Ideological Criticism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A profound ambivalence exists between development studies and the Development Story (consensus based development by means of techno-managerial change). This is evidenced by the prevalence of academics that know that the Development Story... more

A profound ambivalence exists between development studies and the Development Story (consensus based development by means of techno-managerial change). This is evidenced by the prevalence of academics that know that the Development Story is a myth, while carrying on acting as if they belief in it through our seemingly cynical participation in the objective beliefs and rituals of the ideological apparatus of development. When this practice is brought to one's attention, the response is often "yes, but…", which further highlights the contradiction between what we know and what we do in development studies. How this ambivalence is managed by a mix of repression and fetishistic disavowal becomes even more pronounced when it comes to the latest iteration of the Development Story: sustainable development and the sustainable development goals. I offer a first cut at a Žižekian ideological critique of development studies with the hope that it will help us break out of our collective psychic imbroglio that prevents us from breaking through the confines of capitalist realism.

An ideological texture analysis of Colossians 2 to address the question; how can modern Christians confront competing philosophical factions without oppressing or dominating other cultural groups? A refinement of polemics that relies on... more

An ideological texture analysis of Colossians 2 to address the question; how can modern Christians confront competing philosophical factions without oppressing or dominating other cultural groups? A refinement of polemics that relies on the skills of cultural agility and a respect for cultural diversity while standing fast in the Christian faith and confronting competing factions in a prayerful and loving manner. Paul's approach stands as a vital lesson to prevent modern Christians from retreating into moral relativism.

Ari Folman’ ın yapımcı-yönetmen-yazar ve oyuncusu olduğu Waltz With Bashir (2008) filmi, ana karakter Folman’ ın Lübnan İç Savaşı’nda (1982) yaşadıklarını hatırlama çabasını konu etmektedir. Film, Folman’ ın ve arkadaşlarının yaşadığı... more

Ari Folman’ ın yapımcı-yönetmen-yazar ve oyuncusu olduğu Waltz With Bashir (2008) filmi, ana karakter Folman’ ın Lübnan İç Savaşı’nda (1982) yaşadıklarını hatırlama çabasını konu etmektedir. Film, Folman’ ın ve arkadaşlarının yaşadığı psikolojik bunalımlara odaklanmaktadır. Film, sözlü tarih, canlandırma/drama ve belgesel sinemayı animasyon olarak sunmaktadır. Filmde, bireysel hafızanın yeniden inşası, kolektif bir çaba sonucunda gerçekleştirilmektedir. Rüyalar, itiraflar, anlatılamayanlar hafızanın yaşananlara karşı direnişini göstermektedir.
Filmin anlatısında bireysel travmalara odaklanıldığından çalışma, savaşa ilişkin yer verilmeyen ya da doğrudan anlatılmayan yönleri ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, savaşın yıkımı ve yaşanılan toplumsal buhrana ne derecede yer verildiği değerlendirilecektir. Böylelikle çalışma, filmde Lübnan İç Savaşı’nın gizlenmiş, yok sayılmış ve ön plana çıkarılmış yanlarına dikkat çekecektir. Aynı zamanda filmde gerçeğin yeniden inşasına hangi yönde şekil verildiği tartışılacaktır.
Çalışmada farklı eleştirel yaklaşımlarla filmin içeriği okunmaya çalışılmıştır. Filme ait kültürel kimliği yansıtmada sosyolojik eleştiri yaklaşımı tercih edilmiştir. Gizlenmiş olan düşünceyi açığa çıkarmada ideolojik eleştiri ve geçmişi yeniden şekillendirme çabasını ortaya koymada tarihsel eleştiri yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Gizlenen anlatımların elemanlarını saptamada ise göstergebilimsel eleştiri yaklaşımlarından faydalanılmıştır.

In this essay, I examined the significance of graphic novels as polyvalent texts that hold the potential for creating an aesthetic sense of flow for readers and consumers. In building a justification for the rhetorical examination of... more

In this essay, I examined the significance of graphic novels as polyvalent texts that hold
the potential for creating an aesthetic sense of flow for readers and consumers. In building a justification for the rhetorical examination of comic book culture, I looked at Kenneth Burke’s critique of art under capitalism in order to explore the dimensions between comic book creation, distribution, consumption, and reaction from fandom. I also examined Victor Turner’s theoretical scope of flow, as an aesthetic related to ritual, communitas, and the liminoid. I analyzed the graphic novels’ Green Lantern: Rebirth and Y: The Last Man as case studies toward the rhetorical significance of retroactive continuity and the somatic potential of comic books to serve as equipment for living. These conclusions lay groundwork for multiple directions of future research.

Δημοσίευση στη Νέα Παιδεία, τ 157/ 2016 ( 1. Εισαγωγή Ο τίτλος έχει πολλαπλές αναγνώσεις, δύο εκ των οποίων σχετίζονται με τους σκοπούς της διδακτικής παρέμβασης. Κατά πρώτο λόγο, παραφράζοντας... more

Δημοσίευση στη Νέα Παιδεία, τ 157/ 2016 (
1. Εισαγωγή Ο τίτλος έχει πολλαπλές αναγνώσεις, δύο εκ των οποίων σχετίζονται με τους σκοπούς της διδακτικής παρέμβασης. Κατά πρώτο λόγο, παραφράζοντας τον στίχο του Μένανδρου, υπονοείται ότι τα αρχαία ελληνικά είναι από τις μεγαλύτερα δεινά για τους μαθητές. Επίσης, ορίζεται η θεματική της διδακτικής πρότασης, το περιεχόμενο της οποίας βασίζεται σε κείμενα σχετικά με συγκρούσεις και τη γυναίκα, με εστίαση σε πάθη, που μάλλον έχουμε εξορίσει από τη διδασκαλία των αρχαίων. Αρχικά θα παρουσιάσουμε το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο της διδακτικής παρέμβασης. Ακολουθεί η περιγραφή της κατάστασης στη δευτεροβάθμια, ο τρόπος η πρόταση συνομιλεί με την κοινωνική πραγματικότητα και εντάσσεται στο πρόγραμμα και την ύλη του μαθήματος και σύντομη παρουσίαση των φύλλων εργασίας, των στόχων τους και παρατηρήσεων από την αξιοποίησή τους. Τέλος, αναστοχαζόμαστε σχετικά με την αξιοποίηση των Νέων Τεχνολογιών (Ν.Τ.) και την επίτευξη των δύο γενικών στόχων που είχε η διδακτική παρέμβαση.

The purpose of this study is to explore “who is saying what to whom for what purpose” in the text of 1 Samuel 8-12 through an analysis of the manifestations of ideology in this text. The emphasis of this thesis lies in the... more

The purpose of this study is to explore “who is saying what to whom for what purpose” in the text of 1 Samuel 8-12 through an analysis of the manifestations of ideology in this text. The emphasis of this thesis lies in the application of multiple methodologies in biblical interpretation with a view to (a) reconstructing the material and ideological conditions under which the biblical text was produced in order to determine which group produced the text and whose socioeconomic interests it served; and (b) investigating how these conditions are encoded in reproducing a particular ideology in order to determine how the texts incorporated the particular ideologies or interests of the time.
The present research, for this reason, combines an extrinsic and an intrinsic analysis to read the world of 1 Samuel. The extrinsic analysis makes use of a social-historical and a social scientific approach to explore the particular circumstances. It indicates that the biblical writing should be regarded as conscious writing which aims to interpret historical incidents and construct specific ideologies. 1 Samuel 8-12 might therefore have been constructed by exilic groups to provide reasons for their difficult past. The intrinsic analysis makes use of narrative criticism, especially the theory of conflict plot, to do an in-depth investigation of the rhetoric of 1 Samuel 8-12. This analysis indicates that these chapters highlight the ambivalence of the monarchy, although the surface structure might tell a different story. The findings of the research have led to the conclusion that 1 Samuel 8-12 appears to present no clear position with regard to the future of the monarchy.

Postcolonial theories highlight that imperialism is a military exercise as it is a textual project. Imperial traveling agents employ texts to subjugate foreign geographical spaces, to colonize the minds of native inhabitants, and to... more

Postcolonial theories highlight that imperialism is a military exercise as it is a textual project. Imperial traveling agents employ texts to subjugate foreign geographical spaces, to colonize the minds of native inhabitants, and to sanitize the conscience of the colonizing nations. This paper discusses some postcolonial investigation into empires and texts; it inquires into the role of the Bible in empire-building and the foundation of its role by reading Jn 4:1-42. The paper expounds on the imperial setting, the construction of hidden interests, travelers, geographical spaces, expansion, and the Samaritan woman/people/land in Jn 4:1-42 The reading highlights that mission texts tend to befriend imperializing ideologies by authorizing the cultural subjugation of foreign lands and people. Its conclusion presents one rewriting of the story that proposes the Samaritan identity as an ideal space for contemporary post-colonial subjects and era.

Some recent publications suggest that Matt. 8:5-13//Luke 7:1-10 features a couple that engaged in same-sex intercourse: a centurion and his slave. This article examines the subtexts of sexual exceptionalism present in arguments both for... more

Some recent publications suggest that Matt. 8:5-13//Luke 7:1-10 features a couple that engaged in same-sex intercourse: a centurion and his slave. This article examines the subtexts of sexual exceptionalism present in arguments both for and against this reading, as well as their collusions with narratives constitutive of western colonialism. Operative in interpretations both favouring and opposing a homosexual subtext is the assumption that Jesus’ Judaism was somehow unique with respect to sexual mores. For opponents of the LGBT interpretation, this exceptionalism manifests in a homogeneous Judaism that was exempt from the practice of same-sex intercourse; in that Jesus’ Jewishness is not in doubt, nor should his disdain for male-male intercourse be questioned. For proponents of the LGBT interpretation, Jesus emerges as unique with respect to his repressive Jewish context, evident in his attitude of liberal tolerance. I examine these readings through the optic of Jasbir Puar’s work on homonormative nationalism (i.e., “homonationalism”) and conclude that the logic of these readings is inseparable from the demands of neoliberal imperialism.

The article provides a critical look at some of the recent academic literature (in English) on the New Romanian Cinema (NRC). It mainly engages with three texts: a book-length appreciative introduction (by Monica Filimon) to the work of... more

The article provides a critical look at some of the recent academic literature (in English) on the New Romanian Cinema (NRC). It mainly engages with three texts: a book-length appreciative introduction (by Monica Filimon) to the work of writer-director Cristi Puiu: a highly ambitious attempt (by László Strausz) to trace, within Romanian culture, the tradition that the NRC could be said to belong to; and a harsh ideological critique of the NRC (by Bogdan Popa).

The subject of the thesis is the work of the ideology of the transformation in Polish cinema of the transformation period (1987-2005). The goal of the thesis is to demonstrate - with the use of critique of ideology tools - that Polish... more

The subject of the thesis is the work of the ideology of the transformation in Polish cinema of the transformation period (1987-2005). The goal of the thesis is to demonstrate - with the use of critique of ideology tools - that Polish cinema of the transformation period played the role of the "Chicago boy", creating the vision of a new, capitalist reality and its subjects with their ambitions, dreams and fears, as well as teaching the viewers the rules governing the new reality. In the first chapter, the author discusses the term ideology, the use of critique of ideology in film analysis (including a summary of the state of research in Poland). The second chapter features a presentation of metaphors related to the figure of the homo oeconomicus, the desired subject of the transformation: "take matters into your own hands" (Młode Wilki), "West kidnapped by the East" (Bank nie z tej ziemi) and "can-do Poles" (Mów mi Rockefeller). The third chapter is devoted to the homo sovieticus: a subject who was rejected and blamed for the failure of the transformation. This chapter features discussion of several metaphors of the "Polish People's Republic mentality" (Hi, Tereska), "parasite-state” (Kapitał, czyli jak zrobić pieniądze w Polsce) and homo polonicus (The Debt) The fourth chapter discusses the problem of the limits of the transformation (including the transformation of the homo oeconomicus) based on the example of figures of "cowboys" (Three Colors: White) and "nouveaux riches" (Złote runo).

Amos is notable for its critique of human claims to power within Israel as well as without. Intriguingly, Amos locates the resolution of such abuses of power in Yahweh's exercise of power as a cosmic king who eliminates some groups from... more

Amos is notable for its critique of human claims to power within Israel as well as without. Intriguingly, Amos locates the resolution of such abuses of power in Yahweh's exercise of power as a cosmic king who eliminates some groups from among the nations and from within Israel while creating a new relationship between Yahweh and the remnants of both groups. Using an approach that gives priority to the semantic coherence of the text over its lesser diachronic features, this article explores these dynamics with attention to the criteria according to which Yahweh delivers one group and punishes another. It closes by pondering how the book of Amos itself should be subjected to ideological critique.

Karl Mannheim's classical book "Ideology and Utopia" supposedly cleared conceptual waters separating conservative thought (ideological) from revolutionary thought (utopian). A close reading of the work, however, reveals a far more complex... more

Karl Mannheim's classical book "Ideology and Utopia" supposedly cleared conceptual waters separating conservative thought (ideological) from revolutionary thought (utopian). A close reading of the work, however, reveals a far more complex reality full of obscurities, indeterminancies, oscillations, variations, and contradictions. To top it all, his view of the intelligentsia as a body freed from ideological constraints today strikes us as immensely naive.

As Bhaskar (1989:1) argues, we need to take philosophy seriously because it underwrites both what constitutes science and knowledge and which political practices are deemed legitimate. At present, the field of educational research... more

As Bhaskar (1989:1) argues, we need to take philosophy seriously because it underwrites both what constitutes science and knowledge and which political practices are deemed legitimate. At present, the field of educational research internationally is witnessing a pragmatist trend, whereby practical education research is carried out without reference to ontological and epistemological concerns. For David Reynolds, a leading UK school effectiveness academic, '[p]recisely because we did not waste time on philosophical discussion or on values debates, we made rapid progress' (1998:20). Equally, for Teddlie, '[t]he orientation of many in the US is to do rather than to reflect […] In reality many practitioners are currently interested in what could work at their school […rather…] than in ruminations about social inequalities associated with different socioeconomic classes' (Teddlie and Reynolds 2000:27). The purpose of this chapter is not only to reclaim critical realist social philosophy for educational research, but also to reclaim reality from the positivist and statistical methodology that underpins School Effectiveness Research (SER) and to make clear the difference that realism makes by virtue of its critical explanatory power in unmasking the ideological nature of SER and its adoption by New Labour.

Wenn ich mir die ersten Bilder aus Le beau Serge (Die Enttäuschten, Claude Chabrol, F 1959) in Erinnerung rufe, verstärkt sich mein Eindruck, dass bei uns in Frankreich das Talent rechts und die Wahrheit links zu finden sind; dass es... more

Wenn ich mir die ersten Bilder aus Le beau Serge (Die Enttäuschten,
Claude Chabrol, F 1959) in Erinnerung rufe, verstärkt sich mein
Eindruck, dass bei uns in Frankreich das Talent rechts und die Wahrheit
links zu finden sind; dass es dieses fatale Auseinanderfallen von
Form und Inhalt ist, das uns erstickt; dass es uns nicht gelingt, unsere
überkommene Ästhetik abzuschütteln, die immer das Alibi des Konservatismus
ist. Darin besteht unser Paradox: Dass die Kunst in unserer
Gesellschaft gleichzeitig das Ende einer Kultur und den Anfang einer
Natur markiert; dass die ganze künstlerische Freiheit nur ein starres
Bild des Menschen hervorbringt.
Gern hätte ich Le beau Serge ohne die Geschichte gesehen, die
er erzählt und von der ich das Gefühl habe, dass sie nicht einmal für
ihren Autor Sinn macht...

A critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Here’s why," from the Washington Post (6/1/16). Attached is a final draft and a link to a version on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog. See also... more

A critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Here’s why," from the Washington Post (6/1/16). Attached is a final draft and a link to a version on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog. See also the illustrated version on

A critique of "The Politics of Cosmology," a thousand-page manuscript by social ecologist and political theorist Murray Bookchin, based on his study of the history of philosophy and his lectures on that topic. It appears on my PM Press... more

A critique of "The Politics of Cosmology," a thousand-page manuscript by social ecologist and political theorist Murray Bookchin, based on his study of the history of philosophy and his lectures on that topic. It appears on my PM Press blog and my "It Is What It Isn't" blog from Changing Suns Press.

In this essay, I analyze how cable channel AMC’s antihero Western drama Hell on Wheels centralizes its narrative around life at the edge of civilization. I juxtapose my analysis against the community experi- ences I observed and... more

In this essay, I analyze how cable channel AMC’s antihero Western drama Hell on Wheels centralizes its narrative around life at the edge of civilization. I juxtapose my analysis against the community experi- ences I observed and experienced growing up in a small ‘‘Western’’ town. Specifically, I inspect how the show’s (im)moral elements that emphasize Western themes of community, religion, and justice may not be melodra- matic so much as sobering reality and a reflection of everyday survival for small towns and those who struggle within them.

Since 9/11, there has been a surge in interest in the topic of violence both among scholars of religion and in the humanities more broadly. This article suggests that such works operate with a “hermeneutics of the spectacular” that... more

Since 9/11, there has been a surge in interest in the topic of violence both among scholars of religion and in the humanities more broadly. This article suggests that such works operate with a “hermeneutics of the spectacular” that functions to legitimate the liberal status quo by concentrating its focus upon the most visibly heinous forms of state violence under the aegis of a politics of “resistance.” This article uses the New Testament and its depiction of the military as a site for thinking about how folk definitions come to classify certain activities as “violent” and not others, both today and in antiquity. If biblical scholarship – or the study of religion more broadly – is to be something other than an ideological repository for late capitalism, it is necessary to reconsider the issue. This article, by point of contrast, discusses three theoretical approaches to violence that may be useful: Objective-Structural Violence, Symbolic Violence, and Violent Subjectivities.

The Gospel of Jesus's Wife (GJW) was announced in 2012, but was effectively declared "dead" in June 2016 when it was shown beyond doubt to be a modern forgery. This article , rather than discussing the content or authenticity of GJW,... more

The Gospel of Jesus's Wife (GJW) was announced in 2012, but was effectively declared "dead" in June 2016 when it was shown beyond doubt to be a modern forgery. This article , rather than discussing the content or authenticity of GJW, considers the role of gender in scholarly discourse on GJW. While conversation about GJW began as one would expect for a newly announced Gospel fragment, its subtext soon evinced preoccupations with gender in the field of biblical studies. Particularly troubling was the sexist intonation of scholarly discourse, which came to associate GJW and its advocates with "hyperfeminism" and deemed the fragment's owner's spouse an "eccentric wife." This article is an effort to both describe the texture of scholarly discourse as well as identify factors contributing to the sexist discussion that ensued. These problems are representative of pervasive issues that are often ignored in the field of biblical studies.

With a perceptible, repeated interplay of dichotomous themes (judgment and promise), the book of Micah remains an interpretive challenge, particularly for a coherent reading of the corpus as a whole. The most arresting of the said... more

With a perceptible, repeated interplay of dichotomous themes (judgment and promise), the book of Micah remains an interpretive challenge, particularly for a coherent reading of the corpus as a whole. The most arresting of the said interplay is the near-dystopic vision of " plowed Zion " (3:12), which appears in close proximity to the utopic vision of " exalted Zion " (4:1-2). Such dichotomous depictions continue to elicit exegetical exposé on the diachronic seams in the book of Micah. While valuing such astute observations, this paper inquires into the possibility of a coherent reading of the diverse depictions of Zion. To this end, the notion of Social Creativity from the Social Identity Approach is proposed as a help/hope-ful reading strategy. Among other things, Social Creativity underscores that discursive efforts, especially by those from the margins, often embody ambivalent tendencies in which one and the same trope (here, Zion) is both distantiated as well as appropriated. Further, it is in such ambivalent interstices that the performative nature of discursive endeavors towards identity affirmation can amply be attested.

Publication of Malcom Sillars’s ‘‘Persistent Problems in Rhetorical Criticism’’ in 1976 presented rhetorical critics with eight recalcitrant issues concerning the practice of rhetorical criticism. In revisiting this important essay, one... more

Publication of Malcom Sillars’s ‘‘Persistent Problems in Rhetorical Criticism’’ in 1976 presented rhetorical critics with eight recalcitrant issues concerning the practice of rhetorical criticism. In revisiting this important essay, one finds missing from Sillars’s observations one important consideration: the ideological turn in criticism. In the essay that follows, I carry-on in the tradition of Sillars and explore how the ideological turn that occurred after the publication of Sillars’s essay has introduced new possibilities and problems for rhetorical criticism.

Amos is notable for its critique of human claims to power within Israel as well as without. Intriguingly, Amos locates the resolution of such abuses in Yahweh's exercise of power as a cosmic king who eliminates some groups from among... more

Amos is notable for its critique of human claims to power within Israel as well as without. Intriguingly, Amos locates the resolution of such abuses in Yahweh's exercise of power as a cosmic king who eliminates some groups from among the nations and from within Israel while creating a new relationship between Yahweh and the remnants of both groups. Using an approach that gives priority to the semantic coherence of the text over its lesser diachronic features, this article explores these dynamics with attention to the criteria according to which Yahweh delivers one group and punishes another. It closes by pondering how the book of Amos itself should be subjected to ideological critique.

Learning English as a foreign or second language may generate a solid impact on learners’ values and ideologies in that, for several decades, social theorists have aimed to clarify why countries that lack economic power accept social... more

Learning English as a foreign or second language may generate a solid impact on learners’ values and ideologies in that, for several decades, social theorists have aimed to clarify why countries that lack economic power accept social hierarchies which prioritize some while ignoring others. Such concepts as ideology and hegemony have been employed to define the relation between the social formation of knowledge and the maintenance of unfair power hierarchies. As a result of the expanding hegemony of English, English Language Teaching has suddenly turned into an international business with huge financial investment, and accordingly produced English as a Foreign Language textbooks evolved into the cornerstone of the business. Additionally, studies on the relation between ideology, hegemony and textbooks have increased in recent decades since the rise of critical theory, critical pedagogy and critical thinking skills has inspired scholars to establish a critical perspective towards EFL ...

Artykuł stanowi pierwsze w języku polskim omówienie "materialistycznej teorii retoryki" i "teorii ideografów" sformułowanych w latach 80. przez Michaela Calvina McGee. Streszczam w nim podstawowe założenia powyższych teorii, a na... more

Artykuł stanowi pierwsze w języku polskim omówienie "materialistycznej teorii retoryki" i "teorii ideografów" sformułowanych w latach 80. przez Michaela Calvina McGee. Streszczam w nim podstawowe założenia powyższych teorii, a na przykładzie ideografów ‹rodzina› i ‹tradycyjne wartości› pokazuję, w jaki sposób teorie McGee mogą być przydatne przy badaniu języka współczesnej polityki w Polsce.

This is a note on Walter Benjamin's essay on collecting, "Unpacking My Library" (orig. published in German in 1931). Benjamin's reflections on collecting are analyzed with reference to Modernist themes in Baudelaire and Proust, and to the... more

This is a note on Walter Benjamin's essay on collecting, "Unpacking My Library" (orig. published in German in 1931). Benjamin's reflections on collecting are analyzed with reference to Modernist themes in Baudelaire and Proust, and to the Modernist concern with memory in the structuring of the self. The essay is held to be a half-ironic self-portrait showing some tensions or uncertainties in Benjamin's class positioning and allegiances.

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