karalanmış yazılar OBLITERATED WRITINGS EXAMINATION BY SPECTRAL AND HYPERSPECTRAL METHODS. Summary In this study, it is aimed to determine the effectiveness by means of using the variables such as the ink type, ink color, paper type, period in obliterated writing on of the spectral examination methods which are used in the document examination area. 29 blue and 25 black ballpoint pens, 12 blue and 13 black gelpens and blue print paper, white paper and deposite slip with the known brand marks and models are provided for they purpose of the comparative examination of the equipment Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 which are operated by means of the spectral analysis method and used in the forensic document examination area. The writings which are written on the white paper, blue print paper, and deposite slip are cover obliterated by ink however a different group covered with the different ballpoint pens and gel pens that were chosen thorouh the same pens after 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. After that, these examples were examined by means of the Forensic XP 4010, Forensic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 equipments.

This article discusses Morton Smith’s famous manuscript find, Clement’s Letter to Theodore (including the so-called Secret Gospel of Mark), and critically assesses Stephen C. Carlson’s study of its handwriting (2005). Carlson’s analysis... more

This article discusses Morton Smith’s famous manuscript find, Clement’s Letter to Theodore (including the so-called Secret Gospel of Mark), and critically assesses Stephen C. Carlson’s study of its handwriting (2005). Carlson’s analysis is found to be wanting due to line screen distortion introduced by the halftone reproduction process in the images he used. We conclude that the script in the manuscript of Clement’s Letter to Theodore lacks all and any kind of “signs of forgery”.

The aims of this study were to determine if computer-measured dynamic features (duration, size, velocity, jerk, and pen pressure) differ between genuine and simulated signatures. Sixty subjects (3 equal groups of 3 signature styles) each... more

The aims of this study were to determine if computer-measured dynamic features (duration, size, velocity, jerk, and pen pressure) differ between genuine and simulated signatures. Sixty subjects (3 equal groups of 3 signature styles) each provided 10 naturally written (genuine) signatures. Each of these subjects then provided 15 simulations of each of three model signatures. The genuine (N = 600) and simulated (N = 2700) signatures were collected using a digitizing tablet. MovAlyzeR(®) software was used to estimate kinematic parameters for each pen stroke. Stroke duration, velocity, and pen pressure were found to discriminate between genuine and simulated signatures regardless of the simulator's own style of signature or the style of signature being simulated. However, there was a significant interaction between style and condition for size and jerk (a measure of smoothness). The results of this study, based on quantitative analysis and dynamic handwriting features, indicate that...

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the... more

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the longest similar sequences of strokes between a pair of genuine signatures. The stability regions are then used to select the most stable signatures, as well as to estimate the extent to which these stability regions are encountered in both genuine and simulated (forged) signatures, thus modeling the signing habit of a subject. Experimental results on the SUSig database show that the proposed model can be effectively used for signature verification.

"The so-called handwriting identification is based on stability, individual differences and significant characteristic of the handwriting as the premise, the identification by the forensic document examiner (FDE) from the submitted... more

"The so-called handwriting identification is based on stability, individual differences and significant characteristic of the handwriting as the premise, the identification by the forensic document examiner (FDE) from the submitted (questioned and specimen) document analysis and compared to the writer's writing habits, after comprehensive study and evaluation of the two (questioned and specimen) writing habits rendered in the handwriting characteristics of the same process." 1 Therefore, it can be said that all the results of the identification are based on the document examiner, analysis, comparation, evaluation and conclusion of these five factors, as long as one of the factor deviations, the results of identification will be affected. So, for a long time this field has placed special emphasis on the professionalism and learning background of the experts, and also including analysis, comparing, evaluation and conclusion process are standardized2, however, it is undeniable that the results of the identification are vary greatly depending on the document examiner (or laboratory), including the admissibility of the case, the adoption of the identification process and the identification method, and even the statement of the results. In view of the basis of 3 0 0 C individual characteristics3 3 0 0 D and 3 0 0 C verification of conclusions 3 0 0 D , I purpose the following two points to avoid disputes. First, 3 0 0 C individual characteristic 3 0 0 D , because it is not possible to emphasize its particularity by likelihood ratios, it is recommended to use "critical" characteristic" to show the basis for the results, such as the difference between left-handed and right-handed is the typical evidence of writings are or are not of common authorship; As for other items such as describing feature of writing, relative relationship between words or strokes, pen pressure, and appearance because the writing instruments or writer is influenced by internal and external factors. Although they are the elements generally used for analysis and comparison, the case will be different from writer to writer. It will be modified4 because of different writer, so used as an evidence for distinguishing or concluding the authenticity of writer will also be different, and these differences are not how the uniqueness of the characteristics are but the critical to the characteristics. For example, by facing of unnatural handwriting, the document examiner may observe differences, in between " pen stop" and " pen deposit ".

The "variation" and "individuality" emphasized in this presentation are very important " language" in the document examination. how to communicate to ensure the person who reads the report or listens to the explanation can clearly receive... more

The "variation" and "individuality" emphasized in this presentation are very important " language" in the document examination. how to communicate to ensure the person who reads the report or listens to the explanation can clearly receive it and becomes the evidence for the court is crucial.
In the year 2021, I experienced some cases in which it has been found that there are significant differences in the analysis and interpretation of the findings between different examiners. The serious converse conclusions are even affecting the court trial, the rights, and interests of the parties. Despite many researchers in this field working in authenticating individuality uniqueness, this presentation tries to discuss the problem we faced and share what I learned from all the cases.

Sequence of writing problems constitute only a small percentage of most document examiners’ case loads, but solving such problems can be crucial. It is important to know the factors that make sequences capable of determination, and when... more

Sequence of writing problems constitute only a small percentage of most document examiners’ case loads, but solving such problems can be crucial. It is important to know the factors that make sequences capable of determination, and when possible, to know how to make such a determination or where to find further assistance. McCrone Associates, a microscopical and microanalytical consulting firm with a wide range of instrumentation and analytical techniques, is occasionally asked to supplement work performed by individual examiners in smaller laboratories. For this reason, McCrone sponsored research to ascertain which instruments, illumination methods, magnifications and techniques might provide more definitive answers to a variety of sequence of writing questions. We derived a number of insights from this research which we would like to present as a general microscopical theory of sequence determinability. It is hoped that this theory will provide the document examiner with one more ...

Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada hem aynı tür (tükenmez kalem) mürekkep (homojen) hem de farklı tür (tükenmez kalem/inkjet-lazer yazıcı) mü-rekkeplerle (hetorojen) oluşturulmuş kesişmelerde stereo mikroskobun ne kadar etkin şekilde... more

Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada hem aynı tür (tükenmez kalem) mürekkep (homojen) hem de farklı tür (tükenmez kalem/inkjet-lazer yazıcı) mü-rekkeplerle (hetorojen) oluşturulmuş kesişmelerde stereo mikroskobun ne kadar etkin şekilde kullanılabileceği araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesişen çizgilerin alt-üst ilişkisinin belirlenme-si ile çizgilerin oluşturulma zamanının tespitinde stereo mikroskobun etkinliğini tespit etmek amacıyla 3 ayrı siyah tükenmez kalem 3 ayrı mavi tükenmez kalem, lazer yazıcı ve inkjet yazıcı kullanılarak hazırla-nan homojen ve heterojen kesişen çizgi örnekleri ondört deneyimli bel-ge inceleme uzmanı tarafından kendi kullandıkları yöntemler ile; bizim tarafımızdan da stereo mikroskop ile incelenmiştir. Bulgular: On dört belge inceleme uzmanı tarafından lup ile yapılan incelemelerde; lazer yazıcı ve inkjet yazıcı baskısı ile mürekkep çizgi-lerinin kesiştiği heterojen örneklerde toplam doğru tespit oranı %33 ile %83 arasında değişmekte olup ortalama tespit oranı %60'tır. Siyah ve mavi tükenmez kalemler ile oluşturulan homojen örneklerde ise kesişen çizgilerin sırasının belirlenmesinde doğru tespit oranları oldukça düşük bulunmuştur. Ortalama doğru tespit oranı %43'tür. Aynı örneklerde tarafımızdan stereo mikroskop ile yapılan incele-mede; homojen kesişmelerde güvenilir sonuçlara ulaşılamazken hetero-jen kesişmelerde etkin sonuçlara elde edilmiştir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak; tükenmez kalem ile yazıcı baskısından olu-şan heterojen kesişmelerde stereo mikroskopla oluşturulma sırasının yeterli ve etkin bir şekilde belirlenebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Abstract Objective: In this study, how effectively the stereo microscopes can be used in the crossings created using both the same kind of (ball-point pen) ink (homogeneous) and different types of (pen/inkjet-laser printer) inks (heterogeneous). Materials and Methods: In order to decide the effectiveness of the stereo microscope in detecting the upside-down relation of the crossing lines and the time of the formation for these lines, homogeneous and heterogeneous crossing line samples prepared by using 3 different black ballpoint pens, 3 different blue ballpoint pens, laser printer and inkjet printer are analyzed by fourteen experienced document examination experts via their own methods and by authors using stereo microscope. Results: In the examinations conducted by fourteen document examination experts with loop; the total line detection rate in the heterogeneous samples where the laser printer and inkjet printer prints and the ink lines are crossing changes between 33% and 83%, and the average detection rate is 60%. However, in the homogeneous samples created with black and blue ballpoint pens, line detection rates were found to be significantly low in determining the order of the crossing lines. Average line detection rate is 43%. In the same samples, an examination was carried authors by using stereo microscope; while reliable results could not be obtained in the homogeneous crossings, confidential results were obtained in the heterogeneous crossings. Conclusion: Consequently, it was decided that the formation order by stereo microscope can be capably and effectively determined in the heterogeneous crossings consisting of ballpoint pen and printer print. sadece yeterli kesinlikte olmayan subjektif bulguların elde edilebilmesi nedeni ile hala en zorlu belge incele-me problemlerinden biridir ve adli sistemde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır (1,2). Örneğin bir dilekçe veya ıslak imzalı bir sözleşmede içeriğin daha sonraki bir tarihte ilave yapılarak oluşturulduğu veya değiştirildiği şüphesi varsa kesişen çizgilerin sırasının belirlenmesi durumun açıklığa kavuşturulması adına önemli bilgiler verebilir. Bu doğrultuda belge inceleme uzmanlarından belge üze-rindeki herhangi bir tahrifatı (belgeye ekleme yapılarak oluşturulan tahrifatı) ya da belgenin doğruluğunu tespit 1. Giriş Herhangi bir belgede yazma gereçleri kullanılarak oluşturulan iki baskının (imza ve yazı) oluşturulma sıra-sının belirlenmesi adli belge inceleme uzmanlarının yeni karşılaştığı bir sorun olmamakla birlikte birçok olayda

Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Bu ça lış ma da bel ge in ce le me ala nın da kul la nı lan spek tral in ce le me yön tem le ri nin üze ri ka pa tı cı lar ile ka pa tıl mış ya zı lar da oku nur luk sağ la ma et kin lik le ri nin be lir len... more

Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Bu ça lış ma da bel ge in ce le me ala nın da kul la nı lan spek tral in ce le me yön tem le ri nin üze ri ka pa tı cı lar ile ka pa tıl mış ya zı lar da oku nur luk sağ la ma et kin lik le ri nin be lir len me si amaç lan-mış tır. G Ge e r re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön n t te em m l le er r: : Ad li bel ge in ce le me ala nın da kul la nı lan ve spek tral ana liz yön te mi ile ça lı şan Fo ren sic XP 4010, Fo ren sic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 ci haz la rı nın kar şı laş tır ma lı ola rak in-ce len me si ama cı ile be yaz kâğıt, sa man kâğı dı ve se net kâğı dı üze ri ne ma vi ve si yah tü ken mez ka-lem ve ma vi ve si yah jel mü rek kep li ka lem ler le ya zı lan ya zı lar; 1 gün, 1 haf ta ve 1 ay son ra ka pa tı cı lar (2 fark lı mar ka sı vı ka pa tı cı, 1 adet ka lem ka pa tı cı ve 2 fark lı mar ka şerit ka pa tı cı) ile tek ve çift (hem ön hem ar ka yü zey) ta raf lı ka pa tıl mış tır. Da ha son ra ha zır la nan bu ör nek ler Fo ren-sic XP 4010, Fo ren sic XP 4010 D ve VSC 2000 ci haz la rın da in ce len miş tir. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : Spek tral yön-tem le rin üze ri ka pa tı cı ile ka pa tıl mış ya zı la rın gö rü nür ha le ge ti ril me sin de %50 ile %100 ora nın da ba şa rı lı ol du ğu, or ta la ma oku nur luk sağ la ma ora nı nın %83.3 ol du ğu gö rül müş tür. Bu oran lar, alt-ta ki mü rek kep tü rü, ren gi ve kâğıt tü rü ne gö re fark lı lık gös ter mek te dir. Sa de ce üze ri ka pa tı lan ya-zı lar da oku nur luk sağ la ma ora nı da ha yük sek (%94) iken bu ora nın hem üze ri hem de ar ka yü ze yi ka pa tıl mış ya zı lar da %68.5'e düş tü ğü gö rül müş tür. Her üç ci ha zın oku nur luk sağ la ma et kin lik le ri ara sın da is ta tis tik sel açı dan an lam lı bir fark lı lık sap tan ma mış tır. S So o n nu uç ç: : Bu ci haz la rın kul la nı mı nın bel ge in ce le me uz ma nı ile bel ge in ce le me la bo ra tu var la rı nın ba şa rı dü ze yi ni ol duk ça ar tı ra ca ğı, ra-po ra yan sı tı la cak ge rek çe ve gör sel des tek ile bi lim sel lik ve nes nel lik açı sın dan ol duk ça et kin so nuç-lar do ğu ra ca ğı ka na a ti ne va rıl mış tır. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : El ya zı sı; ya zı lar A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob b j je ec c t ti i v ve e: : The pre sent study aims to de ter mi ne the abi li ti es of the spec tral exa mi na-ti on met hods used for do cu ment exa mi na ti on to ac hi e ve re a da bi lity in wri tings co ve red by cor rec-ti on ma te ri als. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : To com pa ra ti vely exa mi ne the Fo ren sic XP 4010, Fo ren sic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 de vi ces, which are used in fo ren sic do cu ment exa mi na ti on and are ope ra ted with spec tral analy sis met hod, wri tings put on whi te pa per, ro ugh pa per, and de ed pa per with blue or black ball po int pens and blu e and black gel ink pens we re co ve red by cor rec ti on ma te ri als (2 dif fe rent brands of cor rec ti on flu ids, 1 cor rec ti on pen, and 2 dif fe rent brands of cor rec ti on rib bons) on sing le and do ub le si des (both front and back sur fa ces) af ter 1 day, 1 we ek, and 1 month. Sub se-qu ently, the se samp les pre pa red we re exa mi ned with Fo ren sic XP 4010, Fo ren sic XP 4010 D and VSC 2000 de vi ces. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : It was ob ser ved that spec tral met hods had a suc cess ra te bet we en 50% and 100% in ma king vi sib le the wri tings co ve red by cor rec ti on ma te ri als; and the ir suc cess ra te in ac hi e ving ave ra ge re a da bi lity was 83.3%. The se ra tes vary with the type and co lor of un derl ying ink and pa per type. The ra te of ac hi e ving re a da bi lity in only front-si de co ve red wri tings was hig her (94%), whi le it was re du ced down to 68.5% in both front-and back-si de co ve red wri tings. No sta-tis ti cally sig ni fi cant dif fe ren ce was ob ser ved bet we en the abi li ti es of ac hi e ving re a da bi lity of the thre e de vi ces. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : It was conc lu ded that the use of the se de vi ces will sig ni fi cantly im prove the per for man ce le vel of pro fes si o nal do cu ment exa mi ners and do cu ment exa mi na ti on la bo ra-to ri es and will pro du ce qu i te ef fec ti ve sci en ti fic and ob jec ti ve re sults with the help of ra ti o na les and vi su al aids pro vi ded in the re port. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Hand wri ting; wri ting T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J F Fo or re en n M Me ed d 2 20 01 10 0; ;7 7((1 1)): :2 21 1-7 7

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678).... more

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678). or a PubMed ID (pmid:12345678). Click Help for advanced usage. CiteULike, Group: handwriting-recognition, Search, Register, Log in, ...

This article presents the position of the Document Section of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) regarding the use of an evaluation and reporting scheme often referred to as “the logical approach to evidence evaluation.” The... more

This article presents the position of the Document Section of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) regarding the use of an evaluation and reporting scheme often referred to as “the logical approach to evidence evaluation.” The section’s position is the logical approach to evidence evaluation and reporting, and is an appropriate and effective option for forensic document examination (FDE) work when implemented as outlined in this paper.

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678).... more

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678). or a PubMed ID (pmid:12345678). Click Help for advanced usage. CiteULike, Group: handwriting-recognition, Search, Register, Log in, ...

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI... more

Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated results too (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id (123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678). or a PubMed ID (pmid:12345678). Click Help for advanced usage. CiteULike, Group: handwriting-recognition, Search, Register, Log in, ...