Network Simulation Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Email is considered as one of the most widely accepted computer-mediated communication tools among university students. Evidence from the present literature shows that students make a significant amount of their course-related... more

Email is considered as one of the most widely accepted computer-mediated communication tools among university students. Evidence from the present literature shows that students make a significant amount of their course-related communications (e.g. discuss a topic with peers) using this tool. This study explores the dynamics of an email communication network, which was evolved among 34 university students throughout a semester, using measures of social network analysis and network simulation. These 34 students were doing a masters-degree course. They made 621 course-related email communications throughout the semester which consisted of 15 weeks including 13 semester-weeks, 1 week for mid-semester vacation and 1 week vacation before the final examination. From the analysis of this email communication network, it is found that: (i) students make an increased number of email communications with their peers at the end of the semester compared to the beginning of the semester; (ii) students’ communication network becomes sparse or decentralised over time during a semester; (iii) students have different levels of network participation at different times during a semester; and (iv) the reliabilities of the predictive power of reciprocity (i.e. an actor’s tendency of making reciprocal relations with other actors of the network), indegree-activity (i.e. effects of an actor’s present indegree on its future outdegree) and outdegree-activity (i.e. effects of an actor’s present outdegree on its future outdegree) parameters of simulation models are changing significantly throughout the semester. Interpretations of these findings are also discussed in this paper.

This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed... more

This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed via the use of PHP and Python frameworks in order to study the impact of the CPU, the hard disk architecture and the operating system between each system. Detailed tests have been conducted regarding the necessary computing resources as well as the use of the network (delay, CPU usage etc.) for different operating systems and hardware specifications.

This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed... more

This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed via the use of PHP and Python frameworks in order to study the impact of the CPU, the hard disk architecture and the operating system between each system. Detailed tests have been conducted regarding the necessary computing resources as well as the use of the network (delay, CPU usage etc.) for different operating systems and hardware specifications.

O aumento exponencial do poder de processamento das máquinas aliado ao surgimento de novos padrões e protocolos para a transmissão de dados permitiram a construção de redes de computadores mais velozes, mais confiáveis, e... more

O aumento exponencial do poder de processamento das máquinas aliado ao surgimento de
novos padrões e protocolos para a transmissão de dados permitiram a construção de redes de
computadores mais velozes, mais confiáveis, e mais complexas. Com a crescente demanda por
largura de banda, novas tecnologias são criadas cada vez mais rapidamente, aumentando a
complexidade da infra-estrutura e, consequentemente, a necessidade de profissionais melhor
preparados, capazes de suportar todas as nuances tecnológicas deste ambiente. Este fato reforça a
importância de se formar técnicos, engenheiros e analistas de redes de computadores cada vez
mais qualificados, que possam ser rapidamente inseridos no contexto prático do trabalho com o
mínimo de treinamento adicional. Neste sentido, aulas laboratoriais podem prover esta
experiência prática aos alunos, melhor preparando-os para as exigências do mercado de trabalho.
Este trabalho objetiva a apresentação de uma arquitetura que permita a construção de laboratórios
de redes de computadores que possam ser acessados aqualquer hora e de qualquer lugar e a um
custo de estruturação reduzido, permitindo que maisestudantes coloquem em prática parte das
teorias vistas em sala de aula. Isso é alcançado por meio de uma arquitetura híbrida e distribuída,
que implica na combinação de dispositivos reais e virtuais em um mesmo ambiente e sugere a
utilização de computadores geograficamente dispersos para emulação de novos dispositivos de
rede, posteriormente incorporados à infra-estruturado laboratório.

Simulation is cost-effective because it is used to carry out experiments without the actual hardware and provides a good compromise between complexity and accuracy of the system. The network simulators implemented in... more

Simulation is cost-effective because it is used to carry out experiments without the actual hardware and provides a good compromise between complexity and accuracy of the system. The network simulators implemented in software are used for the process of simulation. The networks simulators are valuable tools which help the researchers to develop, to test and to diagnose network protocol. The performances of the networks are verified and
evaluated using simulation. Different types of network simulators are available in present. It is difficult to choose an
appropriate tool for the system without the complete analysis of existing tools. This paper presents the simple survey
about some network simulators for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Researchers can find the efficient and
reliable simulation tools for their project with the help of this survey.

Simulation of mobile networks requires reliable movement generation. Evaluation of the performance of the existing random movement generator used in ns2 shows a bias for placing the mobile nodes in the center of the experimental area.... more

Simulation of mobile networks requires reliable movement generation. Evaluation of the performance of the existing random movement generator used in ns2 shows a bias for placing the mobile nodes in the center of the experimental area. Applying the quadrat count and the VMR tests confirms the tendency for clustering of nodes. To remedy this problem we propose, and implement a different method for random movement generation for use with the ns2 simulator, and show that our movement generator improves the randomness of the node distribution during the simulation.

In this paper, we present a tool for the simulation of fluid models of high-speed telecommunication networks. The aim of such a simulator is to evaluate measures which cannot be obtained through standard tools in reasonable time or... more

In this paper, we present a tool for the simulation of fluid models of high-speed telecommunication networks. The aim of such a simulator is to evaluate measures which cannot be obtained through standard tools in reasonable time or through analytical approaches. We follow an event-driven approach in which events are associated with rate changes in fluid flows. We show that under some loose restrictions on the sources, this suffices to efficiently simulate the evolution in time of fairly complex models. Some ...

Although unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were mostly studied and used for military purposes before, they have become very popular recently for both civil uses, such as law enforcement and crop survey, and for potential commercial uses... more

Although unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were mostly studied and used for military purposes before, they have become very popular recently for both civil uses, such as law enforcement and crop survey, and for potential commercial uses such as grocery delivery and Internet extension. Researchers investigating new networking protocols for UAV networks usually need the help of simulations to test their protocol designs, particularly when networks of large scales are desired in their tests. One choice that researchers need to
make in the simulation of UAV networks is the radio propagation model for the air links. In this paper we compare the three radio propagation models that are available in the ns2 network simulation package and investigate if the choice of one particular model would have a significant impact on the simulation results for UAV networks.

These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either... more

These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either manual or tedious, or do not scale beyond a small number of nodes due to the state explosion problem. To aid the diagnosis of mis-configurations in real-world large BGP systems, this paper presents BGP based on Packet Switching Technology and Inter-VLAN where as packet switching technology is WAN technology. Inter-VLAN is a technology to communicate between two or more VLAN’s. A company can send or receive any type of data, either text image, video etc. Another important part of network is security. This network would make use of following protocol for security purpose such as PAP, CHAP, ACL, and NAT. The key idea is that, all transmissions are broken into units called packets, each of which contains addressing information that identifies both the source and destination nodes. These packets are then routed through various intermediaries, known as Packet Switching Exchanges (PSEs), until they reach their destination. And there are two parameters associated with a Frame Relay connection are; Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR) Cisco configuration guidelines, as well as arbitrary user-defined networks. This method improves the applicability, efficiency, and benefits of the network deployment, it also introduces an infrastructure that enables networking researchers to interact with advanced formal method tool.

These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either... more

These days inter-domain routing protocol, i.e., BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), is getting complicated day by day due to policy mis-configuration by individual autonomous systems. Existing configuration analysis techniques are either manual or tedious, or do not scale beyond a small number of nodes due to the state explosion problem. To aid the diagnosis of mis-configurations in real-world large BGP systems, this paper presents BGP based on Packet Switching Technology and Inter-VLAN where as packet switching technology is WAN technology. Inter-VLAN is a technology to communicate between two or more VLAN’s. A company can send or receive any type of data, either text image, video etc. Another important part of network is security. This network would make use of following protocol for security purpose such as PAP, CHAP, ACL, and NAT. The key idea is that, all transmissions are broken into units called packets, each of which contains addressing information that identifies both the source...

Routing selection and supporting Quality of Service (QoS) are fundamental problems in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). Many different protocols have been proposed in the literature and some performance simulations are made to address this... more

Routing selection and supporting Quality of Service (QoS) are fundamental problems in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). Many different protocols have been proposed in the literature and some performance simulations are made to address this challenging task. This paper discusses the performance evaluation and comparison of two typical routing protocols; Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) based on measuring the power consumption in network with varing of the QoS parameters. In this paper, we have studied and analyzed the impact of variations in QoS parameter combined with the choice of routing protocol, on network performance. The network performance is measured in terms of average throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR), average jitter and energy consumption. The simulations are carried out in NS-3. The simulation results show that DSDV and AODV routing protocols are less energy efficient. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the directions for the future design of routing protocol which would be better than the existing ones in terms of energy utilization and delivery ratio. 1. INTRODUCTION Since 1990, MANET has been a popular research topic and MANETshave also been used in different applications. Supporting mobility of nodes in MANET with hundreds of nodes has been a main challenge in this kind of network, due to limited wireless transmission range, packet losses because of transmission errors, mobility induced route changes, and energy constraints [1].Therefore energy efficiency is important metric for sending the data from source to destination. Routing protocol is used for maximizing the energy efficiency of the network [2, 3]. There are a number of routing protocols for ad-hoc networks [4, 5], they are categorized into Proactive Routing and Reactive routing.Proactive routing protocols or table-driven protocols follow an approach similar to the one used in wired routing protocols. Each node maintains routing table which contains information about the network topology even without requiring it. So, the route in the network is predetermined for example DSDV [6, 7]. Reactive routing or on-demand protocols does not attempt to continuously determine the network connectivity, rout is discovered whenever it is needed. There are various reactive protocols such as AODV [8, 9]. The major difference between AODV and DSDV is that DSDV, the source and the intermediate nodes store the neighbor's node information according to each flow for data packet transmission. It generates no more packets for communication. The connection setup delay is lower and it consumes more share of the bandwidth in addition to taking more time to build routes. Intermediate nodes can lead to inconsistent routes. DSDV protocols are not appropriate for large network or highly dynamic as they need to maintainnode entries for each and every node this leads to increased control message overheads which can

In this paper we discuss various approaches to simulating real-time Internet-based teleoperation systems. Focus is on simulation of the communication link, which is a critical component in teleoperation systems. Some of the objectives of... more

In this paper we discuss various approaches to simulating real-time Internet-based teleoperation systems. Focus is on simulation of the communication link, which is a critical component in teleoperation systems. Some of the objectives of simulations are to compare the performance of operators in fixed network conditions and to compare the performance of an
operator over varying network conditions. To accomplish these
goals, NS-2 is used with modified classes to model teleoperation
systems. Two methods for simulation are co-simulation, where
the system dynamics and the network are simulated at the same
time, and sequential simulation, where the network and system
dynamics are simulated in separate steps. The differences in
accuracy and implementation are compared by an illustrative
experiment. This paper also investigates methods for interactive
simulations, which receive command inputs from an external
master device controlled by a human operator. The real-time
scheduler and network emulation are NS-2 addons that enable
interactive simulations. Since computation time is an important
limitation for simulations, a sequential simulation approach can
be used for large-scale networks.

- The access transport infrastructure of a cellular communications network represents a significant proportion of the total network cost. This prevents the network designer from over-dimensioning these links. In the case of UMTS... more

- The access transport infrastructure of a cellular communications network represents a significant proportion of the total network cost. This prevents the network designer from over-dimensioning these links. In the case of UMTS (Universal Mobile ...

This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more... more

This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact

Abstract- The access transport infrastructure of a cellular communications network represents a significant proportion of the total network cost. This prevents the network designer from over-dimensioning these links. In the case of UMTS... more

Abstract- The access transport infrastructure of a cellular communications network represents a significant proportion of the total network cost. This prevents the network designer from over-dimensioning these links. In the case of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) access network, the use of a packet-switched technology (ATM for the first Release of the system) and the multi-service nature of the traffic to be carried rise the dimensioning process complexity. At this respect, we have developed a simulation tool for supporting the network designer when making dimensioning and physical topology decisions related to Iub interface (between each UMTS base station and its controller), which is the most critical interface of UMTS access network. This simulator is capable of modelling the presence of multiple traffic classes as well as the Iub transport protocol stack with enough accuracy; it offers a graphical configuration interface and has been designed to have a great fl...

In this paper the user-oriented BISANTE workload generator for network traffic simulation is presented. It enables the analyst to model both the behavior of network users interacting with applications or services and the network traffic... more

In this paper the user-oriented BISANTE workload generator for network traffic simulation is presented. It enables the analyst to model both the behavior of network users interacting with applications or services and the network traffic at the packet level itself. This way, workload at different levels of abstraction can be constructed. Currently the workload generator is available for the simulation

Providing QoS requirements like good throughput and minimum access delay are challenging tasks with regard to 802.11 WLAN protocols and Medium Access Control (MAC) functions. IEEE 802.11 MAC layer supports two main protocols: DCF... more

Providing QoS requirements like good throughput and minimum access delay are challenging tasks with regard to 802.11 WLAN protocols and Medium Access Control (MAC) functions. IEEE 802.11 MAC layer supports two main protocols: DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) and EDCF (Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function). During the evaluation of EDCF, the performance of various access categories was the determining factor. Two scenarios, with same Physical and MAC parameters, one implementing the DCF and other EDCF, were created in the network simulation tool (OPNET MODELER [5]) to obtain the results. The results showed that the performance of EDCF was better in providing QoS for real-time interactive services (like video conferencing) as compared to DCF, because of its ability to differentiate and prioritize various services. Whereas the DCF's overall performance was marginally better for all kinds of services taken together.

Network simulation is used widely in network research to test new protocols, modifications to existing protocols and new ideas. The tool used in many cases is ns-2. The nature of the ns-2 protocols means that they are often based on... more

Network simulation is used widely in network research to test new protocols, modifications to existing protocols and new ideas. The tool used in many cases is ns-2. The nature of the ns-2 protocols means that they are often based on theoretical models that ...

Abstract: Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors for wireless sensor networks. In wireless networks, energy consumption occurs in different individual states like transmitting, receiving, idle and sleep. Thus, design of... more