MRO Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Aircraft maintenance personnel works in a wide variety of critical tasks, such as disassembly, repair, and routine inspections of aircraft components. All these practices are carried out in closed spaces such as hangars and workshops, as... more

Aircraft maintenance personnel works in a wide variety of critical tasks, such as disassembly, repair, and routine inspections of aircraft components. All these practices are carried out in closed spaces such as hangars and workshops, as well as in the open spaces of the airport's named aprons. Aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul activities are very risky and error-free processes that must be meticulously performed. Human beings are an indispensable element for aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul activities and human beings are a bio-psycho-social, cultural and physiological entity. For these reasons, besides the theoretical and practical knowledge of aircraft maintenance personnel, there have also some physical, psychological, and medical conditions. The licensing / authorization conditions of the employees in the aviation sector and the relevant substances are edited in Annex 1 published by the International Civil Aviation Organization. In this study, the working environment and conditions of AMP are mentioned, the qualifications that personnel should possess physically and medically have been determined depending on the working environment and conditions and the current situation has been compared.

In the past, the world economic recovery after the financial crisis in 2008 opened a new story for the development of the aviation industry which became the basic capital for the growth of the aircraft maintenance industry (MRO). Three... more

In the past, the world economic recovery after the financial crisis in 2008 opened a new story for the development of the aviation industry which became the basic capital for the growth of the aircraft maintenance industry (MRO). Three years later, world economic growth is considered stable enough to encourage an increase in demand for air transportation services. When compared to current conditions, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this development can only be supported by a world population growth of 1% per year (although it is assessed to be down from 1.03% in 2020 and 1.05% in 2019) so that the world's population is estimated to reach 7, 9 billion people by 2022 1. Of this number, 17% of them are middle-class groups who have a high level of mobility for tourist and business trips. As we know, every 1% economic growth will affect increasing the growth of air transportation by 1-2.5%. The impact of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth on air transportation applies in general, both within a country and on a wider scale, namely globally. With the positive growth of the world economy in the years before the Covid-19 pandemic and the future, expectations for the growth of air transport are very high. Therefore, from the projected economic growth and world population, the impact on the growth of air transport is very significant. The growth of global air transportation on average per year is projected to reach more than 5%. 3

Yolcu trafiğindeki artış ile birlikte son yıllarda sivil havacılık eğitimi önemli hale gelmiştir. Üretici firmalar 2020’lere kadar talepleri karşılayamayacak duruma gelmiştir. Dünyadaki ticari uçak sayısının 2030 yılına kadar 2010 yılına... more

Yolcu trafiğindeki artış ile birlikte son yıllarda sivil havacılık eğitimi önemli hale gelmiştir. Üretici firmalar 2020’lere kadar talepleri karşılayamayacak duruma gelmiştir. Dünyadaki ticari uçak sayısının 2030 yılına kadar 2010 yılına oranla iki kat artacağı ve önümüzdeki süreçte 27 bin yeni uçağa ihtiyaç duyulacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Hava ulaşımında artan bu talepten dolayı uçak imalat sektörü gelişmekte ve bakım onarım pazarını da doğrudan etkilemektedir. Ayrıca her geçen gün hava trafik ağırlık merkezi orta doğuya doğru kaymaktadır ve Türkiye hava yolu ulaşım, bakım onarım ve transfer merkezi olmaktadır. Bu sebeple Türkiyede sivil havacılıkbakım personeli yetiştirmek için yeni havacılık okulları açılmakta ve mezun sayıları gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, tüm bu gelişmeler doğrultusunda dünyada hava aracı bakım onarım pazarında merkez olmayı hedefleyen ülkemizin bakım personeli ihtiyacı, bakım personeli yetkilendirilmesi, yetiştirilmesi ve personelin yeterlilikleri eğitim kalitesi açısından incelenmiştir. Türkiye’de sektöre istihdam sağlayan eğitim kurumları, bakım onarım sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmalar analiz edilerek, gelecek yıllardaki insan kaynağı markov analizi ile tahmin edilmiş, kalite ilişkisi ve sorunlar tartışılmıştır.

In this era the Human Resources department of an organization, not only concentrates on tasks such as employee payroll, benefits, and industrial relations, but participates in strategic planning. In increasing the productivity of Human... more

In this era the Human Resources department of an organization, not only concentrates on tasks such as employee payroll, benefits, and industrial relations, but participates in strategic planning. In increasing the productivity of Human Resources (HR), organizations are required to transform human resources to guide and help meet current and future business goals as well as overseeing the recruitment, training, advancement, and placement of their employees. Within the scope of the aircraft MRO business, liaison between policy makers and production units is needed so that the function of business partners that guides the business needs of both can be realized. Human Capital Business Partners (HCBP) are a means of extending managerial relationships, consulting providers, and holding communication to all stakeholders so that they require personnel competencies in leadership, analysis, business acumen, and ethical practices which of course have a base of expertise and knowledge to carry out work in all HR functions.

In the aircraft MRO business, the fulfillment of personnel is one of the main focuses in supporting business continuity. In its operation, there are three main foundations, among others: Engineers, Quality Assurance, and Expert... more

In the aircraft MRO business, the fulfillment of personnel is one of the main focuses in supporting business continuity. In its operation, there are three main foundations, among others: Engineers, Quality Assurance, and Expert Technicians. These three lines of operation have their respective powers and responsibilities, such as Engineers who set standards, Quality Assurers (Inspector) who maintain standards, and Expert Technicians (Mechanic) who run standards. Engineers become the standard benchmark for MRO operations which have a crucial role for businesses. Therefore, in the design task and its duties, there should be no mistakes because it will have a significant and even fatal impact on the safety of all production units and aspects of aircraft airworthiness.

The new trends of high-speed rail locomotive manufacturing set higher requirement for MRO knowledge representation and XBOM. Therefore, XBOM ontology modeling supporting MRO semantic knowledge representation has become an important... more

The new trends of high-speed rail locomotive manufacturing set higher requirement for MRO knowledge representation and XBOM. Therefore, XBOM ontology modeling supporting MRO semantic knowledge representation has become an important research topic of the high speed railway locomotive manufacturing industry. This paper firstly expounds the model frame of high-speed locomotive XBOM ontology, then take the global ontology, the construction ontology and the maintenance plan ontology as examples; respectively carding and analyzing four approaches each ontology contains that class (concept), object, data attribute, and constraint rule and central with the supporting MRO semantic knowledge representation, the XBOM ontology conceptual model can be created; At last, High speed rail train MRO semantic knowledge representation was realized by using protégé4.1 ontology modeling of XBOM for high-speed locomotive.

The paper considers the rise of the violent nationalist movements in the Ottoman Empire and questions the violent basis of these nationalisms. In the first place, the paper points out Western Europe as the source of modern nationalism and... more

The paper considers the rise of the violent nationalist movements in the Ottoman Empire and questions the violent basis of these nationalisms. In the first place, the paper points out Western Europe as the source of modern nationalism and emphasizes its initial appearance as a result of a long-lasting dynamics of conflicts and reconciliations amongst social, political and economic groups in Europe. In many other parts of the world, modern nationalism appeared as part of Europeanization and modernization usually carried out by a certain west European educated elite. In most of those places, modern nationalism was quite alien to the social, political, and economic structures and practices. However, as the particular case under scrutiny here demonstrates, modern nationalism gained ground in non-western world by the widespread authoritarian and often-violent pressures applied upon the people by violent paramilitary and/or guerilla groups formed and led by the Western-oriented
elite. This peculiar emergence of modern nationalism would certainly
create problems in the long run in terms of constructing a well-structured nation-state and a widely shared national consensus. The paper’s main focus is the insurgent nationalist movements in the Balkans and the Ottoman counter-insurgency, which developed a similar mindset in their struggle against each other, which would contribute to the problematic emergence of nation-states and the continuous unrest in the region.

Perubahan dalam dunia bisnis tidak bisa dihindari. Perubahan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas atau mengurangi risiko. Perubahan dapat terjadi pada proses, metode, atau fasilitas yang digunakan di tempat kerja. Perubahan telah... more

Perubahan dalam dunia bisnis tidak bisa dihindari. Perubahan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas atau mengurangi risiko. Perubahan dapat terjadi pada proses, metode, atau fasilitas yang digunakan di tempat kerja. Perubahan telah dilakukan pada industri penerbangan untuk beradaptasi dengan perkembangan zaman, seperti pandemi COVID-19 yang berdampak besar pada perusahaan XYZ. Penjelasan yang menarik dan terperinci tentang perubahan yang dilakukan oleh XYZ, strategi perusahaan untuk mengatasi situasi saat ini, dan proses dukungan yang ada untuk mengelola perubahan dengan benar. Dalam tantangan ini, penulis berusaha untuk mengeksplorasi sisi lain dari manajemen risiko, terutama yang berkaitan dengan keamanan (safety), yang erat dengan kinerja XYZ dalam menjalankan bisnisnya.