Shot Noise Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Two topics will always be searching and treatment. One, the information and the other the noise: In the first one, the objetive will be to maximize, while in the other is to minimize it, in both cases the purpose is to obtain the better... more

Two topics will always be searching and treatment. One, the information and the other the noise: In the first one, the objetive will be to maximize, while in the other is to minimize it, in both cases the purpose is to obtain the better results. Intrinsic noise was separated in two major categories: shot noise that is the purpose of this paper, and, thermal noise. The physical origins of theses two categories are distinct, but the structures of noise waveform are similar.

A microscopic analysis of current and voltage fluctuations in GaAs Schottky barrier diodes under forward-bias conditions in the absence of 1/f contributions is presented. Calculations are performed by coupling self-consistently an... more

A microscopic analysis of current and voltage fluctuations in GaAs Schottky barrier diodes under forward-bias conditions in the absence of 1/f contributions is presented. Calculations are performed by coupling self-consistently an ensemble Monte Carlo simulator with a one-dimensional Poisson solver. By using current- and voltage-operation modes the microscopic origin and the spatial location of the noise sources, respectively, is provided. At different voltages the device exhibits different types of noise (shot, thermal, and excess), which are explained as a result of the coupling between fluctuations in carrier velocity and self-consistent field. The essential role of the field fluctuations to correctly determine the noise properties in these diodes is demonstrated. The results obtained for the equivalent noise temperature are found to reproduce the typical behavior of experimental measurements. An equivalent circuit is proposed to predict and explain the noise spectra of the devic...

We study the gravitational wave emission from the first stars which are assumed to be Very Massive Objects (VMOs). We take into account various feedback (both radiative and stellar) effects regulating the collapse of objects in the early... more

We study the gravitational wave emission from the first stars which are assumed to be Very Massive Objects (VMOs). We take into account various feedback (both radiative and stellar) effects regulating the collapse of objects in the early universe and thus derive the VMO initial mass function and formation rate. If the final fate of VMOs is to collapse, leaving very massive black hole remnants, then the gravitational waves emitted during each collapse would be seen as a stochastic background. The predicted spectral strain amplitude in a critical density Cold Dark Matter universe peaks in the frequency range \approx 5 \times 10^{-4}-5 \times 10^{-3} Hz where it has a value in the range \approx 10^{-20}-10^{-19} Hz^{-1/2}, and might be detected by LISA. The expected emission rate is roughly 4000 events/yr, resulting in a stationary, discrete sequence of bursts, i.e. a shot--noise signal.

Elementary particles such as electrons and photons can be entangled in pairs, meaning that while they appear to have separate lives they share a quantum-level interaction that defies a straightforward physical interpretation. In the case... more

Elementary particles such as electrons and photons can be entangled in pairs, meaning that while they appear to have separate lives they share a quantum-level interaction that defies a straightforward physical interpretation. In the case of electrons, this entanglement can manifest itself in spin states describing two particles that may be separated by enormous distances, yet somehow remain together in the same state. Consequently, a measurement performed on one electron’s spin appears to instantaneously determine the spin of its partner, even if it’s on the other side of the universe. This strange phenomenon, which has been verified many times in carefully conducted laboratory experiments, appears to violate the notions of objective reality and locality—the classical belief that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Quantum-intensity-correlated twin beams of light can be used to measure absorption with precision beyond the classical shot-noise limit. The degree to which this can be achieved with a given estimator is defined by the quality of the... more

Quantum-intensity-correlated twin beams of light can be used to measure absorption with precision beyond the classical shot-noise limit. The degree to which this can be achieved with a given estimator is defined by the quality of the twin-beam intensity correlations, which is quantified by the noise reduction factor. We derive an analytical model of twin-beam experiments, incorporating experimental parameters such as the relative detection efficiency of the beams, uncorrelated optical noise, and uncorrelated detector noise. We show that for twin beams without excessive noise, measured correlations can be improved by increasing the detection efficiency of each beam; notwithstanding, this may unbalance detection efficiency. However, for beams with excess intensity or other experimental noise, one should balance detection efficiency, even at the cost of reducing detection efficiency—we specifically define these noise conditions and verify our results with statistical simulation. This h...

The simulation of current impulse response using random response time model in avalanche photodiode (APD) is presented. A random response time model considers the randomness of times at which the primary and secondary carriers are... more

The simulation of current impulse response using random response time model in avalanche photodiode (APD) is presented. A random response time model considers the randomness of times at which the primary and secondary carriers are generated in multiplication region. The dead-space effect is included in our model to demonstrate the impact on current impulse response of thin APDs. Current impulse response of homojunction InP p +-in + diodes with the multiplication widths of 0.1 and 0.2 mm are calculated. Our results show that dead-space gives a slower decay rate of current impulse response in thin APD, which may degrade the bit-errorrate of the optical communication systems.

The existing methods for measuring the orbital-angular-momentum (OAM) spectrum suffer from issues such as poor efficiency, strict interferometric stability requirements, and too much loss. Furthermore, most techniques inevitably discard... more

The existing methods for measuring the orbital-angular-momentum (OAM) spectrum suffer from issues such as poor efficiency, strict interferometric stability requirements, and too much loss. Furthermore, most techniques inevitably discard part of the field and measure only a post-selected portion of the true spectrum. Here, we propose and demonstrate an interferometric technique for measuring the true OAM spectrum of optical fields in a single-shot manner. Our technique directly encodes the OAM-spectrum information in the azimuthal intensity profile of the output interferogram. In the absence of noise, the spectrum can be fully decoded using a single acquisition of the output interferogram, and, in the presence of noise, acquisition of two suitable interferograms is sufficient for the purpose. As an important application of our technique, we demonstrate measurements of the angular Schmidt spectrum of the entangled photons produced by parametric down-conversion and report a broad spect...