Mathematical Physics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial... more

The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial EM fields and 3D material particles are created.

The possible process of creation/annihilation of traversable wormholes in the model with phantom (ghost) scalar field is described. It is shown that such process can be realized only for some special choice of a potential energy, in... more

The possible process of creation/annihilation of traversable wormholes in the model with phantom (ghost) scalar field is described. It is shown that such process can be realized only for some special choice of a potential energy, in particular, for the Sine-Gordon potential.

To resolve some unphysical interpretations related to velocity measurements by static observers, we discuss the use of generalized observer sets, give a prescription for defining the speed of test particles relative to these observers,... more

To resolve some unphysical interpretations related to velocity measurements by static observers, we discuss the use of generalized observer sets, give a prescription for defining the speed of test particles relative to these observers, and show that, for any locally inertial frame, the speed of a freely falling material particle is always less than the speed of light at the Schwarzschild black hole surface. 2 1

Contextuality and entanglement are valuable resources for quantum computing and quantum information. Bell inequalities are used to certify entanglement; thus, it is important to understand why and how they are violated. Quantum mechanics... more

Contextuality and entanglement are valuable resources for quantum computing and quantum information. Bell inequalities are used to certify entanglement; thus, it is important to understand why and how they are violated. Quantum mechanics and behavioral sciences teach us that random variables measuring the same content (the answer to the same Yes or No question) may vary, if measured jointly with other random variables. Alice and Bob raw data confirm Einsteinian non-signaling, but setting dependent experimental protocols are used to create samples of coupled pairs of distant outcomes and to estimate correlations. Marginal expectations, estimated using these final samples, depend on distant settings. Therefore, a system of random variables measured in Bell tests is inconsistently connected and it should be analyzed using a Contextuality-by-Default approach, what is done for the first time in this paper. The violation of Bell inequalities and inconsistent connectedness may be explained...

The Falicov-Kimball model of spinless quantum electrons hopping on a 1-dimensional lattice and of immobile classical ions occupying some lattice sites, with only intrasite coupling between those particles, have been studied at zero... more

The Falicov-Kimball model of spinless quantum electrons hopping on a 1-dimensional lattice and of immobile classical ions occupying some lattice sites, with only intrasite coupling between those particles, have been studied at zero temperature by means of well-controlled numerical procedures. For selected values of the unique coupling parameter U the restricted phase diagrams (based on all the periodic configurations of localized particles (ions) with period not greater than 16 lattice constants, typically) have been constructed in the grand-canonical ensemble. Then these diagrams have been translated into the canonical ensemble. Compared to the diagrams obtained in other studies our ones contain more details, in particular they give better insight into the way the mixtures of periodic phases are formed. Our study has revealed several families of new characteristic phases like the generalized most homogeneous and the generalized crenel phases, a first example of a structural phase transition and a tendency to build up an additional symmetry - the hole-particle symmetry with respect to the ions (electrons) only, as U decreases.

Fluids in porous media are commonly studied with analytical or simulation methods, usually assuming that the host medium is rigid. By evaluating the substrate’s response (relaxation) to the presence of the fluid we assess the error... more

Fluids in porous media are commonly studied with analytical or simulation methods, usually assuming that the host medium is rigid. By evaluating the substrate’s response (relaxation) to the presence of the fluid we assess the error inherent in that assumption. One application is a determination of the ground state of 3He in slit and cylindrical pores. With the relaxation, there results a much stronger cohesion than would be found for a rigid host. Similar increased binding effects of relaxation are found for classical fluids confined within slit pores or nanotube bundles.

This paper proposes a Modular Universe toy-model (MUTM) predicting all elementary particles (EPs) to be actually quantum black-holes (QBHs) (gravitational quasi-singularities) governed by self-gravity and self-antigravity. This paper... more

This paper proposes a Modular Universe toy-model (MUTM) predicting all elementary particles (EPs) to be actually quantum black-holes (QBHs) (gravitational quasi-singularities) governed by self-gravity and self-antigravity. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest.
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Following the recent recognition of a positive value for the vacuum energy density and the realization that a simple Kantowski-Sachs model might fit the classical tests of cosmology, we study the qualitative behavior of three anisotropic... more

Following the recent recognition of a positive value for the vacuum energy density and the realization that a simple Kantowski-Sachs model might fit the classical tests of cosmology, we study the qualitative behavior of three anisotropic and homogeneous models: Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi type-I and Bianchi type-III universes, with dust and a cosmological constant, in order to find out which are physically permitted. We find that these models undergo isotropization up to the point that the observations will not be able to distinguish between them and the standard model, except for the Kantowski-Sachs model (Omegak0<0)(\Omega_{k_{0}}<0)(Omegak0<0) and for the Bianchi type-III (Omegak0>0)(\Omega_{k_{0}}>0)(Omegak0>0) with OmegaLambda0\Omega_{\Lambda_{0}}OmegaLambda0 smaller than some critical value OmegaLambdaM\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}OmegaLambdaM. Even if one imposes that the Universe should be nearly isotropic since the last scattering epoch ($z\approx 1000$), meaning that the Universe should have approximately the same Hubble parameter in all directions (considering the COBE 4-Year data), there is still a large range for the matter density parameter compatible with Kantowsky-Sachs and Bianchi type-III if ∣Omega0+OmegaLambda0−1∣leqdelta|\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}-1|\leq \deltaOmega0+OmegaLambda01∣leqdelta, for a very small delta\deltadelta . The Bianchi type-I model becomes exactly isotropic owing to our restrictions and we have Omega0+OmegaLambda0=1\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}=1Omega0+OmegaLambda0=1 in this case. Of course, all these models approach locally an exponential expanding state provided the cosmological constant OmegaLambda>OmegaLambdaM\Omega_\Lambda>\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}OmegaLambda>OmegaLambdaM.

Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is used to investigate correlations between the monthly average of the maximum daily temperatures for different locations in the continental United States and the different climates these locations... more

Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is used to investigate correlations between the monthly average of the maximum daily temperatures for different locations in the continental United States and the different climates these locations have. When we plot the scaling exponents obtained from the DFA versus the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations, we observe crowding of data points belonging to the same climates. Thus, we conclude that by observing the long-time trends in the fluctuations of temperature it would be possible to distinguish between different climates.