Minahasan languages Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
According to Ethnologue, Minahasan languages, such as Tontemboan, Tombulu, Tonsea, Tolour, Tonsawang, Ratahan, Ponosakan, and Bantik are categorized as threatened and even shifting. It means that if there are no actual measures to... more
According to Ethnologue, Minahasan languages, such as Tontemboan, Tombulu, Tonsea, Tolour, Tonsawang, Ratahan, Ponosakan, and Bantik are categorized as threatened and even shifting. It means that if there are no actual measures to rejuvenate the languages, it could be foreseen that Minahasan languages will be left with no native speakers. Mainly treated as vernaculars, and with the internalization of Manado Malay as the lingua franca in Minahasa and Indonesian language as the sole official language in Indonesia, both factors gave impact to the condition of Minahasan languages. That being said, in general, Minahasan languages have less prestige than Manado Malay and Indonesian in daily communication in Minahasa. Therefore, in this paper, I would like to argue the importance of language maintenance, especially for endangered languages in Minahasa that such languages should be learned and used by people in Minahasa according to their areas. Moreover, I would explain what are considered to be oral tradition and the previous examples of documented oral tradition in Minahasan languages, then the reason of the importance of oral tradition in language maintenance and language learning.
Abstrak Isi tradisi budaya mencakup modal sosial (social capital) dan modal kultural (cultural capital). Tulisan ini hanya dibatasi pada modal kultural. Modal kultural adalah tradisi budaya, nilai dan norma budaya serta kearifan lokal... more
Abstrak Isi tradisi budaya mencakup modal sosial (social capital) dan modal kultural (cultural capital). Tulisan ini hanya dibatasi pada modal kultural. Modal kultural adalah tradisi budaya, nilai dan norma budaya serta kearifan lokal yang digunakan untuk memberdayakan kehidupan manusia dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat yang damai dan sejahtera. Paradigma penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kualitatif karena dalam kajian ini digali, ditemukan, diungkapkan, dan dijelaskan bentuk dan makna. Bentuk yang dimaksudkan berkaitan dengan struktur teks secara morfologis. Makna berkaitan dengan is yang dipahami sebagai nilai, norma, atau kearifan lokal. Dengan demikian, tujuan tulisan ini, hasilnya mendeskripsikan 1) bentuk morfologis kakantara Tombulu sa ko meleng ulalan lampangan, dan 2) isi/makna yang berkaitan dengan nilai, norma, kearifan lokal dalam lagu tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Yang diobservasi adalah para pelaku tradisi lisan ini terutama ketika mereka menyanyikan nyanyian ini (suasana keceriaan yang ditampilkan) secara bersama dan pendengar/penikmat tradisi ini (pasif). Wawancara dilakukan kepada informan yang berperan aktif atau sebagai pelaku tradisi lisan. Observasi dan wawanvara ini dilakukan di kota Tomohon, tepatnya di wilayah Kakaskasen yang menurut pengamatan penulis aktif menyanyikan nyanyian berbahasa Tombulu. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa dalam nyanyian sa ko meleng ulalan lampangan merupakan nyanyia syukur etnis Tombulu yang memiliki 1) struktur bahasa yang secara morfologis bermorfe monomorfemis dan bermorfem polimorfemis. Dengan demikian, proses morfologis ini (afiksasi dan reduplikasi) membentuk makna baru atau mempertegas makna sebagaimana yg disebutkan oleh kata dasarnya. 2) modal kultural tampak dalam bentuk nilai dan norma budaya yang tercermin melalui nilai keimanan, rasa persaudaraan, persahabatan, dan ketulusan di antara pelaku/penikmat tradisi lisan ini, yang diikat oleh norma-norma tertentu, muaranya pada kedamaian dan kesejahteraan yang merupakan inti kearifan lokal masyarakat Tombulu. Pendahuluan Kata Tombulu mengacu pada etnis dan bahasa yang kaya dengan nyanyian rakyat. Masyarakatnya senang dengan bernyanyi. Nyanyian dalam bahasa Tombulu dikenal dengan zazanian; mahzani 'menyanyi' dan kakantaren; mahkantar 'menyanyi' tampaknya memiliki sedikit perbedaan. Mahzani 'menyanyi' dilakukan dalam situasi yang formal atau situasi tertentu dan liriknya kurang panjang. Mahkantar 'menyanyi' dilakukan lebih bebas dan liriknya pun agak panjang. Kakantaren adalah nyanyian untuk menunjuk semua jenis lagu dari agama Kristen, baik yang dinyanyikan di gereja
Manado Malay is a form of vernacular language spoken in the area of the city of Manado, Indonesia and its surroundings. Researches which analyze the issues regarding Manado Malay are increasing which serve as a form of language... more
Manado Malay is a form of vernacular language spoken in the area of the city of Manado, Indonesia and its surroundings. Researches which analyze the issues regarding Manado Malay are increasing which serve as a form of language maintenance. However, we found that researches regarding to syntax, especially appositive phrases and/or construction in Manado Malay are still scarce, if not none. In order to fill the gap regarding the research of appositions in Manado Malay, we intend to analyze the construction of appositions in Manado Malay, specifically of appositive phrases. Due to its characteristic of phrasal analysis, it is not remote from truth to categorize this research as a syntactic analysis. The aim of this research is to describe which is to identify, classify and analyze the construction of appositive phrases in Manado Malay. Also, this research aims to enrich the knowledge of Manado Malay syntax, especially the phrases in Manado Malay which also serve as a form of language maintenance of Manado Malay. The data are collected through the recording of casual conversation of Manado Malay speakers which contain the appositive phrases and record such data. Moreover, we also utilize Manado Malay Bible that was published recently by the synod of The Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM), a Presbyterian church in Indonesia, alongside with Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) for the data of appositive phrases in Manado Malay. The data in the bible which contain appositive phrases are quite abundant to be found. As for the method of this research, given the paradigm of descriptivism in this research, we intend to employ tagmemic analysis for analyzing the construction of appositive phrases in Manado Malay. Tagmemic analysis requires the slot, class, role, and cohesion of each tagmeme which can be set in different levels of speech. This method is deemed as suitable and preferable for analyzing vernaculars, including Manado Malay. Moreover, through this method of analysis, we are able to describe, not to prescribe, the construction of appositive phrases in Manado Malay. The results found in this research are the tu morpheme that serves as the marker of appositions in Manado Malay. Tu is often confused whether as a demonstrative, a definite article or an apposition marker. However, in our analysis we found that in several speech contexts, tu is also roles as an apposition marker in Manado Malay.
Abstract Languages have their own fashion for indicating the location of certain objects. Generally, such languages utilize with morphemes such as 'left', 'right', 'in front of', and 'in back of', namely relative directions. However,... more
Abstract Languages have their own fashion for indicating the location of certain objects. Generally, such languages utilize with morphemes such as 'left', 'right', 'in front of', and 'in back of', namely relative directions. However, there are also languages which utilize cardinal directions, such as 'north', 'south', 'west' and 'east' for indicating the location of certain objects, namely absolute directions. In addition to cardinal directions, absolute directions also utilize uphill/downhill distinction in differentiating 'up' or 'down'. Tontemboanese language is one of the languages which utilize absolute directions. This research aims to show how Tontemboanese speakers utter words in terms of spatial reference of the speakers. Through interviews, it is revealed that Tontemboanese speakers utilize absolute directions to indicate the object locations, the motion of the actions, and parting phrases. In using the cardinal direction, the sun is the main source in indicating the directions.