Metropolitan Planning Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Resum: L’article revisa els ensenyaments que, a parer de l’autor, poden derivar-se del procés d’elaboració i aprovació del Pla Territorial Metropolità de Barcelona, aprovat pel Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya l’any 2010. El treball... more
Resum: L’article revisa els ensenyaments que, a parer de l’autor, poden derivar-se del procés d’elaboració i aprovació del Pla Territorial Metropolità de Barcelona, aprovat pel Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya l’any 2010. El treball es divideix en tres apartat: en el primer, s’ofereix una panoràmica dels reiterats intents fallits de dotar d’un sistema de govern el territori de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona d’ençà de mitjans del segle XX; el segon apartat s’indica com, en aquest context, l’aprovació del PTMB, acordada entre els ens locals de l’àmbit i el Govern de la Generalitat constitueix una notable excepció; finalment, en el tercer apartat es desgranen deu ensenyaments que, pel govern del territori es deriven del procés d’elaboració, tramitació, aprovació i vigència del Pla.
Brasil Metropolitano em foco Desa�ios à implementação do Estatuto da Metrópole Este é o quarto livro publicado pela pesquisa Governança Metropolitana no Brasil, desenvolvida no âmbito da Rede Ipea, por meio de uma articulação... more
Brasil Metropolitano em foco Desa�ios à implementação do Estatuto da Metrópole Este é o quarto livro publicado pela pesquisa Governança Metropolitana no Brasil, desenvolvida no âmbito da Rede Ipea, por meio de uma articulação institucional que envolve alguns dos mais importantes institutos de pesquisa do país, tais como: Instituto Maranhense de Estudos Socioeconômicos e Cartográ�icos (IMESC), da região metropolitana (RM) da Grande Nas publicações anteriores, a partir de uma avaliação de experiência de quarenta anos de RMs no Brasil, foi empreendido um amplo balanço das estruturas e dos arranjos institucionais voltados para a gestão e a governança metropolitanas no país. Além disso, elaborou-se uma detida avaliação da gestão de funções públicas de interesse comum (FPICs) selecionadas. O balanço crítico da experiência político-institucional, mostrado pela avaliação da gestão das FPICs, foi complementado pelo conjunto de relatos de experiências e casos reunidos no terceiro livro.
This study analyzes the organizational, technological and societal changes of Gdansk in the process to become a smart city. The Gdansk's planning to climate change to reconcile social, cultural and environmental pillars. Finally analyzes... more
This study analyzes the organizational, technological and societal changes of Gdansk in the process to become a smart city. The Gdansk's planning to climate change to reconcile social, cultural and environmental pillars. Finally analyzes the challenges of the Polish government to build participatory governance with companies and citizens.
Mentre nel capoluogo si continua a dibattere di città dei 15 minuti e di riapertura della cerchia dei Navigli, nel resto della Città metropolitana i cittadini e le rispettive amministrazioni comunali non sanno più a che santo rivolgersi... more
Mentre nel capoluogo si continua a dibattere di città dei 15 minuti e di riapertura della cerchia dei Navigli, nel resto della Città metropolitana i cittadini e le rispettive amministrazioni comunali non sanno più a che santo rivolgersi per resistere alla pressante e incontrollata avanzata degli insediamenti di logistica. Ritorno in queste righe sui problemi territoriali dei comuni di cintura e periferici della Città metropolitana, che incidono anche sulla vita dei cittadini del capoluogo, ma sono da questi ultimi ignorati, così come sono ignorati dal Sindaco e dalle due Amministrazioni di cui è a capo: il Comune e la Città metropolitana di Milano. Nell'ultimo articolo del 16 maggio 2021 avevo illustrato l'iniziativa che la Regione sta portando avanti per la realizzazione di un nuovo tratto di tangenziale esterna tra Melegnano e Binasco e le sue ricadute su un ampio territorio, capoluogo incluso (1).
Este trabalho representa uma atualização do atlas Campinas metropolitana: diversidades socioespaciais, produzido em 2007, com base nos dados do Censo Demográfico de 2000 e 2010. Seu objetivo é evidenciar a diversidade presente na... more
Este trabalho representa uma atualização do atlas Campinas metropolitana: diversidades socioespaciais, produzido em 2007, com base nos dados do Censo Demográfico de 2000 e 2010. Seu objetivo é evidenciar a diversidade presente na Região Metropolitana de Campinas – RMC, a partir de um trabalho de sistematização e espacialização de dados sociodemográficos, visando o melhor entendimento dos processos sociais e demográficos e, principalmente, dos problemas e/ou carências que afligem as populações regionais. A concepção do atlas teve como referência as características de uma região metropolitana, tais como a fluidez territorial, as complementaridades e as contiguidades socioespaciais. Assim, a despeito da importância das divisões administrativas municipais – obviamente não negligenciadas –, considera-se que o “olhar metropolitano” é fundamental para um diagnóstico que busque a identificação e solução dos problemas referentes ao ordenamento territorial e à elaboração e eficaz aplicação de políticas públicas voltadas à garantiada qualidade de vida da população, em especial a de mais baixa renda.
How should we build the cities of our dreams? How do we create the urban spaces which reflect our values and the ways we want to live? In cities around the world, the future is being created now, and Henry Grabar will chronicle the most... more
How should we build the cities of our dreams? How do we create the urban spaces which reflect our values and the ways we want to live? In cities around the world, the future is being created now, and Henry Grabar will chronicle the most exciting and innovative ideas. Follow him on Twitter at @henrygrabar.
Markus Appenzeller is an architect, urban designer and thinker on related subjects. With his company MLA+ he is working on projects in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Markus work focusses on strategic urban design on all scale... more
Markus Appenzeller is an architect, urban designer and thinker on related subjects. With his company MLA+ he is working on projects in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Markus work focusses on strategic urban design on all scale levels and larger scale urban residential architecture. His particular interest lies in the integration of these different scales. Markus was an associate professor at ITMO St. Petersburg, a consultant to municipalities in China and Africa and a frequent lecturer at universities and in conferences worldwide.
Resumen: La aprobación, en abril de 2010, del Plan Territorial Metropolitano de Barcelona (PTMB) constituye una destacada novedad en el panorama de la planificación y gestión del territorio en España. En efecto, pese a la profundización... more
Resumen: La aprobación, en abril de 2010, del Plan Territorial Metropolitano de Barcelona (PTMB) constituye una destacada novedad en el panorama de la planificación y gestión del territorio en España. En efecto, pese a la profundización de las dinámicas metropolitanas, las grandes ciudades españolas no han conocido en los últimos años un avance significativo del planeamiento supramunicipal. En este contexto, el PTMB, que viene a cerrar más de 50 años de polémicas e intentos fallidos, presenta algunos aspectos de especial interés disciplinar y ciudadano. El artículo analiza el documento, haciendo especial hincapié en las cuestiones de carácter metodológico, técnico y de procedimiento administrativo. Así, el trabajo se divide en tres apartados: en el primero se analiza la naturaleza jurídica del plan; en el segundo se expone su proceso de elaboración, tramitación y aprobación; finalmente, el tercer apartado entra a presentar los contenidos del plan en referencia a los espacios abiertos, los asentamientos urbanos y las infraestructuras. Unas breves conclusiones cierran el artículo. Palabras clave: Barcelona, dinámicas metropolitanas, planificación territorial. Coping with Metropolitan Dynamics. The Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona (Abstract) The adoption in April 2010 of the Barcelona Metropolitan Plan (PTMB) is a remarkable novelty in the panorama of spatial planning and urban policies in Spain. Indeed, despite the deepening of the metropolitan dynamics, the large Spanish cities have not known in recent years a significant advance in metropolitan planning. In this context, the PTMB, that comes to close more than 50 years of controversy and failed attempts, presents some aspects of remarkable interest from both academic and policy perspectives. The article analyzes the document, with special emphasis on methodological issues, technical aspects
Reflexiones sobre el proceso de Metropolización en Cbba
Discutimos as articulações federativas verticais e horizontais em contextos metropolitanos, partindo da problemática do "lugar" da metrópole frente ao sistema federativo brasileiro. Se, por um lado, municípios que integram regiões... more
Discutimos as articulações federativas verticais e horizontais em contextos metropolitanos, partindo da problemática do "lugar" da metrópole frente ao sistema federativo brasileiro. Se, por um lado, municípios que integram regiões metropolitanas se articulam verticalmente com governos estaduais e Federal; por outro lado, estes mesmos municípios se desarticulam horizontalmente. O resultado seria a fragmentação e desintegração da metrópole. Advogamos a necessidade de uma solidariedade institucional a partir das dinâmicas internas à metrópole, ao tempo em que propomos repensar outra configuração federativa para enfrentamento dos problemas metropolitanos.
Honours thesis submitted in partial completion of a graduate degree at RMIT University.
The metro rail commuters were surveyed about their satisfaction with various features of rail services, including mode of transport, frequency of usage, preference of public transport, cost and travelling time, traffic flow, parking... more
The metro rail commuters were surveyed about their satisfaction with various features of rail services,
including mode of transport, frequency of usage, preference of public transport, cost and travelling
time, traffic flow, parking facility, safety aspects, areas of improvement, pollution, health and significant
aspects of the metro. Ninety-five percent of the commuters opined that Metro rail was the most
convenient mode of public transportation in Bengaluru city. There was 68% reduction in travel cost
after shifting from a previous mode of transport to the metro rail. These figures were supported by the
increase in ridership figure to 34% from June 2016 to July 2017. Forty-three percent of the commuters
said that the travel cost was reduced by Rs.21-50 per trip. Ninety-nine percent of the commuters stated
that using metro rail reduces travel time when compared to other means of transport. Commuters who
used metro rail daily or occasionally opined that there was 100% safety while travelling in metro rail.
Another significant aspect of the survey was that about 41% of the commuters reach the metro station by
walk. As per this, there were a number of commuters opting to walk rather than use a vehicle to reach the
metro station. Sixty percent of the commuters travelling occasionally stated that there was a partial
reduction in vehicle density after the introduction of the metro rail. Most commuters (96%) opined that
they did not experience any health-related issues while travelling in metro rail. Fifty-five percent of the
commuters mentioned that there was a partial reduction in pollution levels and 48% opined that there
was a partial improvement in air quality after the introduction of metro rail. A greater proportion of the
commuters (65%) opined that there was an improvement in the flow of traffic of Bengaluru city after the
introduction of metro rail. Overall, aspects such as connectivity, frequency and parking facility were the
major areas that required improvement.
Transportation improvements inevitably lead to an uneven distribution of user benefits, in space and by network type (private and public transport). This paper makes a moral argument for what would be a fair distribution of these... more
Transportation improvements inevitably lead to an uneven distribution of user benefits, in space and by network type (private and public transport). This paper makes a moral argument for what would be a fair distribution of these benefits. The argument follows Walzer's ''Spheres of Justice'' approach to define the benefits of transportation, access, as a sphere deserving a separate, non-market driven, distribution. That distribution, we propose, is one where the maximum gap between the lowest and highest accessibility, both by mode and in space, should be limited, while attempting to maximize average access. We then review transportation planning practice for a priori distributional goals and find little explicit guidance in conventional and even justice-oriented transportation planning and analyses. We end with a discussion of the implications for practice.
Metropolises are exploding. Experiencing rapid growth phenomena for the first time in history. We need a discipline of knowledge to manage them. This series of 20 inception lectures attempt to explore the basics of the new discipline we... more
Metropolises are exploding. Experiencing rapid growth phenomena for the first time in history. We need a discipline of knowledge to manage them. This series of 20 inception lectures attempt to explore the basics of the new discipline we have to build.
Links to Videos, slides and transcriptions.
In Italia, in Spagna e in Francia le baraccopoli sono una realtà lontana dall’essere superata, nonostante gli interventi posti in essere da parte delle autorità competenti. Quando sono sorte e come sono cambiate nel corso degli anni? Chi... more
In Italia, in Spagna e in Francia le baraccopoli sono una realtà lontana dall’essere superata, nonostante gli interventi posti in essere da parte delle autorità competenti. Quando sono sorte e come sono cambiate nel corso degli anni? Chi vi abita? Le politiche nazionali e locali al riguardo hanno avuto un impatto positivo o hanno finito col perpetuare lo status quo?
Globalization efforts, socioeconomic concerns shaping cities, the integration of innovative technologies into planning strategies, and attempts to deal with increasing populations have added a “new breath” to planning concepts. Airport... more
Globalization efforts, socioeconomic concerns shaping cities, the integration of innovative technologies into planning strategies, and attempts to deal with increasing populations have added a “new breath” to planning concepts. Airport cities could be defined as examples of postmodern cities in metropolitan areas in which the airport (with its related departments) is centered as a focal point and other facilities encircle the airport hub up to 30 kms outward in a mutualistic manner. Considering the crucial role of airports in the 21st-century globalized world; travel activities such as international connections, business contacts, congresses, accommodation, and so forth should take place in a short time with easy access. Airport cities can provide all these elements without the need to go to the metropolitan city center and generate a new potential for the reconstruction and development of metropolitan areas. This study aims to investigate the basic information about airport cities with their spatial structure, components, general characteristics, environmental and economic impacts, and critical contributions to metropolitan areas through a theoretical framework. The study consists of three main stages in the framework of qualitative methods, such as data collection, comparison, and evaluation: (I) introduction and theoretical investigation of airport cities with their historical background, key concepts and characteristics, effects on the environment, and their role in sustainability; (II) inquiry into the theoretical knowledge through a case study (Stockholm–Arlanda Airport City); (III) and discussions on the potentials, possible impacts, and stimulating dynamics of airport cities regarding the future of metropolitan areas.
Resumen: Este artículo comienza con una reflexión introductoria general sobre los factores estructurales y coyunturales que explican la insistencia actual de diversos autores en cuestiones tales como la insuficiencia del planeamiento... more
Resumen: Este artículo comienza con una reflexión introductoria general sobre los factores estructurales y coyunturales que explican la insistencia actual de diversos autores en cuestiones tales como la insuficiencia del planeamiento urbanístico para encauzar la política territorial en España, de donde derivaría en parte el descrédito actual del urbanismo y la ordenación del territorio. Pero, además los factores económicos y sociales conviven con otros de naturaleza jurídicoadministrativa y política. Se insiste en el problema que supone el obsoleto papel central que
mantiene el planeamiento municipal en un periodo en que se imponen las dinámicas supralocales y la integración territorial. Tras este encuadre preliminar este trabajo expone, con sus luces y sus sombras, la experiencia reciente de Cataluña en materia de ordenación del territorio, desde los antecedentes legislativos y la evolución del planeamiento territorial hasta la creación del Programa de Planeamiento Territorial en enero de 2004. Se examinan también los contenidos y las bases metodológicas de los planes desarrollados. Se examinan también los contenidos y las bases metodológicas de los planes desarrollados. Cierran el trabajo unas reflexiones críticas
acerca del proceso y los retos que plantea su evolución futura
En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana... more
En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana dispersa y en baja densidad de sectores de ingresos altos mediante urbanizaciones cerradas se contrapone a la falta de producción de suelo y vivienda para los sectores populares y la consecuente urbanización precaria mediante loteos irregulares y asentamientos informales. Esto tiene como correlato el reparto profundamente desigual de los costos y beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales del proceso de urbanización.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la tensión entre dichos procesos tomando como referencia el conflicto territorial que se viene desarrollando desde el mes de julio de 2020 en la localidad de Guernica (municipio de Presidente Perón, zona sur del AMBA), que involucra a unas dos mil familias que luchan por el acceso al suelo y a la vivienda mediante la ocupación de 98 ha de tierras, parte de las cuales son reclamadas por una firma inmobiliaria que busca destinarlas a la construcción de un complejo de barrios cerrados. En primer lugar, a través del análisis de imágenes satelitales, se describe el avance de las urbanizaciones cerradas a nivel metropolitano en general, y en la zona sur en particular, durante las dos últimas décadas. Se destaca en ese sentido el notable impacto que viene teniendo en las tendencias de cambio en los usos del suelo la extensión del Camino del Buen Ayre hasta la Ruta Provincial N° 2. Esta obra, denominada Autopista Juan Domingo Perón y actualmente en ejecución, afecta las condiciones de accesibilidad y valorización de toda una franja de territorio que hasta hace pocos años estaba fuera del interés de los desarrolladores inmobiliarios de urbanizaciones cerradas. En segundo lugar, se describen los principales aspectos territoriales del conflicto de Guernica, identificando los actores e intereses en disputa y las características de los nuevos barrios generados a partir de la ocupación. Finalmente, se analizan algunos de los instrumentos de la ley provincial 14.449 de Acceso Justo al Hábitat que podrían aplicarse para encarar una solución al conflicto. Los mismos constituyen la base de un proyecto de urbanización elaborado desde las organizaciones sociales y el cuerpo de delegados y delegadas, a través de una Comisión de Urbanismo, el cual fue presentado ante la justicia y el poder ejecutivo provincial.
La principal conclusión es que el conflicto de Guernica expresa la tensión entre dos modelos divergentes de producción de la ciudad: por un lado, el de los capitales inmobiliarios volcados a la expansión urbana dispersa y en baja densidad mediante urbanizaciones cerradas para sectores de ingresos altos y, por otro lado, el camino que marca la urbanización popular que, basado en el consenso, la cooperación y el apoyo de los movimientos sociales, apunta a producir una ciudad integrada e inclusiva que sea capaz de albergar y satisfacer las necesidades de las mayorías.
El texto, elaborado para la conferencia inaugural del III Congreso Internacional de Geografía Urbana (III-CIGU) en la Universidad Nacional de Luján (Buenos Aires, 12 de septiembre de 2019), debate los retos a los que las ciudades deben... more
El texto, elaborado para la conferencia inaugural del III Congreso Internacional de Geografía Urbana (III-CIGU) en la Universidad Nacional de Luján (Buenos Aires, 12 de septiembre de 2019), debate los retos a los que las ciudades deben hacer frente hoy desde el punto de vista de su forma, función, metabolismo, cohesión y el gobierno.
With the increase in the number of internet users in the country (India), led to a new form of crimes known as Cyber Crime. No doubt, the internet revolution has been a boon to mankind in many fields. However, the dark side of it also... more
With the increase in the number of internet users in the country (India), led to a new form of crimes known as Cyber Crime. No doubt, the internet revolution has been a boon to mankind in many fields. However, the dark side of it also gaining ground which can be seen with an increase in the cyber crime cases in the last few years, especially in metropolitan cities. So, this paper tries to analyse the secondary data related to cyber crimes in metropolitan cities in India.
Key Words: Cyber Crime; Metropolitan Cities; Persons Arrested; Conviction; Police Pendency; Court Pendency, etc.
Periurbanizarea este un proces în urma căruia rezidenții, locuințele, industria și activitatea comercială se extind dincolo de limitele tradiționale ale orașului, generând peisaje dispersate conectate cu orașul prin intermediul... more
Periurbanizarea este un proces în urma căruia rezidenții, locuințele, industria și activitatea comercială se extind dincolo de limitele tradiționale ale orașului, generând peisaje dispersate conectate cu orașul prin intermediul navetiștilor (Gregory, Johnston, Pratt, Watts, & Whatmore, 2009).
Zona metropolitană Iași prezintă un caracter heterogen din perspectiva dezvoltării elementelor ce compun periurbanul. Astfel, zona metropolitană Iași oferă o imagine de ansamblu cosmopolită, cu spații profund rurale aflate în imediata vecinătate a orașului dar și spații rezidențiale periurbane dezvoltate.
Pornind de la premisa că legitatea ce oferă atractivitate unui teritoriu este proximitatea față de serviciile ce prezintă o frecvență mai ridicată, acest studiu se axează pe evidențierea atractivității zonelor rezidențiale periurbane în funcție de localizarea acestor servicii.
Factorii generatori în delimitarea spațiului rezidențial sunt într-o strânsă legătură cu distanța-timp față de facilitățile de bază. Accesibilitatea poate fi definită ca abilitatea de interacțiune a elementelor ce compun un spațiu cu oferta spațiului proxim (și toate elementele aferente acestuia). Astfel, posibilii rezidenți ai spațiului periurban sunt influențați de o localizare cât mai optimă față de facilitățile cu frecvență ridicată oferite în mod curent locuitorilor din urban. Teoretic, cu cât un teritoriu aflat în proximitatea orașului își însușește mai multe facilități caracteristice urbanului, cu atât acesta dobândește o prestanță mai puternică, scoțând în evidență elementele ce compun un spațiu rezidențal în adevăratul sens al cuvântului.
Lucrarea de față analizează comportamentul teritorial al elementelor periurbane ce îl compun vis-a-vis de componentele proprii, iar apoi de cele oferite de arealul urban proxim, luând în calcul principiul minimului efort și principiul concurenței spațiale.
Este capítulo, elaborado em 2002, integra o documento técnico do plano Metrópole Estratégica, promovido pela FIDEM - Fundação de Desenvolvimento Municipal do governo de Pernambuco, como parte do programa Cities Alliance do Word Bank. O... more
Este capítulo, elaborado em 2002, integra o documento técnico do plano Metrópole Estratégica, promovido pela FIDEM - Fundação de Desenvolvimento Municipal do governo de Pernambuco, como parte do programa Cities Alliance do Word Bank. O texto traz uma síntese da formação da metrópole e de seus elementos estruturadores. Analisa tendências e identifica territórios de oportunidade na Região Metropolitana do Recife.
At the center of a media and political debate, the Grand Paris topic is blurred by the quantity of news and opinions which are continuously spread, made misted in the complex interaction between the stakes of public interest and divergent... more
At the center of a media and political debate, the Grand Paris topic is blurred by the quantity of news and opinions which are continuously spread, made misted in the complex interaction between the stakes of public interest and divergent wills – essentially political – of the numerous actors. This paper proposes studying the construction process of the Grand Paris as an applicative example of the strategic spatial planning methods, decisive in the determining bend taken by the management of the Paris region development. It implies, to well measure the scope of the subject, taking into account the urban area of Paris, as it is the capital-region, has a singular status in the national context. It justifies the interest to integrate this question into a wider reflection, which accounts for the intricacy of the administrative levels involved in the management of territorial planning as well as the confuse distribution of assignments. This institutional complexity, which appears as an important source of conflicts and slowness in terms of public policies, allows explaining the multiplicity of actors, interests and procedures which articulates the construction of the Grand Paris. Planned at the moment of its launch in 2008 by the government, as an attempt of redefining the priority guidelines of the urban area, with the clear objective of replacing the French capital to the rank of world-cities, the metropolitan project carried by the Grand Paris appears as a major change in the planning practices of the Paris region. The analysis of the successive planning procedures which took place reflects indeed the evolution of the various applied theories of planning. If the traditional model inspired the first regional Master Plans which were developed by the State, it is the collaborative model that the Region, which afterward got back the planning assignments at the regional scale, tried to implement within the framework of the SDRIF revision, approved in 2013. It is thus in confrontation with these procedures that the Grand Paris project has been launched. The study of its strategic dimension is based on the analysis of the actors' configuration, the contents and the committed perimeters of action. This approach allows to shed light on the stakes manifested on this occasion between the various administrative levels – sometimes grouped in communities of interest – in the claiming of their legitimacy to govern and to plan the territories of the urban area; and on the consequences of the confrontation – materialized in particular by the conflict between the State and the Region on the transport project – between the different stakeholders. This contextual analysis leads to question the strategic character of the results achieved until now, often concluded at the end of compromise agreements; as well as the evolution of the planning process subjected to the pressures of the politico-institutional system and to its variations. This process has in one hand the merit to reveal the complexity of the actors set and the superimposed territorial realities, and in the other hand, to permit the construction of a debate zone between the diverse stakeholders (experts, politicians and civil society). This one should even so be clarified to create a legitimate arena of discussion which establishes the constructive bases of the strategic project of the Parisian metropolis.
Kunz B. Ignacio (2015). Dinámica Demográfica y Desarrollo Urbano en la Zona Metropolitana de Querétaro, en El reto Metropolitano, Ignacio Kunz B. (coord.). Punto Cero para el Desarrollo S.C. Instituto Queretano de la Cultura, Universidad... more
Kunz B. Ignacio (2015). Dinámica Demográfica y Desarrollo Urbano en la Zona Metropolitana de Querétaro, en El reto Metropolitano, Ignacio Kunz B. (coord.). Punto Cero para el Desarrollo S.C. Instituto Queretano de la Cultura, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Querétaro.
The Australian government is constructing a National Broadband Network (NBN), which at an estimated cost of $43 billion will be Australia's largest ever infrastructure project. The NBN, if its full benefits are to be realized, raises a... more
The Australian government is constructing a National Broadband Network (NBN), which at an estimated cost of $43 billion will be Australia's largest ever infrastructure project. The NBN, if its full benefits are to be realized, raises a number of important, but largely unexplored, questions for planning. This paper investigates the implications of the NBN for Australian metropolitan planning focusing on the question of how these plans will exploit the NBN to improve urban outcomes. The paper examines the Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane metropolitan areas and analyses the strategies shaping the future of these regions during the rollout and implementation of the NBN. This comparative analysis reveals similarities across these three metropolitan areas in their weak stance towards the NBN. Some key findings include:
- by Tooran Alizadeh and +1
- •
- Policy Analysis, Metropolitan Planning, Broadband
El objetivo de nuestro análisis es investigar el proceso de metropolización del territorio en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El punto de partida del análisis es el proceso de desconcentración en la metrópoli y región... more
El objetivo de nuestro análisis es investigar el proceso de metropolización del territorio en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El punto de partida del análisis es el proceso de desconcentración en la metrópoli y región metropolitana de Porto Alegre y sus efectos en la dinámica urbana y territorial del estado. Rio Grande do Sul es el estado más sureño de Brasil, con una población de 11 millones de habitantes y con el cuarto PIB entre los estados brasileños. Es un estado de frontera con Argentina y Uruguay. Su economía, fuertemente basada en la producción agraria, la cual impulsa inclusive la producción industrial, es muy afectada por los flujosde mercancías del Mercosur.
There is currently wide-spread cynicism in relation to metropolitan strategic planning in Melbourne, in relation to whether it is underpinned by any vision of social or environmental justice, or is simply based on political... more
There is currently wide-spread cynicism in relation to metropolitan strategic planning in Melbourne, in relation to whether it is underpinned by any vision of social or environmental justice, or is simply based on political power-brokering. Examples of past positive visions underlying Melbourne strategic planning exist, as do good practices from elsewhere from which to learn. There is an emergent alternative vision. However, it has not yet engaged the full range of the public necessary to transcend short-term political goals and engage with challenges around conflicts and trade-offs. Current strategic planning reform actively works against this alternative vision being realised.
Strategic metropolitan plans typically have a planning horizon of 30 to 40 years, covering extensive geographic areas, addressing a gamut of issues, and involving different levels of governments and a number of institutions. These... more
The 2014 GLM M1 students visited the metropolitan regions of Casablanca and Tangier in Morocco, from January 9th to 15th, 2014. 47 students were accompanied by 3 professors (Tommaso Vitale, Agnès Deboulet and Régine Serra). This year, the... more
The 2014 GLM M1 students visited the metropolitan regions of Casablanca and Tangier in Morocco, from January 9th to 15th, 2014.
47 students were accompanied by 3 professors (Tommaso Vitale, Agnès Deboulet and Régine Serra).
This year, the study trip aimed at observing the dynamics of metropolisation in two major port cities of the region, and addressed the issues of economic development, social inclusion and great projects.
This students' study trip report
The paper is based on an ongoing study for a Doctoral Thesis aimed at analysing policies that manage urban growth and territorial transformation, with the focus on the role that transportation planning might have (or has) for urban... more
The paper is based on an ongoing study for a Doctoral Thesis aimed at analysing policies that manage urban growth and territorial transformation, with the focus on the role that transportation planning might have (or has) for urban regeneration policies.
El artículo aborda el tema de la delimitación de la ciudad contemporánea ante el avance del proceso de urbanización, la integración del territorio y la generalización de las formas de vida urbana. Después de describir brevemente este... more
El artículo aborda el tema de la delimitación de la ciudad contemporánea ante el avance del proceso de urbanización, la integración del territorio y la generalización de las formas de vida urbana. Después de describir brevemente este proceso, se estudian las diversas metodologías existentes para la delimitación de las áreas urbanas: las técnicas jurídico-administrativas, el análisis morfológico, la cuantifiación de las relaciones funcionales, la identificación de la estructura económica y la jerarquía de los servicios. De la panorámica resultante aparece con claridad que, pese a los méritos que cada una de dichas metodologías pueda contener, la delimitación unívoca de la ciudad es un empeño inalcanzable desde una perspectiva científica. Por ello, se concluye, la delimitación de la ciudad depende hoy ante todo del proyecto que la colectividad quiera desarrollar sobre el territorio. Es pues, antes que nada una decisión política de la cual depende, en buena medida, la capacidad de gobernar las transformaciones en beneficio de la mayoría de la población.
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l’adoption du plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement... more
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l’adoption du plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement (PMAD) de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM). Elle expose les résultats de quatre années de recherche qualitative sur les impacts de l’épisode du PMAD et de la stratégie TOD de la CMM sur les pratiques planificatrices et les processus décisionnels du Grand Montréal à l’échelle métropolitaine. Elle révèle que la planification métropolitaine et l’objectif de coordination du transport et de l’aménagement en général ainsi que le PMAD et le concept de TOD en particulier y sont des instruments de gouvernance. Les chapitres 2, 3 et 4 présentent la problématique, le terrain d’enquête et la démarche méthodologique de cette recherche. Le chapitre 5 relate l’épisode du PMAD en analysant son contenu, les procédures par lesquelles la CMM l’a produit, mis en débat et adopté, les réactions des parties prenantes de la région quant à ces aspects et la façon dont elles comptent assurer le suivi de sa mise en œuvre. Le chapitre 6 illustre comment cet épisode a fait du PMAD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en décortiquant le rôle de la participation publique, des médias, des acteurs des milieux régional et local, des élus, de la CMM et de la société civile de la région au sein de ce processus de changement de registre de la planification et de la gouvernance les déployant sur des bases plus stratégiques et collaboratives. Le chapitre 7 montre que cet épisode a aussi fait du TOD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en détaillant les tenants et aboutissants du processus d’appropriation, de marchand(is)age et d’instrumentalisation du concept par les élites politiques et techniques à des fins de marketing territorial et de construction de capital politique ouvrant la voie à la stabilisation d’une gouvernance en matière d’aménagement métropolitain. Il se dégage de cette thèse que ces profondes transformations que subissent actuellement la planification et la gouvernance exacerbent le caractère symbiotique de la relation qui les unit. | This dissertation crosses the concepts of planning, governance and transit-oriented development (TOD) through a study of the production, debate and adoption of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC)’s Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (MLUDP). It presents the results of four years of qualitative research on the impacts of the MMC’s MLUDP episode and TOD strategy on the Greater Montreal Area’s metropolitan planning practices and decision-making processes. It reveals that metropolitan planning and the transportation-land use coordination objective in general as well as the MLUDP and the TOD concept in particular are governance instruments for the region. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 present the problem, field of investigation and methodology of this research. Chapter 5 describes the MLUDP episode by analysing its content, the procedures by which the MMC produced, debated and adopted it, the area’s stakeholders’ reaction to these issues and how they intend to ensure the monitoring of its implementation. Chapter 6 illustrates how this episode has made the MLUDP a governance instrument for the Greater Montreal Area by scrutinising the role of public participation, the media, stakeholders of the local and regional scales, the elected officials, the MMC and the area’s civil society in this process of registry change for planning and governance deploying them on more strategic and collaborative bases. Chapter 7 shows that this episode also made TOD a governance instrument for the Greater Montreal Area by detailing the ins and outs of the process of appropriation, bargaining/merchandising and instrumentalisation of the concept by the political and technical elites for territorial marketing and political capital construction purposes paving the way for the stabilisation of a governance on metropolitan land use and development. It emerges from this dissertation that the profound transformations currently affecting planning and governance exacerbate the symbiotic nature of the relationship that unites them.
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is explored through an interpretation of Thomas More’s Utopia and Andrea Branzi’s Agronica. Both schemes address various structural conditions through diagrammatic operations. In More’s scheme the channel that separates Utopia from the mainland, dug by its putative founder King Abraxas, inscribes a circular boundary, reiterated in the city walls and moat; it is resonant with contemporaneous rota and volvelle schemata. Conversely, Andrea Branzi’s “mirror simulator” multiplies Agronica’s centrifugal grid to infinity, negating the “outside,” and is evocative of pervasive virtual networks.