Job Search Behavior Research Papers (original) (raw)

The Work Profiler is an instrument that indicates a job seeker's probability of work resumption within a year. In addition, it offers a quick diagnosis of the job seeker's obstacles for return to work. The Work Profiler was developed... more

The Work Profiler is an instrument that indicates a job seeker's probability of work resumption within a year. In addition, it offers a quick diagnosis of the job seeker's obstacles for return to work. The Work Profiler was developed through a three-stage research process (a literature review, a cross-sectional study and a longitudinal study) in order to identify the best predictive factors for work resumption. While a large part of the research was done regionally in the Province of North Holland, the Dutch Institute for Employee Benefit Schemes (UWV) has decided to use it nationwide. At present this profiling instrument is already being used in almost a third of all unemployment offices in the Netherlands.

Bu araştırmanın amacı, TÜİK 2014 Hane Halkı İşgücü İstatistikleri veri seti kapsamında cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim süresi ve medeni durum değişkenlerinin iş arama davranışlarını ne şekilde etkilediğine dair bulguları ortaya koymaktır. Lojistik... more

Bu araştırmanın amacı, TÜİK 2014 Hane Halkı İşgücü İstatistikleri veri seti kapsamında cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim süresi ve medeni durum değişkenlerinin iş arama davranışlarını ne şekilde etkilediğine dair bulguları ortaya koymaktır. Lojistik regresyon analizinin sonuçları; cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum ve eğitim süresinin iş arama davranışının açıklayıcı değişkenleri olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca cinsiyet, yaş ve medeni durum ile iş arama davranışı arasında negatif yönlü bir korelasyon ilişkisi gözlenmiştir. Ancak, eğitim süresi ile iş arama davranışı arasında pozitif yönlü korelasyon ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. İstatistiksel analizler ile iş arama davranışının cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum ve eğitim süresi açısından anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı saptanmıştır.

Sinds januari 2014 werken 11 UWV-vestigingen met de Werkverkenner en tot en met juni 2014 hebben al 44.000 recent werklozen het instrument gebruikt. Deze bijdrage geeft de eerste inzichten in de kans op werkhervatting en belemmeringen van... more

Sinds januari 2014 werken 11 UWV-vestigingen met de Werkverkenner en tot en met juni 2014 hebben al 44.000 recent werklozen het instrument gebruikt. Deze bijdrage geeft de eerste inzichten in de kans op werkhervatting en belemmeringen van deze werklozen. Daarnaast schetst de bijdrage hoe UWV de uitslagen van de Werkverkenner wil koppelen met online dienstverlening aan WW’ers.
- Niet onverwacht, blijkt ook uit de Werkverkenner dat de meeste jonge werklozen een goede kans hebben om binnen een jaar werk te vinden. Bij de WW’ers die ouder zijn, is het deel met een goede kans op werk veel kleiner.
- Bijna de helft van alle recent ingestroomde WW’ers ervaart momenteel problemen met het direct in contact komen met een werkgever voor werk. Bijna 8 op de 10 WW’ers heeft bij de start van de werkloosheid een goede werkzoekintentie.
- UWV wil op basis van de uitslagen van de Werkverkenner gericht online dienstverlening en informatie aanbieden. Op deze wijze krijgt de WW’er online zo snel mogelijk de
middelen die het meest bij zijn situatie passen om de kansen op werk te vergroten.
- Het verbindingsproces vergt tijd en uitgebreid testen. In 2015 moeten de eerste verbindingen een feit zijn.

Job fairs are one of the popular means used in communication between employers and potential employees in Poland. One of the groups, which the employer reaches through them are young adults entering the labour market, including students.... more

Job fairs are one of the popular means used in communication between employers and potential employees in Poland. One of the groups, which the employer reaches through them are young adults entering the labour market, including students. The analysis of their behaviour constitutes the basis for preparation of the appropriate fair offer hence it is relevant to assess the attractiveness of job fairs and expectations towards them among this group of job seekers. The article presents the results of questionnaires conducted among 419 students of AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków indicating their reasons for participating in (traditional and virtual) job fairs and the level of satisfaction with their participation. The results show a greater interest in traditional job fairs on the part of respondents. In addition, there is a diversity of expectations of job fairs among students of technical and managerial studies.

This poster was presented at the McLean Medical School, Harvard conference, Boston, 12-13 September 2013.

Structurally unemployed Black women represent one of the largest subgroups participating in Welfare-to-Work. As these programs put increasing emphasis on the single outcome of participants post program earnings, less attention is given to... more

Structurally unemployed Black women represent one of the largest subgroups participating in Welfare-to-Work. As these programs put increasing emphasis on the single outcome of participants post program earnings, less attention is given to the Job Search process. The Job Search process is arguably the
most critical step between Training and Employment. While the content of training rests in the hands of the
instructors (i.e. labor market analysts and job coaches), the Job Search process literally goes uninformed by it's
local body of experts, the Job Seekers themselves. The purpose of this paper is to propose an applied model of
Job Search gleaned based on the practices, experiences, and strategies of the most economically, politically
and socially marginalized stakeholders, in this case Black female Job Seekers. While this is a pilot attempt,
much can be gained by centering Workfare, Employment Training and Job Search in the lived experience of its
more challenged participants, more grounded and realistic program practices, policies, and outcomes can be

This webcast is one of four that will be held through May 2013 by the Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University in Arlington VA. According to its website, the seminars' focus are "career options in academia." Other seminars:... more

This webcast is one of four that will be held through May 2013 by the Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University in Arlington VA. According to its website, the seminars' focus are "career options in academia." Other seminars: "Preparing Your CV for the Academic Job Market" (18 April), "What to Do With Your Dissertation" (02 May), and "Entering the Academic Job Market" (08 May).