Spatial/urban expansion Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Continual, historical, and precise information about the land use and land cover (LULC) changes of the Earth's surface is extremely important for any kind of sustainable development program, in which LULC serves as one of the major input... more

Continual, historical, and precise information about the land use and land cover (LULC) changes of the Earth's surface is extremely important for any kind of sustainable development program, in which LULC serves as one of the major input criteria. In this study, a supervised classification was applied to five types of Landsat images collected over time (1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2015) that provided recent and historical LULC conditions for the area. Four LULC categories were identified and mapped. Post-classification comparisons of the classified images indicated that the major change consisted of barren land changing into agricultural land. This analysis revealed that substantial growth of built-up areas in the south eastern part of Kolkata over the study period resulted in significant decrease in the area of water bodies, cultivated land, vegetation and wetlands. Urban land transformation has been largely driven by large number of population and high population growth rate with rapid economic and infrastructural development like the extension of metro railway, flyovers and hence huge real estate development.

En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana... more

En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana dispersa y en baja densidad de sectores de ingresos altos mediante urbanizaciones cerradas se contrapone a la falta de producción de suelo y vivienda para los sectores populares y la consecuente urbanización precaria mediante loteos irregulares y asentamientos informales. Esto tiene como correlato el reparto profundamente desigual de los costos y beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales del proceso de urbanización.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la tensión entre dichos procesos tomando como referencia el conflicto territorial que se viene desarrollando desde el mes de julio de 2020 en la localidad de Guernica (municipio de Presidente Perón, zona sur del AMBA), que involucra a unas dos mil familias que luchan por el acceso al suelo y a la vivienda mediante la ocupación de 98 ha de tierras, parte de las cuales son reclamadas por una firma inmobiliaria que busca destinarlas a la construcción de un complejo de barrios cerrados. En primer lugar, a través del análisis de imágenes satelitales, se describe el avance de las urbanizaciones cerradas a nivel metropolitano en general, y en la zona sur en particular, durante las dos últimas décadas. Se destaca en ese sentido el notable impacto que viene teniendo en las tendencias de cambio en los usos del suelo la extensión del Camino del Buen Ayre hasta la Ruta Provincial N° 2. Esta obra, denominada Autopista Juan Domingo Perón y actualmente en ejecución, afecta las condiciones de accesibilidad y valorización de toda una franja de territorio que hasta hace pocos años estaba fuera del interés de los desarrolladores inmobiliarios de urbanizaciones cerradas. En segundo lugar, se describen los principales aspectos territoriales del conflicto de Guernica, identificando los actores e intereses en disputa y las características de los nuevos barrios generados a partir de la ocupación. Finalmente, se analizan algunos de los instrumentos de la ley provincial 14.449 de Acceso Justo al Hábitat que podrían aplicarse para encarar una solución al conflicto. Los mismos constituyen la base de un proyecto de urbanización elaborado desde las organizaciones sociales y el cuerpo de delegados y delegadas, a través de una Comisión de Urbanismo, el cual fue presentado ante la justicia y el poder ejecutivo provincial.
La principal conclusión es que el conflicto de Guernica expresa la tensión entre dos modelos divergentes de producción de la ciudad: por un lado, el de los capitales inmobiliarios volcados a la expansión urbana dispersa y en baja densidad mediante urbanizaciones cerradas para sectores de ingresos altos y, por otro lado, el camino que marca la urbanización popular que, basado en el consenso, la cooperación y el apoyo de los movimientos sociales, apunta a producir una ciudad integrada e inclusiva que sea capaz de albergar y satisfacer las necesidades de las mayorías.

En las últimas décadas, la ciudad fragmentada emergió como modelo urbano en diversos contextos internacionales. Entre los procesos urbanos que subyacen a su estructuración, las tendencias a la expansión y a la fragmentación predominan en... more

En las últimas décadas, la ciudad fragmentada emergió como modelo urbano en diversos contextos internacionales. Entre los procesos urbanos que subyacen a su estructuración, las tendencias a la expansión y a la fragmentación predominan en tanto lógicas de organización socio-espacial luego de la disolución de la ciudad compacta tradicional y el debilitamiento de sus mecanismos de integración. Al tiempo que se generalizaron en tanto fenómenos globales, el estudio de sus manifestaciones locales derivó en una variedad de neologismos que adquirieron relevancia teórica en el campo de los estudios urbanos. La diversidad de estos nuevos conceptos responde a contextos espacio-temporales específicos, retomados, muchas veces, de manera acrítica y generalizada para explicar el fenómeno en diversas geografías.
Lejos de pretender una exposición exhaustiva de la variedad terminológica construida en torno al par concentración-dispersión, o de una explicación detallada del carácter polisémico de la idea de fragmentación, se propone aquí una reconstrucción teórica de ambos fenómenos en función de sus contextos dominantes de manifestación. Para alcanzar este objetivo, resulta conveniente la distinción entre los modelos de ciudad desarrollados en el marco del debate urbano norteamericano, europeo y latinoamericano, a fin de comprender las distintas connotaciones que asume el modelo contemporáneo de ciudad fragmentada.

Las ciudades intermedias del Uruguay manifiestan un protagonismo silencioso pero creciente en el Uruguay urbano y macrocefálico. En el último censo (2011), el 38 % de los pobladores del país urbano (el 95 % de la población del país) vivía... more

Las ciudades intermedias del Uruguay manifiestan un protagonismo silencioso pero creciente en el Uruguay urbano y macrocefálico. En el último censo (2011), el 38 % de los pobladores del país urbano (el 95 % de la población del país) vivía en alguno de los 45 conglomerados mayores a 5000 habitantes (y que no integran el Montevideo metropolitano). Once de estas 45 ciudades intermedias han sido estudiadas en profundidad en sus procesos de expansión urbana desde 1985. Este trabajo, de gran desagregación territorial, combina la
fotointerpretación de imágenes aéreas y satelitales y la geolocalización de datos censales a nivel de manzana, integrados en Sistemas de Información geográfica, así como de cobertura de infraestructura urbana y desagregación del tejido urbano según modos de producción urbano-habitacional (conjuntos habitacionales, asentamientos, loteo convencional). Esto permite un seguimiento detallado del proceso de urbanización y su soporte infraestructural. El cambio demográfico y la conflictiva coordinación de los entes públicos y niveles de gobierno en la dotación de infraestructura subyacen en este recorrido como aspectos centrales de los procesos urbanos de estas ciudades intermedias, donde la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Sostenible (2008) aparece como un punto de quiebre, pero cuyos efectos quedan fuera del período de estudio, por disponibilidad de datos censales. De todas maneras, este trabajo constituye un documento
único que reposiciona al Uruguay no metropolitano y reescala el análisis dentro de la agenda de la cuestión urbana uruguaya.

Özet Kırdan kente göçün giderek artması ve insanların olumlu veya olumsuz yönde oluşturdukları değişim nedeniyle kentler var olan büyüklükleri ile yetersizleşmişlerdir. Kentlerin yetersizleşmeleri ve farklı dinamiklerin zorlamasıyla;... more

Özet Kırdan kente göçün giderek artması ve insanların olumlu veya olumsuz yönde oluşturdukları değişim nedeniyle kentler var olan büyüklükleri ile yetersizleşmişlerdir. Kentlerin yetersizleşmeleri ve farklı dinamiklerin zorlamasıyla; kentlerin mevcut çeperlerinin dışına doğru fiziksel büyümesini ifade eden kentsel yayılma kavramı 1937’den sonra kentleşme terminolojisinde sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Fiziksel olarak kentin büyümesi her ne kadar gelişme belirtisi gibi algılansa da her zaman bu doğru değildir. Kıt ve ikamesi olanaksız olan çevresel değerler üzerinde kentsel yayılma tüm Dünya’da bir takım sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Nüfus yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak şiddeti değişse de; çevre üzerinde oluşan baskı insanın geleceği ve sürdürülebilirlik konusunda endişe yaratmaktadır. Bu endişeler geleneksel çözümlemelerin eksikliği ve kentlerin dinamik nitelikleri nedeniyle yeni modelleme arayışlarını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel yayılma, sürdürülebilir kent, taşıma kapasitesi, çevresel değerler Abstract Cities have been inadequate with their existing size because of the increase in immigration from rural to urban and the change which people formed in positive and negative ways. The concept, urban expansion which expresses outer physical expansion of cities because of cities’ becoming inadequate and the force of different dynamics, has been frequently used in urbanization terminology after 1937. Though the physical expansion of a city is perceived as a development sign, it is not always true. Urban expansion on environment values which is inadequate and impossible, brings with problems as the same all over the world. Although the intensity changes according to population density, the force on environment makes concern on human future and sustainability. These concerns necessiate seeking of new modelling because of defficiency in traditional analysis and cities’ dynamic facts
Keywords: Urban Expansion, Sustainable City, Bearing Capacity, Environmental Values

This study focuses on the issue of farmland conversion into housing colonies in Bahawalpur City. In order to understand the magnitude of this issue, data of 102 sample colonies was collected for the period of 1950-2011 through field... more

This study focuses on the issue of farmland conversion into housing colonies in Bahawalpur City. In order to understand the magnitude of this issue, data of 102 sample colonies was collected for the period of 1950-2011 through field survey and secondary sources including TMA Bahawalpur City. The year of establishment, area occupied and legal status of colonies were recorded and the data were aggregated into 10-year categories for analysis and to produce temporal maps. Results indicate that during the last 61 years, an area of 1,142 acres (462.15 hectares) had been converted to 102 colonies at an average rate of 18.72 acres per year. Among these colonies only 18 were approved by concerned authorities whereas 84 were not approved legally. Approved colonies occupy an area of just 197 acres (17.25% of the total) whereas non-approved colonies and towns cover a huge area of 945 acres (82.74%). The conversion of farmland fluctuated substantially over time. During the period of 1950-1960 merely seven colonies were built which consumed an area of 97 acres indicating a conversion rate of 9.7 acres per year, while during the period of 2000-2010 a total of 32 colonies were built that consumed an area of 422 acres (170.77 hectares) indicating conversion rate of 42.2 acres per year. These findings indicate that the rate of farmland conversion is accelerating. If this trend goes unchecked, the problem of farmland conversion may change into a serious threat for future food supplies. This study identified several suggestions to tackle the issue.

In recent decades urban and peri-urban agriculture have gained attention worldwide as these are the store house of major cities for the availability of various resources like milk, fish, flower, etc. Urban or peri-urban farming... more

In recent decades urban and peri-urban agriculture have gained attention worldwide as these are the store house of major cities for the availability of various resources like milk, fish, flower, etc. Urban or peri-urban farming contributes to food security and income generation for the people who resides around the major city areas. Often it faces various problems like encroachment of urban area, polluted water, lack of efficient workers, etc., especially in the developing countries. In this paper, multi-criteria decision analysis model and crop condition monitoring method have been applied to find out the suitable zones of peri-urban agriculture around Kolkata city. This model was tested on the Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) using various criteria like land use, digital elevation model (DEM), water facility, road and market facility, etc. For analyzing the land use of KMA both supervised classification methods and to find out the agricultural area crop condition monitoring method (e.g., NDVI, i.e., normalized difference vegetation index) has been used by using remote sensing images. For the analysis of water facility, road and market facility in the various areas of KMA census data has been used. Multi-criteria decision analysis model revealed that northwest, central east, southeast, and northern zones of Kolkata Metropolitan Area is the most suitable zones for peri-urban agriculture. Finally, it can be said that this model is able to allocate the suitable land for the peri-urban agriculture very precisely. This model will help the urban, peri-urban planners, policy-makers, and decision-makers for taking action on various decisions at different levels.

Brazzaville is the capital and largest city (estimated 1.2 million in 1995) of the Congo. It’s rapid growth, both in population and in urban area, is mainly due to the oil booms of 1972-74 and 1979-84 which raised GNP considerably and... more

Brazzaville is the capital and largest city (estimated 1.2 million in 1995) of the Congo. It’s rapid growth, both in population and in urban area, is mainly due to the oil booms of 1972-74 and 1979-84 which raised GNP considerably and turned export from agriculture and timber to energy sector. But only a small part of the greatly increased public expenditures was employed in the Brazzaville’s infrastructure and the extension of public services. Over the last decade, the oil boom finished, the capital has suffered from the Congo’s deep financial crisis, worsened by the difficult transition from a one party to a multiparty and the devaluation of the CFA Franc. Urban management and planning has not improved and Brazzaville is now experiencing increasing environmental problems with a serious impact on human health.

The satellite-observed nighttime light emission (NTLE) data provide a new method for scrutinizing the footprint of human settlements. Changing NTLEs can be attributed to the direct/ indirect influences of highly complex factors that are... more

The satellite-observed nighttime light emission (NTLE) data provide a new method for scrutinizing the footprint of human settlements. Changing NTLEs can be attributed to the direct/ indirect influences of highly complex factors that are beyond the ability of simple statistical models to distinguish. Besides, the relatively coarse resolution of the NTLE products combined with light from human settlements may produce misleading results, as the relationship between spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the growth of developed land (e.g., urban and rural residences, shopping centers, industrial parks, mining plants, and transportation facilities) and the associated NTLEs has not been adequately analyzed. In this study, we developed a total nighttime brightness index (TotalNTBI) to measure the NTLEs with the defense meteorological satellite program/operational linescan system (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data enhanced by sharpening the edges of the pixels. Thirty-six key cities in China were selected to investigate the relationship between the total developed land area and the associated TotalNTBI from 2000 to 2013 using panel regression and a simplified structural equation model (SEM). The results show that the overall trend in TotalNTBI agreed well with that of the total developed land area (mean adjusted R 2 = 0.799). The panel regression models explained approximately 71.8% of the variance of total developed land area and 92.4% of the variance in TotalNTBI. The SEM revealed both the direct and indirect influences of independent variables on the total developed land area and the associated TotalNTBI. This study may provide useful information for decision-makers and researchers engaged in sustainable land development, urban management, and regional developmental inequality, focusing on recent issues, such as retrospective analysis of human footprint with sharpened nighttime NTLE products, the loss of natural and semi-natural land due to the sprawling developed land area indicated by intensively lit area, and the low efficiency of land development indicated by the anomalies of developed land area and associated NTBIs.

Urban expansion is one of the most dramatic forms of land transformation in the world and it is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development in the 21st century. Previous studies analyzed urbanization patterns in... more

Urban expansion is one of the most dramatic forms of land transformation in the world and it is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development in the 21st century. Previous studies analyzed urbanization patterns in areas with rapid urban expansion while urban areas with low to moderate expansion have been overlooked, especially in developed countries. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban expansion patterns in South Florida, United States (US) over the last 25 years (1992–2016) using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. The main goal of this paper was to investigate the degree and spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion at different administrative level in the study area and how spatiotemporal variance in different explanatory factors influence urban expansion in this region. More specifically, this research quantifies the rates, types, intensity, and landscape metrics of urban expansion in Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Palm Beach, Florida Met...

Urban expansion is one of the most dramatic forms of land transformation in the world and it is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development in the 21 st century. Previous studies analyzed urbanization patterns in... more

Urban expansion is one of the most dramatic forms of land transformation in the world and it is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development in the 21 st century. Previous studies analyzed urbanization patterns in areas with rapid urban expansion while urban areas with low to moderate expansion have been overlooked, especially in developed countries. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban expansion patterns in South Florida, United States (US) over the last 25 years (1992-2016) using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. The main goal of this paper was to investigate the degree and spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion at different administrative level in the study area and how spatiotemporal variance in different explanatory factors influence urban expansion in this region. More specifically, this research quantifies the rates, types, intensity, and landscape metrics of urban expansion in Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Palm Beach, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area (Miami MSA) which is the 7th largest MSA and 4th largest urbanized area in the US using remote sensing (satellite imageries) data from National Land Cover Datasets (NLCD) and Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) at 30 m spatial resolution. We further investigated the urban growth patterns at the county and city areas that are located within this MSA to portray the local 'picture' of urban growth in this region. Urban expansion in this region can be divided into two time periods: pre-2001 and post-2001 where the former experienced rapid urban expansion and the later had comparatively slow urban expansion. Results suggest that infilling was the dominant type of urban expansion followed by edge-expansion and outlying. Results from landscape metrics represent that newly developed urban lands became more aggregated and simplified in form as the time progressed in the study region. Also, new urban lands were generated away from the east coast and historic cities which eventually created new urban cores. We also used correlation analysis and multiple linear stepwise regression to address major explanatory factors of spatiotemporal change in urban expansion during the study period. Although the influence of factors on urban expansion varied temporally, Population and Distance to Coast were the strongest variables followed by Distance to Roads and Median Income that influence overall urban expansion in the study area.

The number of city dwellers around the world is expected to increase about 2.5 billion between 2018 and 2050. This increment will lead to urban sprawl which is associated with destruction of agricultural lands, loss of fertile soils and... more

The number of city dwellers around the world is expected to increase about 2.5 billion between 2018 and 2050. This increment will lead to urban sprawl which is associated with destruction of agricultural lands, loss of fertile soils and reduction in food production. Already around 3–4% reduction of global crop production has been reported, in which Africa tops the list with 9% loss followed by Asia (5–6%). Hence, impact assessment of urban sprawl on agricultural land uses at both regional and global scale is required. The data from global satellite imageries and new geospatial technologies can play a crucial role in facilitating the impact assessments with precision and regularity. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) coupled with various modelling techniques have been proved to be an efficient tool for the analysis of land use/land cover (LULC). Such modelling approaches can be utilized to explore potential future impact of urban expansion on croplands and evaluate potential trade-offs between different land demands and thus are helpful for informed decision-making. This chapter emphasizes on the usage of RS and GIS to address the impact of urbanization on agricultural lands.

Flood risk reduction at the local scale requires knowledge of the settlements which are most exposed to floods, and those where the existing measures are insufficient to handle the threats. The knowledge on spatial dynamics of the flooded... more

Flood risk reduction at the local scale requires knowledge of the settlements which are most exposed to floods, and those where the existing measures are insufficient to handle the threats. The knowledge on spatial dynamics of the flooded human settlements is limited, especially that of the smaller ones, such as the settlements in the sub-Saharan Africa. The dataset on 122 flooded settlements in the Dosso Region (Niger) offers information on: the built-up area and the number of buildings with corrugated iron roofs in 2004, 2012, and 2019 (average dates), the type of human settlements (city, rural town, village, or hamlet), the flood dates and the number of buildings collapsed between 2011 and 2019. The data on the built-up area and the number of buildings with corrugated iron roofs were extracted by visual photointerpretation from very high-resolution images accessible through Google Earth Pro. The information on the settlement category was obtained from the Human Settlements National Directory (French acronym, ReNaLoc) published by the National Institute of Statistics of Niger. The dates of floods and the data on the number of collapsed buildings were obtained from the open access national database on flooding, known by the French acronym, BDINA. These data can be reused to build a geodatabase for flood risk reduction and to draft the municipal and regional development plans. Their potential reuse allows for the identification of settlements undergoing the most rapid physical expansion, built-up area in a flood-prone zone, and settlements that require protection and flood risk reduction policies. Additionally, the dataset can also be used to verify the accuracy of the built-up area obtained from the satellite images with coarse resolution and for comparisons with other regions in Niger and in sub-Saharan Africa.

Bhawal National Park is one of the 17 national parks in Bangladesh which is mainly a deciduous Sal forest situated very close to the capital city of Dhaka. It is the most threatened and declining protected area of Bangladesh as the... more

Bhawal National Park is one of the 17 national parks in Bangladesh which is mainly a deciduous Sal forest situated very close to the capital city of Dhaka. It is the most threatened and declining protected area of Bangladesh as the development of heavy industries, human intrusion and urbanization have been taking place very rapidly in this area. This human disturbance is causing rapid deforestation over time in this protected area resulting in high land surface temperature and thus warming of the atmosphere. The vegetation index has a relatable significance on the land surface temperature distribution. This study investigates the generality of the normalized difference of vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) correlations encountered over a wide range of vegetation coverage areas of the Bhawal National Park during the winter season. Information on LST and NDVI was obtained from long-term (30 years) datasets acquired from Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI after atmospheric correction. The motives of the study are to signify the relation of temporal variation of land surface temperature in response to vegetation cover and investigate the trend. To assess the relation between thermal radiance and vegetation cover amount, the normalized difference of vegetation index is used. Regression analysis is used to find the correlation between LST and NDVI. It is finalized by the correlation, between NDVI and LST, and the regression coefficient from NDVI to LST is found negative.