Sound Waves Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In this study, we visualized the superposition principle of sound waves in a both-closed-end (BCE) resonance tube. The resonance tube is constructed using an acrylic tube with 2.64 cm internal diameter and 150 cm length, polystyrene beads... more

In this study, we visualized the superposition principle of sound waves in a both-closed-end (BCE) resonance tube. The resonance tube is constructed using an acrylic tube with 2.64 cm internal diameter and 150 cm length, polystyrene beads to illustrate the positions of displacement nodes and antinodes and two identical detachable speakers as source of sound waves at both ends of the tube. The superposition principle of sound waves in a BCE tube is performed for two conditions: speakers at both ends are in-phase and 180° out-of-phase with each other. The findings indicate that the superposition principle of sound waves in a BCE tube changes the modes of harmonic series in the tube depending on the phase of speakers. The harmonic series in BCE tubes occur at the even mode (n = 2, 4, 6…) for in-phase speakers and the odd mode (n = 1, 3, 5…) for out-of-phase speakers. The experimental values of harmonic frequencies differ by less than 6.09% compared to the theoretical values, confirming that the experiment can be used to visualize the superposition principle of sound waves in a resonance tube.

(UC3M) has concluded that sound can be directed to a certain place if the sound waves' symmetry is broken. [33]

The aim of the present experiment was to study the transmission of sound through a building by means of replicating a small-scale model of a floor and ceiling apparatus. Therefore, the relationship between input sine wave frequency and... more

The aim of the present experiment was to study the transmission of sound through a building by means of replicating a small-scale model of a floor and ceiling apparatus. Therefore, the relationship between input sine wave frequency and sound intensity through a closed apparatus was analyzed. The sound absorbance of various sound insulating materials was compared, and resonance properties of the apparatus was also considered. Sound intensity trends were investigated for frequencies within the human hearing range (up to the order of magnitude of 10,000 Hz), and different soundproofing material types (porous absorbers and resonators) were compared. It appears that the input sound wavelength (relative to the container size), as well as sound absorption coefficient were both major factors in transmitted sound's intensity. Porous absorbers were found to be the most robust material type at both resonance and non-resonance modes, and the optimal soundproofing material was the stone wool insulator (Material 2).

This article describes several possible physics demonstrations of sound waves using Visual Analyser (VA). The suggested demonstrations are suitable for physics classroom during teaching and learning process in the subtopic of sound waves... more

This article describes several possible physics demonstrations of sound waves using Visual Analyser (VA). The suggested demonstrations are suitable for physics classroom during teaching and learning process in the subtopic of sound waves at secondary and tertiary education levels. VA is a freeware which offers alternative solution with the functions of more than just an oscilloscope. By integrating the VA and easily available material, specific physics concept can be demonstrated. We suggest five physics demonstrations for sound waves by assembling pipes, speakers, and microphones with VA-installed computer. These physics demonstration aims for the concept of resonance, interference, standing wave and others related to the sound waves.

This study aims to: (1) to find out the results of the products developed and (2) to find out the perceptions of students regarding the Sound Wave module in Solid, Liquid and Gas Substances developed. This research is research and... more

This study aims to: (1) to find out the results of the products developed and (2) to find out the perceptions of students regarding the Sound Wave module in Solid, Liquid and Gas Substances developed. This research is research and development (R & D) which refers to the model proposed by Thiagarajan. The feasibility of the media is validated by material experts and media experts. Subjects The trial of this study was 25 students of the University of Jambi Physics Education in 2016. The research data is in the form of module validation values by material and media experts, as well as the results of student perceptions of the module. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that the assessment of wave solving and problem-solving optics modules was declared feasible with very good categories, namely with the results of material expert validation of 92%, the value of media expert validation was 86.5%. The results of the analysis of student perception data show that the print module seen from the aspect of the module cover design obtained an average percentage of 83%, from the design aspects in the module obtained an average percentage of 82%, from the presentation aspects of the module material obtained an average percentage amounting to 84.5%, from the aspect of Probem Solving obtained a percentage of 81%, and from the language aspect in the module obtained an average percentage of 84.25%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Problem Solving-based print module on Sound Wave material in Solid, Liquid, and Gas Waves and Optics courses developed is suitable to be used as one of the learning media that can be used in the implementation of Wave and Optical subject learning. Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) untuk mengetahui hasil dari produk yang dikembangkan dan (2) untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa mengenai modul Gelombang Bunyi pada Zat Padat, Cair dan Gas yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang mengacu pada model yang dikemukakan oleh Thiagarajan. Kelayakan media divalidasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media. Subjek Uji coba penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Jambi angkatan 2016 sebanyak 25 orang. Data hasil penelitian berupa nilai validasi modul oleh ahli materi dan media, serta hasil persepsi mahasiswa mengenai modul. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa Penilaian modul Gelombang dan Optik berbasis problem solving dinyatakan layak dengan kategori sangat baik yaitu dengan nilai hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 92%, nilai hasil validasi ahli media sebesar 86,5%. Hasil analisis terhadap data persepsi mahasiswa ini menunjukkan bahwa modul cetak dilihat dari aspek desain cover modul diperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 83%, dari aspek desain dalam modul diperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 82%, dari aspek penyajian materi modul

This study aims to: (1) to find out the results of the products developed and (2) to find out the perceptions of students regarding the Sound Wave module in Solid, Liquid and Gas Substances developed. This research is research and... more

This study aims to: (1) to find out the results of the products developed and (2) to find out the perceptions of students regarding the Sound Wave module in Solid, Liquid and Gas Substances developed. This research is research and development (R D) which refers to the model proposed by Thiagarajan. The feasibility of the media is validated by material experts and media experts. Subjects The trial of this study was 25 students of the University of Jambi Physics Education in 2016. The research data is in the form of module validation values by material and media experts, as well as the results of student perceptions of the module. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that the assessment of wave solving and problem-solving optics modules was declared feasible with very good categories, namely with the results of material expert validation of 92%, the value of media expert validation was 86.5%. The results of the analysis of student perception data show that the print...

Percobaan taraf intensitas bunyi bertujuan untuk menentukan Taraf Intensitas Bunyi dari sumber bunyi sirine, menentukan serapan energy gelombang bunyi di udara, menentukan hal-hal yang berpengaruh pada penjalaran gelombang bunyi, dan... more

The interaction of spin with orbital angular momentum enables unprecedented sound manipulations via its angular momentum. [18] Researchers have developed a new theory for observing a quantum vacuum that could lead to new insights into the... more

The interaction of spin with orbital angular momentum enables unprecedented sound manipulations via its angular momentum. [18] Researchers have developed a new theory for observing a quantum vacuum that could lead to new insights into the behavior of black holes. [17] A team of researchers from the University of Leeds and the University of Nottingham in the UK has now taken a step towards extending this frequency range by using sound waves to modulate the emission of a terahertz (THz) quantum cascade laser. [16] Researchers supported by the EU-funded photonics innovation incubator ACTPHAST 4.0 have introduced "a swept light source technology that makes it possible to take full 3-D OCT [optical coherence tomography] images of the eye," says a news release posted on the project website. [15]

In an age of impending energy and environmental crises, current cooling technologies continue to generate greenhouse gases with high energy costs. Thermo acoustic refrigeration is an innovative alternative for cooling that is both clean... more

In an age of impending energy and environmental crises, current cooling technologies continue to generate greenhouse gases with high energy costs. Thermo acoustic refrigeration is an innovative alternative for cooling that is both clean and inexpensive. Thermo acoustic refrigerators are systems which use sound waves and a non-flammable mixture of inert gases to generate refrigeration effect. The main components are a closed cylinder, an acoustic driver, a porous component called a stack, and two heat-exchangers. Application of acoustic waves through the driver makes the gas resonant. As the gas oscillates back and forth, it creates a temperature difference along the length of the stack. This temperature change is due to compression and expansion of the gas by the sound pressure and the rest is a consequence of heat transfer between the gas and the stack. The temperature difference is used to remove heat from the cold side and reject it at the hot side of the system, producing cooling.

In this Special Assignment we will attempt to integrate the presented theory into our product, a song made in Ableton 10 Live, that is supported with the results from a previous physics studies using different data compiled from several... more

In this Special Assignment we will attempt to integrate the presented theory into our product, a song made in Ableton 10 Live, that is supported with the results from a previous physics studies using different data compiled from several expert’s books. In contrast to traditional, we will not only focus on the physics but also on the psychological part of music and apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Perspective.
This Integral Theory is based on the state that everything is interconnected, there’s no absolute truth of things and that there are multiple stages of knowledge and intelligences.
Because our results support the validity of our theory investigation, we think that this produced song
can be used for future research that require the Integral Perspective on music sound waves. This song demonstrates physical properties of sound waves, hearing, loudspeakers, microphones and audio signal that make this assignment useful for students, researchers, professionals and musicians.
Music is a great example of the Integral Perspective since it requires Musical Intelligence and also Logical Mathematical for the complete understanding of the whole process of sound creation and its applications in music.

I am presenting a previously unknown computer and numerical codes and proof that the dominating force of creation in all the universe is sound! The discovery of this code and many other codes hidden throughout our number system gave me a... more

I am presenting a previously unknown computer and numerical codes and proof that the dominating force of creation in all the universe is sound! The discovery of this code and many other codes hidden throughout our number system gave me a unique insight into the fundamental working of our universe.

A team of researchers lead by the University of Tsukuba have created a new theoretical model to understand the spread of vibrations through disordered materials, such as glass. [32] A trio of researchers at Columbia University has found... more

A team of researchers lead by the University of Tsukuba have created a new theoretical model to understand the spread of vibrations through disordered materials, such as glass. [32] A trio of researchers at Columbia University has found more evidence showing that sound waves carry mass. [31] The vacuum is filled with quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field-virtual photons that pop in and out of existence-that are assumed to behave in the same way. To make the plates repulsive and tunable, Wilczek and Stockholm University colleague Qing-Dong Jiang inserted a material between the plates that breaks this behavior. [30] In terms of physics, the interiors of neutron stars, cold atomic gasses and nuclear systems all have one thing in common: they are gaseous systems made up of highly interactive, superfluid fermions. [29] Engineers at MIT and Penn State University have found that under the right conditions, ordinary clear water droplets on a transparent surface can produce brilliant colors, without the addition of inks or dyes. [28]

The electromagnetic wave is usually pictured as a transverse wave with electric and magnetic fields crossing each other. This paper will explore the idea that this picture of the electromagnetic wave is completely wrong and will instead... more

The electromagnetic wave is usually pictured as a transverse wave with electric and magnetic fields crossing each other. This paper will explore the idea that this picture of the electromagnetic wave is completely wrong and will instead presume that the electromagnetic wave is a simple compression wave which is similar to sound waves in a particulate medium.

Choi et al. have recently published a paper entitled “Sound Waves Induce Neural Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Ryanodine Receptor-Induced Calcium Release and Pyk2 Activation” in Appl Biochem... more

Choi et al. have recently published a paper entitled “Sound Waves Induce Neural Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Ryanodine Receptor-Induced Calcium Release and Pyk2 Activation” in Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2016), DOI 10.1007/s12010-016-2124-6. Although Choi et al. have addressed a very challenging issue, their study has some shortcomings. First of all, despite these authors have addressed the role of exposure to electromagnetic fields as a good tool for enhancing the neural differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), they have limited their discussion only to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz). On the other hand, as any form of wave (either electromagnetic or mechanical) transfer energy and can be regarded as a physical stress, Choi et al. did not discuss the similarities and differences between the effects of sound waves and electromagnetic radiation on the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. Moreover, as shown in Figure 1 of their paper, the cell culture dish was placed inside the incubator at a distance of 10 cm from the speaker aperture to minimize the influence of mechanical vibrations. They reported that ”In this experiment, the center frequency was 1 kHz and the SPL was 81 dB”. These authors did not consider this basic point that in their experiment sound waves should pass through the glass to reach the cultured cells. The acoustic impedance (Z) of air is much less than that of the glass and this great difference reflects nearly 100% of the incoming sound wave intensity.

In this study, we utilized Audacity Open Source Software (OSS) to perform the harmonic series experiments in three-in-one resonance tube. Three-in-one resonance tube was configured as both-closed-end (BCE), one-closed-end (OCE) and... more

In this study, we utilized Audacity Open Source Software (OSS) to perform the harmonic series experiments in three-in-one resonance tube. Three-in-one resonance tube was configured as both-closed-end (BCE), one-closed-end (OCE) and both-open-end (BOE) tubes while Audacity was utilized to measure their resonance frequencies. The harmonic series experiments were performed to determine the speed of sound in air, v, in five different lengths of BCE, OCE and BOE tubes (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 cm). The experimental values of v were calculated from the slope of n f versus n graphs for all types of resonance tubes. Findings showed that the experimental values of v are less than 5.00% errors compared to the reference values. It indicated that Audacity can be an alternative for oscilloscope as it provides the accurate peak values of frequency spectrum within the audible ranges.

The study investigated the effect of mathematics abilities of students on their performance in Sound Waves concept in physics in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental pretest posttest design... more

The study investigated the effect of mathematics abilities of students on their performance in Sound Waves concept in physics in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental pretest posttest design comprising of three experimental and one control group was used, each group was taught with a different Instructional method. A purposively selected sample of fifty- five (55) physics students of Senior Secondary 2 (SS2) class was involved in the study. Two instruments- Mathematics Ability Test (MAT) and Physics Performance Test on Sound Waves (PPTSW) with reliability coefficients of 0.97 and 0.85 respectively were used. The performances of the students were considered at the levels of application and analysis of Sound waves. Data collected was analysed using Mean scores and Percentages for the research questions, while 4x3 Multivariate Analysis of Covariance was used to test the hypotheses. Analysis of results showed that there was a significant difference...

A fire extinguisher includes one or more sound waves fire extinguishers. Additionally, the fire extinguisher includes processing circuitry configured to receive output from one or more sensors, determine if a fire related event is... more

A fire extinguisher includes one or more sound waves fire extinguishers. Additionally, the fire extinguisher includes processing circuitry configured to receive output from one or more sensors, determine if a fire related event is detected based on the output from the one or more sensors, and activate the one or more sound waves fire extinguishers in response to detection of the fire related event to minimize the fire related event via mechanical pressure waves.

The electrical alternating current flowing in an electric circuit can be converted into mechanical waves-sound. But instead of using energy to transmit sound signals and waves, the energy of sound waves can be converted into electricity.... more

The electrical alternating current flowing in an electric circuit can be converted into mechanical waves-sound. But instead of using energy to transmit sound signals and waves, the energy of sound waves can be converted into electricity. This can be done by Sound-to-electrical power generators that convert sound signals into electrical power with technical sound receivers-microphones that convert the mechanical energy of the sound wave into electrical. The electrical schema of this Sound-to-electrical power generator may consist of a microphone, a resistor and the resulting renewable electricity can be stored in a lithium-ion battery. Disco clubs can save a lot of electricity by generating electricity from sound waves. In addition, if a Sound-to-Electrical power generator that generates energy as a result of sound waves is located nearby the central part of cities or nearby territories subjected to intense car traffic, a resulting renewable electricity can be generated and can be stored in a lithium-ion battery or transferred through electrical grid.

Plants are exposed to various environmental stresses during cultivation in plant production. Several defense mechanisms come into action together with many physiological changes in the plant after itfaces stress conditions. Sound waves... more

Plants are exposed to various environmental stresses during cultivation in plant production. Several defense mechanisms come into action together with many physiological changes in the plant after itfaces stress conditions. Sound waves are among the abiotic stress factors in vegetable production. In this study, which examined the effects of sound waves at 3 different dBs (95 dB, 100 dB, and 105 dB) at1000 Hz frequency value on aroma substances in strawberry fruits, it was assumed that sound stress could increase taste and aroma substances; therefore, it would have positive effects on the quality of the fruit. Strawberry, which is in the berry fruit group, is one of the most common fruit types in the world. Strawberry can be consumed after processing as well as after-ripening during periods when fresh fruit is low in the marketand is rich in vitamins. Nineteen volatile taste and aroma substance analyses were performed in the fruit after a 30-day trial in strawberry plants in pots that were placed in chambers where sound stress was applied at different dBs. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that as the dB increased, so did the taste and aroma of materials, increasing the quality and marketing rate of the fruit.

The end plate mounted at the mouth of the shock tube is a versatile and effective implement to control and mitigate the end effects. We have performed a series of measurements of incident shock wave velocities and overpressures followed... more

The end plate mounted at the mouth of the shock tube is a versatile and effective implement to control and mitigate the end effects. We have performed a series of measurements of incident shock wave velocities and overpressures followed by quantification of impulse values (integral of pressure in time domain) for four different end plate configurations (0.625, 2, 4 inches, and an open end). Shock wave characteristics were monitored by high response rate pressure sensors allocated in six positions along the length of 6 meters long 229 mm square cross section shock tube. Tests were performed at three shock wave intensities, which was controlled by varying the Mylar membrane thickness (0.02, 0.04 and 0.06 inch). The end reflector plate installed at the exit of the shock tube allows precise control over the intensity of reflected waves penetrating into the shock tube. At the optimized distance of the tube to end plate gap the secondary waves were entirely eliminated from the test section, which was confirmed by pressure sensor at T4 location. This is pronounced finding for implementation of pure primary blast wave animal model. These data also suggest only deep in the shock tube experimental conditions allow exposure to a single shock wave free of artifacts. Our results provide detailed insight into spatiotemporal dynamics of shock waves with Friedlander waveform generated using helium as a driver gas and propagating in the air inside medium sized tube. Diffusion of driver gas (helium) inside the shock tube was responsible for velocity increase of reflected shock waves. Numerical simulations combined with experimental data suggest the shock wave attenuation mechanism is simply the expansion of the internal pressure. In the absence of any other postulated shock wave decay mechanisms, which were not implemented in the model the agreement between theory and experimental data is excellent.

As recording devices, the reproducing piano and phonograph decouple the time of listening to music from the time of the body laboring to make music. That is, recording technologies divide musical experience into listening and performing.... more

As recording devices, the reproducing piano and phonograph decouple the time of listening to music from the time of the body laboring to make music. That is, recording technologies divide musical experience into listening and performing. They thereby construct an abstract interval between them that is filled or traversed by a new commodity, the recording. As numerous scholars have shown, the recording and its efficient commodity form fundamentally transformed both performance and listening. Less understood is how different modalities of recorded performance — the reproducing piano and phonograph — establish different theoretical models for capturing and storing music. In this paper I explore the ways in which the roll and record emphasize and embody these different models with what they capture and store. Each technology filters and amplifies a performance by taking and storing certain aspects while discarding others. For example, neither the reproducing piano nor phonograph reproduces the visual spectacle of the performer's laboring body over the keys (although many models of player piano require a skilled operator to draw out a musical performance from the roll's stored data). The phonograph provides only the aural portion of a performance, while the reproducing piano roll's dancing keys indexically signify the movements of the performer's laboring hands and simultaneously draw attention to the empty bench, to the negative space where the performer's body should be. To illustrate the depth of ideological difference between these technologies, I use

In this work, speed of sound in 2 phase mixture has been explored using CFD-DEM (Computational Fluid Dynamcis – Discrete Element Modelling). In this method volume averaged Navier Stokes, continuity and energy equations are solved for... more

In this work, speed of sound in 2 phase mixture has been explored using CFD-DEM (Computational Fluid Dynamcis – Discrete Element Modelling). In this method volume averaged Navier Stokes, continuity and energy equations are solved for fluid. Particles are simulated as individual entities; their behaviour is captured by Newton's laws of motion and classical contact mechanics. Particle-fluid interaction is captured using drag laws given in literature.