Minahasa Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Paparan mengenai Kebudayaan Minahasa di Sulawesi Utara.

The Unemployment rate in indonesia on 2016 is quite high ± 9 million of the population 250 million people, it is based on the data from one of a body of the survey in indonesia (Compass, 2016). Ironically that 37 % unemployment is on the... more

The Unemployment rate in indonesia on 2016 is quite high ± 9 million of the population 250 million people, it is based on the data from one of a body of the survey in indonesia (Compass, 2016). Ironically that 37 % unemployment is on the young, which means is still in the average age of productive. Unemployment kaula young quite high especially from a graduate of a college, school vocational school and common. Data shows that in last five years the number of entrepreneur in indonesia increased but insignificant, where in 2011 the number of entrepreneur in indonesia reach 0.18 % then in 2013 rose to 0.24 % next on 2016 rose to 1.65 %, so that the number of entrepreneur in indonesia are still under 2 %. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of simultaneously and partial between entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial social environment and the entrepreneurial ability to entrepreneurial intensity to be young entrepreneur on Kabupaten Minahasa Induk. Sample used in this research were 250 respondents scattered on 25 in in kabupaten minahasa the province of north sulawesi. A discovery that obtained is an entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial social environment and the entrepreneurial ability have a positive impact and significant impact on entrepreneurial intensity on Kabupaten Minahasa Induk.

Discussion of the various expressions of authority in rural Minahasa (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) and the underlying beliefs. Data on the history of the region and episodes of the author’s fieldwork are provided. Particular attention is... more

Discussion of the various expressions of authority in rural Minahasa (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) and the underlying beliefs. Data on the history of the region and episodes of the author’s fieldwork are provided. Particular attention is paid to the status attributes, the festivities and the burial customs for persons with great authority.

This paper focuses on eastern Indonesia, and in particular on the Minahasa region of northern Sulawesi. It examines the links of this region with others in the archipelago, as well as with the state, from the early modern period through... more

This paper focuses on eastern Indonesia, and in particular on the Minahasa region of northern Sulawesi. It examines the links of this region with others in the archipelago, as well as with the state, from the early modern period through to the present, and tests the usefulness of the concepts of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ in understanding the nature of those links. A centre–periphery relationship is commonly defined in terms of geography, economy or power relations, but, as the paper argues, the definition can also rest on cultural or social factors. The paper also suggests the possibility of the simultaneous or successive existence of several centres and many peripheries.

Abstrak Isi tradisi budaya mencakup modal sosial (social capital) dan modal kultural (cultural capital). Tulisan ini hanya dibatasi pada modal kultural. Modal kultural adalah tradisi budaya, nilai dan norma budaya serta kearifan lokal... more

Abstrak Isi tradisi budaya mencakup modal sosial (social capital) dan modal kultural (cultural capital). Tulisan ini hanya dibatasi pada modal kultural. Modal kultural adalah tradisi budaya, nilai dan norma budaya serta kearifan lokal yang digunakan untuk memberdayakan kehidupan manusia dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat yang damai dan sejahtera. Paradigma penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kualitatif karena dalam kajian ini digali, ditemukan, diungkapkan, dan dijelaskan bentuk dan makna. Bentuk yang dimaksudkan berkaitan dengan struktur teks secara morfologis. Makna berkaitan dengan is yang dipahami sebagai nilai, norma, atau kearifan lokal. Dengan demikian, tujuan tulisan ini, hasilnya mendeskripsikan 1) bentuk morfologis kakantara Tombulu sa ko meleng ulalan lampangan, dan 2) isi/makna yang berkaitan dengan nilai, norma, kearifan lokal dalam lagu tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Yang diobservasi adalah para pelaku tradisi lisan ini terutama ketika mereka menyanyikan nyanyian ini (suasana keceriaan yang ditampilkan) secara bersama dan pendengar/penikmat tradisi ini (pasif). Wawancara dilakukan kepada informan yang berperan aktif atau sebagai pelaku tradisi lisan. Observasi dan wawanvara ini dilakukan di kota Tomohon, tepatnya di wilayah Kakaskasen yang menurut pengamatan penulis aktif menyanyikan nyanyian berbahasa Tombulu. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa dalam nyanyian sa ko meleng ulalan lampangan merupakan nyanyia syukur etnis Tombulu yang memiliki 1) struktur bahasa yang secara morfologis bermorfe monomorfemis dan bermorfem polimorfemis. Dengan demikian, proses morfologis ini (afiksasi dan reduplikasi) membentuk makna baru atau mempertegas makna sebagaimana yg disebutkan oleh kata dasarnya. 2) modal kultural tampak dalam bentuk nilai dan norma budaya yang tercermin melalui nilai keimanan, rasa persaudaraan, persahabatan, dan ketulusan di antara pelaku/penikmat tradisi lisan ini, yang diikat oleh norma-norma tertentu, muaranya pada kedamaian dan kesejahteraan yang merupakan inti kearifan lokal masyarakat Tombulu. Pendahuluan Kata Tombulu mengacu pada etnis dan bahasa yang kaya dengan nyanyian rakyat. Masyarakatnya senang dengan bernyanyi. Nyanyian dalam bahasa Tombulu dikenal dengan zazanian; mahzani 'menyanyi' dan kakantaren; mahkantar 'menyanyi' tampaknya memiliki sedikit perbedaan. Mahzani 'menyanyi' dilakukan dalam situasi yang formal atau situasi tertentu dan liriknya kurang panjang. Mahkantar 'menyanyi' dilakukan lebih bebas dan liriknya pun agak panjang. Kakantaren adalah nyanyian untuk menunjuk semua jenis lagu dari agama Kristen, baik yang dinyanyikan di gereja

Cross-cultural exploration of the practice of headhunting in various tribal societies in insular Southeast Asia and in South Melanesia, as described by ethnographers since the nineteenth century. Various motives for this practice, as well... more

Cross-cultural exploration of the practice of headhunting in various tribal societies in insular Southeast Asia and in South Melanesia, as described by ethnographers since the nineteenth century. Various motives for this practice, as well as beliefs and rituals attached to it and the gender roles involved, are discussed. With data from fieldwork among the inhabitants of Minahasa in northern Sulawesi.

Discussion of Dutch colonial policy in Minahasa (northern Sulawesi) in the 19th century. The focus is on a troubled episode around 1890 which not only revealed the harsh conditions of the indigenous population due to colonial rule but... more

Discussion of Dutch colonial policy in Minahasa (northern Sulawesi) in the 19th century. The focus is on a troubled episode around 1890 which not only revealed the harsh conditions of the indigenous population due to colonial rule but also the Dutch attitude of superiority towards the regional elite.

In the wake of the demise of the authoritarian regime of Suharto in 1998, Indonesia went through rapid processes of democratization and decentralization. However, this was also a period of conflict and violence, in particular motivated by... more

In the wake of the demise of the authoritarian regime of Suharto in 1998, Indonesia went through rapid processes of democratization and decentralization. However, this was also a period of conflict and violence, in particular motivated by religious and ethnic diversity. Minahasa, the area focused in this article, is surrounded by regions where conflicts between Christians and Muslims were particularly violent around the year 2000. Minahasa itself is also characterized by religious heterogeneity, but the co-existence between the religious groups, however tense, did not explode into bloodshed. In this chapter several characteristics of Minahasa are pointed out that may have contributed to the preservation of relative calm in this region, including the favourable economic conditions and the existence of a robust civil society, manifest, for example, in the appeasing role and mutual cooperation of the regional religious leaders.

Pembangunan suatu Negara hakekatnya berasal dari keinginan masyarakat untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup dan mengembangkan daerah asal. Dari sisi pemerintah tujuan pembangunan tentunya untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat demikian pula dengan... more

Pembangunan suatu Negara hakekatnya berasal dari keinginan masyarakat untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup dan mengembangkan daerah asal. Dari sisi pemerintah tujuan pembangunan tentunya untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat demikian pula dengan Negara Indonesia. Pembukaan Undang-undang Dasar 1945 alinea yang keempat sudah dengan jelas menyatakan Tujuan pembangunan Nasional bangsa Indonesia adalah melindungi segenap bangsa dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia, memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, serta ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia.
Demi meningkatkan pembangunan di Kelurahan Marawas maka dibuatlah Karang taruna yang mempunyai visi memajukan desa marawas Untuk melaksanakan tujuan tersebut dilakukan Pembangunan nasional, yaitu membangun manusia seutuhnya dan Pembangunan Masyarakat seluruhnya. Dalam merealisasikan tujuan Pembangunan, maka segala potensi alam harus digali, dikembangkan, dan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya. Begitu pula dengan potensi Manusia berupa penduduk yang banyak jumlahnya harus ditingkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya sehingga mampu menggali, mengembangkan dan memamnfaatkan potensi alam dan Indonesia secara maksimal, dan pelaksanaan program Pembangunan tercapai. Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan peran pemuda sangat dibutuhkan semangat dan rasa ingin mengembangkan tempat asal yang mendorong para muda mudi desa

This article examines today’s perception among Indonesians of the Portuguese presence in Eastern Indonesia during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Despite evidence of the often violent pursuit of supremacy and material benefit by... more

This article examines today’s perception among Indonesians of the Portuguese presence in Eastern Indonesia during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Despite evidence of the often violent pursuit of supremacy and material benefit by European navigators, the local population has different understandings of the past. An assessment of these from an anthropological perspective is guided by twin concepts such as emics and etics, and memory and history. Our case study combines documentary research and fieldwork, focusing on a colonial fort in Amurang, on the island of Sulawesi. The present-day accounts of the local population and of some official organizations attribute a Portuguese origin to this fort, and narratives about the Portuguese abound in folk memory, often contradicting the findings of scientific research. Significant is the positive image of the Portuguese prevalent among the population. The article includes historical data on the Portuguese and Spanish presence in Indonesia and ethnographic data of Amurang, as well as architectural and archaeological details of the fort.

Based on extensive anthropological and historical research, this book focuses on patterns and processes of social mobility in Minahasa (northeast Sulawesi – Indonesia). The character of leadership in tribal society, then under the Dutch... more

Based on extensive anthropological and historical research, this book focuses on patterns and processes of social mobility in Minahasa (northeast Sulawesi – Indonesia). The character of leadership in tribal society, then under the Dutch colonial bureaucracy, and later in modern Indonesia are discussed. Besides political changes, changes in economic conditions and in religion have had a considerable influence on mobility. These processes are illustrated by a case study of a local community, and by tracking the whereabouts of kin groups and the lives of some prominent Minahasans of different generations in the 19th and early 20th century.
Este estudo aborda a história regional de uma zona da actual Indonésia, a Minahasa no nordeste da ilha Sulawesi (Celébes).
Baseado em pesquisas antropológicas e histórias extensas, o livro focaliza padrões e processos de mobilidade social, passando de formas de liderança na sociedade tribal, pela burocracia na época colonial até os líderes locais da época da pós-independência, nomeadamente no período em que Suharto era presidente.
Na Minahasa precolonial, êxito na guerra (caça-cabeça era uma prática comum) e na agricultura foram os meios principais para adquirir status, numa sociedade relativamente igualitária. A procura de status e poder tem-se mantido como fenómeno constante, e a autora aponta semelhanças sob formas diferentes, entre os veículos para poder de antes e os de hoje em dia.
Isso apesar das mudanças profundas que a região *tem sofrido, em particular após a imposição dum governo colonial no século XIX, que introuzia o cultivo forçado de café. Minahasa ficou a ser conhecida nos Países Baixos (moederland) como uma sociedade cristã e ocidentalizada que fornecia *muitos soldados para o exército colonial. Hoje em dia, Minahasa é uma região na Indonésia com uma economia baseada em grande parte em produtos comerciais e um relativamente alto nível de educação.
Para além das mudanças políticas, mudanças económicas e religiosas têm tido influências consideráveis em oportunidades de mobilidade. Esses processos são ilustrados por um estudo de caso de uma comunidade local.

The population of the region of Minahasa in northern Sulawesi converted to Christianity in the nineteenth century, but old beliefs and rituals persisted and often blended with the new religion. In this article, some dramatic events... more

The population of the region of Minahasa in northern Sulawesi converted to Christianity in the nineteenth century, but old beliefs and rituals persisted and often blended with the new religion. In this article, some dramatic events during the author’s fieldwork in a village in Minahasa illustrate the way Christian and older beliefs and rituals co-exist, merge and sometimes clash.

The Minahasans of northern Sulawesi underwent in the nineteenth century a rapid metamorphosis from a people that was considered as violent and savage into what seemed pious and orderly subjects of the Dutch colonal state. The texts... more

The Minahasans of northern Sulawesi underwent in the nineteenth century a rapid metamorphosis from a people that was considered as violent and savage into what seemed pious and orderly subjects of the Dutch colonal state. The texts proposes several motives for Minahasans’ conversion to Christianity and their enthusiasm for school education. Attention is also paid to the harsh economic exploitation under colonial rule, as well as to actions of resistance. A general outline of the colonial history of Indonesia provides the framework of the text

The objective of this study is to describe the Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition for the digital generation. This study uses a qualitative approach, using data collected from... more

The objective of this study is to describe the Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition for the digital generation. This study uses a qualitative approach, using data collected from observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results show that the encounter of Christian education practice in Minahasa traditional community especially the rumamba tradition has contextual educational value. Although it was found that several things have been negotiated from the concept of rumamba to Christian education. Moreover, the Christian education can coexist contextually with the Minahasa community and culture in a dialogical approach that takes place in formal and informal public spaces.

An analysis of reputation and status in Minahasa (Indonesia) in relation to socio-economic development. Two periods in the economic history of the region of Sonder are distinguished. In the colonial era, it was among the poorest in... more

An analysis of reputation and status in Minahasa (Indonesia) in relation to socio-economic development. Two periods in the economic history of the region of Sonder are distinguished. In the colonial era, it was among the poorest in Minahasa, while after the independence of Indonesia it developed into a «dollar region» thanks to the lucrative clove cultivation. In a case study of a Sonder village, it is shown how in Dutch colonial times the few wealthy villagers were connected with the local administration and school system to become the village élite. Many of their descendants were in the 1980s still well-to-do, but have been matched by some of the «new rich», that is, entrepreneurs of humble descent.

The objective of this study is to describe the Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition for the digital generation. This study uses a qualitative approach, using data collected from... more

The objective of this study is to describe the Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition for the digital generation. This study uses a qualitative approach, using data collected from observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results show that the encounter of Christian education practice in Minahasa traditional community especially the rumamba tradition has contextual educational value. Although it was found that several things have been negotiated from the concept of rumamba to Christian education. Moreover, the Christian education can coexist contextually with the Minahasa community and culture in a dialogical approach that takes place in formal and informal public spaces.

Texto da ‘última aula’ na Universidade da Beira Interior, em que se aborda o tema de encontro e desencontro entre culturas, numa perspetiva histórica e com um olhar antropológico. Tópicos discutidos incluem as várias formas de observar e... more

Texto da ‘última aula’ na Universidade da Beira Interior, em que se aborda o tema de encontro e desencontro entre culturas, numa perspetiva histórica e com um olhar antropológico. Tópicos discutidos incluem as várias formas de observar e avaliar «outros», com destaque para a abordagem das ciências sociais; práticas de trabalho de campo na antropologia; e as diversas atitudes e ações do chamado mundo ocidental frente a outras culturas, em particular as asiáticas. Recorre-se a exemplos das artes visuais, da literatura, e do percurso biográfico da autora.

The ideal of «domesticity» (the limitation of married women’s work to household and caring tasks in the household) developed fast among the middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe and North America, and thereupon was also exported by... more

The ideal of «domesticity» (the limitation of married women’s work to household and caring tasks in the household) developed fast among the middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe and North America, and thereupon was also exported by European powers to their colonies. This article focuses on the Dutch strategies in this respect in Indonesia (then the Netherlands East Indies), and the response by the native population. Particular attention is paid to the predominantly Christian Minahasa region on the island of Sulawesi.

Discussion of the economic and social history of Minahasa (northern Sulawesi), focusing on the cultivation and marketing of cash crops in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Coffee, coconut (copra) and clove were the dominant export... more

Discussion of the economic and social history of Minahasa (northern Sulawesi), focusing on the cultivation and marketing of cash crops in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Coffee, coconut (copra) and clove were the dominant export agricultural products, each in a different period. Also, there was variety in the areas within Minahasa in which these respective crops thrived, thus bringing about regional variation of social and economic conditions. Related with the main topic, attention is paid to the Dutch colonial rule, the fluctuations in the world market, the relationship between commercial and subsistence agriculture, and the trade networks before export.

Discussion of the intermediary role of village chiefs in Minahasa (Indonesia), between the national government and the villagers, in issues such as tax collection and participation in community projects. A comparison is made between two... more

Discussion of the intermediary role of village chiefs in Minahasa (Indonesia), between the national government and the villagers, in issues such as tax collection and participation in community projects. A comparison is made between two villages in the early 1980s.