Balkan Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

[Uncorrected Page Proofs] -- Montgomery, David W. 2019. "The Hardest Time Was the Time without Morality": Religion and Social Navigation in Albania. In Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by David W. Montgomery. Bloomington: Indiana... more

[Uncorrected Page Proofs] -- Montgomery, David W. 2019. "The Hardest Time Was the Time without Morality": Religion and Social Navigation in Albania. In Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by David W. Montgomery. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 265-277.

Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the... more

Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the Constitutional settlement agreed in Dayton. The Bosnian-Herzegovinian everyday reality that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina face with on a daily basis stands as an unquestionable witness to the necessity of the Constitution changes, which was adopted as an integral part of a Peace Agreement which only or most important goal was to "end the war". After the cessation of armed conflict, the large number of B&H administration, overlapping of competencies, inconsistency of internal structure (one part (entity) functions on the "republican model" while the other on the "federal"), and above all the reality of everyday life, as well as the challenges encountered by the citizens of B&H imposed as a necessity changes of the Constitu...

The local festival dedicated to the Anniversary of the Vision of Agia (Saint) or Osia (venerable, blessed, saint) Pelagia is celebrated on the Greek island of Tinos and is dedicated to one of the most recent Orthodox saints, Agia Pelagia,... more

This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this... more

This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this diplomat of Charles V played in the negotiations with the Sublime Porte and on the considerable problems the French King and his representatives in Istanbul experienced during the talks. The Most Christian King thus became a victim of his ambivalent foreign policy while his alliance with the Sultan experienced a severe crisis. Finally, this study tries to demonstrate the impact of a diplomatic sojourn in the Levant for the envoy, as such a mission was very often followed by a considerable and far from only financial reward.

Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије... more

Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије мемоаристике. У креирању књиге, у великој мери коришћени су новији историографски резултати савремене домаће, али и стране науке. Узимајући све у обзир, ова књига, по количини обрађене грађе, темама које су у њој обухваћене, као и методолошким приступом, представља значајан искорак у досадашњем проучавању Првог светског рата Смедерева и околине. Књига коју представљамо јесте прегледна, на научним основама заснована монографија у којој ће како стручна, тако и шира јавност наћи одговоре на многа питања из домена завичајне историје Првог светског рата.

With all the turmoil and conflict taking place around the world, it is often tempting to think of the Western Balkans as yesterday’s problem. While it is true that the prospect of armed conflict has diminished significantly over the past... more

With all the turmoil and conflict taking place around the world, it is often tempting to think of the Western Balkans as yesterday’s problem. While it is true that the prospect of armed conflict has diminished significantly over the past two decades, there are still issues that contribute to a broader sense of instability. Until recently, three major issues undermined the region’s path towards ‘normality,’ whatever that may mean in the current international environment. The first, and most intractable of these is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even though it has been over 20 years since the 1995 Dayton Agreement ended the vicious and bloody war in the country, Bosnia remains deeply divided. The second issue is Kosovo. The February 2008 unilateral declaration of independence remains a source of deep divisions, both regionally and internationally. Last, and truly least, was the so-called Macedonia name issue. Although viewed by many outsiders as a somewhat bizarre, if not wholly ridiculous, issue, the effects of the dispute were anything but laughable. It led to the wholesale corruption of the Macedonian state and impeded the general process of Euro-Atlantic integration in Southeast Europe. And yet, after 25 years, the issue has finally been resolved.

An examination of the 1995 fall of the Bosnian Muslim enclave of Srebrenica.

From the mid-1990s and for over a decade Greece developed a very important and dynamic trade and investment relationship with most Western Balkan countries. The economic crisis in 2009 broke this momentum and led to massive declines in... more

From the mid-1990s and for over a decade Greece developed a very important and dynamic trade and investment relationship with most Western Balkan countries. The economic crisis in 2009 broke this momentum and led to massive declines in both trade and FDI. While trade transactions rebounded after 2016 and almost reached pre-crisis levels, the decline of Greek FDI has shown no signs of recovering, its most definitive sign being the departure of many Greek banks from the region. The objective of this project is to delve into the intricacies of Greek economic diplomacy, focusing on its conduct in the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia) and exploring paths that could improve economic and business practices in the region. It does so by mapping out the multi-layered dimensions of Greek economic relations with the Western Balkans, highlighting problems and challenges that have emerged over the years, identifying key actors and stakeholders in the process, and making policy recommendations based on an evaluation of all the above.

Съставители: Александър Николов, Васил Гюзелев, Пенка Данова, Елена Костова, Симеон Хинковски Compilers: Aleksandar Nikolov, Vassil Gyuzelev, Penka Danova, Elena Kostova, Simeon Hinkovski Томът включва текст, превод и коментар на 65... more

The book discerns the rise and survival of Vladimir Putin as leader of Russia. The book will be relevant for those interested in Balkan and East European politics. To add, the book also reveals the secret relationship between the two... more

The book discerns the rise and survival of Vladimir Putin as leader of Russia. The book will be relevant for those interested in Balkan and East European politics. To add, the book also reveals the secret relationship between the two super powers Russia and United States.

The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more

The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical context of this conflict. The study reveals that Yugoslav cartoonists anticipated, as early as 1984, the disintegration of the country and were forecasting armed conflict in 1989. Using print media and comic art as a primary source of investigation, the author has presented the mental representation of the war as seen in press cartoons, both chronologically and thematically. A representative sampling of some 400 cartoons (out of a database of almost 7’500) and dozens of interviews undertaken with political cartoonists in the 1990s are quoted in the book as a primary source.

İÇİNDEKİLER ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM ARNAVUTLUK 1. Analysis on Existing Ottoman Heritage Buildings inside Fortress Walls of Elbasan City Brunilda BASHA–Zafer SAĞDIC 09 2. Arnavut Edebiyatında İslâm Dini Yansımaları ve Söylemsellik Modelleri Nysret... more

1. Analysis on Existing Ottoman Heritage Buildings inside
Fortress Walls of Elbasan City
Brunilda BASHA–Zafer SAĞDIC 09
2. Arnavut Edebiyatında İslâm Dini Yansımaları ve
Söylemsellik Modelleri
Nysret KRASNİQİ-Abdulla REXHEPİ 33
3. Theofan Stilian Noli’nin Arnavut Ortodoks Kilisesi’ne
İlir RRUGA 49
4. Balkan İslâm’ının Beyaz Perdeye Yansıması: Yücel
Çakmaklı’nın Kanayan Yara Bosna Filmi Üzerine Felsefi
Rıfat ATAY-Merve KESENCİ 73
5. Boşnaklarda Arap Dili Öğretimi -Mahiyeti ve KronolojisiSeyfettin HARUNİ 93
6. Surviving Elements of "Tradition" in the Bosnian Family-A
Contribution to Understanding the Anthropology of the Family
Amel ALİĆ 117
7. Balkanların Sırbistan Bölgesindeki İslâm ve İslâmî Eserlerin
Eyüp SALİH 1416
8. Novi Pazar’da Din Eğitiminin Özellikleri ve Biçimleri
9. Sırbistan’ın Sancak Bölgesindeki Medreseler ile Türkiye’deki
İmam-Hatip Liselerinin Eğitim Müfredatları Yönünden
Yakup YILMAZ-Yasin YAYLA 171
10.Ülgün Şehri ve Yakın Çevresindeki Osmanlı Dönemine Ait
Arap-Osmanlı Harfleriyle Yazılan Mezar Taşları ile İlgili Genel
Bir Değerlendirme
Ali BARDHİ 183
11.Cengiz Dağcı’nın Romanlarında Siyaset: Hüzün ve Acının
Bir Toplumu Oluşturması
Celal TÜRER 197
12.Romanya ve Aşağı Tuna Avrupa Bölgesinde Geçmişten
Bugüne Türk Miraslarının Canlandırma ve Koruma Mücadelesi
13.Osmanlı Döneminde Makedonya’da Yetişen İlim Adamları
Hüseyin ALGÜL 235
14.Kuzey Makedonya’daki Osmanlı Medreseleri ve Üsküp
Mefail HIZLI 253
15.Üsküp Meddah Medresesi ve Kapatılmadan Önce Yetişen
Süleyman BAKİ 269
16.İştip Kazası’nın Tarihi ve Etnik Yapısı (XIX. Yüzyıl)
Bilal RUSHİD 293
17.Osmanlı Döneminde Makedonya Kratova’da Eğitim
Hasan TELLİ 3077
18.Osmanlı Kesriye’sindeki Eğitim Kurumları: Bir İcmal
Murat ÇELİK 325
19.Makedonya’daki Müslümanlarda Ölüm ile İlgili Belli Başlı
İnanç ve Adetler
Mensur NUREDİN 351
20.Sırbistan’ın Kosova’daki Arnavut Müslüman Nüfusunun
Etnik Temizlik Politikası
Fehari RAMADANI 359
21.Müslüman Engelli Gençlerde Dini İnancın Psikolojik Etkisi
(Kosova Örneği)
Feim GASHİ 377
22.Bir Hudut Kazasında Toplumsal İlişkiler ve Yönetim
Politikaları: Gilan/Gjilan ve Asayiş Sorunları
23.Yunanistan, Dimetoka Seyit Ali Baba (Kızıl Deli Sultan)
Tekkesi ve Velâyetnamesi
24.XV. Yüzyılın Ortasında Batı Trakya’da Bir Osmanlı Nahiyesi:
Cengiz PARLAK 433
25.İslâm’a ve Orduya Köprü: Uzunköprü
Yılmaz BÜKTEL 461
26.Balkan Muhacirlerinin Dinî-Siyasî ve Kültürel Kimliğine
Dair Bazı Tesbitlerin Tekirdağ Örneğinden Hareketle Sunumu
Cüneyt ÖZVARDARLI 4798
27.Osmanlı Dönemi Bulgaristan’ında Kurulan Dârulhadislere Genel Bir
Mustafa CANLI 491
28.1189 Numaralı Hurûfât Defteri Kayıtlarına Göre Şumnu’daki
Vakıf Kurumları
29.Bulgaristan’da (1933-1934) Yayımlanan Medeniyet
Gazetesi’ndeki Hadis Yazıları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
Alparslan KARTAL 529

2015 Şubat -Mart Makale ve Analizleri

collection of essays (foreword, 20 articles)

In the Western Balkans, as elsewhere around the world, governments took extraordinary measures to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19, measures that entailed serious restrictions to individual freedoms. They also introduced extra... more

In the Western Balkans, as elsewhere around the world, governments took extraordinary measures to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19, measures that entailed serious restrictions to individual freedoms. They also introduced extra powers that upset the ordinary division and balance of governmental power. In this context, several analysts have expressed concern that the authoritarian trend observed in the region during the last decade will become further entrenched. The worst fear, that some of the Western Balkan leaderships may retain extraordinary powers indefinitely, has not been confirmed. However, constitutionally prescribed procedures were disregarded and the operation of formal and informal mechanisms of checks and balances ignored. The article argues that the ease with which the Western Balkan leaders removed any checks and controls over their rule raises the valid question of how they may deal with future circumstances which may endanger their power.

Historians have long regarded Maurice Tiberius as the last Roman emperor who struggled to restore the stability of the Balkan provinces. This essay argues that a major financial crisis is responsible for the downfall of Maurice and the... more

Historians have long regarded Maurice Tiberius as the last Roman emperor who struggled to restore the stability of the Balkan provinces. This essay argues that a major financial crisis is responsible for the downfall of Maurice and the collapse of the Danube frontier after 602. Maurice inherited a depleted treasury and a war conducted on two fronts, in the Balkans and the East. A careful analysis of the emperor’s monetary policy during his long reign reveals a chronic shortage of cash, which the emperor tried to solve through a series of unsuccessful reforms. The body of coin finds from the Northern Balkans shows an abrupt decline in the coin supply during the second decade of Maurice’s reign, when Roman armies were once again active in the Danube region. The state’s inability to provide adequate supplies and regular payments to the soldiers led to the mutiny of 602. The emperor’s decision to force his army to spend the winter in enemy territory was simply the last straw that broke the soldiers’ loyalty to the emperor.

The United Kingdom is still keen to express rhetorical support for EU enlargement, but its overall attitude towards the dossier, and its ability to shape the Union’s policies in this area, have been dampened by an increasingly hostile... more

The United Kingdom is still keen to express rhetorical support for EU enlargement, but its overall attitude towards the dossier, and its ability to shape the Union’s policies in this area, have been dampened by an increasingly hostile immigration debate, coupled with rising Euroscepticism and growing support for the UK Independence Party. To be sure, all political parties in the country have become increasingly hard-line on the subject of immigration, so that the freedom of movement within the EU has been conflated with the arrival of people from outside the European Union. In addition, the question of whether the United Kingdom will leave the EU has arguably weakened the weight of its views on new members and its influence on the Balkan region. To the extent that there is a strong and specific British interest in the accession of the Balkans, it is narrowly focused on Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as on the interrelated paths of Serbia and Kosovo. Beyond that, there are no underlying historical, cultural or economic factors driving Britain’s commitment to the European perspective of the Balkan region.

Toplumları en çok etkileyen unsurlardan olan salgın hastalıkları, sosyal ve ekonomik tarih çalışmaları bağlamında ele almak yeni bir yönelim olarak görülse de esasen bir mecburiyettir. Özellikle Sanayi ve Fransız devrimleri sonrası... more

Toplumları en çok etkileyen unsurlardan olan salgın hastalıkları, sosyal ve ekonomik tarih çalışmaları bağlamında ele almak yeni bir yönelim olarak görülse de esasen bir mecburiyettir. Özellikle Sanayi ve Fransız devrimleri sonrası Avrupa’da dönüşen devlet yapısı ve bu dönüşümün bir nüvesi olan “sağlıklı vatandaş” düşüncesinin ortaya çıkması, kamu sağlığı uygulamalarının yaygınlaşma ve modernleşme sürecini de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu sürecin bir parçası olarak devletin temel vazifesi sağlıklı vatandaşlar, işçiler ve askerler yetiştirmek olmuş, bu durum devlet-toplum ilişkisinde karşılıklı çıkara dayalı bir denge kurulmasının ve gündelik hayatta hem kısa, hem de uzun vadeli bazı temel pratiklerin yer edinmesinin önünü açmıştır. Elinizdeki kitap salgın hastalıklar ve kamu sağlığı uygulamalarını, çeşitli tarihsel dönemlerde devlet ve toplum perspektifinden inceleyen bir çalışmalar bütünüdür. Kitaptaki yazılar, kamu sağlığı ve kenti sıhhileştirme çabaları çerçevesinde mekan ve kurum özelinde bazı değerlendirmelerde de bulunarak, imparatorluğun ve cumhuriyetin genel sağlık politikası hakkında fikir vermektedir. Bu çalışma, bir taraftan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne uzanan zaman diliminde devletin sağlıklı vatandaşlar yetiştirmek için tesis ettiği kurumları, bireylerin bu uğurda nasıl seferber edildiğini inceleyerek, devletin sağlık politikaları bağlamında zihniyet değişimini ele almakta; diğer taraftan ise toplumun belirleyiciliğine ve sağlık tarihinin ulusları aşan özelliğine dikkat çekerek, sınırların sadece devletleri birbirinden ayıran bir hattan ibaret olmadığını gözler önüne sermektedir

El presente trabajo hace foco en el constructivismo ruso y cómo esta idea llega al territorio de los Balcanes para ser asimilada y reinterpretada. También se hará hincapié en el rol de la revista Zenit y su lugar dentro de la escena... more

El presente trabajo hace foco en el constructivismo ruso y cómo esta idea llega al territorio de los Balcanes para ser asimilada y reinterpretada. También se hará hincapié en el rol de la revista Zenit y su lugar dentro de la escena cultural del ’20 para la formación del zenitismo y las vanguardias en los Balcanes. Por otra parte, se va a presentar a Srečko Kosovel y se analizará su manifiesto ‘Al mecánico’ –Mehanikom- como texto fundamental de las vanguardias en la región.

The chapter deals with the white spots in the biography of the Czech ethnographer Karel Chotek (1881-1967), especially his relation to the Balkans as a source of research inspiration, Chotek's definition of Slovak Culture as a special... more

The chapter deals with the white spots in the biography of the Czech ethnographer Karel Chotek (1881-1967), especially his relation to the Balkans as a source of research inspiration, Chotek's definition of Slovak Culture as a special complex, different from the cultural area of Bohemia and Moravia, and above all it deals with Chotek's Balkan expedition from the beginning 30´s, for whose results he received the Order of St. Sava, III. class, yet it´s material documentation, allegedly deposited in the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, remain ut to now still unknown.

This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by... more

This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by the International Organization for Migration-United Nations , funded and closely coordinated with the U.S. Agency for International Development-USAID) aiming to reduce the threat of violent extremism in BiH and to counter extremist efforts to deepen or exploit community tensions.

Müşavir Paşa’nın anılarında Osmanlı devletiyle resmi anlamda dost ve müttefik olan bir ülkenin temsilcisi olarak gelen askeri bir uzmanın yaklaşımını görüyoruz. Bize Kırım Harbi öncesi ve sonrasındaki Osmanlı devlet yapısı, ordu, maliye,... more

Müşavir Paşa’nın anılarında Osmanlı devletiyle resmi anlamda dost ve müttefik olan bir ülkenin temsilcisi olarak gelen askeri bir uzmanın yaklaşımını görüyoruz. Bize Kırım Harbi öncesi ve sonrasındaki Osmanlı devlet yapısı, ordu, maliye, gelenekler, ıslahat çalışmaları konusunda ayrıntılı bir rapor sunuyor. Tam da bir müşavirin yapması gerektiği gibi. Fakat onunki alışılmış bir duruş değildir. Dışarıdan bir bakışla, yaşanan olumsuzlukları eleştirmekten geri durmuyor. Bu da kitabın en yararlı özelliğini oluşturuyor. Ne yazık ki bu rapordan Osmanlı bürokrasisi pek faydalanmışa benzemiyor.

Rad se bavi atmosferom među studenskom mladeži u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme trajanja Prvog i Drugog balkanskog rata. Na temelju postojeće relevantne literature, onovremenih brošura i memoarskih tekstova, te izvora privatne naravi, proučava se... more

Rad se bavi atmosferom među studenskom mladeži u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme trajanja Prvog i Drugog balkanskog rata. Na temelju postojeće relevantne literature, onovremenih brošura i memoarskih tekstova, te izvora privatne naravi, proučava se odnos pojedinih studentskih grupa prema zbivanjima na Balkanu. Obzirom da je studentski politički pokret u Hrvatskoj početkom 20. stoljeća bio razjedinjen, tako je i odnos pojedinih grupa prema zaraćenim stranama bio drugačiji. Ipak, u vrijeme Prvog balkanskog rata opće oduševljenje pobjedama slavenskih saveznika protiv turske vlasti dovelo je do kratkotrajne homogenizacije studentskog mišljenja u vezi saveznica, što je pratilo opću političku atmosferu u Hrvatskoj. To oduševljenje bilo je uzrokovano dijelom teškom političkom situacijom u zemlji (komesarijat), a dijelom i snažnom srpskom propagandom. Ipak, razočarenje je nastupilo već u doba Drugog balkanskog rata kada nestankom slavenske sloge, splašnjava i zanos barem jednog dijela studentske mladeži u vezi južnoslavenskog ujedinjenja.

The short brief analyses the new dynamics in the new EU legislature on EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, its impact on the EU’s perspective to North Macedonia, and the role of the Assembly of North Macedonia in pushing for the... more

The short brief analyses the new dynamics in the new EU legislature on EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, its impact on the EU’s perspective to North Macedonia, and the role of the Assembly of North Macedonia in pushing for the country’s European perspective.