Graph Automorphism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A graph is called a semi–regular graph if its automorphism group action on its ordered pair of adjacent vertices is semi–regular. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for an automorphism of the graph Γ to be an automorphism... more

A graph is called a semi–regular graph if its automorphism group action on its ordered pair of adjacent vertices is semi–regular. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for an automorphism of the graph Γ to be an automorphism of a map with the underlying graph Γ is obtained. Using this result, all orientation–preserving automorphisms of maps on surfaces (orientable and non–orientable) or just orientable surfaces with a given underlying semi–regular graph Γ are determined. Formulas for the numbers of non–equivalent embeddings of this kind of graphs on surfaces (orientable, non–orientable or both) are established, and especially, the non–equivalent embeddings of circulant graphs of a prime order on orientable, non–orientable and general surfaces are enumerated.

Automatic symmetry detection has received a signican t amount of interest, which has re- sulted in a large number of proposed methods. This paper reports on our experiences while im- plementing the approach of (9). In particular, it... more

Automatic symmetry detection has received a signican t amount of interest, which has re- sulted in a large number of proposed methods. This paper reports on our experiences while im- plementing the approach of (9). In particular, it proposes a modication of the approach to deal with general expressions, discusses the in- sights gained, and gives the results of a

In this paper we demonstrate a potential extension of formal verification methodology in order to deal with time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits whose dynamic behavior is described by differential algebraic... more

In this paper we demonstrate a potential extension of formal verification methodology in order to deal with time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits whose dynamic behavior is described by differential algebraic equations. To model and analyze such circuits under all possible input signals and all values of parameters, we build upon two techniques developed in the context of hybrid (discrete-continuous) control systems. First, we extend our algorithm for approximating sets of reachable sets for dense-time continuous systems to deal with differential algebraic equations (DAEs) and apply it to a biquad low-pass filter. To analyze more complex circuits, we resort to bounded horizon verification. We use optimal control techniques to check whether a Δ-Σ modulator, modeled as a discrete-time hybrid automaton, admits an input sequence of bounded length that drives it to saturation.

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification procedure that addresses several open issues of the original algorithm, and that uses several novel optimisations in order to achieve superior performance. We also consider the classification of (object and data) properties. We show that algorithms commonly used to implement that task are incomplete ...

This paper is motivated by the theory of sequential dynamical systems (SDS), developed as a basis for a mathematical theory of computer simulation. A sequential dynamical system is a collection of symmetric Boolean local update functions,... more

This paper is motivated by the theory of sequential dynamical systems (SDS), developed as a basis for a mathematical theory of computer simulation. A sequential dynamical system is a collection of symmetric Boolean local update functions, with the update order determined by a permutation of the Boolean variables. In this paper, the notion of SDS is generalized to allow arbitrary functions over a general finite field, with the update schedule given by an arbitrary word on the variables. The paper contains generalizations of some of the known results about SDS with permutation update schedules. In particular, an upper bound on the number of different SDS over words of a given length is proved and open problems are discussed.

Graph transduction is a popular class of semi-supervised learning techniques, which aims to estimate a classification function defined over a graph of labeled and unlabeled data points. The general idea is to propagate the provided label... more

Graph transduction is a popular class of semi-supervised learning techniques, which aims to estimate a classification function defined over a graph of labeled and unlabeled data points. The general idea is to propagate the provided label information to unlabeled nodes in a consistent way. In contrast to the traditional view, in which the process of label propagation is defined as a graph Laplacian regularization, here we propose a radically different perspective that is based on game-theoretic notions. Within our framework, the transduction problem is formulated in terms of a non-cooperative multi-player game where any equilibrium of the proposed game corresponds to a consistent labeling of the data. An attractive feature of our formulation is that it is inherently a multi-class approach and imposes no constraint whatsoever on the structure of the pairwise similarity matrix, being able to naturally deal with asymmetric and negative similarities alike. We evaluated our approach on some real-world problems involving symmetric or asymmetric similarities and obtained competitive results against state-of-the-art algorithms.

Let GGG be a finite simple graph of order nnn, maximum degree Delta\DeltaDelta, and minimum degree delta\deltadelta. A compact regularization of GGG is a Delta\DeltaDelta-regular graph HHH of which GGG is an induced subgraph: HHH is symmetric if every... more

Let GGG be a finite simple graph of order nnn, maximum degree Delta\DeltaDelta, and minimum degree delta\deltadelta. A compact regularization of GGG is a Delta\DeltaDelta-regular graph HHH of which GGG is an induced subgraph: HHH is symmetric if every automorphism of GGG can be extended to an automorphism of HHH. The index ∣H:G∣|H:G|H:G of a regularization HHH of GGG is the ratio ∣V(H)∣/∣V(G)∣|V(H)|/|V(G)|V(H)∣/∣V(G). Let mboxmcr(G)\mbox{mcr}(G)mboxmcr(G) denote the index of a minimum compact regularization of GGG and let mboxmcsr(G)\mbox{mcsr}(G)mboxmcsr(G) denote the index of a minimum compact symmetric regularization of GGG.Erdős and Kelly proved that every graph GGG has a compact regularization and mboxmcr(G)leq2\mbox{mcr}(G) \leq 2mboxmcr(G)leq2. Building on a result of König, Chartrand and Lesniak showed that every graph has a compact symmetric regularization and mboxmcsr(G)leq2Delta−delta\mbox{mcsr}(G) \leq 2^{\Delta - \delta}mboxmcsr(G)leq2Deltadelta. Using a partial Cartesian product construction, we improve this to mboxmcsr(G)leqDelta−delta+2\mbox{mcsr}(G) \leq \Delta - \delta + 2mboxmcsr(G)leqDeltadelta+2 and give examples to show this bound cannot be reduced below $\Delta - \delta ...

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification procedure that addresses several open issues of the original algorithm, and that uses several novel optimisations in order to achieve superior performance. We also consider the classification of (object and data) properties. We show that algorithms commonly used to implement that task are incomplete ...

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more

Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification procedure that addresses several open issues of the original algorithm, and that uses several novel optimisations in order to achieve superior performance. We also consider the classification of (object and data) properties. We show that algorithms commonly used to implement that task are incomplete ...

This paper is motivated by the theory of sequential dynamical systems (SDS), developed as a basis for a mathematical theory of computer simulation. A sequential dynamical system is a collection of symmetric Boolean local update functions,... more

This paper is motivated by the theory of sequential dynamical systems (SDS), developed as a basis for a mathematical theory of computer simulation. A sequential dynamical system is a collection of symmetric Boolean local update functions, with the update order determined by a ...

This paper reports on an on-going project to investigate techniques to diagnose complex dynamical systems that are modeled as hybrid systems. In particular, we examine continuous systems with embedded supervisory controllers that... more

This paper reports on an on-going project to investigate techniques to diagnose complex dynamical systems that are modeled as hybrid systems. In particular, we examine continuous systems with embedded supervisory controllers that experience abrupt, partial or full failure of component devices. We cast the diagnosis problem as a model selection problem. To reduce the space of potential models under consideration, we exploit techniques from qualitative reasoning to conjecture an initial set of qualitative candidate diagnoses, which induce a smaller set of models. We refine these diagnoses using parameter estimation and model fitting techniques. As a motivating case study, we have examined the problem of diagnosing NASA’s Sprint AERCam, a small spherical robotic camera unit with 12 thrusters that enable both linear and rotational motion.

Contextual ontologies are ontologies that characterize a concept by a set of properties that vary according to context. Contextual ontologies are now crucial for users who intend to exchange information in a domain. Existing ontology... more

Contextual ontologies are ontologies that characterize a concept by a set of properties that vary according to context. Contextual ontologies are now crucial for users who intend to exchange information in a domain. Existing ontology languages are not capable of defining such type of ontologies. The objective of this paper is to formally define a contextual ontology language to support the development of contextual ontologies. In this paper, we use description logics as an ontology language and then we extend it by introducing a new contextual constructor.

We study Facility Location games, where a number of facilities are placed in a metric space based on locations reported by strategic agents. A mechanism maps the agents’ locations to a set of facilities. The agents seek to minimize their... more

We study Facility Location games, where a number of facilities are placed in a metric space based on locations reported by strategic agents. A mechanism maps the agents’ locations to a set of facilities. The agents seek to minimize their connection cost, namely the distance of their true location to the nearest facility, and may misreport their location. We are interested in mechanisms that are strategyproof, i.e., ensure that no agent can benefit from misreporting her location, do not resort to monetary transfers, and approximate the optimal social cost. We focus on the closely related problems of k-Facility Location and Facility Location with a uniform facility opening cost, and mostly study winner-imposing mechanisms, which allocate facilities to the agents and require that each agent allocated a facility should connect to it. We show that the winner-imposing version of the Proportional Mechanism (Lu et al., EC ’10) is stategyproof and 4k-approximate for the k-Facility Location game. For the Facility Location game, we show that the winner-imposing version of the randomized algorithm of (Meyerson, FOCS ’01), which has an approximation ratio of 8, is strategyproof. Furthermore, we present a deterministic non-imposing group strategyproof O(logn)-approximate mechanism for the Facility Location game on the line.

In this paper we demonstrate a potential extension of formal verification methodology in order to deal with time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits whose dynamic behavior is described by differential algebraic... more

In this paper we demonstrate a potential extension of formal verification methodology in order to deal with time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits whose dynamic behavior is described by differential algebraic equations. To model and analyze such circuits under all possible input signals and all values of parameters, we build upon two techniques developed in the context of hybrid (discrete-continuous) control systems. First, we extend our algorithm for approximating sets of reachable sets for dense-time continuous systems to deal with differential algebraic equations (DAEs) and apply it to a biquad low-pass filter. To analyze more complex circuits, we resort to bounded horizon verification. We use optimal control techniques to check whether a Δ-Σ modulator, modeled as a discrete-time hybrid automaton, admits an input sequence of bounded length that drives it to saturation.

Differential Evolution (DE) is generally considered as a reliable, accurate, robust and fast optimization technique. DE has been successfully applied to solve a wide range of numerical optimization problems. However, the user is required... more

Differential Evolution (DE) is generally considered as a reliable, accurate, robust and fast optimization technique. DE has been successfully applied to solve a wide range of numerical optimization problems. However, the user is required to set the values of the control parameters of DE for each problem. Such parameter tuning is a time consuming task. In this paper, a self-adaptive DE (SDE) is proposed where parameter tuning is not required. The performance of SDE is investigated and compared with other versions of DE. The experiments conducted show that SDE outperformed the other DE versions in all the benchmark functions.