Digital Signature Research Papers - (original) (raw)

El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electró- nicos1 como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como... more

El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electró- nicos1 como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la rama judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inversión que materialicen la inclusión del mundo tecnológico informático en la administración de justicia, más aún, no existe desarrollo legal que permita adelantar un proceso legal por medios electrónicos, salvo la modificación a los artículos 315 y 3202 de la ley 794 de 2003, con la inclusión de la notificación electrónica, avance normativo que a la fecha no se tiene en funcionamiento, volviendo la disposición letra muerta, en contraste con el acelerado desarrollo del comercio y el creciente surgimiento de empresas virtuales del tipo de establecimientos de comercio y sociedades comerciales, las cuales tienen su domicilio de operación comercial, no en una dirección física sino electrónica.
The present article realizes of the regulation in the juridical Colombian classification on the functioning of the judicial branch for electronic means (ways) as a way of making effective the fulfillment of procedural beginning(principles) as the gratuitousness, garantismo and agility, in the effective search of the functioning of the judicial device. The need of technological computer advance to the service of the Judicial Branch has not been supported from a generating politics(policy) of project government and investment that they materialize the incorporation of the technological computer world in the administration of justice, mass still(yet), there does not exist legal development that allows to advance a legal process for electronic means, except the modification to the articles 315 and 320 of the law 794 of 2003, with the incorporation of the electronic notification, normative advance that to the date is not had in functioning, turning the disposition(regulation) dead letter, in contrast with the intensive development of the trade and the increasing emergence of virtual companies of the type of establishments of trade and commercial societies, which have his(her, your) domicile of commercial operation, not in a physical but electronic direction (address).

Owing to features of open medium, absence of infrastructure, dynamic network topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized monitoring and resource constraints, ad hoc networks are vulnerable to many kinds of attacks, among which... more

Owing to features of open medium, absence of infrastructure, dynamic network topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized monitoring and resource constraints, ad hoc networks are vulnerable to many kinds of attacks, among which wormhole attack is chosen as the topic of discussion. This attack, when launched during route discovery phase can percolate wrong route/topology information into the network thereby, defeating the purpose of routing algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel technique based on clustering and digital signatures for prevention against wormhole attacks without use of special hardware, time synchronisation or dependency on time or hop difference between colluding nodes to identify attacked routes. We employ independent algorithms to form clusters and to implement intra-cluster and inter-cluster routing of data packets. Simulation Results show that the method achieved high level of efficiency in isolating wormhole nodes in the network.

Security of the consumer’s data over internet is the major problem in present time. In this paper we have analyzed blind signature schemes based on RSA and with taking advantage of elliptic curve cryptography to achieve the security... more

Security of the consumer’s data over internet is the major problem in present time. In this paper we have analyzed blind signature schemes based on RSA and with taking advantage of elliptic curve cryptography to achieve the security goals. Blind signature scheme is one of the security protocol to obtain signature from a signer such that signer sign the message without reading the content of the message and also he could not link the protocol with the resulting message signature pair. Blind signature scheme is used to achieve certain security goals like blindness, untraceability, authenticity, unforgeability. We have analyzed blind signature scheme to achieve the security goals using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. The use of elliptic curves in cryptography was initially presented by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller. Elliptic curve cryptosy...

Signature is a written depiction of someone’s full name, nickname, or a simple letter that has been used on any desired document as an indication of their identity. It is a particular case of handwriting, which includes flourishes and... more

Signature is a written depiction of someone’s full name, nickname, or a simple letter that has been used on any desired document as an indication of their identity. It is a particular case of handwriting, which includes flourishes and special characters which are produced by the force of habit. Forensically, the signatures are examined for naturalness in execution and for consistent recurrent options that confirm the established practice pattern of the author and aids in the identification of the author in cases of disputes. Commonly used parameters for the signature analysis by the handwriting experts are the formation of the letters, alignment, embellishment, spacing, pen-lifts, pen-pauses, slant, initial & final strokes, and pressure. In some instances where people make initials instead of full signatures, it becomes challenging for the forensics and handwriting experts to compare such initials with complete signatures. The present work has been focused on extracting the similarities between the initial and the complete signatures of an individual to aid in the identification of an individual in such complicated cases. This study may contribute to the identification of the author in the matter of disputes where initials have been used intentionally or unintentionally.

... Nick Pope • Security & Standards Associates Juan Carlos Cruellas • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 2. What Does Oasis DSS Do? ... The user sends a request through a secure chan-nel for the server to verify the signed... more

... Nick Pope • Security & Standards Associates Juan Carlos Cruellas • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Page 2. What Does Oasis DSS Do? ... The user sends a request through a secure chan-nel for the server to verify the signed document. ...

The Italian Legislation on Digital Signatures and the Role of Italian Banks as Certificate Authorities: A Strategic Analysis......................... ....................................................................................... more

The Italian Legislation on Digital Signatures and the Role of Italian Banks as Certificate Authorities: A Strategic Analysis......................... .................................................................................... ........................................................................ ... ... Prediction of Insolvency of Life Insurers ...

Most prior designated confirmer signature schemes either prove security in the random oracle model (ROM) or use general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (making them impractical). By slightly modifying the definition of designated... more

Most prior designated confirmer signature schemes either prove security in the random oracle model (ROM) or use general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (making them impractical). By slightly modifying the definition of designated confirmer signatures, Goldwasser and Waisbard presented an approach in which the Confirm and ConfirmedSign protocols could be implemented without appealing to general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements (their “Disavow” protocol still requires them). The Goldwasser-Waisbard approach could be instantiated using Cramer-Shoup, GMR, or Gennaro-Halevi-Rabin signatures. In this paper, we provide an alternate generic transformation to convert any signature scheme into a designated confirmer signature scheme, without adding random oracles. Our key technique involves the use of a signature on a commitment and a separate encryption of the random string used for commitment. By adding this “layer of indirection,” the underlying protocols in our schemes admit efficient instantiations (i.e., we can avoid appealing to general zero-knowledge proofs for NP statements) and furthermore the performance of these protocols is not tied to the choice of underlying signature scheme. We illustrate this using the Camenisch-Shoup variation on Paillier’s cryptosystem and Pedersen commitments. The confirm protocol in our resulting scheme requires 10 modular exponentiations (compared to 320 for Goldwasser-Waisbard) and our disavow protocol requires 41 modular exponentiations (compared to using a general zero-knowledge proof for Goldwasser-Waisbard). Previous schemes use the “encryption of a signature” paradigm, and thus run into problems when trying to implement the “confirm” and “disavow” protocols efficiently.

We present an algorithm for the Merkle tree traversal problem which combines the efficient space-time trade-off from the fractal Merkle tree [3] and the space efficiency from the improved log space-time Merkle trees traversal [8]. We give... more

We present an algorithm for the Merkle tree traversal problem which combines the efficient space-time trade-off from the fractal Merkle tree [3] and the space efficiency from the improved log space-time Merkle trees traversal [8]. We give an exhaustive analysis of the space and time efficiency of our algorithm in function of the parameters H (the height of the Merkle tree) and h (h = H L where L is the number of levels in the Merkle tree). We also analyze the space impact when a continuous deterministic pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is used to generate the leaves. We further program a low storage-space and a low time-overhead version of the algorithm in Java and measure its performance with respect to the two different implementations cited above. Our implementation uses the least space when a continuous PRNG is used for the leaf calculation.

In quest’opera si affronterà il tema delle firme elettroniche. Rispetto all’attuale stato dell’arte si è, però, prescelto un diverso angolo prospettico. Il corretto inquadramento dell’istituto delle firme elettroniche richiede di avviare... more

In quest’opera si affronterà il tema delle firme elettroniche. Rispetto all’attuale stato dell’arte si è, però, prescelto un diverso angolo prospettico.
Il corretto inquadramento dell’istituto delle firme elettroniche richiede di avviare la propria disamina dall’essenza tecnica del medesimo, per, poi, trarne le conseguenti implicazioni giuridiche. Le firme elettroniche sono, infatti, essenzialmente, applicazioni moderne e complesse della crittografia, scienza antica caratterizzata da una continua e rapida evoluzione.
L’analisi delle tecniche crittografiche condurrà, quindi, all’approfondimento delle implicazioni giuridiche che da esse discendono ed agli effetti che l’ordinamento attribuisce alle firme elettroniche.
In quest’ottica si procederà ad una ricostruzione in chiave storico evolutiva dell’istituto. Ricorre, peraltro, proprio quest’anno (era il 2010), il tredicesimo anniversario dal riconoscimento, formale ed esplicito, della piena rilevanza giuridica della forma elettronica degli atti. Recitava, infatti, il comma 2 dell’art. 15 della legge 15 marzo 1997 che «gli atti, dati e documenti formati dalla pubblica amministrazione e dai privati con strumenti informatici o telematici, i contratti stipulati nelle medesime forme, nonché la loro archiviazione e trasmissione con strumenti informatici, sono validi e rilevanti a tutti gli effetti di legge».

Maintenance of land records, processing of mutations and delivery and access of documents are key areas which have been revamped as a result of successful Computerisation of Land Records project. Efforts have been also made to share data;... more

Maintenance of land records, processing of mutations and delivery and access of documents are key areas which have been revamped as a result of successful Computerisation of Land Records project. Efforts have been also made to share data; contents and documents over Internet with relevant stakeholders. Hand-written copies with manual signatures of competent authority have an assurance value for consumers or citizens. This authenticity can also be introduced into electronic documents through different mechanisms like Digital Signature, Bar Code and Digital Pen. This paper describes these mechanisms of introducing the authenticity into the electronic documents. It is one of the key factor for success of governance projects at grass root level.

Like all bulk exporters, Portman Iron Ore relies on a legal document, called a Bill of Lading, to prove ownership of the goods while being shipped. This paper investigates the practical aspects of the use of digital signatures if Portman... more

Like all bulk exporters, Portman Iron Ore relies on a legal document, called a Bill of Lading, to prove ownership of the goods while being shipped. This paper investigates the practical aspects of the use of digital signatures if Portman chose to use an electronic Bill of Lading. It also identifies the requirement of a digital signatures on a Bill of Lading in order to achieve the functions of a hand-written signatures, and the technological procedures required. Aspect of current use of electronic Bills of Lading is identified as well as the specific problems that Portman would face in implementation.

This article explains what is a Digital Signature, why it is an important part of the Digital Identity, and how it works. Then it describes the authenticity and social problems related to the usage of the Digital Signature. It explains as... more

This article explains what is a Digital Signature, why it is an important part of the Digital Identity, and how it works. Then it describes the authenticity and social problems related to the usage of the Digital Signature. It explains as well the two authentication models, X.509 and OpenPGP, that can be used to solve these authenticity problems. Finally it makes a comparison between these two authentication models and their features and tries to explain why the OpenPGP model is better.

We have developed a secure, collaborative, web-based electronic notebook (EN) designed to provide researchers and students with a means to record and share their primary research notes and data. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory... more

We have developed a secure, collaborative, web-based electronic notebook (EN) designed to provide researchers and students with a means to record and share their primary research notes and data. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) supports a variety of common multimedia formats and can easily be extended to allow entry and display of custom data types.

امروزه سوء استفاده در تبادل اطلاعات تحت اینترنت و شبکه به امری متداول تبدیل شده است، و با توجه به نحوه عملکرد آنها شناسایی هویت فرد ارسال کننده‌ی یک پیام بسیار مشکل و در برخی موارد غیر ممکن است. تشخیص غیر جعلی بودن متون الکترونیکی در... more

امروزه سوء استفاده در تبادل اطلاعات تحت اینترنت و شبکه به امری متداول تبدیل شده است، و با توجه به نحوه عملکرد آنها شناسایی هویت فرد ارسال کننده‌ی یک پیام بسیار مشکل و در برخی موارد غیر ممکن است. تشخیص غیر جعلی بودن متون الکترونیکی در فعالیت‌های تجاری و بازرگانی دارای اهمیت فراوانی است. برای دستیابی به امنیت مطلوب در طرح یک امضای دیجیتال بایستی ساختارهای سازنده یک امضا را مورد بررسی قرار داده و بهترین گزینه را انتخاب نماییم. در این مقاله ضمن بررسی امضای دیجیتال به بررسی ساختارهای تشکیل‌دهنده امضای دیجیتال و نیز انواع حملات بر علیه آن پرداخته شده و مناسب‌ترین ساختار مورد نیاز مورد بحث و بررسی قرار گرفته است.

Page 1. Symmetric Cryptosystem Based on Data Encryption Standard Integrating HMAC and Digital Signature Scheme Implemented in Multi-Cast Messenger Application Don Jomar S. Hombrebueno Ma. Gracia Corazon E. Sicat Jasmin D. Niguidula Enrico... more

Page 1. Symmetric Cryptosystem Based on Data Encryption Standard Integrating HMAC and Digital Signature Scheme Implemented in Multi-Cast Messenger Application Don Jomar S. Hombrebueno Ma. Gracia Corazon E. Sicat Jasmin D. Niguidula Enrico P. Chavez ...

Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics, has the capabilities to the reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. The Signature... more

Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics, has the capabilities to the reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. The Signature recognition systems can categorized as offline (static) and online (dynamic). This paper presents Surf Feature based recognition of offline signatures system that is trained with low-resolution scanned signature images. The signature of a person is an important biometric attribute of a human being which can be used to authenticate human identity. However the signatures of human can be handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and HMM techniques. With modern computers, there is need to develop fast algorithms for signature recognition. There are multiple techniques are defined to signature recognition with a lot of scope of research. In this paper, (static signature) off-line signature recognition & verification using surf feature with HMM is proposed, where the signature is captured and presented to the user in an image format. Signatures are verified depended on parameters extracted from the signature using various image processing techniques. The Off-line Signature Verification and Recognition is implemented using Mat lab platform. This work has been analyzed or tested and found suitable for its purpose or result. The proposed method performs better than the other recently proposed methods.

Due to the rapid growth of online transactions on the Internet, authentication, non-repudiation and integrity are very essential security requirements for a secure transaction. To achieve these security goals, digital signature is the... more

Due to the rapid growth of online transactions on the Internet, authentication, non-repudiation and integrity are very essential security requirements for a secure transaction. To achieve these security goals, digital signature is the most efficient cryptographic primitive. Many authors have proposed this scheme and prove their security and evaluate the efficiency. In our paper, we present comprehensive study of conventional digital signature schemes based on RSA, DSA and ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) and the improved version of these scheme.

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the... more

A novel definition of stability regions and a new method for detecting them from on-line signatures is introduced in this paper. Building upon handwriting generation and motor control studies, the stability regions is defined as the longest similar sequences of strokes between a pair of genuine signatures. The stability regions are then used to select the most stable signatures, as well as to estimate the extent to which these stability regions are encountered in both genuine and simulated (forged) signatures, thus modeling the signing habit of a subject. Experimental results on the SUSig database show that the proposed model can be effectively used for signature verification.

This paper tries to focus on the area of cyber law applicability in different area of intervention in life through network. The authenticity of digital document with help of different digital or electronic signature whether is admissible... more

This paper tries to focus on the area of cyber law applicability in different area of intervention in life through network. The authenticity of digital document with help of different digital or electronic signature whether is admissible in the court of law to render justice to the common individual .It intends to look into the selected legal issues on digital signature and technical aspects of digital signature. What are the issues relating to this signature authenticity is at question have been tried to solve with the help of this article in order to control cyber crime committed by tampering the document as well as signature. Suggestions and recommendations are also made to improve the effectiveness of the present recognised digital signature system in protecting and solving the above issues. Introduction:

Dokumen perjanjian antara borrower dan lender pada P2P lending berbentuk dokumen elektronik. Namun, menjadi sebuah dilema ketika dokumen tersebut diperlukan sebagai alat bukti dalam pengadilan. Dikarenakan sebuah dokumen perlu dibubuhi... more

Rumah makan Lesehan Damai merupakan salah satu rumah makan yang ada di kota Makassar. Saat ini seluruh transaksi masih di lakukan secara manual. Dimana semua proses pembelian dan penjualan masih menggunakan faktur dan nota yang di catat... more

Rumah makan Lesehan Damai merupakan salah satu rumah makan yang ada di kota Makassar. Saat ini seluruh transaksi masih di lakukan secara manual. Dimana semua proses pembelian dan penjualan masih menggunakan faktur dan nota yang di catat dan di arsipkan tanpa menggunakan komputer. Namun secara bertahap terus dikembangkan sebagai upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi bagi manajemen yang kadang kala diperlukan secara cepat dan mendadak, padahal untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat diperlukan waktu proses yang relatif lama untuk menghimpunnya yang kadang kala menjadikan informasi tersebut menjadi kehilangan relevansinya serta tidak sesuai lagi dengan kondisi pada saat diperlukan.
Kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat dan tepat serta akurat semakin dibutuhkan oleh rumah makan ini, itu dikarenakan peningkatan penjualan yang semakin menunjukan angka di atas seratus persen setiap bulannya, kenyataan ini semakin membuat pihak manajemen puncak pada rumah makan ini terus berusaha untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem informasi baru, ini dikarenakan sistem informasi yang ada sekarang sudah tidak relevan lagi dengan kondisi rumah makan saat ini dimana sistem yang ada masih mengandalkan transaksi – transaksi manual baik itu transaksi penjualan maupun transaksi pembelian bahan makanan.
Transaksi – transaksi secara manual yang selama digunakan memiliki beberapa kelemahan utama yaitu sulitnya karyawan dalam mengumpulkan, menganalisi dan membuat kesimpulan tentang perkembangan rumah makan ini. Ini dikarenakan retur pembelian bahan makanan dan faktur penjualan menu masih di arsipkan secara manual, sehingga dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup banyak untuk menganalisa data tersebut untuk dijadikan acuan dalam pengambilan keputusan.
Sistem informasi transaksi adalah suatu solusi untuk permasalahan diatas, sehingga pihak manajemen puncak dapat mengetahui informasi dan penjualan setiap waktu. Dengan akan digunakannya sistem informasi baru ini diharapkan mampu memberikan solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah di atas. Sistem informasi yang akan dibangun memiliki beberapa keunggulan yang mampu mengatasi semua masalah di atas. Dimana sistem baru ini sudah menggunakan komputer sebagai media utama dalam melakukan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan. Sehingga kecepatan, ketepatan dan keakuratan informasi yang dibutuhkan pihak manajemen bisa direalisasikan. Transaksi – transaksi yang dilakukan baik itu transaksi pembelian ataupun penjualan sudah dilakukan secara komputerisasi sehingga semua order pembelian dan faktur – faktur penjualan direkam didalam komputer sehingga memudahkan pihak manajemen puncak untuk menganalisa informasi yang dihasilkan dari proses transaksi pembelian dan penjualan untuk dijadikan acuan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Sedangkan faktur – faktur penjualan dan order pembelian yang diarsipkan secara manual hanya dijadikan backup apabila terjadi sesuatu yang tak diinginkan terhadap sistem infromasi berbasis komputer ini.
Sistem informasi berbasis komputer yang akan dirancang dibagun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic yang memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan bahasa pemrogrman lain yaitu kemudahannya dalam melakukan koneksi dengan database manapun baik itu database yang mendukung arsitektur client server ataupun stand alone. Visual basic merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang mudah dipahami karena kemiripannya dengan bahasa manusia. Serta memiliki fitur – fitur unggulan dalam mengembangkan aplikasi dan merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang paling banyak digunakan oleh para programmer.

Tulisan ini sekedar untuk memberikan pemahaman apa itu tanda tangan elektronik, mengingat diantara pembaca sekalian pasti sudah pernah menggunakan aplikasi pdf reader yang mungkin juga ada menu digital signature (tanda tangan... more

Tulisan ini sekedar untuk memberikan pemahaman apa itu tanda tangan elektronik, mengingat diantara pembaca sekalian pasti sudah pernah menggunakan aplikasi pdf reader yang mungkin juga ada menu digital signature (tanda tangan elektronik)-nya.

Lo studio consta di due parti. La prima attiene al rapporto tra informatica e teoria giuridica del documento (e segnatamente di quella parte che ne esamina le caratteristiche fisiche). La seconda tende alla ricostruzione dell'articolata... more

Lo studio consta di due parti. La prima attiene al rapporto tra informatica e teoria giuridica del documento (e segnatamente di quella parte che ne esamina le caratteristiche fisiche). La seconda tende alla ricostruzione dell'articolata disciplina positiva sul documento informatico e le firme elettroniche, quale emerge da una pluralità di fonti sia nazionali sia europee. Più nel dettaglio, nella prima parte del volume si tenta di isolare la nota caratteristica del documento informatico e di indagarne, sul piano giuridico, le ricadute. Nel far ciò, si giunge ad identificare il documento informatico in un'astratta sequenza di valori binari che - analogamente alle note musicali che compongono una partitura - costituisce un bene immateriale (corpus mysticum secondo il linguaggio della tradizione), da non confondersi con il bene - tuttora necessariamente materiale - che dà forma tangibile alle singole repliche (corpus mechanicum). Inoltre, all'immaterialità e, quindi, all'irriducibilità dell'istrumento digitale ad un oggetto determinato, unico ed irripetibile si imputano numerose conseguenze pratiche. Tra le quali, per importanza, si segnalano: a) l'assoluta incompatibilità fra il documento informatico e la sottoscrizione autografa; b) l’inidoneità dello stesso a soddisfare il meccanismo giuridico dell’incorporazione reale del diritto di credito; c) l’inconciliabilità tra il documento informatico ed il requisito formale dell'olografia. Nella seconda parte della monografia, invece, si tratta delle diverse tipologie di documento in formato digitale: da quello privo di firma elettronica, all'atto pubblico informatico redatto da notaio. Segue, in conclusione, una sezione dedicata alla data del documento informatico e alla procedure di validazione temporale.