Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, a novel class of targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), have shown their safety and efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are being intensively tested in other autoimmune and... more

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, a novel class of targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), have shown their safety and efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are being intensively tested in other autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Targeting several cytokines with a single small compound leads to blocking the physiological response of hundreds of genes, thereby providing the background to stabilize the immune response. Unfortunately, blocking many cytokines with a single drug may also bring some negative consequences. In this review, we focused on the activity of JAK inhibitors in the cardiovascular system of patients with RA. Special emphasis was put on the modification of heart performance, progression of atherosclerosis, lipid profile disturbance, and risk of thromboembolic complications. We also discussed potential pathophysiological mechanisms that may be responsible for such JAK inhibitor-associated side effects.

With the aim of developing a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test to detect autoantibodies in the sera of rheumatoid arthritis patients with a high sensitivity and specificity using synthetic citrullinated peptides of fibrin (which... more

With the aim of developing a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test to detect autoantibodies in the sera of rheumatoid arthritis patients with a high sensitivity and specificity using synthetic citrullinated peptides of fibrin (which is abundant in rheumatoid synovium) as antigenic substract, peptides belonging to α- and β-fibrin chains were selected by computer-aided prediction of antigenicity and epitope mapping and synthesized in solid phase. We analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 133 sera from patients with well-characterized rheumatic diseases, including 67 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The results of the immunoassays reported highlight the usefulness of fibrin-related peptides in rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and, especially, the ability and specificity of the [Cit621,627,630]α-fibrin(617–631) (αfib617) peptide sequence to recognize the autoantibodies that are present in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

To compare the EULAR and SDAI50 response measures (RMs) and their impact on future response to treatment in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Biologic naïve ERA patients from the Canadian early ArThritis CoHort (CATCH) with... more

To compare the EULAR and SDAI50 response measures (RMs) and their impact on future response to treatment in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Biologic naïve ERA patients from the Canadian early ArThritis CoHort (CATCH) with complete data at baseline, 3 and 6 months were evaluated. Kappa statistics were used to evaluate the agreement between the EULAR (moderate or good response) and SDAI50 RMs. The RMs at 3 months were also compared for their ability to predict low disease activity state (LDAS) or remission (REM) at 6 months. A total of 1124 patients were evaluated. Of those, 215 (30%) and 294 (45%) patients failed to achieve a EULAR and SDAI50 RMs respectively. There was a good agreement between EULAR and SDAI50 RMs with a Kappa of 0.59 (95% CI 0.53- 0.66). Throughout the range of disease activity, the SDAI50 response was shown to be more stringent than the EULAR response. Multivariable linear regression analysis demonstrated that both RMs at 3 months were associated w...

This collaboration between the American College of Rheumatology and the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons developed an evidence-based guideline for the perioperative management of antirheumatic drug therapy for adults with... more

This collaboration between the American College of Rheumatology and the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons developed an evidence-based guideline for the perioperative management of antirheumatic drug therapy for adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthritis (SpA) including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) undergoing elective total hip (THA) or total knee arthroplasty (TKA). A panel of rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons specializing in hip and knee arthroplasty, and methodologists was convened to construct the key clinical questions to be answered in the guideline. A multi-step systematic literature review was then conducted, from which evidence was synthesized for continuing versus withholding antirheumatic drug therapy and for optimal glucocorticoid management in the perioperative period. A Patient Panel was convened to determine patient values and preferences, and the ...

Progression of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Previous studies have shown that there was no difference between RA and OA patients regarding the percentages of the... more

Progression of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Previous studies have shown that there was no difference between RA and OA patients regarding the percentages of the different lymphocytes subsets reflecting the abnormalities in T cells and its subsets that may contribute to the pathogenesis of OA as in RA. Therefore, the present study was aimed to analyze that whether disease activity of OA is able to affect a few serological and biochemical parameters in the same way as RA does or differently. The study was done on 36 asymptomatic controls (25 women), 28 patients with OA (20 women), 36 patients with RA (22 women). Patients with OA were screened according to radiological and clinical finding of Kellgren and Lawrence grade and ACR criteria and assessed by VAS and WOMAC score. Patients with RA were selected who were fulfilling 4/5 symptoms of ACR criteria, and their DAS28-CRP, VAS score, and RF positivity were evaluated. Participants of the groups were matched for sex, age, weight, and height (body mass index). The BMI of all three groups was also found to be the same (P > 0.05). The mean level of LDL, Cholesterol, MDA, CRP, and Triglyceride was significantly (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) higher in both OA and RA as compared to control. The mean level of total lipid, cholesterol, MDA, CRP, and triglyceride was found to be significantly (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) higher in RA as compared to OA. The pre-treatment CRP level of both groups of patients showed significant and direct relation with total lipid (r = 0.27, P < 0.05) and cholesterol (r = 0.66, P < 0.01). Inverse relation was observed between Uric acid and Creatinine (r = −0.26, P < 0.05) and cholesterol and HDL (r = −0.34, P < 0.01). Our study shows the similar trend in lipid profile and other parameters studied in both patients with OA and patients with RA with more pronounced changes in RA.

A Artrite Reumatóide (AR) é considerada uma doença inflamatória crônica, de origem auto-imune e etiologia desconhecida. Além do tratamento fisioterápico e farmacológico, fortes evidências apontam benefícios no uso de exercícios físicos... more

A Artrite Reumatóide (AR) é considerada uma doença inflamatória crônica, de origem auto-imune e etiologia desconhecida. Além do tratamento fisioterápico e farmacológico, fortes evidências apontam benefícios no uso de exercícios físicos (EF) na sua terapêutica. Porém, ainda ...

Paraneoplastic syndromes, which are discussed in this paper, are a heterogeneous group of disorders associated with cancer, but not directly caused by the physical effects of the primary tumor or its metastases. May precede the appearance... more

Paraneoplastic syndromes, which are discussed in this paper, are a heterogeneous group of disorders associated with cancer, but not directly caused by the physical effects of the primary tumor or its metastases. May precede the appearance of the malignant process, occur simultaneously or disclose in the course of cancer. Paraneoplastic syndromes may be caused directly by toxins produced by tumor cells, occur in the course of hypersensitivity reactions, or be the result of release of intracellular antigens. Due to the often similar systemic symptoms it is very important to evaluate the association of rheumatic diseases and cancer. Most paraneoplastic rheumatologic syndroms are difficult distinguishable from idiopathic rheumatologic disorders. The most common paraneoplastic syndromes include rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-like syndrome arthritis, inflammatory myopathies, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, vasculitis and Raynaud's phenomenon.

Cervical spine involvement commonly occurs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), especially those with inadequate treatment or severe disease forms. The most common site affected by RA is the atlantoaxial joint, potentially... more

Cervical spine involvement commonly occurs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), especially those with inadequate treatment or severe disease forms. The most common site affected by RA is the atlantoaxial joint, potentially resulting in atlantoaxial instability, with cervical pain and neurological deficits. The second most common site of involvement is the subaxial cervical spine, often with subluxation, resulting in nerve root or spinal cord compression. In this paper, the authors review the most commonly used plain radiographic criteria to diagnose cervical instabilities seen with RA. Finally, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cervical CT and MRI in the setting of cervical involvement in RA.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects 0.5-1% of the general population. The prediction and prognosis of the disease varies for each individual and its course can detrimentally affect the psychosocial condition of the patient. Clinicians and... more

Rheumatoid arthritis affects 0.5-1% of the general population. The prediction and prognosis of the disease varies for each individual and its course can detrimentally affect the psychosocial condition of the patient. Clinicians and Therapists aim to quickly diagnose and treat those with this debilitating disease. Detection relies heavily on manual evaluation methods that are dependent on training and can vary between observers. Angle measuring instrument, tape measure and grip strength dynamometer are used to assess the joint range and strength of a patient to determine their hand function. Joint stiffness can be a determining factor when diagnosing the advancement and improvement of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). This paper outlines the development of a hand movement measurement tool to accurately quantify patients' flexion, extension, abduction and adduction movement of each finger joint and quantifies the symptom of "early morning stiffness". It also describes the probl...

A comparison of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of

Undifferentiated arthritis (UA) is a label applied to patients with joint complaints which cannot be classified according to current criteria, which implies a need for precision diagnostic technologies. We studied serum galectin-3, a... more

Undifferentiated arthritis (UA) is a label applied to patients with joint complaints which cannot be classified according to current criteria, which implies a need for precision diagnostic technologies. We studied serum galectin-3, a proinflammatory mediator, and seromarkers of structural joint elements in patients with early, UA and their associations with disease profile and biochemical and imaging findings. One hundred and eleven UA patients were followed-up for at least 12 months and reclassified according to appropriate criteria (TUDAR). At baseline, demographics and laboratory and clinical disease measures, as well as wrist magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) synovitis, erosion, and bone marrow edema scorings, were recorded. Galectin-3, the type IIA collagen N-terminal propeptide (PIIANP), which is a marker of regenerative cartilage formation, and hyaluronan (HYA), which is prevalent in synovial tissue swellings, were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Receive...

This study aimed to identify subgroups with distinct trajectories of functional (HAQ) progression over 10 years following diagnosis of RA and identify baseline characteristics associated with the trajectories and their prognostic value... more

This study aimed to identify subgroups with distinct trajectories of functional (HAQ) progression over 10 years following diagnosis of RA and identify baseline characteristics associated with the trajectories and their prognostic value for mortality. Between 1986 and 1998, 1460 patients with RA symptoms <2 years and prior to disease-modifying treatment (DMARDs) were recruited to an inception cohort (Early RA Study). Standard clinical, functional and laboratory assessments were performed at presentation and annually. Deaths were tracked by the National Health Service Central Register. Growth mixture modelling was used to identify distinct trajectories of HAQ score progression and survival analysis employed to compare all-cause mortality across the trajectory classes. Four HAQ score progression classes were identified: moderate increasing (46%), low stable (6%), moderate stable (28%) and high stable (20%). Only the moderate-increasing class exhibited an accelerated decline in funct...